

Dec 17, 2018
Just a reminder again, that because you were taking zinc for a very long time you may not absorb much of the copper right away. So it probably makes more sense to let all the zinc and supplements get out of your system for like a week while eating good food and then try the copper.

Copper helps absorb iron so no its not bad if iron deficient.

Other stimulants such as caffeine work similarly as they enhance norepinephrine. But you could be way too insensitive to the adrenergic effect because of lack of copper. Once the body gets more copper in it, it should enhance that effect from stimulants.


Jun 8, 2021
The point is I would not classify pseudoephedrine as a dopaminergic when its major action is not dopaminergic. Its hard to visualize 200x less, so if you think of it as a percent then it becomes more obvious. The effect of pseudoephedrine is 0.05% the strength of cocaine. Not nothing, but if we take into consideration that the NE effect is comparable to cocaine, then it suggests the effects are likely due to norepinephrine mostly. Now NE and DA regions do crosstalk with each other and can excite each other so perhaps the NE exciting dopaminergic regions is enough to consider more dopaminergic effect.

Herbs and other things you are taking as well as the vitamins could be enhancing libido further. So its really not a good combo.

Yes I would drop vitamin D as well. If you get sun exposure occasionally you should be alright. It doesnt enhance calcium absorption once your levels are above 10 ng. Its important you eat from all the food groups to get nutrition you need because the unnatural amount of vitamins you take are counterproductive and as I said they tend to stimulate and thus disturb the metabolism and this can also shows itself in your mental state. And if its really not doing your gut well to take some much stuff, then that alone can be exacerbating everything. A calm gut is ideal for a calm mind. At least, the more your gut gets disturbed by strange supplements and herbs the more it can trigger stress responses and instability in the body, making recovery near impossible. Good quality food tends to have the opposite effect.

I don't think chlorophyll would be giving you that much copper, it could be the other substances and plant chemicals (too many phytoestrogens could skyrocket libido) triggering sex drive even more. But do keep in mind, I don't think its possible to ever get low sex drive especially if you have no form of release and because you are also young.

Try your best to minimize use of supplements though I know it can be tempting. Biotin is okay it really doesnt do much negative and I know hair, nails, etc are important for you. Just minimize as best you can. Do you otherwise eat somewhat normally? What do you eat?
I eat normally. My life and work are too social to not eat normally. I am almost 0 PUFA tho and have been almost a year. I drink lots of milk because I like it mainly and do have carbs. Generally I’ll eat by craving or by circumstance but my food is mostly organic whenever it can be. My mind has been way too preoccupied with other things such as supplements, researching things to calm my crazy mind etc as I’ve TRIED controlling food and it has always lead now where. Foods that affect me negatively I actually have a natural dislike and nausea towards such as soy… anything with even soy protein I can sense and taste and makes me sick.

What you’re saying about supplements and herbs increasing libido is clicking as I did never have this high a libido ever before. I don’t want it to be zero I know that’s not necessarily healthy but it shouldn’t be this excessive I guess.

I’ve tested vitamin D it’s actually very high, so you’re right I should stop taking that.

I’ll see what happens when I stop all supplements (hope it’s good).


Jun 8, 2021
Just a reminder again, that because you were taking zinc for a very long time you may not absorb much of the copper right away. So it probably makes more sense to let all the zinc and supplements get out of your system for like a week while eating good food and then try the copper.

Copper helps absorb iron so no its not bad if iron deficient.

Other stimulants such as caffeine work similarly as they enhance norepinephrine. But you could be way too insensitive to the adrenergic effect because of lack of copper. Once the body gets more copper in it, it should enhance that effect from stimulants.
Now that’s extremely interesting. I have stopped reacting to coffee and caffeine. I was under the impression that copper makes iron deficiency worse but great to hear this isn’t the case.

Truly had no clue about so much of this and was avoiding copper due to negative reactions from chlorophyll. Thank you so much for a new perspective and all the detailed information.


Dec 17, 2018
I eat normally. My life and work are too social to not eat normally. I am almost 0 PUFA tho and have been almost a year. I drink lots of milk because I like it mainly and do have carbs. Generally I’ll eat by craving or by circumstance but my food is mostly organic whenever it can be. My mind has been way too preoccupied with other things such as supplements, researching things to calm my crazy mind etc as I’ve TRIED controlling food and it has always lead now where. Foods that affect me negatively I actually have a natural dislike and nausea towards such as soy… anything with even soy protein I can sense and taste and makes me sick.

What you’re saying about supplements and herbs increasing libido is clicking as I did never have this high a libido ever before. I don’t want it to be zero I know that’s not necessarily healthy but it shouldn’t be this excessive I guess.

I’ve tested vitamin D it’s actually very high, so you’re right I should stop taking that.

I’ll see what happens when I stop all supplements (hope it’s good).
Yes that's good to hear then I just wanted to make sure you did have the food part covered. Some new people on here come and explain their issues and provide their very extensive daily supplement list and later I found out they barely eat or eat very weird diets and wonder why they are in such bad shape.

Yeh I experienced the same from taking too many supplements. It makes you think your libido is out of control and (it also tends to affect the mind as well) when in fact its really because of things you take.
Now that’s extremely interesting. I have stopped reacting to coffee and caffeine. I was under the impression that copper makes iron deficiency worse but great to hear this isn’t the case.

Truly had no clue about so much of this and was avoiding copper due to negative reactions from chlorophyll. Thank you so much for a new perspective and all the detailed information.
Yeh you do adapt to caffeine of course but if you feel almost nothing at all, too low copper could be why.

Yeh the chlorophyll itself with all the plant chemicals it can have is likely the reason for negative reactions, not the copper it has.

Let us know how things go for you.


Jun 8, 2021
Yes that's good to hear then I just wanted to make sure you did have the food part covered. Some new people on here come and explain their issues and provide their very extensive daily supplement list and later I found out they barely eat or eat very weird diets and wonder why they are in such bad shape.

Yeh I experienced the same from taking too many supplements. It makes you think your libido is out of control and (it also tends to affect the mind as well) when in fact its really because of things you take.

Yeh you do adapt to caffeine of course but if you feel almost nothing at all, too low copper could be why.

Yeh the chlorophyll itself with all the plant chemicals it can have is likely the reason for negative reactions, not the copper it has.

Let us know how things go for you.
I will definitely do that.

Will be getting copper glycinate tomorrow morning and genuinely curious and somewhat excited as I do seem to enjoy self-experimentation as detrimental and unhealthy as that may be.


Jun 8, 2021
Just a reminder again, that because you were taking zinc for a very long time you may not absorb much of the copper right away. So it probably makes more sense to let all the zinc and supplements get out of your system for like a week while eating good food and then try the copper.

Copper helps absorb iron so no its not bad if iron deficient.

Other stimulants such as caffeine work similarly as they enhance norepinephrine. But you could be way too insensitive to the adrenergic effect because of lack of copper. Once the body gets more copper in it, it should enhance that effect from stimulants.
Sorry I just noticed u said to wait a week before starting copper. I have been taking zinc 50 mg around a month now, it’s a somewhat new addition as I read it helps with ADHD and actually thought My emotionality was a copper overload.


Jun 8, 2021
Yes that's good to hear then I just wanted to make sure you did have the food part covered. Some new people on here come and explain their issues and provide their very extensive daily supplement list and later I found out they barely eat or eat very weird diets and wonder why they are in such bad shape.

Yeh I experienced the same from taking too many supplements. It makes you think your libido is out of control and (it also tends to affect the mind as well) when in fact its really because of things you take.

Yeh you do adapt to caffeine of course but if you feel almost nothing at all, too low copper could be why.

Yeh the chlorophyll itself with all the plant chemicals it can have is likely the reason for negative reactions, not the copper it has.

Let us know how things go for you.

So I got copper glycinate as I just wanted to see how my body reacts to it seeing I’ve never before taken a copper supplement.

It seemed I didn’t absorb it as you said; didn’t feel any mental clarity but I did feel slight face twitching which I get sometimes anyway so could be unrelated. I guess I felt nothing but then again I definitely immediately felt much less emotional upon taking the copper (I took it alone to see the effects around 2 hours apart from other supplements).

You must be on to something about the methyl donors since I also decided to try Methylcobalamin that I had on hand. I take it daily but around 200 mcg (very low dose) as I thought methylation was a bad thing generally. I took 2000 mcg this time, and other than that did not take a single supplement. Just half a suda fed for the congestion, 5 mg of MK-4, magnesium and calcium.

The Methylcobalamin made such a difference, I literally felt like I came back to life. Now is taking Methylcobalamin long term ok for an undermethylator like me? I tend to constantly crave beetroot so maybe TMG is better?

Shall I keep taking copper or just eat copper rich foods and restart copper a week from now once zinc is mostly out of my system? Is vitamin C a good idea in my case (guessing not)?

I’ve heard of MSM being good also for congestion, but as you said I definitely don’t want to go overboard on the supplements. I feel way better, more like MYSELF, no crazy libido(!!) today which must be due to going from almost 100 pills a day to like 5.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help!


Dec 17, 2018

So I got copper glycinate as I just wanted to see how my body reacts to it seeing I’ve never before taken a copper supplement.

It seemed I didn’t absorb it as you said; didn’t feel any mental clarity but I did feel slight face twitching which I get sometimes anyway so could be unrelated. I guess I felt nothing but then again I definitely immediately felt much less emotional upon taking the copper (I took it alone to see the effects around 2 hours apart from other supplements).

You must be on to something about the methyl donors since I also decided to try Methylcobalamin that I had on hand. I take it daily but around 200 mcg (very low dose) as I thought methylation was a bad thing generally. I took 2000 mcg this time, and other than that did not take a single supplement. Just half a suda fed for the congestion, 5 mg of MK-4, magnesium and calcium.

The Methylcobalamin made such a difference, I literally felt like I came back to life. Now is taking Methylcobalamin long term ok for an undermethylator like me? I tend to constantly crave beetroot so maybe TMG is better?

Shall I keep taking copper or just eat copper rich foods and restart copper a week from now once zinc is mostly out of my system? Is vitamin C a good idea in my case (guessing not)?

I’ve heard of MSM being good also for congestion, but as you said I definitely don’t want to go overboard on the supplements. I feel way better, more like MYSELF, no crazy libido(!!) today which must be due to going from almost 100 pills a day to like 5.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help!
Maybe a miniscule amount of copper absorbed. But yeh now you see why I suggested you to wait. Some copper can be absorbed in the stomach but most is absorbed in the small intestine, where excess zinc will raise metallotheonein expression and block copper absorption (because it will get stuck in the MT).

Its normal to get such a reaction when taking high dose B12. A lot of people get similar or they get the opposite where they get very very tired from B12. But you dont need that (as in you are likely not B12 deficient) likely its just contributing some methyl. It would be better to take some TMG. But you see for yourself now what all those things you were taking were doing to you. Just one day of dropping 100 pills and your libido calmed down and you feel more like yourself.

Be patient, keep the supplements down. Some MK-4, calcium, magnesium is ok and also if you have TMG I would include some but besides that you need to hang on and not take anything else and wait it out so you can give copper a proper try.


Jun 8, 2021
Maybe a miniscule amount of copper absorbed. But yeh now you see why I suggested you to wait. Some copper can be absorbed in the stomach but most is absorbed in the small intestine, where excess zinc will raise metallotheonein expression and block copper absorption (because it will get stuck in the MT).

Its normal to get such a reaction when taking high dose B12. A lot of people get similar or they get the opposite where they get very very tired from B12. But you dont need that (as in you are likely not B12 deficient) likely its just contributing some methyl. It would be better to take some TMG. But you see for yourself now what all those things you were taking were doing to you. Just one day of dropping 100 pills and your libido calmed down and you feel more like yourself.

Be patient, keep the supplements down. Some MK-4, calcium, magnesium is ok and also if you have TMG I would include some but besides that you need to hang on and not take anything else and wait it out so you can give copper a proper try.
That sounds very reasonable. I will do this then and yes, the herbs and supplements became a ritual for me and the idea of breaking it was far too scary but now that I did I realized I actually feel better rather than worse without them. I honestly got to a point after almost a year of doing isolated experiments on supplements and getting different reactions each time that I’ll just take stuff because it’s been proven to help with this or that and stopped even listening to my own body. Thanks for the advice, it really helped and I probably will remain minimalist with my supplements from now on.

TMG is arriving tomorrow and I really hope it helps as It may be a better idea than isolated B12.

I will also stop taking the Sudafed as at least my swollen salivary glands are no longer very visible, and focus on examining the effects of copper alone and how it will effect my extreme histamine intolerance and allergies. Tomorrow I’m getting wax micro suction on both ears which I’ve never done in my life. I didn’t even know it existed until a friend suggested it after I told her about my ear infection.

Thank you so much for sharing your valuable knowledge. I think I may have finally found the missing piece and things might start to actually work in my head ..!


Jun 8, 2021
Between this and the excessive horniness you have very high levels of histamine and Nitric Oxide, both of which will turn anyone into a horndog.
Damn. I know I have high NO, because I have a VERY particular body odor of VINEGAR. If I sweat a lot I always smell like vinegar. Not even a rotten smell just straight up vinegar and I self diagnosed that as kidney insufficiency, extremely high heavy metals and toxins coming out in sweat and lactic acidosis. Now drinking chlorophyll daily has completely obliterated the smell. I now smell extremely neutral, alkaline and a bit (very slightly) sweet.

I did NOT know high histamine and NO causes horniness. Tbh I thought the opposite… how can you want to have sec when you’re essentially feel like ur dying because of allergies ?

Now regardless of how many supplements I take and have taken I ALWAYS HAVE INSANE ALLERGIES and it makes me feel like I’m going to explode. I will start tearing up in public, red shrunken eyes and my whole face dries up and gets so swollen if there’s pollen in the air. So now I’m starting to get it. Super high histamine = super high libido? No histamine = no (or at least much lower) libido ? So I suppose that’s why copper made my libido a bit lower, it’s lowering histamine…


Jun 8, 2021
Damn. I know I have high NO, because I have a VERY particular body odor of VINEGAR. If I sweat a lot I always smell like vinegar. Not even a rotten smell just straight up vinegar and I self diagnosed that as kidney insufficiency, extremely high heavy metals and toxins coming out in sweat and lactic acidosis. Now drinking chlorophyll daily has completely obliterated the smell. I now smell extremely neutral, alkaline and a bit (very slightly) sweet.

I did NOT know high histamine and NO causes horniness. Tbh I thought the opposite… how can you want to have sec when you’re essentially feel like ur dying because of allergies ?

Now regardless of how many supplements I take and have taken I ALWAYS HAVE INSANE ALLERGIES and it makes me feel like I’m going to explode. I will start tearing up in public, red shrunken eyes and my whole face dries up and gets so swollen if there’s pollen in the air. So now I’m starting to get it. Super high histamine = super high libido? No histamine = no (or at least much lower) libido ? So I suppose that’s why copper made my libido a bit lower, it’s lowering histamine…
As a side note, while I’m in the process of having a histamine reaction I’m the least horny ever. My libido only makes a shining return when I have the LEAST allergies during the day. Like sitting at work, or being in a social event, makes my mind literally obsessed with it and it feels so weird to have this feeling when I know no one else I’m even talking to, am around does to this extent …


Dec 17, 2018
Damn. I know I have high NO, because I have a VERY particular body odor of VINEGAR. If I sweat a lot I always smell like vinegar. Not even a rotten smell just straight up vinegar and I self diagnosed that as kidney insufficiency, extremely high heavy metals and toxins coming out in sweat and lactic acidosis. Now drinking chlorophyll daily has completely obliterated the smell. I now smell extremely neutral, alkaline and a bit (very slightly) sweet.

I did NOT know high histamine and NO causes horniness. Tbh I thought the opposite… how can you want to have sec when you’re essentially feel like ur dying because of allergies ?

Now regardless of how many supplements I take and have taken I ALWAYS HAVE INSANE ALLERGIES and it makes me feel like I’m going to explode. I will start tearing up in public, red shrunken eyes and my whole face dries up and gets so swollen if there’s pollen in the air. So now I’m starting to get it. Super high histamine = super high libido? No histamine = no (or at least much lower) libido ? So I suppose that’s why copper made my libido a bit lower, it’s lowering histamine…
Vinegar body odor is attributed to bacterial infection.

In the moment of a severe allergic response you will not feel libido strongly. But high brain histamine does lead to very high libido. It also enhances NO and vasodilation through various mechanisms, and does increase sex hormones and stimulates neurotransmitters involved in sex drive and sexual function.


Jun 8, 2021
Vinegar body odor is attributed to bacterial infection.

In the moment of a severe allergic response you will not feel libido strongly. But high brain histamine does lead to very high libido. It also enhances NO and vasodilation through various mechanisms, and does increase sex hormones and stimulates neurotransmitters involved in sex drive and sexual function.
Now it all makes sense. My sex drive feels very physiological - like my organs are literally giving me sensations rather than me simulating or thinking sexually. So that must be the increase sex hormones.

As for the bacterial infection, it’s weird as I’ve taken 2 courses of both amoxicillin and augmentin (both prescribed - one by a derm another for sinusitis) in the past 6 months so that should’ve gotten rid of any infection. I suppose it’s a systemic issue - perhaps due to high histamine and a weakened immune system.


Oct 28, 2019
At the risk of sounding like a broken clock around here, have you tested your iron?

I had a blocked nose for years and pseudoephedrine was the only thing that would really clear it. I also had tooth pain, hayfever, lack of confidence and stress intolerance.

I have fixed them all and now have a clear nose after lowering my iron. I gave blood twice, took coriander and occasionally aspirin. Coffee helps too but i couldn't handle it at first.

I went down the route of trying every supplement in the book which of course didn't work because I had to deal with the root cause which was that my body was full of iron.

Does your nose get worse after drinking alcohol? Mine did. Try a spoon of dried coriander leaf (it binds to iron) and see if it relieves your symptoms. This would be a good test I think.

Bacteria and fungus thrive off iron too.


Jun 8, 2021
At the risk of sounding like a broken clock around here, have you tested your iron?

I had a blocked nose for years and pseudoephedrine was the only thing that would really clear it. I also had tooth pain, hayfever, lack of confidence and stress intolerance.

I have fixed them all and now have a clear nose after lowering my iron. I gave blood twice, took coriander and occasionally aspirin. Coffee helps too but i couldn't handle it at first.

I went down the route of trying every supplement in the book which of course didn't work because I had to deal with the root cause which was that my body was full of iron.

Does your nose get worse after drinking alcohol? Mine did. Try a spoon of dried coriander leaf (it binds to iron) and see if it relieves your symptoms. This would be a good test I think.

Bacteria and fungus thrive off iron too.
I have tested my iron and I’m technically iron deficient based on labs. However I know I have an issue with iron as my dad has severe iron overload in his liver, and because whenever I eat iron fortified bread or rare cooked steak I get slight tooth pain. Tho since starting loads of supplements I’m not getting bad reactions from iron for the most part anymore.

I know iron is bad for me however I also can’t help think a deficiency must not be great either. I think iron isn’t the issue, it’s just triggering symptoms of systemic issues within the body ..?


Oct 28, 2019
I have tested my iron and I’m technically iron deficient based on labs. However I know I have an issue with iron as my dad has severe iron overload in his liver, and because whenever I eat iron fortified bread or rare cooked steak I get slight tooth pain. Tho since starting loads of supplements I’m not getting bad reactions from iron for the most part anymore.

I know iron is bad for me however I also can’t help think a deficiency must not be great either. I think iron isn’t the issue, it’s just triggering symptoms of systemic issues within the body ..?
The trouble with iron blood tests is they only show the current level in your blood which can vary. I have done a few iron panels and I had one come back deficient while I was still very much overloaded with iron in my tissues. The next one I did was high again.

I could be wrong of course but your symptoms just sound so similar to mine.


Jun 8, 2021
Update everyone: so I went for the ear wax micro suction and was told that I basically have no wax whatsoever In my ears. Now I have no clue why my ears are so blocked. I did a hearing test there also and apparently I have very good hearing. Maybe it’ll resolve itself.

Today I took no supplements except Vitamin C, 5000 mcg Copper Glycinate, methylcobalamin 3000 mcg as I await the TMG to arrive tonight.

Methylb12 I took a few hours apart from the Vit C and copper.

Now let me tell you I felt amazing after the copper. Like my brain sparked and I felt alive. I sound like a broken record now since the B12 also did this but copper is giving me energy but also a slight intelligence if that makes sense? Still a high libido that I’m still aware of HOWEVER I have an inner feeling of control over it? Like I can ignore and it’s not overwhelming me as before.

Also Felt so happy all of a sudden, extremely relaxed and huge lift in my mood. Literally the complete opposite of how I feel after zinc. It seems copper is working really well for me …
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