Peata's Log For Weight Loss & Misc


Jul 13, 2015
Mmmmm, delicious Turp Burps:woot:....

Hi 800mRepeats!!! I'm so thrilled to have more peeps joining in the the Turpentine Trials. Will you be logging here? Or is there a specific thread I should look for? I'm afraid I'm not acquainted with your current health profile. Do you have digestive issues?

I just know there are more lingering out there....secretly watching:droid:.....go ahead, admit it, you're intrigued.:christmastree: (that's a PINE TREE)

Don't know that I'll be logging here - I'm no lumberjack, but I'm ok. Been lurking and eating Peaty for a bit more than a year now.

Short backstory: I'm a 48yo female ultra marathoner. Paleo in 2011, keto in 2012 for two years. Working my way back ever since.
Peating is quite contrary to the current trend in developing "metabolic efficiency" for endurance athletes. But my word ... I swear it's the only thing that makes sense for such a person! May not ever be warm and toasty with a racing heart while still training, but at least will combat the metabolic spiral of doom.

Digestive issues? Not that I can tell. But liver seems like it could use a hand and I'd like to make sure there's nothing else gumming up the works.

How are you doing with the turpentine, 800?

Did another teaspoon today. (My second.)
Nothing to report.


Jun 12, 2013
Been suffering a chronic fatigue-like symptoms since start of period last Wed. Period is over, but symptoms persisted. I thought at first it was due to several long days at work starting Wed. but even after I got enough rest, I still felt the fatigue. I was pretty good on Sunday, but everyday since has been a bit of a struggle. Physically drained, even sleepy at times, and unable to focus mentally. Sleep has been really good, and I wake up feeling like I got enough but then I have no spark all day. I kept trying to put it out of mind, thinking it would go away, but it's persisted for more than a week now.

I tried different things, including eating a little more, but it didn't help. It could be due to estrogen, stress hormones, endotoxin? There's a little gallbladder irritation too. No nausea.

I got so desperate yesterday I tried some alcohol since that has perked me up a bit in the past. I haven't drank for a good six months, just have no interest in it anymore. But I tried one drink, nothing, and over the evening had four drinks (vodka). I never once felt any intoxication symptoms from it, and it's not like I have tolerance anymore. The only thing it did was irritate my stomach. It was still somewhat irritated when I woke up, but it's fine now. I had more diarrhea than usual. The alcohol didn't help my energy any though.

So, I'm just carrying on hoping it will work itself out. I don't have much appetite, but making myself eat now and then. A little while ago I did finally start to perk up some mentally and was able to do some work on a project.

I check over cronometer and calories look fine, so does protein, carbs, etc. Heart rate has seemed a little high at times despite feeling tired, even sleepy at times.

Thought about breaking out the ATP capsules but then not sure if I should press the gas and potentially wear myself out further. I've never taken them before.

But like I said, it seems like I'm snapping out of it some, so hoping it continues and I get some things accomplished.


Jun 12, 2013
Good news, my mental and physical energy came back later on Friday afternoon. I've been fine. And then after work yesterday was drained again until today.

I think part of the problem is not having enough food during the day. I try to eat something every couple hours while working but it's hard to do. I need to find more foods that can be eaten on the go, with one hand and without making a mess. So far I have a banana, coffee, a candybar, sometimes a protein bar (though these have questionable ingredients), a sandwich (I can't stand the bread though, I usually throw some of it out to the birds). I make a shake with milk, coffee, cocoa, sugar, and some protein powder but often I don't want more liquids. I bring a bottle of pepsi. Sometimes I think the coffee is too much stimulation because I'll feel a headache come on now and then.

Though I don't feel that hungry during the day, I make myself eat this stuff, but when I get home I'm famished. I shower and am ready to eat NOW. Sometimes I get a headache then that lasts all evening.

So I feel like I'm not getting enough during the day and if I can bring easy to eat/digest foods, I might feel better and not so drained after work.

And I wish I could somehow feel as fresh mentally and physically during the afternoon as I do the first half of the work day.

Maybe that's asking too much. But open to suggestions for food/drink/supplements.
Jan 24, 2014
I had to take an all day road trip Friday and brought boatloads of low fat cheese sticks, four mandarin oranges and an apple and two hard boiled eggs. I stopped for coffee/milk/sugar a couple times....oh, and a bag of Swedish Fish (I know, not ideal, but fat free and yummy!)

It worked out well, plenty of calcium, protein and sugars without too much liquid.

If I wasn't stuck in the car my Go To meal would be cheese and OJ, but in this instance swapping whole fruit and keeping liquid lower was better.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
I had to take an all day road trip Friday and brought boatloads of low fat cheese sticks, four mandarin oranges and an apple and two hard boiled eggs. I stopped for coffee/milk/sugar a couple times....oh, and a bag of Swedish Fish (I know, not ideal, but fat free and yummy!)

How do you eat hard boiled eggs? They always give me endotoxin issues. My gut is horrid the past few days - nausea, slight constipation, headache (which has finally gone away) - I'm pretty sure it was the two eggs I over-boiled (normally I eat them soft boiled). I can do raw egg, scrambled egg, soft-boiled egg, but hard boiled is enough to make me feel like I have the flu for days. So weird. But yay for yummy swedish fish!
Jan 24, 2014
Hi lindsay....I usually eat my eggs poached with runny yolks to preserve the nutrients (less oxidation), but on the road obviously hard-boiled is ideal for portability.

Two years ago hard-boiled eggs gave me horrific gas and gut distress, so I didn't eat them very often. I think this is due to specific bacteria in the intestines, but I have NO idea which microbes are responsible.

My long history of pharmaceutical antibiotic use has lead me to believe that my particular microbial mayhem is utterly resistant to anything/everything that a doctor might prescribe, so I experimented with various herbal antimicrobials.

I have had much luck with crushed raw garlic and 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine. The turpentine, in my opinion is the BEST STUFF ON THE PLANET....

I'm not saying that this applies to your gut woes, but it certainly sounds like microbial mayhem to me.
Jan 24, 2014
How do you eat hard boiled eggs? They always give me endotoxin issues. My gut is horrid the past few days - nausea, slight constipation, headache (which has finally gone away) - I'm pretty sure it was the two eggs I over-boiled (normally I eat them soft boiled). I can do raw egg, scrambled egg, soft-boiled egg, but hard boiled is enough to make me feel like I have the flu for days. So weird. But yay for yummy swedish fish!

Hi lindsay....I forgot to mention that your symptoms described above could be related to excess tryptophan if you are very sensitive, I think eggs are high in tryptophan (not 100% positive on that though). I don't know what the rest of your diet is like so take this as simply something to ponder. It's strange that you only get symptoms based on how the eggs are cooked.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Two years ago hard-boiled eggs gave me horrific gas and gut distress, so I didn't eat them very often. I think this is due to specific bacteria in the intestines, but I have NO idea which microbes are responsible.
TBP, I'm intrigued by your gut renaissance, I dream of being able to eat whatever I want with no negative gut symptoms. I'm curious though, is this something you are achieving with persistent turpentine intake? If all else failed I would try a turpentine regimen to see if I can get results such as yours, but would not want to be on a long-term regimen. Although I agree that it's just another substance that can be poisonous at a certain dose, I would not agree that it's "safe" in the way that things like food are "safe."
Jan 24, 2014
TBP, I'm intrigued by your gut renaissance, I dream of being able to eat whatever I want with no negative gut symptoms. I'm curious though, is this something you are achieving with persistent turpentine intake? If all else failed I would try a turpentine regimen to see if I can get results such as yours, but would not want to be on a long-term regimen. Although I agree that it's just another substance that can be poisonous at a certain dose, I would not agree that it's "safe" in the way that things like food are "safe."

Hi Kyle M....I don't take turpentine very often. I took it four times during the month of January. Then I took it once or twice a week (depending on how I was feeling) in February. I don't think I took any in March, just been observing the profound improvement in digestion ever since.

While there are plenty of people who take it more often and for longer term, I can only speak for myself. I personally would only take it as necessary. It no longer seems necessary so I'm not taking it any more, but if I do need it again I will not hesitate. I feel that it's perfectly safe to take one teaspoon up to two times per week indefinitely, but I'm not sure WHY someone would need it long term like that. Perhaps more stubborn bio-films? I just don't know...

After I saw the flukes I researched the pharmaceutical drugs used to kill them and it's my opinion that they are every bit as toxic (if not more so) than the turpentine. Pretty sure the rounds of Diflucan that I've had over the years were more toxic too. Not to mention copious quantities of antibiotics.

Like you say, everything is poisonous and keeping the dose low with turpentine is important, it's definitely NOT a "more is better" type treatment.

All anti-microbials are going to be toxic (in varying degrees) simply by their very nature. I battled multiple gut issues for years, taking bottle after bottle of various herbal concoctions on a daily basis for months on end and I never experienced the relief that I've received from turpentine. Nystatin was good for candida, but I had to take a huge dose twice a day for three months. Raw garlic is very good too, but can be harsh on the stomach (not to mention super stinky in large doses)

Cooking herbs and even plant foods like asparagus are mildly toxic.

I apologize, I'm not familiar with your situation, did you start a thread regarding your digestive issues? What have you tried so far? Apple cider vinegar? Betaine HCL? Do you have slow transit? Or too rapid? Is food fully digested? Bloating? Pale colored or foul smelling stools? How long have you been having trouble? Do you think your gut problems are related to microbial dysbiosis? Is there anything that you've tried that has helped so far? Are your gut problems affecting your quality of life? Do you feel malnourished? Do you eat ANY foods made from GMO's?
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Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
I apologize, I'm not familiar with your situation, did you start a thread regarding your digestive issues? What have you tried so far? Apple cider vinegar? Betaine HCL? Do you have slow transit? Or too rapid? Is food fully digested? Bloating? Pale colored or foul smelling stools? How long have you been having trouble? Do you think your gut problems are related to microbial dysbiosis? Is there anything that you've tried that has helped so far? Are your gut problems affecting your quality of life? Do you feel malnourished? Do you eat ANY foods made from GMO's?
I put my gut story in this SIBO thread Has Anyone Here Successfully Resolved "SIBO" Or Major Stomach Bloating? With Peating Or Anything Els which I guess is defunct now. It's hard to pinpoint when the problems started since I have been doing experimental diets for almost half of my life now, starting with vegetarian experiments in college. I'm sure I eat a ton of GMO food as I don't pay attention to that at present, and my transit time seems just a tad fast, producing soft stools usually. Actually my gut has been doing a little better recently, not sure why, but I'm going to take a parasite test after my Dr. appt. tomorrow.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
My first result, fecal leukocytes, came back negative. So if there are parasites, they aren't stimulating much wbc activity in my gut. I'm going to be disappointed if the parasites come back negative too, because that puts me one step closer to having to accept these symptoms as untreatable.
Jan 24, 2014
having to accept these symptoms as untreatable.

Hi Kyle M.....I'm glad you are getting your testing done and that you've found a doctor that you like.

But why on earth would you accept something as untreatable? What sorts of measures have you taken so far?

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
I went through a course of Rifaximin antibiotics a couple of years ago and didn't notice much of a change in post-meal bloating. More recently I tried a course of herbal antibiotics that I got from a paper I reviewed on my website, they were supposed to be equal or more effective than Rifaximin, but I didn't notice much from that either. That's what attracted me to your story and the parasite hypothesis, because it seems like something is blocking the antibiotics ability to do their job, either that or the bacterial population is so large and well-established that they aren't working for that reason.
Jan 24, 2014
You have a history of eating raw meat, correct? Your bloating is up high, like in the duodenum or stomach?

Also, the testing that you're getting done, is it PCR or simple microscopy? I suppose you must know that the variation in labs in huge.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Replying on the other thread, I don't want to junk up Peata's thread with my stuff.


Jun 12, 2013
Period came Monday and had a day of fatigue with it. The closest way I can describe it is when you get out of a swimming pool and feel like you weight 500 pounds. Getting up from sitting was hard, moving was hard. Mentally fogged. I couldn't seem to shake it, but was fine after Monday.

Since easter I'd been eating way too much fat everyday again. The weight I'd lost didn't go up at first but lately it has started pushing up the scales again, so starting yesterday I'm back on lower fat again. When I was slowly losing weight, the fat I ate came from the coconut oil I cook french fries in and some chocolate (usually eat the chocolate in the morning and/or before bed). That worked before, so I'm doing it again.

Also, small frequent meals of a protein and carbs. Something like greek yogurt with sugar and fruit. Fat free turkey slices wrapped around a lowfat string cheese and Coke. French fries and Coke.

This period hasn't been too bad. Some acne but nothing cystic, the fatigue on the first day as mentioned above. I did have sore swollen breasts though, ugh. Nothing too bad emotionally though such as ruminations. No cramps so far.


Nov 21, 2015
The feeling under my right rib cage was up high and very familiar, I'd had this sensation on occasion a pinched feeling
Hi thebigpeatowski, this point of yours interested me too, since after increasing nutrients we typically eat following RP, I started getting some sensation right under the right rib cage - no pain though. It's hard to specifically describe and felt as if something light was rubbing on the skin or could be a pulse or a 'pinch'. This was primarily when sitting, more so if hunched over slightly, and often vanished if I lifted my shirt away from the skin or generally disappeared if I straightened and never occurred when walking etc. Often it just went away on its own after a few moments. But it was odd as I'd never experienced that before. Was your sensation similar or different? I was also thinking about using your anti-parasite turp protocol and wanted to ask if you have any updated or new suggestions for using it. TIA
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