Over 3 Months In


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Peata said:
Blossom said:
thebigpeatowski said:
Great numbers, way to go!...except the TSH. ***WARNING*** This is only my opinion based on my personal experience, I feel better when my TSH is under 1, but that's just me, so take it for what it is worth (not much, I know) ***END OF WARNING***
I love the ****WARNING**** BP! I actually think the TSH of 1 or below might be Peat's own recommendation. I'm sure we could find a direct quote on this with a brief search. I'm glad to hear your both doing well. :)

Nice to see you back, Blossom.
Thanks! I told the nurse practitioner that wrote my cyproheptadine script that it is the only antihistamine that works for me :D . Best of luck. I also found the information about TSH numbers on the http://www.functionalps.com site.


Jun 12, 2013
I wasn't sure I had any real info to update about, but I do have a lot of different things to comment on, so this will ramble a bit.

First, I'm done with Cronometer. In early July, it lost all my info all the way back to March 2013 when I first started Peatg. I tried to just continue with it from where I was, but it had a big screw-up last night and so I don't feel I can trust it. I was using it sort of as a journal, documenting not only nutrition, but symptoms, supplements, weight, everything. In a way this is freeing though because by now I should have a good idea of what I eat and the nutrition I get from it. Plus I don't have to bother with logging everything all the time. I think it's a value when one is starting out and testing things, but at this point (about 1.5 years of logging food) it would just keep me more focused on food than I want to be and adding stress because of having to log everything I put in my mouth. I do better jotting down notes on paper or on my laptop anyway if the need comes up to track what I'm eating or doing for a while.

And that kind of brings me to the next thing. I am pretty much supplement free as far as continuous use on a schedule. Yes there are things I will probably take here and there, in no particular order: Activated Charcoal, B vits, K, D (some in the winter), E, Magnesium, Progest-E, Benadryl or other antihistamine, calcium, etc. But again, not on a daily basis, not long-term or on some type of dosing schedule. I don't even take the raw thyroid anymore. I think I stopped taking that in July or early August. I am trying to rely more on food and my body to tell me if something is needed.

I liked the freedom of eating I had on my trip to the beach in early July. I did jot down what I ate at the end of the day so I could log it in cronometer when I got home, but I was much more relaxed about it all. I even lost a couple pounds. I think there is something to novelty being a good stimulation for mind, body, and so I want to seek out more things like that. For example, I hate hate hate walking on the treadmill at the gym, but I do like walking on the sidewalks in residential area, walking on a track, walking around my grandma's house in the country. I hate logging everything I eat, supplement, times of day, etc. on a computer program for 1.5 years, so maybe that is doing something negative. I still want to make sure I'm getting at least 100 g. protein, so I will just keep track of that for a while on my own until I know I'm getting it.

Speaking of protein, I have made sure to get at least 100 g. for two weeks now. I get between 100 - 130 g. most days. I'm hoping this will do multiple things such as help my liver, make progesterone, and increase muscle. I make sure to eat carbs with it. I notice the ratio has to be at least 2:1 carbs to protein, but higher is better for me. Keeps the protein from crashing my blood sugar.

I still get plenty of issues during my cycle. I've mentioned before that symptoms seem to come and go including their intensity. I might think I have one thing licked only to have it show up again a couple months later. I get symptoms around ovulation and then off and on during the luteal phase, but getting worse several days before my period. I am expecting my period any time now. Symptoms I've had for the last few days include irritability and negative thoughts, swollen, tender breasts, sensitive gums, small but annoying "tension" headaches, acne and oily skin, OCD. As an example of a symptom I've skipped this cycle - depression. But who knows if that one will come along next time and I'll avoid one of the symptoms I've had this month. What I hate the most is the irritation and when I get negative thoughts. I try to isolate myself and just ride it out. Oh and I don't get all these symptoms every day nor all day long necessarily. Thursday evening for example, I was in a stellar mood, very relaxed and calm without worries. Hoping for more of that.

I took Progest E in large doses (60 - 100 + drops daily) from mid April to end of June. I think it helped reset my progesterone production some, because I seem to be doing better with cystic and other acne since then. Much better. I'm not sure if it's a temporary fix and things will deteriorate again without Progesterone or what. Since the end of June I just take it when symptoms seem bad, for example when I get a painful bump of acne coming up. I don't even measure, just put a strip on my bottom gums. Top too if needed. I need to get more Progest E. I'm considering taking it from day 14 to 28 next cycle. But I'd like to see how I continue to do just taking it as needed.

I'll continue later.


Jul 8, 2014
Peata said:
I liked the freedom of eating I had on my trip to the beach in early July. I did jot down what I ate at the end of the day so I could log it in cronometer when I got home, but I was much more relaxed about it all. I even lost a couple pounds. I think there is something to novelty being a good stimulation for mind, body, and so I want to seek out more things like that. For example, I hate hate hate walking on the treadmill at the gym, but I do like walking on the sidewalks in residential area, walking on a track, walking around my grandma's house in the country. I hate logging everything I eat, supplement, times of day, etc. on a computer program for 1.5 years, so maybe that is doing something negative. I still want to make sure I'm getting at least 100 g. protein, so I will just keep track of that for a while on my own until I know I'm getting it.

I still get plenty of issues during my cycle. I've mentioned before that symptoms seem to come and go including their intensity. I might think I have one thing licked only to have it show up again a couple months later. I get symptoms around ovulation and then off and on during the luteal phase, but getting worse several days before my period. I am expecting my period any time now. Symptoms I've had for the last few days include irritability and negative thoughts, swollen, tender breasts, sensitive gums, small but annoying "tension" headaches, acne and oily skin, OCD. As an example of a symptom I've skipped this cycle - depression. But who knows if that one will come along next time and I'll avoid one of the symptoms I've had this month. What I hate the most is the irritation and when I get negative thoughts. I try to isolate myself and just ride it out. Oh and I don't get all these symptoms every day nor all day long necessarily. Thursday evening for example, I was in a stellar mood, very relaxed and calm without worries. Hoping for more of that.

I'm always amazed at how similar my thoughts and experiences are with other people. I notice a lot of people have OCD or "perfectionitus" as I like to call it. I notice my perfectionitus rearing it's ugly head when I get too caught up in "trying" to heal. :roll:

It really is freeing to just LIVE! This has been a goal of mine! :) No over analyzing diet, supplements or forced exercise. The way I see it, exercise should just be a beneficial byproduct of a life well lived.

And I love how you mentioned liking to walk around your grandma's house in the country. Everything seems to be better at grandma's house! :D


Jun 12, 2013
I agree with everything you said, Jen. It really helps to hear other people say these things too sometimes.


Jun 12, 2013
I am going to try to eat more gelatin again. I was sometimes skipping it or using 1/2 T. up to 1 T. I've just never liked it and the way it changes textures in drinks, gets gloppy, tastes mildly like pork rinds and leaves residue in the cup. But, I just tried it stirred into homemade vegetable soup and it went well.

I stirred 2 T. into cold soup, heated it, and added a little baking soda, splash of half and half, and a bit of coconut oil. Maybe I will try to have a cup of some kind of soup everyday and use the gelatin in that (and still sometimes in drinks).

I hope it helps with my right wrist and fingers. I don't like the way they snap, crackle, pop. I'm glad there's no pain, but I didn't use to have this in those joints and it's distracting when doing certain activities.


Jun 12, 2013
post Doctor Visit

I'm happy because I saw a new doctor and he seems easy to work with. He prescribed Cyproheptadine. 4 mg. I just picked up the Rx and it was very cheap thankfully with our insurance.

I will have blood testing and other test done at a later date. He said something about they test T4 and TSH only and if TSH is normal then the protocol is they don't test T3. If TSH is abnormal, they go on to test T3. From what he said, I gather this is a limitation put on them by insurance companies. I CAN have T3 tested, just that it will prob be out of pocket.

I could tell my adrenaline was up when the nurse did the vitals before I saw the doctor. I hadn't eaten breakfast in case I needed to get blood work after the appt, and I was freezing in the waiting room. I'm always nervous before a doctor appt. anyway. My temp was 98.9. BP was 122/80 and heart rate 96. Oxygen 100%.

From what he said, it looks likely that my chronic bronchitis was stirred up again this past winter due to having my cat inside for months during the long, cold winter. (I'm allergic to cats among environmental things). I know I developed my chronic cough again and seem to have exercise-induced asthma this spring/summer. Something about catecholemines(?) released during exercise and I believe he said this could also be why I get the issues after eating at times. The fatigue, shortness of breath, etc. I'm to have a lung function test to be sure what's going on. Also he wants to check CBC, iron, etc.

Well we talked about a lot during the visit, and I think he is going to be a good doctor for me. He understands I don't like to take much medication but would rather go at it diet and exercise when possible. He did talk about eating balanced meals meaning not just one macro nutrient alone, but make sure to have protein, fat, carb, etc. But he thinks 3 cups of coffee per day is too much, possibly contributing to my weight. I don't know if I agree with that part.

Also, I was 2# less on their scale with clothes and shoes on than I am at home naked, so that was encouraging. He basically said that after 35 we lose 1/2 pound muscle per year and if we are sedentary (like I was in the past) there comes a point when I guess metabolism slows too much and we start putting on weight, and it happens seemingly overnight that our body changes, but it's been building up to it. He says I'm on the right track with the exercise and watching food.

A couple weeks ago I was reading about Cypro and read something that jogged my memory from a long time ago when I was first on Paxil. It killed my sexuality, as is common for SSRIs... and the doctor prescribed Cyproheptadine for me to take before sex, since it was supposed to somehow override the Paxil's sexual dysfunction effects temporarily. I think I only tried it a time or two and it didn't work for me, and I gave up out of frustration (and fear about the powerful Paxil and other Rx) and eventually went off the Paxil. I just thought that was interesting that the memory came back that I have actually had an Rx for Cypro in the past.


Jun 12, 2013
Took 1 mg. of Cypro an hour ago. Thought I'd take it at night til I see how it affects me.


Apr 17, 2014
You were on Paxil like me!I was on it for a year til I started getting symptoms of serotonin excess. Told the doctor I thought it was from excess serotonin after researching online. He told me there wasn't a way to measure serotonin. He told me I could try different medication and I should go to counseling. I decided to try to cure myself with food and went on the typical diets til I found Ray Peat, like most users. It has almost been 2 years since then. I received my thyroid a few days ago, but my diet isn't consistent and it might be a good idea to lower serotonin first. I think about taking an anti-serotonin drug like Cypro sometimes.

Did you paint that avatar yourself?


Jun 12, 2013
I took 1 mg. Cypro last night and it's afternoon and I'm still not quite out of the grogginess yet. I get grogginess from other antihistamines such as Benadryl and Hydroxyzine, but that wears off a lot quicker. I'm still in a bit of a zombie mode. If I take it tonight, will only use .5 mg.

I'm trying to determine how to get a good balance in my gut. I'm back to using ACV drink around meals I think are hard to digest such as those with meats and fat, but I'm not sure this will help my diarrhea any. It did not in the past. Using activated charcoal will help if I take enough, which my dose this week does not seem to be enough - 4 capsules a few x day. So I guess I will have to increase that, it's just that I went through my last bottle so fast. I should go ahead and order a bulk amount I've just been lazy about it.

I am taking around 100 mg. niacinamide a couple times per day around a heavier meal, when I remember to do so. I'm trying to prevent the damage from FFA release. My capsules are 500 mg. so I open one and pour out a small amount of the powder into a drink and down it. It doesn't taste good but I've had worse. So I'm probably getting around 100 mg.

I think I will go back to taking my D/K tablets for a while to see if I can get some of the joint popping to stop. Overall that has improved though even without taking anything lately.

I also need to order more Progest E. My period started as a light spotting yesterday morning (after I've been expecting it for days) but it hasn't come anymore yet. I also had some painful acne spots lately. I think I need to take Progest E during luteal phase for a while. As I said before, taking high doses nonstop for 2.5 months helped so much, but now I just take "as needed" when some symptom arises such as acne or need to relax for sleep, and maybe this is not enough. Perhaps by taking it during second half of cycle I will have a smoother time with less annoying pms symptoms.


Jun 12, 2013
Also, I stopped drinking milk for one week now. I had a feeling it was contributing to my bloating and sure enough, since I stopped I have a lot less bloat than before. The AC helped with it some but could only do so much while I was still drinking milk. Now that I stopped milk the bloat is much less and the AC helps a little more. I got rid of the pregnant look that was particularly bad in the evenings.

I still use dairy such as a little cream or h/h in coffee, some cheese, etc. but no more just drinking cups of milk. I never felt comfortable doing that since I started this RP stuff, but it seemed so important. I thought I had cured my lactose intolerance and I do think I improved it greatly through the RP foods. But apparently it's still too much for my system. And it's probably going to come down to the quality of milk I have access to. If I had raw milk I'd definitely drink some and see how I did, but all I have access to is grocery store stuff, and I don't enjoy it, and I don't think my body likes it much. I can use it for cooking, but just not drinking cups of the stuff.

I notice for over a week now I've enjoyed scrambled eggs almost every day. I used to have a hard time tolerating eggs, only feeling in the mood for them once in a while, and if I had them when not in the mood I'd feel kind of sick and could only eat a few bites. But my appetite for them is good now. I make them with cream or h/h and some salt, and usually scramble them in butter.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm glad you have found a doctor that you can work with. That seems to be a rarity these days! I have pretty much ditched the cronometer too. I will use it occasionally to check the nutrition in something but otherwise I feel I've got a pretty good handle on things. I think it can be an invaluable tool in the beginning. I feel more relaxed when I don't have to stress over logging every bite too! I'm all for relaxing. It sounds like thing are coming together nicely for you Peata, I'm glad to hear it.


Jun 12, 2013
Green said:
You were on Paxil like me!I was on it for a year til I started getting symptoms of serotonin excess. Told the doctor I thought it was from excess serotonin after researching online. He told me there wasn't a way to measure serotonin. He told me I could try different medication and I should go to counseling. I decided to try to cure myself with food and went on the typical diets til I found Ray Peat, like most users. It has almost been 2 years since then. I received my thyroid a few days ago, but my diet isn't consistent and it might be a good idea to lower serotonin first. I think about taking an anti-serotonin drug like Cypro sometimes.

Did you paint that avatar yourself?

No, it's by Abbot Handerson Thayer an American artist whose work I like. Though I have been told I resemble "Angel", or at least in my younger days.


Jun 12, 2013
I just took .5 mg. of Cypro.

One mg. was too much last night because it made me a little zombie-like until 12:30-1 p.m. today, after I took it at 8:30 p.m. last night. I've never had that long-lasting grogginess from Benadryl or Hydroxyzine. Also I felt a little paranoid for a while this morning that carried over for several hours, kind of like the paranoia one might feel from a lot of drinking and then not being able to remember what you did/said the next day, and worrying about it. I also thought I'd experienced another episode of sleep apnea in the night which hadn't happened in a while, but it turns out it didn't happen - it was a bad dream or memory that got mixed up, likely from the weird sleep Cypro gave me combined with telling the doctor about the apnea and so it was kind of on my mind. So, pretty weird little one milligram of chemical. Hence, using half mg. tonight.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Peata said:
I just took .5 mg. of Cypro.

One mg. was too much last night because it made me a little zombie-like until 12:30-1 p.m. today, after I took it at 8:30 p.m. last night. I've never had that long-lasting grogginess from Benadryl or Hydroxyzine. Also I felt a little paranoid for a while this morning that carried over for several hours, kind of like the paranoia one might feel from a lot of drinking and then not being able to remember what you did/said the next day, and worrying about it. I also thought I'd experienced another episode of sleep apnea in the night which hadn't happened in a while, but it turns out it didn't happen - it was a bad dream or memory that got mixed up, likely from the weird sleep Cypro gave me combined with telling the doctor about the apnea and so it was kind of on my mind. So, pretty weird little one milligram of chemical. Hence, using half mg. tonight.
The drowsiness side effect seemed to improve for me within a week and possibly less if I remember correctly. Now I can take 1-2 mg during work and it doesn't bother me. I hope you have a better experience with the .5 mg dose!


Jun 12, 2013
Blossom said:
Peata said:
I just took .5 mg. of Cypro.

One mg. was too much last night because it made me a little zombie-like until 12:30-1 p.m. today, after I took it at 8:30 p.m. last night. I've never had that long-lasting grogginess from Benadryl or Hydroxyzine. Also I felt a little paranoid for a while this morning that carried over for several hours, kind of like the paranoia one might feel from a lot of drinking and then not being able to remember what you did/said the next day, and worrying about it. I also thought I'd experienced another episode of sleep apnea in the night which hadn't happened in a while, but it turns out it didn't happen - it was a bad dream or memory that got mixed up, likely from the weird sleep Cypro gave me combined with telling the doctor about the apnea and so it was kind of on my mind. So, pretty weird little one milligram of chemical. Hence, using half mg. tonight.
The drowsiness side effect seemed to improve for me within a week and possibly less if I remember correctly. Now I can take 1-2 mg during work and it doesn't bother me. I hope you have a better experience with the .5 mg dose!

Yes the .5 mg. worked as I'd hoped. I feel pretty much normal this morning, though I did sleep in more than I like. But that may not be so much to do with the Cypro as just my schedule lately.


Jun 12, 2013
Oh, one other side effect from Cypro was some mild and short-lived nausea yesterday around noon, before the groggy effect had worn off. I ate something and it went away. Then today I felt the nausea but just very briefly and it was gone.


Jun 12, 2013
Blossom said:
The drowsiness side effect seemed to improve for me within a week and possibly less if I remember correctly. Now I can take 1-2 mg during work and it doesn't bother me. I hope you have a better experience with the .5 mg dose!

That's good to know. I'm reading on Haidut's Cypro a wonder drug thread now.

So are you still taking it regularly or do you take breaks from it then start it up again?
Do you notice any effects now that you've been on it a while or is it more that you notice a difference when you stop taking it?
Sorry if I've asked you this before, but what has Cypro done for you now or in the past?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Peata said:
Blossom said:
The drowsiness side effect seemed to improve for me within a week and possibly less if I remember correctly. Now I can take 1-2 mg during work and it doesn't bother me. I hope you have a better experience with the .5 mg dose!

That's good to know. I'm reading on Haidut's Cypro a wonder drug thread now.

So are you still taking it regularly or do you take breaks from it then start it up again?
Do you notice any effects now that you've been on it a while or is it more that you notice a difference when you stop taking it?
Sorry if I've asked you this before, but what has Cypro done for you now or in the past?
I still take it a few times per week. I find it helpful for histamine issues. It doesn't slow my bowels at all that I can tell like other anti-anti-serotonin drugs do. It does seem relaxing but no longer makes me drowsy. It was like a wonder drug for me when I first used it and I still appreciate having it on hand to take as needed. It helped me tremendously with digestive issues.


Jun 12, 2013
I'm hoping it will help my digestive issues too - diarrhea being the main one.

Can you remember way back when I mentioned using AC, there was something you told me you used that helped even better as far as digestion and making you feel good. Something to the effect that you thought AC was a good thing until you tried this other thing.

Edit - I found what I was talking about HERE


Peata wrote:Thanks, guys. I have a bottle of AC and take a couple capsules at night, maybe 2 x week. I make sure it's at least an hour since I've taken anything else. Really, I feel like I could take it almost every night because it seems to help with numerous things. I wake up feeling good.

The kind I happen to have is Solaray. 280 mg. in each capsule.

I used to follow a similar regimen and after I started cyproheptadine I realized that I totally forgot all about the activated charcoal. I used to wish I could take it daily because I felt I needed it that often but I would make myself limit it to only a couple of times per week. I think for my situation the cyproheptadine stopped the viscous serotonin/histamine cycle and calmed my gut so it could begin to heal. Just thought I would mention that experience for anyone who might be in the same boat. I think it's probably a bit different for each person but I love how we can share our stories.


Jun 12, 2013
I'm so grateful I finally have the wonder drug in hand. I can hardly believe it. Now I just hope it can still work great for me even at such a low dose. I think I read recently that Mittir takes .5 mg. daily too and it works for them.
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