Some Dude Sounding High IQ Talking About Looksmaxxing On An Incel Forum


Mar 15, 2014
Looksmax in particular is comprised of men mostly between the ages of 15 and 25 whose life goal is to have meaningless, non-reproductive sex
Yeah, the entire forum oozes desperation/scarcity mentality/outrage. Generally everything young people do these days seems to be full of outrage and quick judgements.

Still, they point out certain traits that I've noticed, but have never seen anyone else point out. Things like gonial angle, canthal tilt, etc (some of you may be familiar with my old post on this). I think these things are reflective of certain biological processes, although they're probably genetic as well.


Jul 29, 2014
People always say "our bodies evolved to starve at times over a million years". It also evolved to tell you to stop fu**ing starving yourself immediately because it's terrible for you. It's called hunger, hypothyroidism and hypoglycemia.

Yes saying fasting is good because we are evolved to fast is silly and not even an argument. Just because we can go without eating for a while doesn't mean it is optimal for health. It sort of assumes nature is perfect. But it isn't.

And grazing is for wussy vegans and killing animals and fasting is manly or something and therefore optimal for health? Sounds sciencey! And I'm no vegan myself (I kill and butcher my own livestock)


Mar 20, 2013
I will say this much: having my wisdom teeth removed changed my face for the worse. And I'm upset about it. Not to mention it's generally accepted as an unnecessary procedure and mostly profit driven. Just "one of those things" that everyone does. I do think I look less masculine and less attractive now than I did when I was younger. It's upsetting.

But it is what it is. I've had similar issues with circumcision that simply take a long time to get over. I do wish that more people would recognize the amputation fetish American culture has and move beyond it. Even removing other organs like gallbladder, appendix, tonsils, with absolutely zero regard for their function. It really has to stop. It's insanity and this is doing major damage to people that is completely irreversible.

I don't like that my feelings about that might get lumped in with these dudes. The scarcity mentality and black/white judgment is extremely toxic.

I do think at the end of the day that your attitude and confidence matter 100% more. I just don't want being upset about unnecessary surgeries to be lumped into the same category as cursing "bad genetics" or anything like that.

I also don't agree with judging people based on their looks. The claim is we all just do it naturally and there's nothing that can change that, but that's not true. If you've ever been in love, truly, you know that attraction can vary widely based on connection and personality.

Everyone today is kind of taking a ruthless look at the "sexual marketplace" and objectifying everyone. This is a truly ugly way to look at the world. While I myself am pretty jaded and am distrustful of anyone who would claim to "love" me, there is still a small part of me alive that recognizes the importance of actual love and connection. We are not just a bunch of mindless animals running around f***ing everything in sight.

I mean, some people can be like that, sometimes. Even for a long time. But everyone is not like that and these reductionist ways of looking at the world are extremely toxic.

The way I see it, even if love isn't permanent, if you experienced it, you experienced it, and those moments are permanent. They were real. Regardless of what happens after. You gotta look at things more simply like that if you want to hang onto your humanity. Many people have an extremely depressing and defeatist worldview now and I definitely am not on board with that.

Really gotta check yourself and make sure your mindset is staying healthy. It should be easy to tell when your mind is going to a bad place -- if you practice paying attention enough. I have a right to feel bad once in a while about wisdom tooth extraction/circumcision because it's ***t that never should've happened to me. But choosing to dwell on it and hate the world for it is a whole nother thing.

I take a "this sucks but life goes on" kind of attitude. Suck it up and push forward


Nov 21, 2019
if you experienced it, you experienced it, and those moments are permanent. They were real.

incels do not, and often have never, experienced it. that's a big part of the problem dude.
not everyone experiences love, and this is ******* terrible. it literally turns people into monsters, if some other factors are met.
but this is not the thread to discuss it. good post though


Mar 20, 2013
incels do not, and often have never, experienced it. that's a big part of the problem dude.
not everyone experiences love, and this is ******* terrible. it literally turns people into monsters, if some other factors are met.
but this is not the thread to discuss it. good post though

I was an incel before being an incel was a thing. Fortunately that was before there was a community around it. The thinking in those places is extremely toxic. I'm actually pissed that the word "incel" has such a horrible reputation as it discredits genuine people struggling with these issues. People that don't harbor extremely toxic thoughts against other people, and are just normal, suffering people with a specific set of issues that are very real. But yes, not the thread for this discussion, and I could talk for days about this.

Reversing mitochondrial aging is quite a bold claim. I have been experimenting a little with berberine but need to be more consistent with it. Just because I suspect I have metabolic syndrome based on abdominal obesity, but not a whole lot of fat accumulation anywhere else.

I'm very skeptical about anyone making such bold claims and posturing as if they have everything figured out. Nothing is that simple. It's 2020. Nobody has "cracked the code" on anything, really. Give it another few hundred years and maybe we'll have a little bit of a start on actually understanding biology in a practical, applicable, relatively non-ambiguous way. And that's probably being extremely conservative.


Mar 20, 2013
It's always good to expose yourself to alternative ideas to stop this place from becoming an echo chamber, but as others have mentioned, he's essentially just repeating the words of David Sinclair and Rhonda Patrick. Unfortunately, it's clear from looking at older videos of Sinclair that's he's had botox and, whilst Rhonda doesn't look bad, she does look exactly her age. Sinclair also uses a statin to bring his high cholesterol down, again suggesting he's in a hypometabolic state.

I looked at Siim Land who the op recommended, and he looks extremely hypothryoid to me:

Pale blueish skin, colorless lips, lots of forehead wrinkles and thin eyebrows. You see the same from most people who promote caloric restriction and time-restricted eating, but they're too bogged down in the benefits they think they're getting on paper to even notice and/or care.

There's a reason many people end up on this forum with wrecked health after years of fasting, low carb, caloric restriction and excessive exercise.


Is it a coincidence that self-improvement is conflated with self-punishment in this society?


Feb 21, 2019
I'm traveling and didn't read all of this but I will say nmn has literally been a life saver for me recently. Taking their Coq and that in the am on an empty stomach has produced nothing but amazing results.
Jun 19, 2020
I'm traveling and didn't read all of this but I will say nmn has literally been a life saver for me recently. Taking their Coq and that in the am on an empty stomach has produced nothing but amazing results.

Fascinated about the nmn. The only nootropic that I've ever taken and that i feel has actually done something to me is Niacinamide. Is NMN similar to that, or completely different? Can they be taken together?

What were / are the effects that you like so much from it?


May 19, 2017
Nicotinamide riboside is far superior to nicotinamide mononucleotide in both clinical trials and anecdotal experiences.


May 19, 2017
But it is what it is. I've had similar issues with circumcision that simply take a long time to get over. I do wish that more people would recognize the amputation fetish American culture has and move beyond it. Even removing other organs like gallbladder, appendix, tonsils, with absolutely zero regard for their function. It really has to stop. It's insanity and this is doing major damage to people that is completely irreversible.
Agree 100%, it is perverse how happy doctors are to remove various body parts, often for absolutely no reason at all.

But there are cases, when tonsils are so infected they become a continuous source of toxins, slowly poisoning and infecting the whole body. And also, untreated appendicitis can kill you. I'm curious, how would you go about these cases, to prevent surgery?


Jun 30, 2018
Nicotinamide riboside is far superior to nicotinamide mononucleotide in both clinical trials and anecdotal experiences.

I haven't tried NMN but I have tried NR and regular niacinamide and with NR i feel a massive difference compared to niacinamide, I just get scared off from using it all the time since I keep seeing people say regular niacinamide is just as good as NR so that makes me think wtf is NR doing to me than lol


Mar 20, 2013
Agree 100%, it is perverse how happy doctors are to remove various body parts, often for absolutely no reason at all.

But there are cases, when tonsils are so infected they become a continuous source of toxins, slowly poisoning and infecting the whole body. And also, untreated appendicitis can kill you. I'm curious, how would you go about these cases, to prevent surgery?

I have no idea. It does make you wonder however if those conditions could have been preventable with diet and lifestyle. Though many young teens have such operations, including gallbladder removal.

There are probably cases where surgery is a necessary evil, though it's usually as you described: situations where the body is in grave danger either due to sepsis or some kind of organ rupture.

Lots of modern medical practices are necessary because so many people get so sick, beyond the ability of diet/lifestyle to fully recover them. Of course, this is just speculation on my part, and I could be wrong, but that's what it seems like. Medical emergencies due to bacterial/viral infections are one thing, diet/lifestyle preventable conditions are another....though at some point the line is probably blurred between both of those. But by the time it becomes a medical emergency it doesn't really matter what the cause was.

As for prevention, I've been looking at it more culturally. It requires such a tremendous individual effort because our culture does not promote health. Lack of community seems to be a big part of that.


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States

Is it a coincidence that self-improvement is conflated with self-punishment in this society?

It would be really nice if people were able to separate practices that mortify the body and are intended to separate one's mentality from the world from practices that are supposed to help you in the world. When you do these things in a weird juxtaposition (i.e. brutal fasting for the purpose of GAINZ) you end up gaining neither the benefits of being worldly or the benefits of ascetic practice, really silly and easily avoided.


Nov 21, 2019
No, cant pm him and mods deleted thread in which i was asking him questions


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jib and @JanP,

Talking of having parts removed, many young people are having their sigmoid colons resected for IBS, diverticulitis, colitis etc.

They end up with their bowel emptying out a hole in their side. They need ostomy bags to collect the ‘output’ which arrives without any control, as the rectum and anus have been bypassed.

I think these surgical candidates should be made aware of the success of carnivore and other low / soft fibre diets for restoring a functional bowel.

I imagine legumes are the worst offenders. Lentil soup used to cause me a lot of pain, probably from inflating pockets of gas from fermentation.

On the other hand, I find fruit, eggs, cheese and red meat easy to digest.

That selection also provides most nutrients. If you choose the right fruits (with the eggs, cheese and red meat) you might be able to cover everything.

eg. Peat’s OJ is a good source of folate...

If you get the food right you probably won’t need supplements to looksmax it with the pros!
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Mar 20, 2013

That is awful. I agree they should be made aware of these alternatives.

I've been having very good digestive results with kefir. More consistent and easier passing bowel movements. There seem to be a slew of studies on the beneficial effects of kefir as well. Also obviously meets the criteria for a low fiber diet.

Whole fruit, despite being high in fiber, has never given me anywhere near the issues I get from eating beans. It is possible fermented beans are OK, such as tempeh and natto. Fermentation is very effective at breaking down indigestible components and making digestion all around easier.

I've mentioned this before: Lillipad Squatting Platform

And will continue to do so. Speaking of bowels, that is very important. I've been using a Nature's Platform for many years, and recently switched to the Lillipad, because the other platform I used went over the whole toilet and would not allow for the installation of a bidet. I just installed a bidet on my toilet and got the Lillipad set up, and am in bathroom heaven lmao. It looks a little odd but personally everything else is inferior to me now, the thought of sitting down on a toilet makes me extremely uncomfortable. Much harder.

Back on topic:

I am really all over the place with supplements. That's what gets me with a lot of this health improvement/longevity stuff: it revolves so heavily around supplements, and you almost hear nothing about diet. I would imagine diet is the primary factor.

I'm very prone to "magical thinking" so supplements are a huge gray area for me. I'm perhaps even more likely than most people to believe in a "silver bullet" or that some powder or substance is going to work miracles for me.

And perhaps placebo effect can help, in addition to the real biological effects that these substances can have. I am not saying they don't work, by the way, but diet alone is already hard enough for me to manage and wrap my head around; supplements, well, it's like I have a pharmacy in my room. Have spent so much money over the years on stuff and I'm just hesitant to try anything else at this point.

Most of what I'm taking lately is creatine, taurine, glycine, some sodium ascorbate, and beta-alanine. In protein shakes, which are a regular part of my diet, so I count that as food.

Lugol's with selenium here and there, zinc here and there, molybdenum here and there,'s all so much. I'm trying to take as little as possible but the more talk there is about longevity or even "Looksmaxing" (something I personally don't care about), more names of more supplements.

Is it missing the forest for the trees? Is diet really the main factor, or do you think supplements can have such a huge and significant effect they should be considered? It just seems everyone and their grandma is recommending one substance or another and it's hard to imagine how you could NOT walk away from threads without a closet full of supplements and no idea what to do with any of them.


May 19, 2017
I have no idea. It does make you wonder however if those conditions could have been preventable with diet and lifestyle. Though many young teens have such operations, including gallbladder removal.

There are probably cases where surgery is a necessary evil, though it's usually as you described: situations where the body is in grave danger either due to sepsis or some kind of organ rupture.

Lots of modern medical practices are necessary because so many people get so sick, beyond the ability of diet/lifestyle to fully recover them. Of course, this is just speculation on my part, and I could be wrong, but that's what it seems like. Medical emergencies due to bacterial/viral infections are one thing, diet/lifestyle preventable conditions are another....though at some point the line is probably blurred between both of those. But by the time it becomes a medical emergency it doesn't really matter what the cause was.

As for prevention, I've been looking at it more culturally. It requires such a tremendous individual effort because our culture does not promote health. Lack of community seems to be a big part of that.
This is very good point. In some parts of the world, things like appendicitis are virtually nonexistent. It definitely should be preventable.


Mar 29, 2013
sincerely wish I didn't know what "looksmaxxing" was, but the fact that it's a topic on "incel forums" is even sadder.

this thread is the katechon. once it's done the Kali Yuga is finished.
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