Remarkable Synergistic Effect Of Androsterone With DHEA



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut So is this study saying Androsterone + DHEA was more androgenic than even Testosterone + DHT? Thank you!

I don't think it says that. Where do you see T and DHT mentioned by the study?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Do you test your hormone levels a lot when experimenting with these? Seems like you test pretty regularly. Would Testosterone be a bit lower since theres a higher ratio of it converting to DHT now?

My T has approached the upper limit of normal and has stayed there ever since I got into Peating. DHT rose also to upper limit of normal after I started using Pansterone. It actually climbs above normal when I use 2 doses daily of Pansterone. The trick with DHEA is that it takes a few months to reflect into blood levels of steroids. Initially, it builds up into tissues and gets converted into DHT and T there but once those tissues needs are exceeded it "spills over" into the blood. It took about 3 months to see increases of blood levels of DHT when applied on the arms and legs. Applied to the scrotum it (Pansterone) apparently raises both T and DHT within 2 weeks if used every day. Blood levels of androgens are primarily indicative of gonadal steroidogenesis, so giving the testicles the raw materials directly is a great way to reverse primary hypogonadism.
Androsterone raised by DHT levels above normal within 5 days of using 10mg daily combined with Pansterone. But my DHT levels were pretty close to upper limit before that so I don't know how applicable that result would be for other people. I lowered my dose to 5mg, which I take with my 8 drops of Pansterone. I did take this combo daily for about 6 weeks and since I felt that it builds up I now don't use every day, but rather maybe 3 times a week.


Mar 25, 2016
That is very cool information haidut. I've definitely noticed positive effects with low doses of Pansterone, and sometimes when I take a day or two off every now and then, I feel a greater effect than if I took it everyday. Thanks again for making awesome products! Cant wait to test the androsterone on my rat haha.


I don't think it says that. Where do you see T and DHT mentioned by the study?
Sorry, when It mentioned it was the most powerful combination I assumed it was comparing it to other androgen combinations as well. I've been jumping around reading too many threads at once haha.
Jan 10, 2016
Received pansterone and androsterone yesterday. Applied 8 drops and 5 drops respectively, after a gym session at lunchtime. No immediate affects, although I did like the subtle scent of the androsterone after the ethanol dried.
Then before bed I took another dose. Felt warm and pulse was slightly elevated.

This morning after reading this thread I decided to apply the pansterone directly on scrotum to "give the testicles the raw materials directly". I can say that this time I definitely notice a physiological response.
I began to feel really relaxed, comfortable and content, and this feeling was radiating from my body not my mind. My life circumstances did not change but I definitely felt better about them.

I think when you get a response like this it means your body got something it needed. Will continue with this method of application twice daily.


It's hard for most people to entertain the thought that all the money they are paying may be going in vain. It's not an easy state to be in and in fact there are only 2 ways out - i.e. either you double-down and blindly believe your doctor (delusion) or you have to face a mountain of information to sift through and figure things out on your own. Recently, the publishers of the DSM manual (used to diagnose psychiatric illness) changed the definitions around so that if you have a realistic outlook on the world you fit the diagnosis of clinical depression. I am not kidding, check it out. I think that started in DSM IV and became even worse in DSM V. So, the medical profession actively encourages delusion as a "healthy" mental state.

This is absolutely scary.
1984 is behind the corner.
We are almost there.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Received pansterone and androsterone yesterday. Applied 8 drops and 5 drops respectively, after a gym session at lunchtime. No immediate affects, although I did like the subtle scent of the androsterone after the ethanol dried.
Then before bed I took another dose. Felt warm and pulse was slightly elevated.

This morning after reading this thread I decided to apply the pansterone directly on scrotum to "give the testicles the raw materials directly". I can say that this time I definitely notice a physiological response.
I began to feel really relaxed, comfortable and content, and this feeling was radiating from my body not my mind. My life circumstances did not change but I definitely felt better about them.

I think when you get a response like this it means your body got something it needed. Will continue with this method of application twice daily.

Thank you, this is great feedback! Did you feel a muscle hardening or libido effect when applying to the scrotum? That would be indication of conversion into T and DHT.


Jul 8, 2016
Recently, the publishers of the DSM manual (used to diagnose psychiatric illness) changed the definitions around so that if you have a realistic outlook on the world you fit the diagnosis of clinical depression. I am not kidding, check it out. I think that started in DSM IV and became even worse in DSM V. So, the medical profession actively encourages delusion as a "healthy" mental state.

I just had a look and doesn't seem to be that different from what I was expecting?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I just had a look and doesn't seem to be that different from what I was expecting?

I have to dig out the exact reference from DSM. But the phenomenon is real - what is currently defined as healthy mental outlook is known to be clinically diagnosable mild delusion.
Depressive Realism
Costs and benefits of realism and optimism
"...The phenomenon of depressive realism faces a multitude of challenges. The phenomenon was originally described in terms of precision in assessing one's own control over processes that could not be controlled [2], but since then depressive realism has been stretched to include accuracy in completing such diverse tasks as making financial decisions for others [5], perceiving the nature of the interaction in personal relationships [6▪] and even forecasting the results of sport games [7▪]. With the exception of the prediction of events that are not self-related, the phenomenon of depressive realism has been confirmed by recent research. People diagnosed with mild or moderate depression make more accurate judgments in a variety of domains. The most striking evidence comes from the studies based on people's real-life experiences."

I strongly recommend reading the last link, which is an actual study. You may get..."realistic" *cough* depressed *cough*.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut Thank you for the links I will look into them all. How do you find out about all these interesting things first? I've not seen anyone else mention this at all, anywhere.

These things have really been out there for a very long time. Just like the evidence vindicating cholesterol in heart disease. It's quite simple. You can use Google News search to search for the Science or Health section and you just look for words like "paradox", "shocking", "unexpected", "unprofitable", etc. When you remove the obvious wackiness that is not backed up by any evidence you get quite a few leads to follow up on. The rest is finding some time to follow up on those leads. And that is the hard part really :):
Jan 10, 2016
@haidut I was just outside painting my wall, and I still feel pretty good for no particular reason at all. Physically I am feeling as if I've taken a recreational drug, warm, solid, and very relaxed. Like I just achieved something big. But in reality I didn't!

I have experimented with lots of supplements and drugs, so I'm not one to let placebo get me carried away with myself. I think I may be seriously deficient in the "steroids of youth" after years of chronic stress, endurance exercise and the wrong diet advice. Or perhaps somewhat hypogonadal.

Anyway I have had a good start with this combo and I will take it for the next 6 months and report back with any significant impact it has. I am particularly interested in the effect of extra DHT on my hair as I am in the process of regrowing having lost a significant amount of hair. I posted pics in the other thread about hair loss and genetics. If the increase in DHT increases hair growth as I suspect it will, then I don't think I will ever listen to a doctor about anything ever again. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut I was just outside painting my wall, and I still feel pretty good for no particular reason at all. Physically I am feeling as if I've taken a recreational drug, warm, solid, and very relaxed. Like I just achieved something big. But in reality I didn't!

I have experimented with lots of supplements and drugs, so I'm not one to let placebo get me carried away with myself. I think I may be seriously deficient in the "steroids of youth" after years of chronic stress, endurance exercise and the wrong diet advice. Or perhaps somewhat hypogonadal.

Anyway I have had a good start with this combo and I will take it for the next 6 months and report back with any significant impact it has. I am particularly interested in the effect of extra DHT on my hair as I am in the process of regrowing having lost a significant amount of hair. I posted pics in the other thread about hair loss and genetics. If the increase in DHT increases hair growth as I suspect it will, then I don't think I will ever listen to a doctor about anything ever again. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

I think most males nowadays are severely deficient in the strong 5-AR derived androgens. This has been consistently shown by comparative studies showing levels of androsterone, androsterone sulfate and androsterone glucuronide are about 60% lower in young males circa 2005 compared to the same androgens in the same age group of males circa 1960. Basically, we are only 40% as "male" as our fathers. I don't even want to think how much worse we are compared to the grandfathers...
Anyways, glad it is working so well! Please keep everybody posted on this thread as I think many other males are in a similar situation and this combo can potentially benefit every male over 30.


Aug 17, 2016
I think most males nowadays are severely deficient in the strong 5-AR derived androgens. This has been consistently shown by comparative studies showing levels of androsterone, androsterone sulfate and androsterone glucuronide are about 60% lower in young males circa 2005 compared to the same androgens in the same age group of males circa 1960. Basically, we are only 40% as "male" as our fathers. I don't even want to think how much worse we are compared to the grandfathers...
Anyways, glad it is working so well! Please keep everybody posted on this thread as I think many other males are in a similar situation and this combo can potentially benefit every male over 30.
For sure, you are right. My dad was in his 60's when I was born. He had 9 brothers and he was 2nd to the youngest. So I was raised by a bunch of knuckle-dragging he-men from another era. If we all ate at his parents house (when I was a baby), these men would lay one forearm around their plates and shoveled in meat, grizzle, chomping up bones and sucking out the marrow in silence with their other mitt. Not your bookish types:wink , but physically ridiculously strong.


May 4, 2016
I think most males nowadays are severely deficient in the strong 5-AR derived androgens. This has been consistently shown by comparative studies showing levels of androsterone, androsterone sulfate and androsterone glucuronide are about 60% lower in young males circa 2005 compared to the same androgens in the same age group of males circa 1960. Basically, we are only 40% as "male" as our fathers. I don't even want to think how much worse we are compared to the grandfathers...
Anyways, glad it is working so well! Please keep everybody posted on this thread as I think many other males are in a similar situation and this combo can potentially benefit every male over 30.

Probably many under 30 as well, by the sound of it.


Mar 25, 2016
@haidut speaking of our ancestors seeming much more masculine, is there a good reason for that? environmental estrogens definitely come to mind, but do you think there are others? Whenever I see old photos, some men just have the biggest beards and mustaches I've ever seen, they look proper and upright and determined. Seems we've lost a lot of that today.


Jan 8, 2016
I think most males nowadays are severely deficient in the strong 5-AR derived androgens. This has been consistently shown by comparative studies showing levels of androsterone, androsterone sulfate and androsterone glucuronide are about 60% lower in young males circa 2005 compared to the same androgens in the same age group of males circa 1960. Basically, we are only 40% as "male" as our fathers. I don't even want to think how much worse we are compared to the grandfathers...
Anyways, glad it is working so well! Please keep everybody posted on this thread as I think many other males are in a similar situation and this combo can potentially benefit every male over 30.
Pansterone+Androsterone on every over 30 guy's scortum!!!!
Do you think using that long term indefinetly would be ok or should one cycle it? How?
Nov 21, 2015
i have found that with this combo on my rat's tiny little scrotum, he is kind of tired-ish, and lacks motivation. Is this because his stress hormones are lower now and he lacks that OOMPH from cortisol and adrenaline?

He is tired all the time now and although he has a strong sex drive and good erections, the rat seems to lack interest in other things and kind of sits around a lot of the time...



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut speaking of our ancestors seeming much more masculine, is there a good reason for that? environmental estrogens definitely come to mind, but do you think there are others? Whenever I see old photos, some men just have the biggest beards and mustaches I've ever seen, they look proper and upright and determined. Seems we've lost a lot of that today.

I think it is a combination of lifestyle, diet, overmedicalization, and above all lack of sense of purpose. Every object in the Universe is purposeful (at least in the Aristotelian sense) and constantly driving the message into people's heads that life has no purpose, everything is meaningless and dumb, etc. has a powerful vanquishing effect on the mind/brain. Health is primarily a byproduct of mental outlook + diet and both of these are horrific these days. I also think people are really not free nowadays and we live in a masked slavery where every moment of a person's life is a discrete transaction, usually controlled by somebody else and done for money. If reality is continuous and our brain does best in an environment rewarding such worldview, then this transactional/reductionist lifestyle is like the physiological anti-Christ that came upon this world.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Pansterone+Androsterone on every over 30 guy's scortum!!!!
Do you think using that long term indefinetly would be ok or should one cycle it? How?

Since androsterone can suppress endogenous steroid production in high doses or with very long chronic administration, I would watch for signs of decreased libido, energy, etc and maybe take a break for a week. If used sporadically, say every other day, I think this combination can probably be used indefinitely without much risk of suppression.
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