Saturated fat protects alcoholics, so why not drink more?


Jun 7, 2016
Premise: Ray said that alcoholics in India did not develop liver cirrhosis because of the ghee in their diet was protecting them.

I was under weight and was coerced to join a gym by a work college because the job was physically demanding. I joined, took all advice very seriously and one piece was to not drink alcohol so I didn't. by late 20s I was over the gym but still living a "healthy" lifestyle and so the non drinking continues. Past few years I had an Indian manager named Sanjay and he was a huge beer drinker more than any westerner and had a great personality and the kind of person you want to be around, very stress resilient and always kept a sense of joy even when things were bad at work, never got angry. He told me they got raw milk every day fresh from the cows delivered to home, he was from Delhi.

I really believe that people who drink beer have a better life, beer has been a part of European culture for a long time and maybe there is a reason for it and I am saying this from around 14 years of not drinking. If alcohol is so estrogenic from stressing the liver but the ghee seems to prevent this then why don't people with a very high saturated fat to puf lifestyle drink more? also is saturated fats underrated for keeping estrogen low?
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Apr 15, 2020
Beer is very Estrogenic, just another stressor. Alcohol increases Endotoxin absorption, so if that's not tip top (assuming people on this forum come here under bad diet background and general non ideal health) it probably isn't good. Your friend has robust health non the less and simply hasn't found a need to care for it


Sep 5, 2015
If you want to get the benefits of alcohol maybe clear liquor like gin or vodka would be the safest choice. Travis had some interesting musings around gin If I remember correctly. A cl or two in orange juice tastes quite nice


Nov 22, 2017
Every ounce of alcohol means your liver has to process it and isn't able to do something else, so that's a pretty heavy strain after awhile.

I'm sure there are other benefits (e.g. b vitamins) which compensate this effect of beer, but considering the central importance of the liver in health, I think it's best to have space the heavy drinking sessions and give your liver a couple days to recover in between.


Nov 22, 2017
If you want to get the benefits of alcohol maybe clear liquor like gin or vodka would be the safest choice. Travis had some interesting musings around gin If I remember correctly. A cl or two in orange juice tastes quite nice

Gin is my favourite. Nothing else makes me feel as good and raises my temps as well. Fructose helps the liver as well, so a high fructose + saturated fat diet is likely to be very protective. I could see gin/vodka/tequila based cocktails with plenty of juices being virtually harmless, even in the long run.


Jan 28, 2020
Beer sans-Hops (gruit) would be ideal if it's available... But with that said, I think people who drink have a better life because they tend to go out with their FRIENDS. The Community aspect of drinking does more for one's health than sitting at home alone.


Nov 22, 2017
Beer sans-Hops (gruit) would be ideal if it's available... But with that said, I think people who drink have a better life because they tend to go out with their FRIENDS. The Community aspect of drinking does more for one's health than sitting at home alone.
Absolutely right.


Jun 7, 2019
Found these in the Peat mega-newsletter archive on here.
Some fungi have been found to respond to the human sex steroids, striven and testosterone, and there is evidence for a corticosteroid receptor in Candida (D.S. Loose, et al) suggesting that the yeast produces and responds to a hormone resembling cortisone. Estradiol, the most powerful human oestrogen, has been extracted from a yeast (A. Burhsell, et al, 1984).

For many years, male beer drinkers have been known to develop breasts. Since liver damage causes abnormal amounts of oestrogen to be produced and retained, the alcohol was blamed, but in the last year, enough oestrogen was found in beer and wine to account for the condition, independently of any alcohol damage to the liver. Bread was also found to contain significant amounts of oestrogen, from the years. (The increased rate of cancer which has been observed in beer drinkers might have something to do with oestrogen. It would be interesting to compare the cancer incidence among bread eaters with the incidence in people who eat tortillas, pasta, or potatoes.)

Since early in this century, brewers’ yeast was used for treating diabetes. The pancreas has an estrogen receptor, and oestrogen promotes insulin secretion. Since reading of yeasts’ responsiveness to sex hormones, about 15 years ago, I have encouraged people to use liver when they need a vitamin-mineral supplement, and to restrict the use of brewers’ yeast mainly to the treatment of diabetes.

One hot summer, I had a four ounce glass of Modelo beer, discovered I liked it, and for the rest of the summer I would often drink a similar small amount during he hot part of the day, while at my friend's house to water the plants. Two moles appeared on my forehead, and grew rapidly, until the bigger one was the size of a small pea. When the beer in the refrigerator was gone, the summer was nearly over, and I had thought increasingly about the estrogen content of beer, so I didn't drink any more. Within about a week, the moles were shrinking. The smaller one disappeared while the other one was still about the size of match-head. After about three weeks, the remaining mole was about the size of a dried pea, and one morning it rolled free when I touched it. It had become firm and dry.


Jan 25, 2014
Premise: Ray said that alcoholics in India did not develop liver cirrhosis because of the ghee in their diet was protecting them.

I was under weight and was coerced to join a gym by a work college because the job was physically demanding. I joined, took all advice very seriously and one piece was to not drink alcohol so I didn't. by late 20s I was over the gym but still living a "healthy" lifestyle and so the non drinking continues. Past few years I had an Indian manager named Sanjay and he was a huge beer drinker more than any westerner and had a great personality and the kind of person you want to be around, very stress resilient and always kept a sense of joy even when things were bad at work, never got angry. He told me they got raw milk every day fresh from the cows delivered to home, he was from Delhi.

I really believe that people who drink beer have a better life, beer has been a part of European culture for a long time and maybe there is a reason for it and I am saying this from around 14 years of not drinking. If alcohol is so estrogenic from stressing the liver but the ghee seems to prevent this then why don't people with a very high saturated fat to puf lifestyle drink more? also is saturated fats underrated for keeping estrogen low?

Well, not only high SFA to PUFA, and low overall dietary PUFA, but you would also want PUFA stores in the body to be low, and other issues dealt with as well. If you already have NAFLD or low thyroid or leaky gut or bacterial overgrowth in the gut or high iron, or high FFAs, or what have you,

If dealing with some metabolic problems, alcohol could probably make things worse, although occasional drinking is probably still okay. Haidut's posted and referred to the Nanji studies quite a bit-

In the context of low PUFA, alcohol doesn't appear to be very harmful to the liver. But the combo of alcohol +PUFA is.

If you have fixed most/all of your metabolic problems, you can probably drink moderately (or even more than moderately), and be okay from a health perspective.


Dec 5, 2020
Premise: Ray said that alcoholics in India did not develop liver cirrhosis because of the ghee in their diet was protecting them.
I really believe that people who drink beer have a better life,
Yeah, arguably people who do recreational drugs also
beer has been a part of European culture for a long time and maybe there is a reason for it and I am saying this from around 14 years of not drinking.
including middle ages. When drinking culture shifted towards tea and coffee boom modernity.

If alcohol is so estrogenic from stressing the liver but the ghee seems to prevent this then why don't people with a very high saturated fat to puf lifestyle drink more?
How is sat fat supposed to be protective?
also is saturated fats underrated for keeping estrogen low?
No. Avoiding fat is underrated for lowering E, though. I could see very low fat + beer being pretty good if you work out to keep androgen production up


Apr 15, 2020
Well, not only high SFA to PUFA, and low overall dietary PUFA, but you would also want PUFA stores in the body to be low, and other issues dealt with as well. If you already have NAFLD or low thyroid or leaky gut or bacterial overgrowth in the gut or high iron, or high FFAs, or what have you,

If dealing with some metabolic problems, alcohol could probably make things worse, although occasional drinking is probably still okay. Haidut's posted and referred to the Nanji studies quite a bit-

In the context of low PUFA, alcohol doesn't appear to be very harmful to the liver. But the combo of alcohol +PUFA is.

If you have fixed most/all of your metabolic problems, you can probably drink moderately (or even more than moderately), and be okay from a health perspective.

You forget the problem of Endotoxin and Alcohol.


Feb 13, 2016
I think serotonin can make you overly happy in a kind of deluded way. Drinking beer probably raises serotonin.


Sep 23, 2020
Premise: Ray said that alcoholics in India did not develop liver cirrhosis because of the ghee in their diet was protecting them.

I was under weight and was coerced to join a gym by a work college because the job was physically demanding. I joined, took all advice very seriously and one piece was to not drink alcohol so I didn't. by late 20s I was over the gym but still living a "healthy" lifestyle and so the non drinking continues. Past few years I had an Indian manager named Sanjay and he was a huge beer drinker more than any westerner and had a great personality and the kind of person you want to be around, very stress resilient and always kept a sense of joy even when things were bad at work, never got angry. He told me they got raw milk every day fresh from the cows delivered to home, he was from Delhi.

I really believe that people who drink beer have a better life, beer has been a part of European culture for a long time and maybe there is a reason for it and I am saying this from around 14 years of not drinking. If alcohol is so estrogenic from stressing the liver but the ghee seems to prevent this then why don't people with a very high saturated fat to puf lifestyle drink more? also is saturated fats underrated for keeping estrogen low?
I hate alcohol but if you give me a glass of orange juice, you can count me in.
Jan 4, 2017
Premise: Ray said that alcoholics in India did not develop liver cirrhosis because of the ghee in their diet was protecting them.

I was under weight and was coerced to join a gym by a work college because the job was physically demanding. I joined, took all advice very seriously and one piece was to not drink alcohol so I didn't. by late 20s I was over the gym but still living a "healthy" lifestyle and so the non drinking continues. Past few years I had an Indian manager named Sanjay and he was a huge beer drinker more than any westerner and had a great personality and the kind of person you want to be around, very stress resilient and always kept a sense of joy even when things were bad at work, never got angry. He told me they got raw milk every day fresh from the cows delivered to home, he was from Delhi.

I really believe that people who drink beer have a better life, beer has been a part of European culture for a long time and maybe there is a reason for it and I am saying this from around 14 years of not drinking. If alcohol is so estrogenic from stressing the liver but the ghee seems to prevent this then why don't people with a very high saturated fat to puf lifestyle drink more? also is saturated fats underrated for keeping estrogen low?

I think there are some very good benefits to Saturated Fats, but ever since peating, my desire to drink has diminished to practically zero. I dont know why exactly but my assumption is that stress increases desire for alcohol, and my stress has gone down a ton. My tolerance is still good too. Got tipsy a few months back and it took A LOT of beer to do it lol. I also don't like the next day feeling after drinking. I dont really get headaches anymore but my energy and focus is shot.


Feb 22, 2014
Gin is my favourite. Nothing else makes me feel as good and raises my temps as well. Fructose helps the liver as well, so a high fructose + saturated fat diet is likely to be very protective. I could see gin/vodka/tequila based cocktails with plenty of juices being virtually harmless, even in the long run.
Refreshing to read this post, and your comment! Just within the past two weeks I have taken a liking to gin- Hendricks to be exact- and I am really enjoying it. Fever-Tree Tonic water added with a crush of lime. Oh, so good. With my sat fat dinner!

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Nov 22, 2017
Refreshing to read this post, and your comment! Just within the past two weeks I have taken a liking to gin- Hendricks to be exact- and I am really enjoying it. Fever-Tree Tonic water added with a crush of lime. Oh, so good. With my sat fat dinner!

It really is an enjoyable experience, and Ray seemed to agree with the notion that clear liquor was a better option, he even referenced the Queen Mother who had a daily gin and lived into her 100s.

I've often seen such habits which centenarians, the common trend seems to be a consistent set of foods (and drink) that they enjoy, and that includes a little alcohol
Nov 21, 2015
Drink beer then.

Beer contains estrogen from the yeast, not just from the hops.

Drink whatever you want. I personally find my life much better without alcohol.
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