Recent Miscarriage & feeling hopeless



Mar 21, 2014
Also I'm not trying to have another baby, I just feel like I wont be able to handle it, I'm grateful for 3. My last pregnancy was due to a failed condom. I have never used any form of oral or injecton contraceptives.


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Raypmon,
Puffiness may or may not be general fluid retention - maybe adding a bit more salt to your food might help. You could try it and see if it helps, and if it tastes good. I think Peat tends to encourage salting to taste. If you crave salty foods, that would be a good sign that you could use more. I get some of my sodium by adding baking soda to juice.

Your PUFAs look impressively low, esp for the amount of fat you are eating.
With caring for three youngsters, and recovering from miscarriage and possibly a bit of previous overexercise, I'm not going to suggest you reduce calories by eating less coconut oil, unless you can (and want to) make up for it by eating correspondingly more carbs. Are you getting more carbs than fat? Plenty of protein?

I lost interest in large servings of liver, but I enjoy small ones often. Could you try a couple of small servings a week? Maybe try a different recipe? I don't suggest forcing yourself to eat it when it tastes bad to you, but maybe seeing if there is a way that makes it taste good. If you are not eating liver, how about oysters for minerals, and eggs for vit A etc? Broth from boiled greens can be a source of vit K. A lot of people supplement vit E during recovery. B vitamins are important too.
I see no fruit or juice in the diet you listed - are there some you could add? Good for potassium etc.


Mar 21, 2014
The only fat I consume is coconut oil. I do butter but rare. I think I consume about 4-6 tablespoons a day. I drink quite a bit of OJ, and milk through out the day. I do small frequent meals of oj, milk, coffee, gelatin and coconut oil sugar /salt as needed. The only solid food being dinner. So I am low in some minerals. Looking into oysters this week. Seafood is zero in my diet. Shrimp and scallops make me gag lol. I prepare them for my husband tho, sometimes I can not even stand the smell. Smoked oysters sound interesting to me. Pricy too! Kale broth, not sure if I will like it, but I will try it. I have niacinamide that I use to use before and after exercise. (Cliff methods) forum member at Co2 factor. Not lately since I stopped weight lifting this week. It's hard but no fitness untill I feel optimal energy production etc.

Another question, to anyone that might know about this. I have had chronic nosebleeds since I was a child. They stoped at my healthiest when peating. The last 3 days I've had at least 4 per day. Lasting each time about 5-6 each, stops when I plug or put pressure.


Mar 21, 2014
Just realized I forgot to ask the question regarding nosebleeds, I guess I'm wondering if it's linkef with thyroid function. Couldn't find any readings anywhere.


Mar 29, 2014
Have you tried supplementing vit-K2?
I've never been prone to nose-bleeds, but I used to bruise very easily, and now I don't seem to have many bruises any more. Could be a whole lot of things, but wouldn't surprise me if K2 was one of the factors.
I can't imagine liking kale broth by itself, but might be OK in soup with gelatinous broth etc? Can't say i've tried it - I eat liver and supplement K2 from time to time.


Aug 24, 2013
Raypmom said:
Hey Blossom and everyone else! Hope you are all enjoying your holidays!

Back to the problems, at night I wake up just minutes after I fall asleep feeling like I just died or something and came back to life. I woke up and looked into the mirror and my face looked as if I stopped breathing or something. The T-zone around my face and eyes and nose area look puffed up. Slightly swollen face. Three nights in a row and I just can't sleep :cry: :cry: without that feeling, it's like I would rather stay awake than sleep.

Hi Fatima,

I had this exact problem: waking up shortly after falling asleep, gasping for air. Sometimes I even had night sweats as well (and I'm male, 34 yo). I also had very low temps on waking... mid-low 95's. Your temps are scary low, but I was able to bring mine up very quickly with progesterone. I used high amounts. you can't use small amounts, it doesn't work. You need to have enough to overcome the stress hormones that are present, and especially for females there are no bad side-effects of too much. In fact, if you take too large a dose you will feel sleepy and drowsy.

You may need to go on thyroid. I now have waking temps of 98+, but still sometimes at night I wake and taking a little thyroid and a swig of milk or OJ puts me right back to bed. But Progesterone can also encourage thyroid production, and if that puts you to sleep then you have enough thyroid in your system.

Also, it would not hurt at all to have your dinners closer to bedtime, so that your blood sugar stores stay elevated longer.

ALSO. I recently discovered that wifi and mobile signals were causing my severe insomnia, and my sleep problems did not fully alleviate until I unplugged the wifi and turned off my cell phone. Since doing that I am more keen on the effects of the EMF, which when exposed cause a slight stress feeling within ten minutes and can take as long as an hour or more to clear after the source is gone. I cannot stress enough how much you should try this if you have any EMF in the vicinity of your daily activities and especially when evening approaches. I absolutely cannot sleep if the wifi is on, and if my boyfriend's phone is left on, on his side of the bed, I wake within an hour of sleeping with a feeling of anxiety. This does NOT happen if his phone is off and the wifi is off.

The other important thing you need to do is take a daily, therapeutic dose of Magnesium. You body has lost the ability to retain healthy amounts, and while it's getting better it still cannot hold onto as much as it really needs, so taking a therapeutic dose (500 msg/day) makes sure your cells are bathed in it and have as much as they need to function properly.

Good luck!


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Nov 14, 2014
Raypmom said:
@mujuor Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. It's my first miscarriag, I think I may have lost it due to stress. I have 3 other childeren. 2 girls and 1 one boy. 2,4,5 yrs old.

Oh I see. Well then my suggestion is redundant. :)


Mar 21, 2014
natedawggh said:
Raypmom said:
Hey Blossom and everyone else! Hope you are all enjoying your holidays!

Back to the problems, at night I wake up just minutes after I fall asleep feeling like I just died or something and came back to life. I woke up and looked into the mirror and my face looked as if I stopped breathing or something. The T-zone around my face and eyes and nose area look puffed up. Slightly swollen face. Three nights in a row and I just can't sleep :cry: :cry: without that feeling, it's like I would rather stay awake than sleep.

Hi Fatima,

I had this exact problem: waking up shortly after falling asleep, gasping for air. Sometimes I even had night sweats as well (and I'm male, 34 yo). I also had very low temps on waking... mid-low 95's. Your temps are scary low, but I was able to bring mine up very quickly with progesterone. I used high amounts. you can't use small amounts, it doesn't work. You need to have enough to overcome the stress hormones that are present, and especially for females there are no bad side-effects of too much. In fact, if you take too large a dose you will feel sleepy and drowsy.

You may need to go on thyroid. I now have waking temps of 98+, but still sometimes at night I wake and taking a little thyroid and a swig of milk or OJ puts me right back to bed. But Progesterone can also encourage thyroid production, and if that puts you to sleep then you have enough thyroid in your system.

Also, it would not hurt at all to have your dinners closer to bedtime, so that your blood sugar stores stay elevated longer.

ALSO. I recently discovered that wifi and mobile signals were causing my severe insomnia, and my sleep problems did not fully alleviate until I unplugged the wifi and turned off my cell phone. Since doing that I am more keen on the effects of the EMF, which when exposed cause a slight stress feeling within ten minutes and can take as long as an hour or more to clear after the source is gone. I cannot stress enough how much you should try this if you have any EMF in the vicinity of your daily activities and especially when evening approaches. I absolutely cannot sleep if the wifi is on, and if my boyfriend's phone is left on, on his side of the bed, I wake within an hour of sleeping with a feeling of anxiety. This does NOT happen if his phone is off and the wifi is off.

The other important thing you need to do is take a daily, therapeutic dose of Magnesium. You body has lost the ability to retain healthy amounts, and while it's getting better it still cannot hold onto as much as it really needs, so taking a therapeutic dose (500 msg/day) makes sure your cells are bathed in it and have as much as they need to function properly.

Good luck!

I'm really interested in WiFi signals being related to my insomnia. I work from home, and our wifi has never been turned off at night so I will start to do that starting tonight. We always have our phones next to our bedside. I while back I use to get terrible headaches after having long conversations on the phone, ever since I started to cut all my conversation short no less then 5 minutes with family unless it was an emergency. I would also hold the phone away from my ear slightly so it doesn't touch. Since then, migraines are gone. I did this with both cells and home phones. I don't much about the EMF, so I have some reading to do later but I will be shutting off my devices tonight.

As for the magnesium, I'm probably not getting much from diet. Not sure really to be honest but lately I'm all hears to supplements. I've been taking a Peat approach without supplementing for quite a while and felt well until recently changes to my health. I know that I need magnesium, vitamin K, D, and some thyroid for sure after researching and getting some good feed back. As for temperatures I'm cold no matter what temperature the house is. We have the heat on and I'm freezing hands, feet, and tip of my nose is also cold. (I read this is common for hypo metabolic). With the recent miscarriage and several nosebleeds daily (sometimes in the middle of night) is not helping my state right now. Thank you for all the good feed back!


Mar 21, 2014
Also with progest e how do you take large dosage? I don't want to eat it. I mix a few drops with slighly melted coconut oil to make it spread more evenly. I use it topically. I have used it on my gums but ends up in my throat and causes some weird irritation. Not a huge deal, but should I be just using it on my gums several times a day? I don't think I have used a large dose yet. How much, and how often? Is it better later in the evening? I wouldn't want to be drousy while doing school work.


Mar 21, 2014
The fat content being high is not a problem as long as it comes from refined coconut oil I'm assuming. I never much paid attention to cronometer but lately I am pranoide. I use to think I'm doing everything right.

Energy: 2449 kcal / 1661 kcal (147%)
Protein: 159.3 g / 46.0 g (346%)
Carbs: 219.3 g / 130.0 g (169%)
Fat: 103.9 g / 65.0 g (160%)

Also do these look about normal to you guys ? I have decided to suppliment vitamin K and Vitamin E also magnesium.

B1 (Thiamine)
B12 (Cobalamin)
B2 (Riboflavin)
B3 (Niacin)
B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K








Nov 28, 2014
Hi Raypmom,

I’m sorry for your loss. I had 2 miscarriages in my 30’s. My pregnancies were not planned either but the loss was still keenly felt, and it does take some time to recover physically as well as emotionally.

I am going through menopause now, but hopefully some of what I have to say will be helpful. I have been taking the progest-e since July, but I wish I had known of it at your age because I realize now that I was estrogen dominant even back then. Miscarriage can be a sign of this. At conception, the hormones surge and if you are estrogen dominant, the estrogen will surge in higher proportion to the progesterone and cause the miscarriage. The surge in estrogen will also inhibit your thyroid function. I would give the progest-e some time to work. Maybe another month or so? I think having a miscarriage is similar to giving birth in the sense of the hormonal havoc it causes. It could be that once things settle down, you won’t need thyroid supplementation at this time.

As far as dosing the progest-e, everyone is different of course but I will tell you how I do it. It tends to make me drowsy, or it did at first, so I take most of it at bedtime. The only time I take it during the day is if I notice the veins on the back of my hands bulging out. This is another sign of estrogen dominance – high estrogen makes the veins more relaxed and so the blood pools and the veins bulge, which can lead to varicose veins. I have a family tendency toward varicose veins though, so this may not be an issue for you. So, I end up taking 2 or 3 doses during the day and the rest at bedtime. I take about 15-20 drops total. If I take less than that, I start getting other symptoms – what I call my old PMS symptoms.

Anyway, I’m saying that it’s ok to take most of it at night if you don’t notice a need for it during the day. It’s ok to swallow it, though it does tend to stick in the throat so taking a large dose with coconut oil is a good idea. I hold it in my mouth as long as I can and then chase it down with something acidic like juice. Ray Peat says that the progest-e will continue to work as it travels through your digestive system. Also, taking it all at once at bedtime might help with the stress hormones that seem to be surging at night and causing your wakings. Estrogen tends to be higher at night, I believe, so a big dose of progesterone at night might help knock it back down. You could also try taking a few drops when you wake up during the night and see if it helps.

The vitamins K and E also help with keeping the estrogen in check, so it’s good that you are adding those. Magnesium at night is also helpful and calming. All these things you are doing will help the metabolism and in turn your thyroid function.


Mar 21, 2014
Wow! I never had a dose of that amount. I will try it tonight. I have bulging veins all the time on my hands and arms. But only after weight lifting sessions. They last for a few hours or days. (So maybe)

I will try the higher dose at close to bedtime. I slept better last night but woke once of a bloody nose. Could aspirin be a problem here? But I also just recalled my bloody nose issue is increases durring winter times with heat being on. Just an observation there. Thanks a lot!!


Nov 28, 2014
I remember a couple of my kids getting those winter bloody noses, especially when we lived in a house with forced hot air heating. You could try running a humidifier in your bedroom, if you have one. The aspirin could be a factor too though. Hopefully the vitamin K will help with that.


Mar 21, 2014
I do that from time to time for my kids, maybe it's time I put one in my bedroom. Thank you!


Mar 29, 2014
Raypmom said:
The fat content being high is not a problem as long as it comes from refined coconut oil I'm assuming. I never much paid attention to cronometer but lately I am pranoide. I use to think I'm doing everything right.

Energy: 2449 kcal / 1661 kcal (147%)
Protein: 159.3 g / 46.0 g (346%)
Carbs: 219.3 g / 130.0 g (169%)
Fat: 103.9 g / 65.0 g (160%)

Also do these look about normal to you guys ? I have decided to suppliment vitamin K and Vitamin E also magnesium.

Macros seem reasonable as a minimum. If you have appetite for more, then more sugar (fruit, milk, etc) might give you more energy for recovery. Your life has got to be busy with three youngsters, as well as your body maybe needing extra resources for recovery. Phosphorus is slightly higher than calcium - Peat recommends calcium: phosphorus 1:1 - 2:1. Seems reasonable to supplement E, K, mag. I can't remember other optimum numbers.


Mar 29, 2014
tara said:
Macros seem reasonable as a minimum. If you have appetite for more, then more sugar (fruit, milk, etc) might give you more energy for recovery.
And don't hold back on those crispy potato knobs you posted. :)


Mar 21, 2014
Haha @Tara enjoy them if you try it!!

Thank you for your input :) good stuff.


Mar 21, 2014
sweetpeat said:
Hi Raypmom,

The vitamins K and E also help with keeping the estrogen in check, so it’s good that you are adding those. Magnesium at night is also helpful and calming. All these things you are doing will help the metabolism and in turn your thyroid function.

Vitamin K seems to be pretty pricy. Does everyone pay this prices? WOW

What about this, it says vitamin k2 and D ... TR1oz.html will this benefit me if I can't afford the Thorne vitamin K2 by itself. What does everyone esle use ?


Mar 29, 2014
I use thorne K2. The bottle says take 15 drops a day, and I think that makes it last about a month. I use much less, and my first bottle lasted at least 8 mths. It's relatively good value, when you compare with capsules that dose at 200mcg.15 drops might be good, but my understanding is that 1 drop ~1mg is enough to do a lot of good.


Aug 24, 2013
Raypmom said:
Also with progest e how do you take large dosage? I don't want to eat it. I mix a few drops with slighly melted coconut oil to make it spread more evenly. I use it topically. I have used it on my gums but ends up in my throat and causes some weird irritation. Not a huge deal, but should I be just using it on my gums several times a day? I don't think I have used a large dose yet. How much, and how often? Is it better later in the evening? I wouldn't want to be drousy while doing school work.

Yeah mixing with coconut oil and putting it on your skin is a great idea. Do it twice a day, once when you first wake up and when you go to bed at night. I'd use at least a dime-sized amount of progesterone, but don't worry about trying large doses, all it will do is help.

I do too sometimes get that itchy feeling in the back of my throat, I think its the vitamin e. I find if I only take enough that it stays on my gums it doesn't really do that, but then you'd want to take it maybe three times a day if you use a smaller amount.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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