Prolonged Walking As Health Promoter


Jan 25, 2016
[Please provide details on Vagus stimulation, thanks :):[/QUOTE]

Starts at 28 minutes

I have the tool but am sure you can use any rounded blunt object


Dec 12, 2019
Walking is an underappreciated form of exercise but some claim that extensive walking (several hours/day) can dramatically improve health and fitness. What has been your experience? I'm particularly intrigued by the potential for prolonged walking to improve digestion, as I feel that my digestion is definitely worse in periods when I'm unusually sedentary. Perhaps 10 miles a day like Tesla is enough?

Who Here Has Gone From Having Belly Fat To Having A Flat Stomach?

Guy Lowers His Cortisol To The Lower Limit Of Normal And Doubles His T By Hiking 10hrs A Day

I find Walking Quite Helpful in terms of Weight Loss and Health in General. Yesterday i have done 20000 Steps per Day. I also have done Manual Labour of Course
(Workplace), so that also adds up to the Huge Number.

I Personally find it easier to be and stay Lean if i incorporate lots of Walking Daily.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
When walking was a spectator sport....


Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
I’m a dog Walker and log up 22km [14 miles] + a day. I’ve done this pretty much every day for 6 years. I also lift weights. I eat a Matt Stone style re-feeding diet with RP principles thrown in. This works for me and I don’t get run down or sick and I feel great [for 50]. Walking and moving are essential, as long as you’re resting, recovering and sleeping adequately.


Feb 18, 2018
As I descended into madness over the past year or so I wasn’t very self-aware as to what was going on. Each day simply felt worse than the previous. But now I’ve realized that I was simply wasting away in stagnate toxicity. Ive begun picking up walking as an activity to do whenever I have an overactive mind, feel sluggish, or otherwise have no idea what to do.

I don’t know how to put it besides it’s simply miraculous. We are not designed to be sedentary creatures. We can adapt to sitting, but only at our own degeneration. Within 5 minutes, I can physically see the blood flow into my hands, my energy picks up, and any anxiety I have begins to dissipate.

To me, walking is an invaluable tool in the toolkit, one that every human being alive in our modern world needs to go out of their way to incorporate daily. The modern lifestyle does not facilitate proper health, and it is imperative to combat the office life with walking outside of it.

I only wish I could spend my life just walking around, eating, being an animal, just chilling out like Diogenes, but unfortunately I have to work to make money to survive. Finding a balance then between working just enough to survive while spending the rest of my waking hours being a metabolic animal then is the way. Perhaps being politically active and working for a resource based economy that Jacque Fresco envisioned can also be rewarding, whereas in my lifetime I may not ever experience it, but I can go to my deathbed knowing that future generations will not have to submit to such degenerative lifestyle constraints.


Nov 21, 2012
I used to walk a lot to and from places, usually while listening to some music. That always was very relaxing to me.
At the time I'd also been looking for work which involved lots of walking.

It makes me very sad that for the past couple of years I can hardly walk without worry if my legs are going to hold up and my digestive system wont act up.
At times it frustrates and angers me that I'm being compromised/robbed of one of the few joys/activities I had left ( and which didn't require any money).


Feb 18, 2018
I used to walk a lot to and from places, usually while listening to some music. That always was very relaxing to me.
At the time I'd also been looking for work which involved lots of walking.

It makes me very sad that for the past couple of years I can hardly walk without worry if my legs are going to hold up and my digestive system wont act up.
At times it frustrates and angers me that I'm being compromised/robbed of one of the few joys/activities I had left ( and which didn't require any money).

That certainly can be frustrating. You say legs won't hold up/digestion will act up, Are the muscles in your legs getting too weak to walk?


Nov 21, 2012
That certainly can be frustrating. You say legs won't hold up/digestion will act up, Are the muscles in your legs getting too weak to walk?
I don't know if they're becoming to weak, bc I thankfully can stand and move around my appartement without problems .
It's hard to describe what I used to be that my calves started to really feel stiff (like I couldn't bend them properly anymore)and becoming weak the more it progressed. It felt like lactic acidosis, when paying attention to that the feeling in the calves went away but now it hurts when walking around my kneecaps . When walking and putting my feet down it often feels like my knees are tight and my lower leg is going to swing backwards instead of a forward motion....if that makes sense.
Also when this happens my vision becomes vague, I don't know if it might be a stress reaction from the pain and uncoordinated walking...or whatever's going on inside at that moment.
Sunlight/high UV index worsens this very quickly. (haven't been able to be much out in the sunshine the past couple of years)
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