

Apr 21, 2021
I used to feel how you describe with ephedra, which I took very occasionally in college mainly to feel lucid in social situations. But when it wore off it was hell. I think it’s banned now.

I swallow raw liver (from a trusted farm) and eat oysters for clarity. Gua sha is great for moving lymph in the face.

Also, related to the comment above, I used to eat a lot of coconut and feel better without it.


Jun 8, 2021
Valsalva maneuver is one of the vagal maneuvers used to diagnose autonomic disorder (sympathetic and parasympathetic imbalance). Valsalva maneuver by stimulating the vagus nerve causes a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure and even vasovagal syncope. Interestingly, bulimia nervosa and vitamin B12 deficiency are associated with vagus nerve function.
I 100% have a vagus nerve dysfunction. I know it for a fact as I stopped having any kind of gag reflex a year or 2 into bulimia. Also because smoking is extremely addictive for me and gave me such instant relief and felt like a missing piece and ALSO was the ONLY thing during my bulimia that would literally cure me of bulimia temporarily. It would curb a binge urge completely and reduce my desire to vomit. Nicotine patches make me feel similarly good but cause me bone pain.

What do u recommend for someone with a non responsive or dysfunctional vagus nerve ?


Jun 8, 2021
I take all sorts of vitamins and minerals, but NOTHING has been as instantly effective as NAC for that 25+ year glop. Yes, it comes back as i eat throughout the day, but it kills it on the spot and keeps it away for hours. NAC makes me meloncholy and tired though, so I'm taking it in tiny amounts throughout the day.
Interesting. I don’t think I feel tired from it… maybe a bit blunted emotionally.

Do u know how to get rid of Candida more long term ?


Jun 8, 2021
I used to feel how you describe with ephedra, which I took very occasionally in college mainly to feel lucid in social situations. But when it wore off it was hell. I think it’s banned now.

I swallow raw liver (from a trusted farm) and eat oysters for clarity. Gua sha is great for moving lymph in the face.

Also, related to the comment above, I used to eat a lot of coconut and feel better without it.
Good to know. Yeah pseudoephedrine makes me just feel a bit high. Like I’m above the human race or something. It’s OTC in UK as suda fed.

It’s non addictive for me but I still dislike taking something that affects me that hard (even if “positively”) mentally as it changes the way I act and makes me too spontaneous at times. Sucks that it’s the one and only thing that cures my swollen salivary glands.


Apr 21, 2021
Good to know. Yeah pseudoephedrine makes me just feel a bit high. Like I’m above the human race or something. It’s OTC in UK as suda fed.

It’s non addictive for me but I still dislike taking something that affects me that hard (even if “positively”) mentally as it changes the way I act and makes me too spontaneous at times. Sucks that it’s the one and only thing that cures my swollen salivary glands.
This was the herb ephedra. They used to somehow concentrate it in “natural” energy pills and sell them at the gas station. I think that’s what pseudoephedrine was originally derived from.

An acupuncturist also gave me some once. He was very authentic. Chinese. Barely spoke English. Only a few needles.

I went in for sinus issues and after the session I left with just a couple little pseudoephedrine-like pills and a weeks worth of the most disgusting herbal drink his wife brewed from roots in the back. It was black like coffee.

I think the drink did a lot for liver cleansing. It worked. By the end of the week I had energy and great sinuses.

I wonder if a mix of dandelion and burdock might help you. To experiment you could just get dandelion tea bags. Have 3 cups/day for a week and then stop. The benefits are sometimes delayed til the end of the week and there can be some cleansing symptoms the week of.


May 31, 2018
Good to know. Yeah pseudoephedrine makes me just feel a bit high. Like I’m above the human race or something. It’s OTC in UK as suda fed.

It’s non addictive for me but I still dislike taking something that affects me that hard (even if “positively”) mentally as it changes the way I act and makes me too spontaneous at times. Sucks that it’s the one and only thing that cures my swollen salivary glands.

Do your salivary glands ever get plugged up and cause a big swelling in your jawline? You may have calcium stones blocking the ducts. My friend had this. She used to take her fingernail and pop out the stone when it was causing the salivary gland to be completely swelled up. it was quite the chore, but eventually she'd get it out.

Again, Pseudoephedrine is a dieuretic. Have you tried teas that are very dieuretic to see if they work as well?


Jun 8, 2021
Do your salivary glands ever get plugged up and cause a big swelling in your jawline? You may have calcium stones blocking the ducts. My friend had this. She used to take her fingernail and pop out the stone when it was causing the salivary gland to be completely swelled up. it was quite the chore, but eventually she'd get it out.

Again, Pseudoephedrine is a dieuretic. Have you tried teas that are very dieuretic to see if they work as well?
Yea I have tried the teas. One from a Chinese medicine practitioner with cassia tora.

Made me have dry strong and frequent bowel movements but didn’t really help with the congestion. One thing that was oddly strong and felt like it really cleansed my phlegm was hot assam tea. Wonder why. Stopped drinking it due to fears of fluoride (felt dumber somehow).

Do you know maybe what’s the strongest diuretic tea or herb (maybe one without too much phytoestrogens ..) ?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Also it is making me pee a lot. Is it just getting rid of all edema ??
It is a strong activator of adrenergic receptors, and the norepinephrine probably causes you to pee a lot. It’s not as dopaminergic as methamphetamine, which is basically oxidized ephedrine


May 10, 2022
I was looking at decongestants there the other day. What it says is alpha 1 agonist. Alpha 2 is the parasympathetic the opposite. This is just Google science. But I read that Yohimbe is alpha 2 antagonist. Which is another common thing you can get. Probably be one of those really smart dumb things to try and stack.


Jun 8, 2021
I was looking at decongestants there the other day. What it says is alpha 1 agonist. Alpha 2 is the parasympathetic the opposite. This is just Google science. But I read that Yohimbe is alpha 2 antagonist. Which is another common thing you can get. Probably be one of those really smart dumb things to try and stack.
Yohimbe seems an aphrodisiac. I have a too high libido so that wouldn’t be a great idea.

It seems being in fight or flight is the form of existence for me. I wish it wasn’t but this is what it seems (although copper and TMG have been amazing in becoming “sane” they’re definitely not as strong).

I know I wouldn’t take it for the mental boosts because I genuinely 1. It’s a pharma drug with a. Bunch of ingredients and 2. It does have bad effects on the heart but the decongestant antihistamine effects of it are tremendous. I do wonder if there’s anything as strong and as fast or if it’s the only drug to clear up congestion and stimulate the lympathic system so rapidly.
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