Obama Will Be Missed


Feb 29, 2016
Obama OK'd over 100,000 bombs dropped in the Middle East. So much for the peace prize, in his case it should be the pieces of people prize.


Mar 3, 2013
Wow, surprised to see so many Trump supporters over here, I thought most of us here were intelligent. Obama's definitely not the perfect president, but considering Trump's cabinet choices and the fact that he's already trying to repeal the affordable care act, (which affects poor people the most, including me), the only logical reason I would see in supporting him is if you're rich, because he wants lower taxes for the rich. He's also a TV talk show host who thinks like one and is a pathetic joke, New Yorkers hate him and that's his home turf, that should tell you a lot about him. The way he carries himself also tells me a lot about the kind of guy he is.

Since the day he was born he was rich and now you guys expect him to be able to relate to you? Please, get real. He's another self-serving politician looking after himself and his rich buddies, simple as that. Business acumen is not enough for me to get behind a president, and that's his strongest selling point, along with claiming he can relate to the working class despite being rich his entire life (give me a break). I will give him that it's impressive to turn a million dollars into a billion, but to call it a small loan is kind of ridiculous. And don't get me started on the way he acts around people. He's unhinged, and that worries me when it comes to diplomacy. While I appreciate a frank politician like anyone else, especially someone that's anti-establishment, that's not the end of it. He doesn't have a filter. And when it comes to doing business deals, maybe that works for him. But when you're the president, I expect more out of you as a president than half-baked plans and impulsive statements. We're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? I almost want to laugh at the stupidity of that. What is he thinking? As if Mexico would ever agree to paying for that, way too expensive, not to mention, Mexico is our neighbor, not our enemy. Totally impractical idea. Immigration is an issue but the solution isn't to build a giant wall, that's an oversimplification of the problem. What planet does he live on? He's an embarrassment. And some of you are pleased to be lead by this uncouth twit, amazing. Sick of his orange face and his media parade, he's an attention whore. BTW, I am not a Democrat/Republican and I didn't vote for Obama/Clinton either in case you were wondering or want to accuse me of being an Obama/Clinton follower. Yeah Trump is so great, he's gonna screw over poor people. He's so great. What a disappointment for this forum.
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Jan 25, 2014
Wow, surprised to see so many Trump supporters over here, I thought most of us here were intelligent. Obama's definitely not the perfect president, but considering Trump's cabinet choices and the fact that he's already trying to repeal the affordable care act, (which affects poor people the most, including me), the only logical reason I would see in supporting him is if you're rich, because he wants lower taxes for the rich. He's also a TV talk show host who thinks like one and is a pathetic joke, New Yorkers hate him and that's his home turf, that should tell you a lot about him. The way he carries himself also tells me a lot about the kind of guy he is.

We're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? LOL! What is he thinking? As if Mexico would ever agree to paying for that, way too expensive, not to mention, Mexico is our neighbor, not our enemy, I don't think a wall is necessary or practical. Immigration is an issue but the solution isn't to build a giant wall, that's an oversimplification of the problem.

The thing I HATED about the Affordable Care act (both when I was flat broke and now that I am more successful) is that government REQUIRED that you have some sort of health plan, or you got taxed. Basically, that would have made broke me even broker, as I would have had to pay a tax for not being able to afford something, or purchase something that I had no intention of using. Yeah, great idea. The fact that it pretty much eliminated true health insurance and mandated an insurance/maintenance plan combo also didn't sit well with me. If you've spent any time on this forum, you know members question many things in mainstream medicine. Welp, now we were forced to support some of those same questionable medicines and practices.

As for "Mexico paying for The Wall," there are many ways it could be done. Such as Tariffs. Or a border crossing tax. Tolls of entry into the US. A tax on money wired to Mexico from the US. A renegotiation of NAFTA. Or a direct payment from the Mexican Government.

And it's probably more practical to build a wall of 1,989 miles than it is to build 47,856 miles of controlled access four lane (minimum) divided highway with huge shoulders, except the later has already been built (that's the current milage of the US Interstate system).


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
BTW, I am not a Democrat/Republican and I didn't vote for Obama/Clinton either in case you were wondering or want to accuse me of being an Obama/Clinton follower. Yeah Trump is so great, he's gonna screw over poor people. He's so great. What a disappointment for this forum.
Who did you vote for?


Mar 29, 2014
Wow, surprised to see so many Trump supporters over here
I wouldn't take this thread as representative. There are lots of members who choose to stay away from them.


Nov 19, 2013
The thing I HATED about the Affordable Care act (both when I was flat broke and now that I am more successful) is that government REQUIRED that you have some sort of health plan, or you got taxed. Basically, that would have made broke me even broker, as I would have had to pay a tax for not being able to afford something, or purchase something that I had no intention of using. Yeah, great idea. The fact that it pretty much eliminated true health insurance and mandated an insurance/maintenance plan combo also didn't sit well with me. If you've spent any time on this forum, you know members question many things in mainstream medicine. Welp, now we were forced to support some of those same questionable medicines and practices.

What if you got into some sort of major accident that required an expensive surgery?


Nov 19, 2013
Wow, surprised to see so many Trump supporters over here, I thought most of us here were intelligent. Obama's definitely not the perfect president, but considering Trump's cabinet choices and the fact that he's already trying to repeal the affordable care act, (which affects poor people the most, including me), the only logical reason I would see in supporting him is if you're rich, because he wants lower taxes for the rich. He's also a TV talk show host who thinks like one and is a pathetic joke, New Yorkers hate him and that's his home turf, that should tell you a lot about him. The way he carries himself also tells me a lot about the kind of guy he is.

Besides where you say he is "trying to repeal the affordable care act" and "He's also a TV talk show host" this whole paragraph is nothing but your opinion and insults. Saying "New Yorkers" hate him is a huge generalization. Your second paragraph is similar. Do you not see how your opinion is worthless?
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Feb 4, 2015
Wow, surprised to see so many Trump supporters over here, I thought most of us here were intelligent. Obama's definitely not the perfect president, but considering Trump's cabinet choices and the fact that he's already trying to repeal the affordable care act, (which affects poor people the most, including me), the only logical reason I would see in supporting him is if you're rich, because he wants lower taxes for the rich. He's also a TV talk show host who thinks like one and is a pathetic joke, New Yorkers hate him and that's his home turf, that should tell you a lot about him. The way he carries himself also tells me a lot about the kind of guy he is.

Since the day he was born he was rich and now you guys expect him to be able to relate to you? Please, get real. He's another self-serving politician looking after himself and his rich buddies, simple as that. Business acumen is not enough for me to get behind a president, and that's his strongest selling point, along with claiming he can relate to the working class despite being rich his entire life (give me a break). I will give him that it's impressive to turn a million dollars into a billion, but to call it a small loan is kind of ridiculous. And don't get me started on the way he acts around people. He's unhinged, and that worries me when it comes to diplomacy. While I appreciate a frank politician like anyone else, especially someone that's anti-establishment, that's not the end of it. He doesn't have a filter. And when it comes to doing business deals, maybe that works for him. But when you're the president, I expect more out of you as a president than half-baked plans and impulsive statements. We're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? I almost want to laugh at the stupidity of that. What is he thinking? As if Mexico would ever agree to paying for that, way too expensive, not to mention, Mexico is our neighbor, not our enemy. Totally impractical idea. Immigration is an issue but the solution isn't to build a giant wall, that's an oversimplification of the problem. What planet does he live on? He's an embarrassment. And some of you are pleased to be lead by this uncouth twit, amazing. Sick of his orange face and his media parade, he's an attention whore. BTW, I am not a Democrat/Republican and I didn't vote for Obama/Clinton either in case you were wondering or want to accuse me of being an Obama/Clinton follower. Yeah Trump is so great, he's gonna screw over poor people. He's so great. What a disappointment for this forum.

SJW dribble.

Are you the same "Energizer" from Peatarian? If so, I remember you. Seems like your views changed a lot. Let me go dig up some of your old ones.


Jan 25, 2014
What if you got into some sort of major accident that required an expensive surgery?

That's a big "what if." I didn't have insurance for over a decade (all of my 20's, into my 30's), and that never happened. So, I can't say what I would have done. Gone into debt maybe? Asked parents for money? Friends? Co-workers? Gone on Welfare? Just suffered instead? Be driven to be more successful in work? I honestly don't know. And how expensive are we talking? $1,000? $10,000? $100,000? More?

Would it have been covered by a plan anyway? Most of the people that go bankrupt from a medical procedure did have some sort of health plan, but care exceeded coverage. When I had surgery two years ago (to remove two stupid ankle implants that were put in when I was 8, and probably never should have been put in me in the first place), I payed $2,000 out of pocket anyway (and some other additional expenses). It's conceivable that if Healthcare was a totally free market (along the lines of someplace like this- Surgery Center of Oklahoma | Free market-loving, price-displaying, state-of-the-art, AAAHC accredited, doctor owned, multispecialty surgical facility in central OK.), I may have paid the same or less. Or more. I'm guessing less.

My current plan choice (provided by work) was to go high deductable (over $2000), with a HSA (which my employer funded with $600 at the beginning of the year), along with extra accident coverage, as that was my only current concern when it came to health insurance. I plan on running blood tests out of my HSA.


Nov 19, 2013
That's a big "what if." I didn't have insurance for over a decade (all of my 20's, into my 30's), and that never happened. So, I can't say what I would have done. Gone into debt maybe? Asked parents for money? Friends? Co-workers? Gone on Welfare? Just suffered instead? Be driven to be more successful in work? I honestly don't know. And how expensive are we talking? $1,000? $10,000? $100,000? More?

Would it have been covered by a plan anyway? Most of the people that go bankrupt from a medical procedure did have some sort of health plan, but care exceeded coverage. When I had surgery two years ago (to remove two stupid ankle implants that were put in when I was 8, and probably never should have been put in me in the first place), I payed $2,000 out of pocket anyway (and some other additional expenses). It's conceivable that if Healthcare was a totally free market (along the lines of someplace like this- Surgery Center of Oklahoma | Free market-loving, price-displaying, state-of-the-art, AAAHC accredited, doctor owned, multispecialty surgical facility in central OK.), I may have paid the same or less. Or more. I'm guessing less.

My current plan choice (provided by work) was to go high deductable (over $2000), with a HSA (which my employer funded with $600 at the beginning of the year), along with extra accident coverage, as that was my only current concern when it came to health insurance. I plan on running blood tests out of my HSA.

I see your points. That place in Oklahoma looks pretty cool. I think your plan sounds good.
Healthcare sucks because they are ultimately a business that needs sick people as customers, so they often give us things that make us sicker or that we don't even need. But the truth is slowly but surely coming out!
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Jan 25, 2014
I see your points. That place in Oklahoma looks pretty cool. I think your plan sounds good.
Healthcare sucks because they are ultimately a business that needs sick people as customers, so they often give us things that make us sicker or that we don't even need. But the truth is slowly but surely coming out!

Agree. And at the same point, you did bring up a valid concern. When I look back, I know I made a lot of stupid choices back in my 20's and such. So, I'm trying to make better choices going forward. Now, for instance, I carry much higher coverage on car insurance (10-20X the protection) above the legal mandated minimum.


Sep 15, 2016
Tolerable, more like it.

Love that guy. I would just add that I don't think the creation and dividing of us into left and right authoritarianism is an accident. He never takes that next step but seems to say its all just an unlucky coincidence that we ended up like this.
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Mar 3, 2013
If you already have good insurance, I agree Obamacare isn't the best option. Not everyone can afford higher insurance deductibles, and actually, Obamacare insurance has a relatively low deductible, but if you can't afford it, and make 250% less than the federal poverty level, you can get cost assistance (for Silver marketplace plans). It also extends insurance plans so if your parents add your insurance to their policy it extends the coverage until age 26. Reversing the Affordable Care act will affect millions of Americans. Trump has stated he plans to have it overturned, so that is a possibility, not just my opinion. Trump's replacement plan amounts to having you spend 20,000$ a year before you can use his health insurance (Health Savings Accounts). Yeah, but he's going to make America Great again. You've gotta be kidding.

W&P, I'm not interested in a pissing contest, buzz off.

And since you asked Glitchie, I willfully choose not to vote. I don't believe voting is going to change this country (yeah, I'm one of those people). Voting is a way to enforce the status quo. This country needs more than a suggestion ballet and blind puppet charades. I agree with Peat that the US would be better off without governors. Maybe we need a huge fiasco for people to realize that our political system doesn't serve the majority. Like Haidut mentioned in another post, the US is essentially an oligarchy.


Jan 25, 2014
Reversing the Affordable Care act will affect millions of Americans. Trump has stated he plans to have it overturned, so that is a possibility, not just my opinion.

You are correct, reversing the Affordable Care act will affect millions. Likely hundreds of millions. After all, passing the Affordable Care act affected hundreds of millions. In addition to the 20 million people who got insurance through Obamacare (whether they viewed it as a good thing, like yourself, of whether they viewed it negatively), there were those that had their plans change with the "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" lie. I think the affects of repealing will be largely good (the higher taxes were about to kick in, subsidies about to dry up), although everyone will see the affects differently. I was thankful that I had coverage through my employer the entire time, as I didn't have to deal with that nonsense. If I didn't, I might have just paid the stupid tax. I don't know if I would have applied for the assistance, even if I qualified.

If there was a way to opt out, I would have opted out of Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security as early as I possibly could have. I would gladly assume more "risk" to have greater freedom, and more control over my own money.

And since you asked Glitchie, I willfully choose not to vote. I don't believe voting is going to change this country (yeah, I'm one of those people). Voting is a way to enforce the status quo. This country needs more than a suggestion ballet and blind puppet charades. I agree with Peat that the US would be better off without governors. Maybe we need a huge fiasco for people to realize that our political system doesn't serve the majority. Like Haidut mentioned in another post, the US is essentially an oligarchy.

I was one of those people too, the willful non-voter. I did come back to the polls to vote for Trump, as I always wanted a libertarian-ish candidate, or business outsider, and Trump seemed like the best chance of that ever happening. I don't know if I'll ever vote again, I know the pro and anti voting arguments, and they both seem flawed to me.

Anyway, whatever happens, I don't think Trump will be enforcing the status quo!


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
I don't understand the non-voter principle. Is it sheer fatalism?


Nov 25, 2016

Most countries have basic human rights like abortion, but America doesn't.


Nov 14, 2016
In economics everything has to be adjusted for inflation otherwise comparisons with previous years are meaningless. The increase aid to Israel when adjusted for inflation is smaller than previous plans. So no Obama didn’t give more money to Israel than previous administrations.

It's really only a valid argument if you assume the aid is some kind of investment.If it is, then it's a terrible one.

It's no surprise that ultra zionists would demand the bucket loads of aid be adjusted for inflation too. They're serial whiners and victims.

Obama has sold more advanced weapons to Israels enemies than any president before.

Red herring.

If Obama is so pro-Israel why would he send 400 million in untraceable Euros to the worlds greatest state sponsor of terrorism and Israel's worst enemy?

It's no surprise you didn't attempt to support that claim with any kind of evidence. Nobody ever does, because they can't.

There are far more resolutions against Israel than any against any other country

That tends to happen when a country repeatedly violates resolutions more than many other countries.

Who cares how many resolutions Obama blocked....

People who care about facts, obviously.

It takes a certain type of individual to argue that 38 billion dollars of aid plus a whole lot of weapons tech that nobody else gets, constitutes hatred. What a great friend America has in Israel and it's boosters.
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Feb 4, 2015

Most countries have basic human rights like abortion, but America doesn't.

Sigh. I used to think like you.

If you hate the US and you live there, leave. No one is forcing you to stay. It's simple. If I hated the country where I lived, I'd leave.

"Are you aware the present is not the past? Are you familiar with the concept of linear time? Because you seem incredibly comfortable traveling back through time by talking about how bad things were for women, or black people, or whomever. And then by using some form of SJW magic, you then claim or imply that those problems in the past exist today. Are you aware that this trick that you’re doing is not working? Why do you think that would work?" - A smart person

"What do you hope to gain by bringing back racial segregation?" - Another smart person

Native Americans killed each other long before any pilgrim came. There was plenty of war and death among the tribes from what is now mid-Canada all the way down to what is now Argentina. Also, of the deaths from the west, most of the NA died from viruses and not direct killing. If they hadn't died from the viruses there would be a bigger NA population and things would have turned out differently. Humans kill humans, regardless of ethnicity or anything else. There is nothing that is exclusively done to one group of people that has never been done to another.

You are also ignorant to the facts about slavery. Slavery existed as a global institution for 70 centuries, and was finally put a stop to by the imperialism of western culture, i.e., it was white Americans who ended slavery.

I suggest this book, written by black author Thomas Sowell, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals." I just finished listening to the audio version. The amount of time, 25 years, and research, he sites over 800 sources that are provided should you wish to investigate them, is staggering. If this were taught to our society honestly and straightforward, it would start to move us all in a better direction.

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Nov 14, 2016
Slavery existed as a global institution for 70 centuries, and was finally put a stop to by the imperialism of western culture, i.e., it was white Americans who ended slavery.

By definition, imperialism is slavery. It's a redundant argument to make.
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