Pregenolone Odd Effects: Power Through Or Stop Taking?

Nov 21, 2015
I had high estrone on a blood test and am fairly sure I am high T and high estrogen.

So when I take preg, I get a numb penis, just much less sensation. That is important to me.

Question about this is should I say to myself, "it's removing estrogen from the cells, just power through it, maybe even increase the dose, and it will clear and be fine," or should I say, "don't take this much or lower the dosage a lot" in which case I sort of see a risk that I'll continue having high estrogen.

Additional data point: straight Progest-E causes the EXACT same issue for me. So that sort of speaks to the fact that my body is converting the Preg into progesterone...

Power through or stop taking?

This is a common question really for all sorts of "cleansing" or "Herxheimer" reactions and often it's a BAD idea to power through. A really bad idea.

What is your experience?


Aug 15, 2015
I had high estrone on a blood test and am fairly sure I am high T and high estrogen.

So when I take preg, I get a numb penis, just much less sensation. That is important to me.

Question about this is should I say to myself, "it's removing estrogen from the cells, just power through it, maybe even increase the dose, and it will clear and be fine," or should I say, "don't take this much or lower the dosage a lot" in which case I sort of see a risk that I'll continue having high estrogen.

Additional data point: straight Progest-E causes the EXACT same issue for me. So that sort of speaks to the fact that my body is converting the Preg into progesterone...

Power through or stop taking?

This is a common question really for all sorts of "cleansing" or "Herxheimer" reactions and often it's a BAD idea to power through. A really bad idea.

What is your experience?
When I take high dose pregnenolone, I really forget I have a penis. I am calm but libido disappears and I get the numb feeling you described. Also, my penis does not hang down, sorta like when you get out from a cold pool. But damn it I like its effects on my mental state. It's very difficult to decide what to do forward with pregnenolone!
BTW same as you, I think most of it converts to progesterone in my case.


Apr 13, 2016
That's a lot. I think that the numb penis is caused by progesterone, not estrogen coming out of the cells. I would lower the dose a lot. I also tried progesterone and pregnenolone to deal with estrogen toxicity and had hair loss and worsened estrogen symptoms. I blame my liver and sluggish metabolism. Now I use 1 drop of Pansterone a day, for now.

As for the general question, I think the whole "detox" mentality, much like the "magic bullet" mentality, is fundamentally flawed because it doesn't see the big picture and get at the root of the problem. Look at the problem holistically, and the solution is to improve the energetic potential of your cells. If you haven't done that, then you will have better results once you complete that step. If you already have, then stick with it, I'd say.

"The culture that has happy and unhappy hormones was a culture in which each hormone had a receptor, a substance in a cell which, when its ligand was bound to it, made the cell do something. Although that culture still has influence in the 21st century, discoveries made between 1940 and 1970 showed that those mechanical ideas of receptors didn't reflect biological reality. Albert Szent-Gyorgi and the Pullmans showed that the electronic qualities of molecules determined their functions, and Szent-Gyorgyi showed that the state of the cell, tissue, and organism governed the effect of hormones and drugs. In the 1960s, substances with very different biological effects, such as acetylcholine and adrenaline, were shown to be selectively bound to the same cellular site in some cells. It was primarily the drug industry that created and sustained the specific receptor doctrine. That doctrine suited the recognition of their public relations- marketing experts, that successful advertising had to be directed at the sixth-grade educational level. The ideas of bioelectronics and context-sensitive molecules, like morphogenetic fields, were just too complicated to sell well."

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