Super Oxide Dismutase Supplement Is Rocking My World

Feb 26, 2018
I put this one off for years, because the story was always that it could not be absorbed as stomach acids would render it useless. I read so many good things though that I decided hey why not, it was not very expensive and I have blown more money on way more questionable supplements over the years. The one I take is liver derived, and enteric coated, and also has the other major antioxidants, catalase and glutathione. Been taking at same time as NAC on empty stomach first thing in morning now for this past week. The logic is NAC boosts intracellular SOD, while the supplement boosts extracellular. I am experiencing almost total lack of neck pain, shoulder pain, joint pain, foot and wrist pain etc, areas which have been bothering me generally for the last decade. Whats more amazing is there was serious calcification or something like that in my neck that I could feel and hear when I massaged around my neck bones, a gritty sand like quality, well that is completely gone within just the past week of being on this. It is a dream come true! The same gritty quality at the bottom of my feet is now clearing up too. I know that antioxidants are just a part of health, but wow, this is really something else!! I’m going to go ahead and say it is the most under-rated supplement ever. I am amazed to see how few reviews for sod products are out there, considering these kind of products have been available for decades now, strange it has so little hype. Well here I am hyping it!
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Mar 29, 2016
How do you know if it's not the glutathione that's at at work since the glutathione provides for extracellular glutathione and the NAC provides for the internal glutathione?

Not to trivialize SOD though, as I would think that SOD antagonizes serotonin.


Feb 7, 2017
I have great benefits from local alcohol extracted Chaga that I take sublingualy. Super Oxide Dismutase and Betulenic Acid are some of it's key opponents. Great mood and mental energy, lowers cortisol and edema, liver runs great and stomach flattens.
Feb 26, 2018
How do you know if it's not the glutathione that's at at work since the glutathione provides for extracellular glutathione and the NAC provides for the internal glutathione?

Not to trivialize SOD though, as I would think that SOD antagonizes serotonin.

It could be, I am getting better results with this though than I have from other pro-glutathione supps. @yourke it is KAL brand, product is called SOD 3000 @Anders86 , yes I am shedding some belly fat too, interestingly this is mentioned in several reviews I have read - not sure why exactly - I guess less inflammation equals less need for body to store fat because in theory fat is a way to buffer toxins...


Apr 22, 2016
It could be, I am getting better results with this though than I have from other pro-glutathione supps. @yourke it is KAL brand, product is called SOD 3000 @Anders86 , yes I am shedding some belly fat too, interestingly this is mentioned in several reviews I have read - not sure why exactly - I guess less inflammation equals less need for body to store fat because in theory fat is a way to buffer toxins...
Many thanks
Feb 26, 2018
Is this better than whole food liver?

I think because it is coated to survive stomach acid more SOD would make it in to system than eating liver would. Also not sure how many units of SOD a standard serving of liver has and what cooking does to it etc.


Jul 13, 2014
I was surprised by the effects of SOD on my verbal fluency when speaking German. My girlfriend is German so I'm learning at the moment. Basically whenever I take this SOD capsule (bought from seeking health) im much much more articulate, easily finding the right words in German.

But I noticed a few hours after taking it I get this weakness all over the body, it lasts for a few hours and then seems to disappear


Feb 7, 2017
But I noticed a few hours after taking it I get this weakness all over the body, it lasts for a few hours and then seems to disappear

I notice this as well.

Like "pump" disappear. Could this be related to NO?

"SODs play a critical role in endothelial and mitochondrial function by inhibiting oxidative inactivation of bioavailable NO, and thus preventing ONOO formation or OH radical formation via inhibition of oxidation of Fe-S cluster containing enzymes"

"Dysregulation of these signaling pathways leads to endothelial dysfunction, altered vascular tone, vascular inflammation, vascular remodeling, enhanced vascular permeability, and increased platelet aggregation, which contribute to impaired angiogenesis as well as various vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. Lack of SOD1 contributes to vascular abnormality (increased vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction) and impaired angiogenesis"

Superoxide Dismutases: Role in Redox Signaling, Vascular Function, and Diseases

Could it be that we are inflamed and by regulating vasoconstriction we misconstrue the feeling of relaxed tissue as weakness?

I`m honestly far beyond my knowledge and can be on totally wrong path..


Mar 29, 2016
Since there is prevailing sense of negativity towards nitric oxide in this forum, and since I test really low on nitric oxide on the saliva test, it is interesting to see SODs inhibit oxidative inactivation of bioavailable NO. When is NO good, and when is NO bad? Isn't NO needed for erection? That must be good NO right? So I'm thinking SODs would be good for erection quality?


Apr 21, 2018
Since there is prevailing sense of negativity towards nitric oxide in this forum, and since I test really low on nitric oxide on the saliva test, it is interesting to see SODs inhibit oxidative inactivation of bioavailable NO. When is NO good, and when is NO bad? Isn't NO needed for erection? That must be good NO right? So I'm thinking SODs would be good for erection quality?

People are easily scared of firemen on the Internet and blame them for the (inflammatory) fire. NO is one of those. DHT, estradiol, serotonin, Cortisol, LDL pick the guy you wanna blame for solving problems.

If you’re healthy, avoiding something because it raises NO is dumb.


Mar 29, 2016
People are easily scared of firemen on the Internet and blame them for the (inflammatory) fire. NO is one of those. DHT, estradiol, serotonin, Cortisol, LDL pick the guy you wanna blame for solving problems.

If you’re healthy, avoiding something because it raises NO is dumb.
You make it sound so simple when it isn't. If you can elaborate and make clear distinctions, it would help the discussion.


Jul 13, 2014
Since there is prevailing sense of negativity towards nitric oxide in this forum, and since I test really low on nitric oxide on the saliva test, it is interesting to see SODs inhibit oxidative inactivation of bioavailable NO. When is NO good, and when is NO bad? Isn't NO needed for erection? That must be good NO right? So I'm thinking SODs would be good for erection quality?
I've been told that the endothelial form (eNOS) is the good one whilst iNOS and nNOS are the ones to be concerned about


Mar 29, 2016
I've been told that the endothelial form (eNOS) is the good one whilst iNOS and nNOS are the ones to be concerned about
That's very interesting to know. Do you have any links to refer to on these? It would be good reading.


Jul 13, 2014
I notice this as well.

Like "pump" disappear. Could this be related to NO?

"SODs play a critical role in endothelial and mitochondrial function by inhibiting oxidative inactivation of bioavailable NO, and thus preventing ONOO formation or OH radical formation via inhibition of oxidation of Fe-S cluster containing enzymes"

"Dysregulation of these signaling pathways leads to endothelial dysfunction, altered vascular tone, vascular inflammation, vascular remodeling, enhanced vascular permeability, and increased platelet aggregation, which contribute to impaired angiogenesis as well as various vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. Lack of SOD1 contributes to vascular abnormality (increased vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction) and impaired angiogenesis"

Superoxide Dismutases: Role in Redox Signaling, Vascular Function, and Diseases

Could it be that we are inflamed and by regulating vasoconstriction we misconstrue the feeling of relaxed tissue as weakness?

I`m honestly far beyond my knowledge and can be on totally wrong path..
Sorry my scientific knowledge is terrible. Can you just clarify, does this mean that SOD raises nitric oxide?


Feb 7, 2017
Sorry my scientific knowledge is terrible. Can you just clarify, does this mean that SOD raises nitric oxide?

I`m no better..

But the sentence "Lack of SOD1 contributes to vascular abnormality (increased vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction) and impaired angiogenesis" would to me imply that SOD regulates NO.

I would think that increased NO contributes to increased vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction but then to be regulated possibly by other NO channels as eNOS, iNOS, nNOS..

The sentence "SODs play a critical role in endothelial and mitochondrial function by inhibiting oxidative inactivation of bioavailable NO" is formulated in a way that say that inactivating NO is bad. It`s a confusing sentence to say the least.. But it would imply that the makers of this article recognize NO in itself as a positive molecule.

By looking on this chart it seems that SOD is made from NADPH, Xanthine, eNOS, Lipoxygenase and Mitochondrial electron transport.

Feb 26, 2018
I`m no better..

But the sentence "Lack of SOD1 contributes to vascular abnormality (increased vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction) and impaired angiogenesis" would to me imply that SOD regulates NO.

I would think that increased NO contributes to increased vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction but then to be regulated possibly by other NO channels as eNOS, iNOS, nNOS..

The sentence "SODs play a critical role in endothelial and mitochondrial function by inhibiting oxidative inactivation of bioavailable NO" is formulated in a way that say that inactivating NO is bad. It`s a confusing sentence to say the least.. But it would imply that the makers of this article recognize NO in itself as a positive molecule.

By looking on this chart it seems that SOD is made from NADPH, Xanthine, eNOS, Lipoxygenase and Mitochondrial electron transport.


I don’t get the pump effect that has been mentioned. FWIW I never got any pump from taking arginine or citrulline or beets either, I’ve also never needed NO help downstairs, so perhaps I am not the best person to comment on NO. I do get a somewhat relaxed effect, which I am attributing to there being less joint pain for me to be stressed over. I have also noticed one pill seems good for the whole day, if I take another a couple hours later I don’t notice much difference.
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