Puzzled At Why Resolution Of Periodontitis Increased Foam In Urine



Mar 29, 2016
Yes, I thought you would find it interesting and I think @charlie 's comments on potassium's effects make a lot of sense with respect to improving kidney function and thus lymphatic drainage.
I missed this part. How does potassium improve kidney function and lymphatic drainage?
I note you have also read Charls Weber's book.
Yes, but I only read part of it - the part about potassium's role in providing energy to counter mycobacteria. I had trouble understanding chapter 12 on cortisol. I felt it was important enough to read that I kept going back to it, yet I wasn't understanding what he was saying. See attached image.


I wish he could have expressed his ideas more plainly instead of using the term "inverse." When I tried to parse it and use it as "the less cortisol,..." it still doesn't make sense to me.

I think I read that there IS a sweet spot for the potassium salts, and that going past their 1.5g a day reagent formula using these forms may have the opposite effect than intended.
I'll keep this close to my chest, and not overdo it. Thanks. Btw, is 1.5g/day for the entire potassium citrate, or just the potassium?
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
How long did you do fruits before you felt the effect kicking in?
Probably around month 3. Might have been faster if I could have been more disciplined.

How long did you stay with it, or been on it?
Probably about 5 months in now.

Why did you decide to try it
I had been watching Jennifer for a while. Also watching the Morse community. The amount of healing and the before and after pictures in that community is down right miraculous. Morse speaks from a position of truth. I knew I wanted to go there. And so far, he is spot on. I believe knowing what we know with Peat, and applying Morse, is the Golden ticket.

I am always delighted when several pieces of information coalesce together, life can be so wonderful like that, so I hope you also find this useful on your Journey of, if I may, re-Genesis.
A re-Genesis. Yeh, I can dig it. :D :grouphug

It claims raw veggies are 8000-9000 A's. What about endotoxins etc? Most of us in Peatland hold raw veggies in low regard. And I know I hate eating raw veggies. So what gives? Also does cutting them up reduce the energy of it (smoothies)? Maybe this helps explains why juicing veggies and fruits is so popular...?? For what its worth when I used to juice veggies and fruits on a daily basis while also eating a high calorie diet, I had probably the highest libido of my life. There may be something here...
Knowing what we know about endotoxins, then like you said, looks like juicing would be optimal for veggies. And maybe even fruits if the person was weak enough and they could not handle the fibers/endotoxin.

I note the article claims grapes are the best fruits. This might explain why grapes are among my favorite... the body is generally smart and finds good food to be the most palatable. It's worth noting that in the past I've done LOTS of grapes (we're talking lbs of it) and found my energy levels quite high.
I am finding grapes are the best, I am liking the red ones but apparently the darker grape the better. Been juicing them too. Ordered a juice press, looking forward to that.


Dec 8, 2016
About a month ago, the last of the two teeth identified to have hidden periodontal pocket were removed.

When my dentists told me to get a new dental scan, involved x-ray and thermography, and a focused scan called digital ct scan, I complied. I was glad I did, as results from this scan showed that I had 2 hidden pockets of periodontitis. I knew early on that it's better to have teeth pulled than to save teeth that were going to just be recurrent sites of periodontal infection. I had three teeth removed already, even though these teeth could be saved if I were more concerned about bragging rights of having a full set of dentures.

The three teeth were removed as far back as nine years ago. Then (and continuing till the present), I had been dealing with a case of essential hypertension. It started as far back as 2005. Four years on, I was getting impatient in not being able to resolve my hypertension, which was getting worse. I'd been to naturopaths both in the US and in the Philippines, but never conventional doctors, and they could offer no answers. I stopped seeing them, and decided on my own to have the three teeth removed.

I thought I had checked off my dental issues as a cause of my hypertension. It's only recently that the new dental scanners became available, and it was thanks to new dental scanning equipment that two latent periodontal teeth were discovered. In between then and now, 9 years, I focused on chelation of lead, which I suspected was in my kidneys, and which I suspected was causing albumin to be excreted in my urine at higher than normal levels. Truth be told, chelation worked, but only to a certain extent. When I started using vitamin c and magnesium about a year ago, I was at 240/140. It's since improved to 180/120 but it hasn't budged any lower for a long time.

For a month now, I've stopped my magnesium and vitamin C protocol, to observe the effects of removing the periodontal issues. I didn't expect my bp to improve quickly, so it was no surprise that it stayed pretty steady. My heart rate did nudge up, from waking up to 54 bpm to around 59-62 bpm. My temperature stayed the same at 37. The best thing that came out of this so far: my urine has become less acidic. Previously, it would dip into 5.5 pH, but now it's not going down lower than 5.8 (This is big, as when I say 5.5, it could be lower as my urine test strip goes down only to 5.5).

But for a month, I had stayed puzzled as to why my urine became even more foamy. It wasn't sudsy foamy, but where it used to be composed of larger bubbles, it now became more smaller bubbles. I just had to figure out, or at least try to explain why this is happening.

After much thinking and trying out different word searches in Google, I can at least make an educated guess as to why: Oxidized albumin is being urinated as plaque is being broken down. Oxidized albumin is one of the many components of plaque.

Albumin is an antioxidant. It was being used to counter the oxidative damage from the body's attempt to counter the effects of periodontal bacteria. This would explain why my serum neutrophils would increase from 53% to 74% during the time I discovered my blood pressure deviating from my used-to-be normal of 120/80. There was a continual production of free radicals by the neutrophils to neutralize bacteria. And the spillover of free radicals were being taken care by antioxidants, among them being albumin.

I may have blamed a high urine ACR (albumin/creatinine) ratio, a marker of chronic kidney disease, to lead toxicity in my kidneys ( lead causes albumin to not be resorbed back into blood in the kidney tubules). Instead, what's really going on could be that the albumin being excreted are really oxidized albumin, arising out of its use as an antioxidant. The urine was already foamy from the discharge of oxidized albumin when the periodontal issue was ongoing, but when the issue was resolved, the urine stayed foamy and even more so. And I think it's because there was more oxidized albumin coming off the plaque that's disintegrating.

I'm speculating still at this point. Time will tell if I'm right on this.

In the meantime, I have turned my attention away from chelating lead, using magnesium and vitamin C, towards descaling and rejuvenating my arteries, with the use of, among other supplements, vitamin C and lysine. Vitamin C is to improve the collagen matrix use in repairing the endothelial linings, and lysine, to attract the plaque from the endothelial linings, enabling the plaque to slowly breakdown. I do hope that this is done slowly, though, as I don't want to see huge chunks of plaque coming off and blocking arteries and arterioles and cause damage. By the way, that is from the Linus Pauling therapy.

I'm hoping I'm right on this. If I'm right, this could explain:

- why I have hypertension
- why my serum albumin is low
- why my serum ferritin is high (well, not exactly, but the periodontal infection would be a case of chronic infection, and this would cause ferritin levels to be high, to keep iron away from bacteria)
- why i have an abnormally high serum neutrophil value
- why my erection capability is diminished (plaque on the endothelial lining would block NO's effects; in addition, nitric oxide is being used up to make free radicals to kill off bacteria by phagocytes)
- why my heart rate, at the high 60s and low 70s, cannot do into the mid-80s;
-why uric acid is high (its antioxidant ability is needed)
- why my hair is thinning (plaque is blocking flow of nutrients; albumin, a carrier of nutrients, is in short supply, being used to counter oxidation)

Why, just not taking care of my teeth well could cause all this? Wouldn't it be amazing that it all boils down to one thing?

Meanwhile, here are some links:

That oxidized albumin is part of plaque: Serum Oxidized Albumin and Cardiovascular Mortality in Normoalbuminemic Hemodialysis Patients: A Cohort Study

Oxidized human serum albumin as a possible correlating factor in atherosclerosis: Oxidized human serum albumin as a possible correlation factor for atherosclerosis in a rural Japanese population: the results of the Yakumo Study

The use of the albumin redox state as a marker for various diseases: https://www.researchgate.net/public...buminomics_Oxidized_Albumin_in_Human_Diseases

The association of severe periodontitis and microalbuminuria and chronic kidney disease (CKD): http://www.phmed.umu.se/digitalAssets/50/50453_thesis-shabnam-jun-21.pdf
Have you not considered blood sugar issues?
Just read this and that is the first thing objectively that I discerned.
That and acute stress.

You know your body and the timing of your oral health- but hypertension, foamy urine, high uric acid points to BS issues to me.


Mar 29, 2016
Have you not considered blood sugar issues?
Just read this and that is the first thing objectively that I discerned.
That and acute stress.

You know your body and the timing of your oral health- but hypertension, foamy urine, high uric acid points to BS issues to me.
Blood sugar issues are a thing of the past for me. I've fully recovered from it. I was hypoglycemic before, went with brown rice, and thought brown rice was the greatest thing. Then I stopped taking PUFAs for many years. Then one day I was curious to see how I would do eating white rice. I did pretty well. I no longer had hypoglycemia 3 hours after a meal. I could actually last a whole day without eating now, if I wanted to. It shows how stable my blood sugar level is, with ample supplies of glycogen to tide me over when fasting. I avoided sugar before, as it would make my blood sugar crash. Now, I take sugar often and my body metabolizes it well, such that I don't get a sugar spike. A sugar spike leads to a strong insulin response, which would drive down my blood sugar levels. Which would do either of these things - make me sleepy, or hungry, or grouchy, or make my nose run, then make me hiccup, and cough, lead to a sore throat, and eventually land me with a fever or a flu. But it's been 18 years since I had a fever or flu.

It was difficult to get any doctor to fix this issue, and I think many people have blood sugar issues, mainly from eating PUFAs, as well as our doctors not knowing how to identify the problem. I begged my primary care physician to give me a glucose tolerance test, and when results came out, he still told me my blood sugar curve was normal, as he was comparing to a normal population that was pretty sick. I didn't argue with him, went home and compared my GTT blood sugar curve to those in a book on hypoglycemia, and pronounced myself hypoglycemic.

The root cause identified, it was easier to solve it. Still, it took sixteen years for me to fully become normal, in the sense of what God made us. Brown rice was just a way to cope with the effects of a PUFA-laden diet. It was give or take 4 years of being on a non-PUFA diet that led me to be free of brown rice and back to white rice. Getting enough sleep is a must now, knowing how important glycogen stores are to my well-being, in relation to having a stable blood sugar level.

I also find that when blood sugar is well-regulated, metabolism provides good energy. With good energy levels, I'm not easily affected by allergens - less sneezing, less sensitive to MSG and pollen. I get better days and a better life as well.

But, yes, you are right. Blood sugar control is an important part of health. Since I have not experienced foamy urine or hypertension during those days I had poor blood sugar control (perhaps I was younger and could take it), I couldn't relate though to what you are saying. How did your experience tell you to relate foamy urine and hypertension to blood sugar issues?
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Dec 8, 2016
Blood sugar issues are a thing of the past for me. I've fully recovered from it. I was hypoglycemic before, went with brown rice, and thought brown rice was the greatest thing. Then I stopped taking PUFAs for many years. Then one day I was curious to see how I would do eating white rice. I did pretty well. I no longer had hypoglycemia 3 hours after a meal. I could actually last a whole day without eating now, if I wanted to. It shows how stable my blood sugar level is, with ample supplies of glycogen to tide me over when fasting. I avoided sugar before, as it would make my blood sugar crash. Now, I take sugar often and my body metabolizes it well, such that I don't get a sugar spike. A sugar spike leads to a strong insulin response, which would drive down my blood sugar levels. Which would do either of these things - make me sleepy, or hungry, or grouchy, or make my nose run, then make me hiccup, and cough, lead to a sore throat, and eventually land me with a fever or a flu. But it's been 18 years since I had a fever or flu.

It was difficult to get any doctor to fix this issue, and I think many people have blood sugar issues, mainly from eating PUFAs, as well as our doctors not knowing how to identify the problem. I begged my primary care physician to give me a glucose tolerance test, and when results came out, he still told me my blood sugar curve was normal, as he was comparing to a normal population that was pretty sick. I didn't argue with him, went home and compared my GTT blood sugar curve to those in a book on hypoglycemia, and pronounced myself hypoglycemic.

The root cause identified, it was easier to solve it. Still, it took sixteen years for me to fully become normal, in the sense of what God made us. Brown rice was just a way to cope with the effects of a PUFA-laden diet. It was give or take 4 years of being on a non-PUFA diet that led me to be free of brown rice and back to white rice. Getting enough sleep is a must now, knowing how important glycogen stores are to my well-being, in relation to having a stable blood sugar level.

I also find that when blood sugar is well-regulated, metabolism provides good energy. With good energy levels, I'm not easily affected by allergens - less sneezing, less sensitive to MSG and pollen. I get better days and a better life as well.

But, yes, you are right. Blood sugar control is an important part of health. Since I have not experienced foamy urine or hypertension during those days I had poor blood sugar control (perhaps I was younger and could take it), I couldn't relate though to what you are saying. How did your experience tell you to relate foamy urine and hypertension to blood sugar issues?

Always appreciate a thoughtful response.

How does my experience relate foamy urine and HTN to BS issues?
I worked in healthcare- and these signs pointed to diabetes.

Hence why I said an objective perspective.

Personally, BS issues have been paramount in my health journey as well.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
How does my experience relate foamy urine and HTN to BS issues?
I worked in healthcare- and these signs pointed to diabetes.
Because low blood sugar is a highly stressed state and the body will be pumping out stress hormones like crazy to stay alive. The liver will dump these excess stress hormones via glucuronidation exactly how Peat explained it.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
How does potassium improve kidney function and lymphatic drainage?
Any isolated substance is going to disturb the balance of the body.

But it's been 18 years since I had a fever or flu.
Because your body is not able to expel or get rid of what it needs to. Bring your energy up via high angstrom foods and this will handle itself. The higher energy will not allow for foreign entities to stay in the body, they will be expelled.


Mar 29, 2016
Any isolated substance is going to disturb the balance of the body.
And what is the isolated substance you are referring to?
Because your body is not able to expel or get rid of what it needs to. Bring your energy up via high angstrom foods and this will handle itself. The higher energy will not allow for foreign entities to stay in the body, they will be expelled.
That's portraying an improvement as a negative. Before I stopped having fevers and flu, I was always having them. I would not want to be back where you could be saying I've been expelling bad stuff.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
And what is the isolated substance you are referring to?
Any isolated mineral or vitamin will upset the balance. @Amazoniac et el 2018 have proven this over and over. You take one substance, it upsets the balance so you take another substance to try and get it back. However, since you have taken this new substance, now you got to make good on the dis balance that it has now made. So you can try and put some more new isolated substances in hopes of an equilibrium, but now you gotta make right for the new ones you just added to the equation.

I would not want to be back where you could be saying I've been expelling stuff.
I understand.


Mar 29, 2016
Because low blood sugar is a highly stressed state and the body will be pumping out stress hormones like crazy to stay alive. The liver will dump these excess stress hormones via glucuronidation exactly how Peat explained it.

This doesn't explain why not all people have foamy urine though. It's normal for estrogen and other hormones to be glucuronidated by the liver for eventual excretion, but what's not normal is for people to have foamy urine as a result of it. I would propose that when there is a condition of excess hormones to be excreted, not all can be excreted through stools, and the excess is excreted thru urine. And that is when foamy urine arises. Just venturing a guess.


Mar 29, 2016
Any isolated mineral or vitamin will upset the balance. @Amazoniac et el 2018 have proven this over and over. You take one substance, it upsets the balance so you take another substance to try and get it back. However, since you have taken this new substance, now you got to make good on the dis balance that it has now made. So you can try and put some more new isolated substances in hopes of an equilibrium, but now you gotta make right for the new ones you just added to the equation.
I get it now. So taking fruits, which are rich in potassium, would be much better than taking potassium as an isolated supplement. And this is why many people, like you, find eating fruits beneficial. But going back to my question, how was eating fruits, in relation to its potassium content, helping with improving lymphatic drainage?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
But going back to my question, how was eating fruits, in relation to its potassium content, helping with improving lymphatic drainage?
High estrogen, low angstrom, low minerals/vits, is an acidic environment. Lymph, breast tissue(see recent thread), everything hardens, like cysts, lymph nodes, etc. Things agglomerate.

High progesterone, high angstrom, high minerals/vits creates an alkaline state, everything softens, lymph can flow so it can be released via the kidneys. Cysts disappear, lymph nodes return to normal size, mucus and acidosis is expelled rather then being kept in and obstructing(drain the swamp).


Mar 29, 2016
High estrogen, low angstrom, low minerals/vits, is an acidic environment. Lymph, breast tissue(see recent thread), everything hardens, like cysts, lymph nodes, etc. Things agglomerate.

High progesterone, high angstrom, high minerals/vits creates an alkaline state, everything softens, lymph can flow so it can be released via the kidneys. Cysts disappear, lymph nodes return to normal size, mucus and acidosis is expelled rather then being kept in and obstructing(drain the swamp).
Makes a lot of sense. I certainly am starting to see some lumps in my face, one beneath an eyebrow, and then one above my temple. Recent urine strip tests indicate acidic urine, and I may have had an acidic condition for a long time. I can begin to see how a fruit diet over some time has begun to clear your lymph glands. How were you able to make sure the fruits you consume are high angstrom fruits?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
How were you able to make sure the fruits you consume are high angstrom fruits?
Just got to do the best you can, get freshest you can. Don't store in fridge if possible. And pray over your food, ask Father to raise the angstroms.

I will definitely have a garden this year. About to order some Chamomile tea and Lemon balm tea which is reported to have high angstroms. @Jennifer has been doing well on the Chamomile tea.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Will be hitting the local farmers markets hard again next year. Got some awesome grapes last go round.
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Mar 29, 2016
Just got to do the best you can, get freshest you can. Don't store in fridge if possible. And pray over your food, ask Father to raise the angstroms.

I will definitely have a garden this year. About to order some Chamomile tea and Lemon balm tea which is reported to have high angstroms. @Jennifer has been doing well on the Chamomile tea.
Amen! A backyard garden is a must have. I was just reading an article about how rural USA is getting hollowed out, with people going to the cities. I can't imagine how low angstrom the fruits in the city are. I'll have to start a new garden myself when I move to the countryside. I'd like to have fruits that are tree-ripened. Definitely high angstrom!
Will be hitting the local farmers markets hard again next year. Got some awesome grapes last go round.
You get good deals, price- and angstrom-wise!


Jul 8, 2014
@yerrag, I quickly looked over the thread but didn't see clarification — by foamy urine do you mean actual foam that appears almost white or bubbles that pop? I was told by my RBTI practitioner that the former is protein and the latter is due to gas. I did a quick search and see that infection can also be a cause of foamy urine. Have you had an increase in gas since the extraction or if it's foam, could it be residual infection/metabolic waste leaving your body?


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag, I quickly looked over the thread but didn't see clarification — by foamy urine do you mean actual foam that appears almost white or bubbles that pop? I was told by my RBTI practitioner that the former is protein and the latter is due to gas. I did a quick search and see that infection can also be a cause of foamy urine. Have you had an increase in gas since the surgery or if it's foam, could it be residual infection/metabolic waste leaving your body?
Hi Jennifer! I tend to think of it as residual waste. I think the infection was always being dealt with by the neutrophils. But now that my serum neutrophils are going back to lower levels towards normal, I believe they're mostly waste. But the waste has to come out slowly, so that I don't get overwhelmed by it. My blood pressure has increased and I believe it must be the waste causing flow to be restricted, and pressure building up. Better to err on the safe side and not do anything drastic. Force is the enemy of patience here.


Nov 6, 2014
Dear Yerrag,
Yerrag: But going back to my question, how was eating fruits, in relation to its potassium content, helping with improving lymphatic drainage?
Charlie: High estrogen, low angstrom, low minerals/vits, is an acidic environment. Lymph, breast tissue(see recent thread), everything hardens, like cysts, lymph nodes, etc. Things agglomerate.

Charlie:High progesterone, high angstrom, high minerals/vits creates an alkaline state, everything softens, lymph can flow so it can be released via the kidneys. Cysts disappear, lymph nodes return to normal size, mucus and acidosis is expelled rather then being kept in and obstructing(drain the swamp).

The key here is, much like Riddick's work on the zeta potential, @charlie's phrase: "things agglomerate". Thus I think as has been said, again by Charlie, as one increases metabolism then if the wastes can not get out, you don't see the hoped for improvements in 'health'. Taking the strain off digestion with quality fruits will offer a lot of minerals to the body akin to Riddick's reagent. If you recall, the formula for that was:

Add 50 grams reagent to 1 liter of water

47 grams - potassium citrate
2 grams - sodium citrate
1 gram - sodium chloride
9.5 grams - potassium bicarbonate
.5 grams - sodium bicarbonate

Add 20 ml of stock solution to 1 liter water = 1 gram electrolytes /liter
Drink 1.5 liters/day = 1.5 grams of electrolytes / day

Now if I am correct in my calculations, this equates approximately to
78% potassium citrate
3% sodium citrate
2% sodium chloride
16% potassium bicarbonate
0.5g sodium bicarbonate

and using the recommended 1.5g of reagent a day in 1.5L of water equates roughly to:
1170mg of potassium citrate
50mg of sodium citrate
30mg of sodium chloride
240mg of potassium bicarbonate
20mg of sodium bicarbonate.

This is really not a lot of minerals (except that they are 'raw' form rather than via food that needs to be digested), especially if you think back to your chloride experiments but clearly this amount is sufficient to assist with reducing agglomeration in the blood. When that is achieved, circulation is restored, the sun comes out and birds sing etc.

Looking at foods, which is always wiser (per Charlie et al) you need about 1 Tblsp of lemon juice to equal 1/4tsp (1250mg of citric acid), I haven't yet found the precise breakdown re citrates (oh for @Amazoniac to find me the mineral salt quantities in foods eg. KCl, K2SO4, K/Na citrates etc prettiest of pleases). That's not a lot of lemon juice either and in warm water first thing with a little honey (for uptake) would more than start the ball rolling. Must be why lemon juice gets the 'detox' tick. It's also, like orange juice, useful for helping reduce calcium oxalate kidney stones. To my way of thinking, if blood pressure is high there may well be a degree of calcification...so I hope your recent adoption of sour oranges is doing the trick.

But note, Riddick also maintains that too much mineral intake will cause 'salting out' of those salts causing agglomeration and no doubt deposition. I guess since 4000-6000mg of potassium has been found to be beneficial (also around the RDA) that the potassium in fruit and veg may not be entirely available or is joined by many other compounds of merit (and is, therefore the basis of many anti-chronic disease protocols).

A lot of people come unstuck when increasing their 'digestible' foods without liver function to accomodate this change. Lots of threads on that. If the gut is burdened, the kidneys will get more of the water soluble load, no question. Not to mention more endotoxin. And if at a cellular level everything is too acidic then lymph will agglomerate and the swamp won't get drained.

There is always balance needed though. Citrus is very acidic on stomach linings and histamine could be the result from there....at which point damage happens even though, once metabolised alkalinity improves temporarily.

Just some thoughts as I look into all this again.
Best regards
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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