Red Meat, Fructose And Milk


Aug 31, 2013

Been lurking here for a long time and been trying to solve my low libido.

I'm 26 and should be enjoying life but my low libido coupled with ED is destroying my self esteem.

Been trying to adapt to the "peat diet" for over two years but I can't seem to handle fructose or milk. Both stresses me out greatly.

Red meat is even worse. Just hours after eating my libido dies and I get super stressed out.

I know I'm low in magnesium and been trying to correct it for a long time with little success. One other big symtom I have is that my limbs, hands and feet fall asleep super easy.

My question I guess is if anyone here is following Peat but staying away from fructose, milk and red meat. I know that this is far from Peat suggestions but my body can't handle the above. Been trying for two years.

What works best at the moment is a diet of potatoes, easy digestable pasta, white rice, fish, chicken breast and vegetables, with liver here and there.

I can't handle Coffee at all, makes me super stressed and tired.

I know Peat says that adrenal problems stem from low thyroid but alot of my problems seem to be related with adrenal fatigue.

Would be awsome if someone here is following a diet that excludes milk, fructose and red meat and hear what you eat instead.


Oct 15, 2016

What works best at the moment is a diet of potatoes, easy digestable pasta, white rice, fish, chicken breast and vegetables, with liver here and there.

Welcome aboard, I don't do lots of vegetables or rice, I eat no-fat fish (+ shrimps, would consider oysters but can't find ones) , mostly cod, I do eat red meat once in a while I can't say why. I usually have some ripe fruits or fruit juice with each meal. I'm not sure what to do with fat/starch/proteins ratios but will hopefully figure it out along the way.


Aug 31, 2013
Thing is, the only thing that really works against stress for me is Glucose. Like really easy digestable starch. I need to be really carefull about which proteins I'm consuming. Anyone here followed a Mcdougall style of eating with maybe some liver + oysters+ gelatin '?


Oct 15, 2016
Thing is, the only thing that really works against stress for me is Glucose. Like really easy digestable starch. I need to be really carefull about which proteins I'm consuming. Anyone here followed a Mcdougall style of eating with maybe some liver + oysters+ gelatin '?
I believe Westside PUFAs is close to doing that.


Nov 7, 2013
Thing is, the only thing that really works against stress for me is Glucose. Like really easy digestable starch. I need to be really carefull about which proteins I'm consuming. Anyone here followed a Mcdougall style of eating with maybe some liver + oysters+ gelatin '?
I've been eating Mcdougallish for a while now, no dairy. Low fat fish, eggs, chicken breast some red meat and refined starches (pasta/white rice/white bread/sometimes potatoes). Usually some kind of ripe fruit or juice every day. Sometimes I supplement eggshell calcium, other than that no supplements other than coffee and tobacco.


Mar 23, 2017
Inability to handle fructose and caffeine screams fatty liver to me.
BCAA, Taurine, Magnesium chloride, B5, egg yolks, beets juice can all help with that.


Oct 18, 2016
Inability to handle fructose and caffeine screams fatty liver to me.
BCAA, Taurine, Magnesium chloride, B5, egg yolks, beets juice can all help with that.

Fatty liver is unlikely for a few reasons.

1) He's 26, it typically takes a while for it to develop.

2) He also said that caffeine makes him stressed and tired. Having poor liver function typically extends caffeine's half-life, but doesn't change the actual physiological effects (lots of energy, anxyolitic, etc.). If the physiological effects are irregular (getting stressed and tired is an odd reaction to caffeine) the causes are likely neurological and/or endocrinological.

Phillid - Has your diet been consistently low in fat? Experimenting with higher amounts of long-chain fat intake may go a long way to helping poor digestion and any potential fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies you may have developed (supplementing A/D/K/E may not be a bad idea alongside this). Ghee might be a good alternative if it's either the lactose or protein in milk that's giving you issues, since it has neither. Goat's milk and cheese may also be worth trying since that's often less allergenic. If you can tolerate eggs, I would recommend eating several each day as well, to get enough cholesterol to provide a base for adequate steroid hormone synthesis.

It sounds more like you suffer from some kind of excitotoxicity. I have been there and it sucks. Although the effects of coffee intake would be short-lived, I can 100% identify with the feeling of being both stressed and tired from coffee/caffeine. I also used to get way to "buzzed" from things like fruit juice. Everything that was supposed to "promote energy metabolism" seemed to make things worse for me. I also know what it's like to have the libido go into the tank.

For myself, it took a while for me to realize my issues weren't with insufficient energy metabolism directly, but that my issues were more with the proper regulation of energy systems (so I would experience a lot of really high highs and really low lows in terms of energy and mood). Very high metabolic activity in neurons, which need to be tightly regulated, can be very problematic. I think using long-chain SFAs and cholesterol (and it's downstream effects on hormone synthesis) strategically can go a long way towards dampening excitotoxicity and restoring energy regulation mechanisms.


Mar 7, 2017
Fatty liver is unlikely for a few reasons.

1) He's 26, it typically takes a while for it to develop.

2) He also said that caffeine makes him stressed and tired. Having poor liver function typically extends caffeine's half-life, but doesn't change the actual physiological effects (lots of energy, anxyolitic, etc.). If the physiological effects are irregular (getting stressed and tired is an odd reaction to caffeine) the causes are likely neurological and/or endocrinological.

1) We now live in a world where it isn't unusual for children to be obese, so fatty liver is definitely an option by 26

2) "Stressed and tired" is a poor description, and thus not enough info to make a fair assessment of caffeine in this situation. The op should give more accurate info to better explain his issues.

Also, the op claims to have been attempting the diet for over 2 years, and yet has only posted 3 times since joining in 2013. This does not exactly instill confidence in his personal motivation to improve his health.o_O


Aug 31, 2013
Thanks for the replies. As theLaw stated, been a member since 2013 and have been experementing with my health before that aswell. I have done it all. Vegan, fruitarian, paleo, full peat through Kate Deerings book, hair like a fox and the wealth of info in here and what I learned is what I initiated with. My body can't handle fructose, red meat and milk it just can't. Not here to argue against Peat ideas, I think he's brilliant but I can't deny when something clearly is not working. The only think that seem to work in my case is easy digestable starches with a carefull selection of animal proteins with some vegetables.

So if someone is doing this, I would be gratefull to exchange recipies and other ideas.

Just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean I'm not dedicated. I'm constantly searching and improving but if you can't do dairy or fructose, you are not really doing peat so guess that's why I've not been so active here.

It's not just caffeine that ***** me up, tried alot of different stimulants and they all affect me the same - adrenaline, adrenaline and more adrenaline.

I have a history in my familiy of low dopamine so the libido issue might be related to that.

What I'm trying to focus on at the moment is magnesium status, dopamine and overall a diet that's high carb, low fat, around 100g protein from chicken, fish and gelatin.

I have also done a few fecal transplants to optimize bacterial flora which cleared up a few things, mainly brain foog.

So to say I'm not dedicated to my health isn't reallt the case, but I get where you are coming from.

The one thing that makes me horny as hell is weed and I guess that has to do with some dopamine mechanism but I'm not sure.


Aug 31, 2013
I might add that I tried the Iodine protocol in 2013 which nearly killed me, shut my thyroid off which gave me severe energy problems and suicidal thoughts which then led me to Peat


Nov 7, 2013
Dairy-free pancakes is easy to make if you can eat eggs. Low-fat fish with white rice. Fried eggs in small amount of ghee on additive-free bread. These are meals I frequently eat.


Aug 31, 2013
Sweet, sounds good, don't care for ghee but guess u can use coconut oil instead


Mar 5, 2018

Been lurking here for a long time and been trying to solve my low libido.

I'm 26 and should be enjoying life but my low libido coupled with ED is destroying my self esteem.

Been trying to adapt to the "peat diet" for over two years but I can't seem to handle fructose or milk. Both stresses me out greatly.

Red meat is even worse. Just hours after eating my libido dies and I get super stressed out.

I know I'm low in magnesium and been trying to correct it for a long time with little success. One other big symtom I have is that my limbs, hands and feet fall asleep super easy.

My question I guess is if anyone here is following Peat but staying away from fructose, milk and red meat. I know that this is far from Peat suggestions but my body can't handle the above. Been trying for two years.

What works best at the moment is a diet of potatoes, easy digestable pasta, white rice, fish, chicken breast and vegetables, with liver here and there.

I can't handle Coffee at all, makes me super stressed and tired.

I know Peat says that adrenal problems stem from low thyroid but alot of my problems seem to be related with adrenal fatigue.

Would be awsome if someone here is following a diet that excludes milk, fructose and red meat and hear what you eat instead.

Philip hi,

I have similar experiences. I can't do fruits or dairy. Fruits give me boost if i did not ate them for a while, but next day i will be in worse mood and a little depressed.
For my carbs i like potatoes and sweet potatoes. Also what helps me a lot is having most of my protein/fat in the morning/lunch and most of the carbs for dinner.
Plus not eating after 6pm.

My current diet is like this:
8am marrow, scallops, liver, 2 chicken rights, romaine
1pm fish romaine
6pm potatoes/sweet potatoes + cooked green pepper/eggplant + fish (something in green pepper/eggplant helps me handle starch better)

Libido wise > zinc, theanine, maca

Hope this will be helpful to you.

EDIT: Also sunshine.


Jun 28, 2019
I might add that I tried the Iodine protocol in 2013 which nearly killed me, shut my thyroid off which gave me severe energy problems and suicidal thoughts which then led me to Peat

how much iodine did you use in the iodine protocol? how often did you use it, and how long did it take for you to go back to normal from that?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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