Some dosing help for supps?


Mar 7, 2013
I am sure there are a lot of threads, and I did take a long look, but I still have questions about a few supplements. I am currently on about 3 grains of thyroid (and will be switching to ERFA thyroid made in Canada soon). Here is what I have questions about, and keep in mind, I just want general recs, I know no one can tell me how much exactly I need.

Niacinamide: I have the bulk powder by Beyond a Century. I don't know how much is a good starting point, or when to take it, with food or without. It's sooooooo bitter lol so I usually have to chase it with something immediately. The reason I want to try this is because of anxiety and Ray had mentioned it could help with another issue I have.

Vitamin A, D, E and K: I know these are fat soluble, and I take it because I've never been able to consume enough vitamin E with foods. How do you rec taking it? With food, without, and certain time of day? Also, if there is anything that I should take in tandem with them? My doc recs vit d because I am pitifully low, but I've been getting in the sun more, and I have Carlson D drops and I take 1 maybe 2 drops a day. I know vit k and d work together, I've not thought about vit k until recently. I was thinking about looking into it as well. As for vitamin A, I have nutrisorb. Just if someone could give me general dosing info I'd really appreciate it :D

Vitamin B complex: I know that I would be adding additional niacinamide, but I've read recently about Thorne B complex, and wondering if this is overboard and I should try to get more from food.

I have my progesterone schedule and my thyroid schedule's the supplements that have stumped me. Any advice and or discussion would be awesome. I am more than happy to give back story on my health issues if they're relevant. Thanks all :D


Thorne B Complex has silica. Peat avoids all such products due to persorption concerns.


Feb 20, 2013
RP recommends 100 mg Niacinamide twice a day with carbohydrate for
noticeable benefit. He thinks larger dose of Niacinamide can be useful too.
Niacinamide lowers free fatty acids and body relies more on sugar as
energy source. He thinks some B vitamins ,especially B2 can be very allergenic.
I think most B-complex supplements are problematic.
He recommends mixed tocopherol vitamin E and amount depends on
PUFA storage and intake. I think 400 IU is a common dose and he thinks
it is helpful to take vitamin E with PUFA rich meal.
Following link has a lot of information on supplement and doses.
I ... tandi.html


Mar 7, 2013
I appreciate the responses! I haven't looked at the DR page in quite a while. Didn't know that about Riboflavin, I see where the B complex would be problematic. I am still detoxing PUFA, had a bad bad diet for a long time.


Feb 22, 2014
Mittir said:
RP recommends 100 mg Niacinamide twice a day with carbohydrate for
noticeable benefit. He thinks larger dose of Niacinamide can be useful too.
Niacinamide lowers free fatty acids and body relies more on sugar as
energy source. He thinks some B vitamins ,especially B2 can be very allergenic.
I think most B-complex supplements are problematic.
He recommends mixed tocopherol vitamin E and amount depends on
PUFA storage and intake. I think 400 IU is a common dose and he thinks
it is helpful to take vitamin E with PUFA rich meal.
Following link has a lot of information on supplement and doses.
I ... tandi.html


Thanks for pointing out helps from DR blog. I have a couple of questions from this thread:

1. Would this supplement be a good source of vitamin Bs? (why do you say most b-complex are problematic?) ... ucts_id=88
I'm especially interested in knowing what good food sources for extra B6, if I don't supplement, other than liver?

2. Would this vitamin E be a decent source? ... =null&ic=1

Thanks for any help!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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