Peating Making Me Feel Horrible, Especially Ruining Hair


Feb 13, 2016
Hi everyone,

The primary reason I tried incorporating Peat's guidelines into my life is hair loss. I'm only 18, but I'm losing hair very rapidly. I'm already a NW3 with a quarter sized vertex bald-spot. However, not only do Peat's guidelines make me feel worse overall, they seem to be making my hair miniaturize at a faster rate than even before (I didn't think that would even be possible).

What am I doing wrong in terms of Peat's/Roddy's recommendations? How can I get to that slightly hyperthyroid stage again? My pulse when I was feeling great was around the 90s, but now it's always around 70 even though I'm taking the same amount of T4/T3 supplement (3 grains per day).

**********DETAILS AS TO WHAT I'M DOING**********

-I started taking T4/T3 medication a few months ago. The first few days I was on this, I felt FANTASTIC. My hair felt thicker than ever, it was shinier than ever, my skin tone was richer than ever, I had unending energy, etc. In other words, the first few days I was on a thyroid supplement, I felt like a real teenager. However, this feeling was too good to be true, and quickly subsided. This feeling was the reason I started doing research on the thyroid and ended up finding out about Ray Peat's articles.

-I stopped taking Omega 3 and Omega 6 supplements after I read about PUFAs. I avoid PUFAs directly when I can, but since I'm in college and I eat dining hall food, I can't eliminate them completely. So, I take niacin supplements, 1 gram a day, to reduce the release of free fatty acids in my body.

-I started tracking my diet on to make sure I get at least 80g of protein a day and 200g of carbs a day.

-I try to eat as much saturated fat as possible so that even though my PUFA intake isn't 0, the fact that I have a greater intake of saturated fat than PUFAs will tilt the balance in my body in favor of saturated fats.

-I have a ridiculous amount of dandruff that simply will not go away no matter what. I started supplementing 40,000 IU of Vitamin A per day, but it doesn't help. Nizoral doesn't help either. I started taking a Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, and Vitamin D supplement as well because I read both Vitamin A and Vitamin D are linked to dandruff, but I still see no progress. I feel like dandruff and hair loss are somehow linked--whenever my hair loss increases, I see more dandruff--so if I can find out how to eliminate dandruff, I hope my hair loss will stop.

-I started using progesterone cream, but it does absolutely nothing. If I use a massive dose, like 60-80 mg at once, I get slightly sleepy and depressed, but that's it. I see no benefit in terms of hair loss.

Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to give as much detail as possible.


Feb 13, 2016
Hi everyone,

A few months ago, when I first started taking T4/T3, I felt GREAT. My hair felt better than ever, my skin looked better than ever, I had more energy than ever, etc. My pulse was always in the 90s as well. However, this feeling only lasted for a few days. Now, even though I take the same amount of supplementation, my heart rate is back in the 60s/70s like it used to be, and I feel/look crappy.

Did I suppress my own production? Am I producing too much reverse-T3? Any help would be appreciated.

James IV

Id get off all the supplements to get you baselined, then I would try lowering your fat significantly and eating more nutritious carbohydrate to compensate. I notice personally that eating even moderate amounts of animal fat causes thick sebum, mucus, and wax, and accompanying hair loss. However, too low intake of animal foods drys me out. So in my case it's about finding the dose. I notice I seem to need more fat (or way more carb calories) when it's colder.

Something to experiment with.


Dec 17, 2015
Hello Lampofred,

The symptoms you describe are certainly distressing but hopefully you can find a protocol that works for you

Was the t4/t3 prescribed by a doctor?
Have you had blood work done?
How much fat do you typically have in a day?
Maybe post a typical day or two from cronometer
What form of niacin do you take?
What form of magnesium do you take?
What form of vitamin A do you take?


Apr 5, 2014
This is NOT enough for a young more!!!

Probably this is it Most people who complain with various symptoms are usually just not eating enough. Especially as he's taking thyroid. Why take thyroid at 18? Get off the supplements and eat more.


Apr 30, 2015
You should post some lifestyle stuff. You can be on the best supplements and food and it can mean ***t all if you're stressed all the time. You go to sleep at the same time every night? Sunlight? Sex regularly? Friends and social activities?


Feb 12, 2015
High amount of dandruff (and flakey/rash skins) is a huge indicator that you have candida overgrowth. I used to have a lot of it last month. I'm still in the process of flushing it all out of my gut, but now the dandruff is very minimal. Almost no flaky skin whatsoever, either.

Yep, high sugar and carb consumption will feed candida overgrowth. If you look into my post history since last February, Peating has accelerated my hair loss and made me having frequent lower right abdominal pain. Candida overgrowth is caused by suppressed immune system.

I believe that in order for a person to truly thrive in Peating, the immune system, gut, liver, kidney, brain and heart have to be in top shape first. Only then you can fix hypothyroidism.

Candida is a big deal, it'll worsen your already suppressed immune system and put a lockdown on your liver, kidney and heart from performing normally. Colon cancer and diabetic sufferers usually have candida overgrowth in their gut. If you have candida overgrowth, your brain will most likely be fermented, too (fatigue, brainfog etc.).


Feb 13, 2016
I'm only 18, but I started taking thyroid because my father is extremely hypothyroid (his thyroid is completely non-functional and he runs on supplements), and I started developing all the symptoms. My doctor wouldn't prescribe me anything because on the TSH test he said I was within range (but I don't know the actual number), and I heard hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's were hereditary, so I got the medicine myself. Strangely, I do get hungrier as I eat more (meaning I most likely do need to eat more), but as I get hungrier, I lose more hair and develop more dandruff...

As to the questions:

Was the t4/t3 prescribed by a doctor?

Have you had blood work done?
Yes. The doctor said nothing was wrong, but severe balding at 18 is not normal...

How much fat do you typically have in a day?
A lot. I'm vegetarian, so my only sources of Peat-approved protein are eggs and milk, both of which come with lots of fat. I drink 2% milk instead of skim milk so that the saturated fat in milk will exceed the PUFAs I get in my diet.

Maybe post a typical day or two from cronometer
I will once I look up how to do this

What form of niacin do you take?
Nicotinic acid...I heard non-flush forms are dangerous for the liver?

What form of magnesium do you take?
Magnesium oxide. The supplement I take is 4-in-1, so it's Cholecalciferol, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Oxide, and Zinc Sulfate all in one.

What form of vitamin A do you take?
Retinyl Palmitate

My lifestyle isn't ideal, but it's like that of a general college student. I do sleep late, I do indulge in a bit of alcohol every now and then, etc. but so does every one else in school. Nothing excessive. However, I don't know if this is related, but for some reason, I have bad spring allergies, and I'm much weaker than my peers... My lifts at the gym are usually on par with those of girls. All my guy friends are much stronger than me.


Feb 13, 2016
High amount of dandruff (and flakey/rash skins) is a huge indicator that you have candida overgrowth. I used to have a lot of it last month. I'm still in the process of flushing it all out of my gut, but now the dandruff is very minimal. Almost no flaky skin whatsoever, either.

Yep, high sugar and carb consumption will feed candida overgrowth. If you look into my post history since last February, Peating has accelerated my hair loss and made me having frequent lower right abdominal pain. Candida overgrowth is caused by suppressed immune system.

I believe that in order for a person to truly thrive in Peating, the immune system, gut, liver, kidney, brain and heart have to be in top shape first. Only then you can fix hypothyroidism.

Candida is a big deal, it'll worsen your already suppressed immune system and put a lockdown on your liver, kidney and heart from performing normally. Colon cancer and diabetic sufferers usually have candida overgrowth in their gut. If you have candida overgrowth, your brain will most likely be fermented, too (fatigue, brainfog etc.).

This makes sense. I've noticed bad breath ever since following Peat's guidelines, and I've also noticed brain fog.


Feb 12, 2015
How much fat do you typically have in a day?
A lot. I'm vegetarian, so my only sources of Peat-approved protein are eggs and milk, both of which come with lots of fat. I drink 2% milk instead of skim milk so that the saturated fat in milk will exceed the PUFAs I get in my diet.

This is huge part of the problem. Vegetarians are deficient in carnitine, which is used to metabolize fatty acid into energy. Your heart needs carnitine to function optimally, maximum is 3g of l-carnitine supplementation per day spread through the day. 3g of Potassium taken with 3g carnetine spread through the day makes it better because potassium open up the path in the blood vessels to let carnitine into the heart.

When your heart is weak, so is your autoimmune.

Carnitine and other amino acids supportive to heart are mostly found in meat, especially organ meat.

What form of niacin do you take?
Nicotinic acid...I heard non-flush forms are dangerous for the liver?

I prefer nicotinic acid (niacin) over niacinamide. So far it's been helpful to me flushing the candida out without shutting down the liver. High dosage of niacinamide did shutdown my liver, though so I had to stop using it.

My lifestyle isn't ideal, but it's like that of a general college student. I do sleep late, I do indulge in a bit of alcohol every now and then, etc. but so does every one else in school. Nothing excessive. However, I don't know if this is related, but for some reason, I have bad spring allergies, and I'm much weaker than my peers... My lifts at the gym are usually on par with those of girls. All my guy friends are much stronger than me.

Sleeping late, drinking alcohol also contribute to candida overgrowth. Man, I used to be like you 2-3 years ago...

Your stomach acid also seem very low due to suppressed immune system. If you have optimal stomach acids you won't have winter/spring allergies nor food allergies. You need maybe about 5g of ascorbic acid per day taken with niacin and vitamin B complex to help boost your stomach acid and kick candida out of your system.

BTW, the die-off symptoms are horrible! You'll feel it when you flush those mofos out!

I hate to say this, but being vegetarian without supplementing amino acids that are abundant in meat definitely messes up your immune system.


Oct 28, 2012
Candida is SUCH BS..We all have candida and its been proven that candida overgrowth is BS..


Feb 12, 2015
Candida is SUCH BS...first all have candida and its been proven that candida overgrowth is BS

Good for you that you don't experience candida overgrowth. But I AM and I can assure you it's NO FUN! Everyday is a torture for me, you have no idea how it's like. I bet you never know how it's like to have a random intense flare up in your lower right abdomen in the middle of the night, keeping you awake for hours.


Apr 13, 2015
maybe lots of stress. go to Thailand for a month during the summer and chill out


May 16, 2013
B6 and riboflavin are synergistic and required in higher amounts when supplementing vitamin A. I would consider supplementing those two, and thiamine, at roughly equal proportions (don't go excessive on one).

I recently asked Ray about B6 and vitamin A, because vitamin A wasn't giving me the anti-estrogenic effects I desperately needed. This could equally apply in your case. I had no chance on stimulating substances all day without this combination.


Feb 13, 2016
This is huge part of the problem. Vegetarians are deficient in carnitine, which is used to metabolize fatty acid into energy. Your heart needs carnitine to function optimally, maximum is 3g of l-carnitine supplementation per day spread through the day. 3g of Potassium taken with 3g carnetine spread through the day makes it better because potassium open up the path in the blood vessels to let carnitine into the heart.

When your heart is weak, so is your autoimmune.

Carnitine and other amino acids supportive to heart are mostly found in meat, especially organ meat.

I prefer nicotinic acid (niacin) over niacinamide. So far it's been helpful to me flushing the candida out without shutting down the liver. High dosage of niacinamide did shutdown my liver, though so I had to stop using it.

Sleeping late, drinking alcohol also contribute to candida overgrowth. Man, I used to be like you 2-3 years ago...

Your stomach acid also seem very low due to suppressed immune system. If you have optimal stomach acids you won't have winter/spring allergies nor food allergies. You need maybe about 5g of ascorbic acid per day taken with niacin and vitamin B complex to help boost your stomach acid and kick candida out of your system.

BTW, the die-off symptoms are horrible! You'll feel it when you flush those mofos out!

I hate to say this, but being vegetarian without supplementing amino acids that are abundant in meat definitely messes up your immune system.

Thanks for your reply. This makes a lot of sense. I'm reading about Candida and the symptoms match. Do you know anything about eating yogurt so that the "good" bacteria kill the yeast? I think I'm going to try this first before buying any more supplements. I've always ate very little yogurt.


Feb 12, 2015
Thanks for your reply. This makes a lot of sense. I'm reading about Candida and the symptoms match. Do you know anything about eating yogurt so that the "good" bacteria kill the yeast? I think I'm going to try this first before buying any more supplements. I've always ate very little yogurt.

It doesn't hurt to try if you want to. My current protocol is flushing all the good and bad bacterias out of my gut until sometime next month when I'm certain that most of them are wiped out. Only then I'll start consuming probiotics, magnesium and glutamine to fix the lower gut and build the good bacteria back. I believe that's better way to approach it.

I know this will raise a red flag amongst Peatarians, but I suggest you not to consume carbs and sugar during this flushing protocol. If you do, you'll prolong the flushing session because candida loves sugar and carbs, even the low glycemic ones like brown rice. I'm about a month in, and I'm already seeing huge improvement with flushing a large amont of candida out of my system. By March, I believe that most of it will be flushed out.

My food now consists of organ meat and green leafy vegetables (very little carbs). You do need that potassium + carnitine combo (3g each spread through the day) to help your heart burn the fat off the meat into energy.

Kefir and lentils are good probiotics. Yogurt is good too, but it's short-lived since it doesn't colonize your gut so it's excreted with your stool. Kefir and lentils probiotics do stick around and colonize.

BTW, when I mean by 3g spread through the day, it's 1g potassium + 1g carnitine in the morning, then 1g each in late afternoon, then 1g each in evening.
Last edited:
Jan 24, 2014
1,750're still growing, cut the 2% milk and drink WHOLE milk, lots of eggs and organic beef liver too.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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