Ray Peat Discussion On Jack Kruse Forums (alternative Medicine Forum)


May 7, 2014
I tried going through some of the threads.
So his main focus is on EMF and something about a microwaved world. And a really stereotypical meat and (cruciferous) veggie ketosis diet is protective against that somehow?
Could someone who is familiar with his stuff give me a quick overview of his ideas.

He is obviously trying to create a brand with his epi-paleo thing.
Selling books, supplements, bootcamps etc.

The whole basking in his own glory in the forum, posting pics with his own quotes on it, having members tell him how awesome he is in every second post there... Feels really authoritarian and creepy

Also " mackerel head smoothies" :rolling


Jan 1, 2013

It's by reading these blogs that you learn to fully appreciate this place, lol
I wonder how many alternate accounts Dr Jack Kruse has on his own blog ?


Jan 3, 2015
Skally said:
Could someone who is familiar with his stuff give me a quick overview of his ideas.

Couldn't tell you mate. :lol: I was googling around Ray Peat and this turned up, thought it was funny and now we're here! :mrgreen:
Jan 2, 2014
Best thing I got from him is to go to bed when the sun goes down and get up when when the sun rises. I used to stay up late staring into lcd screens but feel better not doing that anymore.


Nov 8, 2014
Whoa, that place is scary. I feel bad for people who get seduced by psychotic paleo zealots like him, Asprey, Moore, etc. How many people's health have they ruined? Thousands.
Nov 26, 2013
Jack Kruse thinks omega-3 fat works as a semiconductor inside the brain, when clearly the microtubule is an aminoacid structure. Whatever, he seems happy enough.


Aug 9, 2012
I wont waste my time rebutting y'all... if you want to go on un-condensing your matter with fructose, be my guest./


Oct 27, 2013
I'm pretty sure this is the same guy who got into hot water a couple of years ago when he posted a fake picture of his back muscles. I'm not sure if this takes away from his intellectual capacity, but it does say something about his ethics.

Is anybody else tempted like I am to leave the peat world to smash down a daily mackerel head smoothie?
Feb 4, 2015
He sells webinars on his website. He recommends Snakeoilproof coffee. He has turkey neck (excess hanging skin under the neck). Ad hominem doesn't apply to people who claim to be healthy. He suffers from "I'm-an-old-white American-male-who-has-never-made-it-in-Hollywood-so-now-I'm-trying-to-get-famous-by-being-a-health-guru-on the-internet,-and-bow-to-my-authority" - syndrome.


Nov 9, 2012
Surprisingly I've read some interesting posts by him in the past. Not always crazy and can go beyond the usual pro-pufa paleo stuff. But the website and those short comments on the forum don't serve him well.


Mar 9, 2014
what do u make of this guys post though

I don't disagree with anything you say above. As I stated previously, I think you're far ahead of the game. I follow all your blogs and am becoming a member soon. I'm slowly adding in your protocols. What I was alluding to, however, is that if anyone hasn't thoroughly investigated Dr. Peat's work, especially his older work, they are doing themselves a disservice. He used to recommend high fat diets, and told me personally he ate 50-60% fat up until about 2-3 years ago. His ideas on DHA are not perfect, and I follow epi-paleo principles, so it should be obvious where my thoughts lie here; but his ideas on hormones, carbon dioxide, regeneration, etc. are flawless and are in line with what is discussed here. He's spoken about progesterone and DHEA and estrogen dominance and all that since the 70's, and like I said, he's also discussed nnEMF, magentized water, etc. since the 70's too. He has papers on circadian biology and circadian zeitgebers, etc. If diet < environment, than it shouldn't matter what foods he recommends, because he also recommends mitigating EMF, red light therapy, and all that good stuff.

Regardless, I don't care much what people do or don't think about Dr. Peat and his ideas. So I'm not going to defend him. I'm here to learn and apply the work of Dr. Kruse, so I'll likely not pay attention to this thread and get to reading Ubiquination 4

In summar he says:
- RP told him personally that he was on a diet that was 50-60% fat all up until 2 years ago.
- This guy was apparently a big fan of RP, but has now moved to Dr Kruse.
> That is what concerns me the most, someone who was open to RP's ideas has moved on. Usually the person is not open to the idea in the first place due to things like low carb paleo mindset. That kind of mind set will make you run before you even consider reading why sugar is beneficial. But this guy has read it all from looks of it. Thoughts on this?

I don't want to be a dogmatic person, unless I know for sure its right. Could Dr Kruse be onto something at all? I mean aside from his personality and arrogance? We cant use flaws in a person to quickly assume that he is wrong.

Also he said this about the Okinawan diets reasoning for longevity to Chris Kresser (who was arguing that carbs are good for you):

Chris you are aware that the translation into English of the word “Okinawa” is “The Island of Pork” not carbs in Japanese, correct? I’d like to direct your attention to the work of Tanaka published in the Lancet in 1998 on the real reasons behind the Okinawan longevity. It is a genetic defect of cytochrome 1 of the mitochondria to cause less ROS and therefore less aging. Moreover, Dr. Lane published in his book that there has never been a supercentenarian from this area ever been found to not have the defect. It has the same mechanism of action of metformin in vivo. Nick Lane has these published in two of his books as well on mitochondria evolution. I reference both of these in my Paleo Fx talks.

1. Tanaka M, Gong JS, Zhang J, Yoneda M, Yagi K. Mitochondrial genotype associated with longevity. Lancet 1998; 351: 185-186.

2. http://www.okicent.org/docs/bjw_jgbs_sibling.pdf


Jul 22, 2012
I don't have anything to add about the substance of what Kruse believes.
But on style, presentation, I'd just note:

I heard of Kruse in passing on this forum
and maybe earlier on Danny Roddy's former site.
There would usually be a picture of him,
and it wasn't very flattering.
And the idea primarily attached to him was
that he believes sugar is evil and responsible for most health woes.
And then I read Peat saying he could only guess that Kruse's "science"
came from reading comic books...

So I was surprised a few months ago
when I was listening to NPR one morning,
and Kruse was on with others debating...maybe it was sugar, can't exactly recall.
But I was surprised to hear Kruse introduced
as being highly educated and esteemed within the field,
and as working at UC-Berkeley,
a serious, prestigious school.

So I was surprised to hear he had credentials and held a high post.
Because I had previously had it in my head
that he was just some guy who wrote sensational, science-free books
about Evil Sugar.

And I was also surprised by his passion and crusading attitude.
He is, I do think, pushing snake oil,
but my take on him is that he really believes in his snake oil.
HIghly educated guy, high achieving, well-spoken,
comes across as passionately concerned for the health of people,
on a crusade he really believes him,
able to spout studies left and right--articulate.

None of this is to argue at all that the substance of what he believes has any merit.
Just to say that I was surprised to find him to be such a formidable, convincing presence.


Jan 22, 2013
Westside PUFAs said:
He sells webinars on his website. He recommends Snakeoilproof coffee. He has turkey neck (excess hanging skin under the neck). Ad hominem doesn't apply to people who claim to be healthy. He suffers from "I'm-an-old-white American-male-who-has-never-made-it-in-Hollywood-so-now-I'm-trying-to-get-famous-by-being-a-health-guru-on the-internet,-and-bow-to-my-authority" - syndrome.

holy ***t, that syndrome seems to be on the rise...it must be coming from mosquitos coming from Africa

edit: LOL I just went to his website, all it took was a second to realize its crap, the picture in the upper right corner...LOL what a douche


Sep 17, 2014
I explored him a little on my way to Peat. When I was on Paleo and it was no longer working, I was trying to figure out what's wrong and of course my line of thinking was, "If low carb wasn't working then surely VERY low carb is the thing!".

From what I remember, he's a neurosurgeon or something, and his ideas are pretty outlandish.
The forum subscription is very EXPENSIVE (catering to middle class, middle-aged folk with thyroid and neurological concerns) and the diet is almost entirely
fish, fish oil, A LOT of sea vegetation (for iodine), very low-carb for the winter and some fruit in the summer, ice baths twice a day (this is what scared me off) and other bizarre things that I cant remember because I probably suppressed them ;)

I guess the fish consumption is in line with Peat, but I'm pretty sure he means fatty fish as he recommends lots of fish oil.


Mar 9, 2014
Here is a summary (rather long) of what his diet is like

http://eugenia.queru.com/2013/12/11/dr- ... explained/

Some things to note:
1. He advocates shellfish and oysters
2. fluoride free water is important
3. recommends supplements like Vit D, Vit K, Vit B & Progesterone
4. Carb intake ranges from 50-100g

I dont know, a lot of it seems okay. I am a fan of most paleo concepts, except for the whole low carb part.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
'Why don't I bother with Peatatarians........?? You think you can change the mind of people who are actively undergoing brain damage literally and figuratively? I do not so I stay out of it. I bother with people who I think I might help. Not everyone will make it.' - Jack Kruse



Greg says said:
'Why don't I bother with Peatatarians........?? You think you can change the mind of people who are actively undergoing brain damage literally and figuratively? I do not so I stay out of it. I bother with people who I think I might help. Not everyone will make it.' - Jack Kruse



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