
Jul 18, 2018
Hi everyone, I was speaking to a friend who is Hypothyroid like myself (My TSH is 2.2). She mentioned that her Doctor prescribed her Nystatin tablets due to having yeast issues, and Nystatin was very helpful for her especially with Digestion (less bloating), less hairloss and itching around private areas.

Has anyone in RP forum taken Nystatin. What was your experience with it and did it provide any long term help against yeast, candida, digestion? I have tried Levothyroxine in the past and though it did help somewhat with weight loss, my digestion issues (especially with high fiber and fermented foods) and hairloss still remain. Thank you


Apr 19, 2020
Hi everyone, I was speaking to a friend who is Hypothyroid like myself (My TSH is 2.2). She mentioned that her Doctor prescribed her Nystatin tablets due to having yeast issues, and Nystatin was very helpful for her especially with Digestion (less bloating), less hairloss and itching around private areas.

Has anyone in RP forum taken Nystatin. What was your experience with it and did it provide any long term help against yeast, candida, digestion? I have tried Levothyroxine in the past and though it did help somewhat with weight loss, my digestion issues (especially with high fiber and fermented foods) and hairloss still remain. Thank you
Yes, I was prescribed this by my Naturopath many years ago for candida. It works. Actually I took it twice, some years apart. The second time I think I got candida because I had some other bad bugs - blastocystis hominis- which I believe led to the candida invasion. No negative effects for me, only positive. Gas and bloating was pretty bad before I took it. Def stay away from white sugar, white flour, etc, for at least few weeks.

Candida is everywhere, so I tend to think that when one's system gets run down, stressed, then the candida can just multiply and run the joint. So a balance, and some physical presence of your intestines, like doing nauli kriya, vacuum abdomen, can help. ;-) Check it out on the usual video sites. Cheers.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Yes, I was prescribed this by my Naturopath many years ago for candida. It works. Actually I took it twice, some years apart. The second time I think I got candida because I had some other bad bugs - blastocystis hominis- which I believe led to the candida invasion. No negative effects for me, only positive. Gas and bloating was pretty bad before I took it. Def stay away from white sugar, white flour, etc, for at least few weeks.

Candida is everywhere, so I tend to think that when one's system gets run down, stressed, then the candida can just multiply and run the joint. So a balance, and some physical presence of your intestines, like doing nauli kriya, vacuum abdomen, can help. ;-) Check it out on the usual video sites. Cheers.
You mentioned that bug and I recall having it confirmed by a parisotologist some twenty odd years ago. But researchers still don’t understand its role in disease, if it even contributes.
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Apr 19, 2020
@Frankdee20 Yeah my farts were devastatingly bad at that time; halfway between napalm and nuclear.

@Andy316 Zero side effects. I think it was 7 days course, this is back 30 years ago. I just checked the "web" and apparently the new info is to treat for 48 hours AFTER symptoms subside.


Jul 18, 2018
@Andy316 Zero side effects. I think it was 7 days course, this is back 30 years ago. I just checked the "web" and apparently the new info is to treat for 48 hours AFTER symptoms subside.
Thanks a lot. Lastly did you get complete remission from your symptoms or does the candida come back (like most do)?


Apr 19, 2020
Thanks a lot. Lastly did you get complete remission from your symptoms or does the candida come back (like most do)?
No candida comeback! Besides the obvious considerations of eating right for your situation for a while in order to stabilize habits and establish a new intestinal biome, I monitored my stress levels - as in I learned how to recognize sympathetic innervation (stress mode) which definitely is a big time culprit. Meditation practice helped lay a foundation of a more relaxed mode of being, as well as training myself to become aware of heart rate/blood pressure/thought velocity etc.. . It is not rocket science, it is simply self observation, it takes time to develop, and right attitude. I was externally focussed then, and my process brought more internal focus, which helped to balance inside/outside phenomena. Hope that makes sense.

As one of my first meditation teachers stated what his teacher said to him, " Try it for 20 years and see if you like it!".


Apr 19, 2020
Somehow I wrote this above but it did not leave my 'puter.... til now.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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