Powerful elite pedophile expose and movie.


Jan 9, 2019
I dont think anyone is new to these events.
They lay dormant in our minds as something we'd rather not talk or think about because of their impact on our psyche.
I think the Q movement is mostly a psyop but unfortunately throwing the baby out with the bathwater should never happen to someone with a critical eye or an inclination towards uncovering the truth.

I have a very hard time confronting these issues as they weigh quite heavy on my heart but for the kids we must at least inform ourselves.

I think John Paul Rice does a good job of summarizing the very real pedophile ring that gets drowned out in some of the other Q stuff, and his mvie is a good way to break people into the reality that this disgusting behavior is a deep and integral part of the so called "elite."

Why does this apply to us? People argue over what the right ways to handle this so called pandemic are. We are all familiar with the pro and anti; mask, vax, lockdown blah blah and people jutify such inhumane measures for the greater good. However, im hopeful that most people are still repulsed by pedophilia (thought that is on its way to being normalized too)... This is important because though we may not be able to bring people like Bill Gates down with claims of crimes against humanity, if his involvement in these child trafficking operations is braught clearly to light we may have a chance at a unifying resistance.

There is a reason pedophile rings are being lumped in with the Q psyop, to discredit it. Just like how flat earth is lumped in with the much more provable corruption of the vaccine industry. To discredit it.

Their goal is to divide the issue so that only conservatives and far right people believe in "this stuff." But I believe there is much less to prove in these operations than convincing someone that the polio vaccine wasnt what "saved the world" from polio and so on.

And for extra credit one can watch the origins of the CIA if there was any doubt what so ever about secret societies and their twisted rituals. The Good Shepherd (2006) - IMDb

Sorry for the dark heavy stuff. But putting yourself in the shoes of the kids or parents really hits close to home.


Jan 25, 2014
I dont think anyone is new to these events.
They lay dormant in our minds as something we'd rather not talk or think about because of their impact on our psyche.
I think the Q movement is mostly a psyop but unfortunately throwing the baby out with the bathwater should never happen to someone with a critical eye or an inclination towards uncovering the truth.

I have a very hard time confronting these issues as they weigh quite heavy on my heart but for the kids we must at least inform ourselves.

I think John Paul Rice does a good job of summarizing the very real pedophile ring that gets drowned out in some of the other Q stuff, and his mvie is a good way to break people into the reality that this disgusting behavior is a deep and integral part of the so called "elite."

Why does this apply to us? People argue over what the right ways to handle this so called pandemic are. We are all familiar with the pro and anti; mask, vax, lockdown blah blah and people jutify such inhumane measures for the greater good. However, im hopeful that most people are still repulsed by pedophilia (thought that is on its way to being normalized too)... This is important because though we may not be able to bring people like Bill Gates down with claims of crimes against humanity, if his involvement in these child trafficking operations is braught clearly to light we may have a chance at a unifying resistance.

There is a reason pedophile rings are being lumped in with the Q psyop, to discredit it. Just like how flat earth is lumped in with the much more provable corruption of the vaccine industry. To discredit it.

Their goal is to divide the issue so that only conservatives and far right people believe in "this stuff." But I believe there is much less to prove in these operations than convincing someone that the polio vaccine wasnt what "saved the world" from polio and so on.

And for extra credit one can watch the origins of the CIA if there was any doubt what so ever about secret societies and their twisted rituals. The Good Shepherd (2006) - IMDb

Sorry for the dark heavy stuff. But putting yourself in the shoes of the kids or parents really hits close to home.

When you say you think "Q is a psyop," to what end? And are you referring to the actual drops, or to reactions from them (be they the MSM or followers)?

Really, the MSM took the same approach to the drops as they did many of the Wikileaks documents. Basically, telling people not to look at them.

If you search for "Epstein" on the aggregator sites, you got 49 drops, dating all the way back to late 2017- https://qagg.news/?q=epstein


Jan 9, 2019
When you say you think "Q is a psyop," to what end? And are you referring to the actual drops, or to reactions from them (be they the MSM or followers)?

Really, the MSM took the same approach to the drops as they did many of the Wikileaks documents. Basically, telling people not to look at them.

If you search for "Epstein" on the aggregator sites, you got 49 drops, dating all the way back to late 2017- https://qagg.news/?q=epstein


Jan 25, 2014

I asked for your belief, not a video about it. Anyway, the fact that he talks about Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, X22, and Steve Picienik means he is side tracked by a lot of stuff that is not the Q drops themselves. Is he saying those channels are psyops? Or that the drops themselves are?

Is that video the entire reason you believe Q (specifically, the drops that appeared on 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun) to be a psyop?


Jan 9, 2019
I asked for your belief, not a video about it. Anyway, the fact that he talks about Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, X22, and Steve Picienik means he is side tracked by a lot of stuff that is not the Q drops themselves. Is he saying those channels are psyops? Or that the drops themselves are?

Is that video the entire reason you believe Q (specifically, the drops that appeared on 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun) to be a psyop?
He sums up my views without me typing pages. He isnt the reason for my opinion but shares it. He talks about the Q drops towards the end of the video. A lot of what has been predicted to happen has not happened. And "trust the plan" + waiting around while the world crumbles around you to "catch the pedos" is a big red flag to me. Id more so like to ask you why you believe Q is real, meaning not a psyop. Im willing to consider more info but Im severely underwhelmed by the accomplishments and predictions of Q.

I dont really want to make this thread a Q debate though maybe we can start a new thread for that (or maybe there is already one)


Jan 25, 2014
He sums up my views without me typing pages. He isnt the reason for my opinion but shares it. He talks about the Q drops towards the end of the video. A lot of what has been predicted to happen has not happened. And "trust the plan" + waiting around while the world crumbles around you to "catch the pedos" is a big red flag to me.

Okay, fair. But question...... what, exactly, was predicted in the "Q Drops" that didn't happen? I think what you mean is that people read the drops, made predictions based on them, and then those predictions failed to happen. Not necessarily the drops themselves.

I am also wary of just "trusting the plan." But what, exactly is the average person to do in the meantime? Try and go make a citizens arrest of the Clintons? Become a vigilante against forces far more powerful than yourself? What are you doing to stop these rampant Pedophile networks?

It's very clear that the Q drops are some sort of military intelligence operation connected to the Trump team.


Jan 9, 2019
Okay, fair. But question...... what, exactly, was predicted in the "Q Drops" that didn't happen? I think what you mean is that people read the drops, made predictions based on them, and then those predictions failed to happen. Not necessarily the drops themselves.

I am also wary of just "trusting the plan." But what, exactly is the average person to do in the meantime? Try and go make a citizens arrest of the Clintons? Become a vigilante against forces far more powerful than yourself? What are you doing to stop these rampant Pedophile networks?

It's very clear that the Q drops are some sort of military intelligence operation connected to the Trump team.
I would have liked to see a greater resistance by the right who embraced Q and Trump. Instead I saw complacency, where as without Q, the sacred cow, they may have stood up instead of "trusted the plan." Im surrounded by Trump supporters who believed they were cleverly waiting for some master plan. I was going to stores without a mask, getting into debates in stores or with clever slogans and websites for people to inquire, while the Trumpets had "MAGA" or "Trump 2020" on their masks with no other sign of dissent... Meanwhile Trump preferred Gates over RFK Jr (old news), recognized the legitimacy" of the "pandemic," gave Fauci a voice (once again), first lady promoted masks and distancing and initiated operation WARP speed. The fruits of his vax labor are now killing and injuring the very Americans he and Q seemed to care so much about.


Jan 25, 2014
I would have liked to see a greater resistance by the right who embraced Q and Trump. Instead I saw complacency, where as without Q, the sacred cow, they may have stood up instead of "trusted the plan." Im surrounded by Trump supporters who believed they were cleverly waiting for some master plan. I was going to stores without a mask, getting into debates in stores or with clever slogans and websites for people to inquire, while the Trumpets had "MAGA" or "Trump 2020" on their masks with no other sign of dissent... Meanwhile Trump preferred Gates over RFK Jr (old news), recognized the legitimacy" of the "pandemic," gave Fauci a voice (once again), first lady promoted masks and distancing and initiated operation WARP speed. The fruits of his vax labor are now killing and injuring the very Americans he and Q seemed to care so much about.

I agree with this sentiment. I think the best thing would have been if most small and mid sized business owners had simply opened up and gone ahead as usual, ignoring restrictions and mandates as best they could (like Tony Roman did in Huntington Beach, or even Atlas Gym in PA, though I know they often went along with masks and such). I was dissapointed, but don't think that tied into "Q" or the drops so much.

I do think Trump's giving in mostly to the Faucis and Gates and Governors and Media over the lockdowns and such is the biggest stain on his Presidency. It really did feel like a "Heel Turn" at that point.
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