Teeth whitening


Mar 2, 2018
Hey all,

Would one of these mainstream teeth whitening strips/products be that bad for your health?

I’d use them then be making a conscious effort not to swallow for a while after.

Or what about professionally getting them whitened in a dentist?..

How bad would all this be?

Or does anyone have any direct recommendations of a product, a type of product/service that a dentist would do that would be better for us (maybe not perfect, but better than others?)

Jul 11, 2020
Oxidising the enamel with peroxide overtime is very damaging for teeth in the longrun. Most people i know who were avid teeth whiteners in their early life have very thin enamel now in their late 30ies/early 40ies. White teeth outside of genetics is really an indication of the state of your dental pulp. So if your teeth were white and the dentin is now yellow, then you have a lot more to worry about than white teeth

If it's only your enamel then bicarb soda would be enough to whiten stained enamel. No need for peroxide based strips etc


Mar 5, 2017
Oxidising the enamel with peroxide overtime is very damaging for teeth in the longrun. Most people i know who were avid teeth whiteners in their early life have very thin enamel now in their late 30ies/early 40ies. White teeth outside of genetics is really an indication of the state of your dental pulp. So if your teeth were white and the dentin is now yellow, then you have a lot more to worry about than white teeth

If it's only your enamel then bicarb soda would be enough to whiten stained enamel. No need for peroxide based strips etc

I am Caucasian and my teeth have been very yellow since early childhood even tho I’ve always brushed. Combined with very pale skin it looks off putting sometimes. In my teens I tried all sorts of natural methods like baking soda, charcoal, oil pulling etc all for long periods of time very consistent and it changed nothing. It seems that my teeth are discolored from the inside but since I was little so I have no idea why it happened immediately


May 4, 2019
I would highly recommend going to a dentist that does air-flow abrasion (not sure about the technical term, but essentially they blast your teeth with high pressure air and some other powder material).

I messed up my teeth enamel by doing iodine rinses in 2021. I thought it was a permanent discolouration but it all went away after a visit to a dentist. I now have white teeth again!


Oct 29, 2022
I am Caucasian and my teeth have been very yellow since early childhood even tho I’ve always brushed. Combined with very pale skin it looks off putting sometimes. In my teens I tried all sorts of natural methods like baking soda, charcoal, oil pulling etc all for long periods of time very consistent and it changed nothing. It seems that my teeth are discolored from the inside but since I was little so I have no idea why it happened immediately
Were you on antibiotics as a child? I believe it’s tetracycline can cause that….


May 10, 2018
Oxidising the enamel with peroxide overtime is very damaging for teeth in the longrun. Most people i know who were avid teeth whiteners in their early life have very thin enamel now in their late 30ies/early 40ies. White teeth outside of genetics is really an indication of the state of your dental pulp. So if your teeth were white and the dentin is now yellow, then you have a lot more to worry about than white teeth

If it's only your enamel then bicarb soda would be enough to whiten stained enamel. No need for peroxide based strips etc
***t man, I’m getting down to the yellow dentin level. Is there anything I can do? Thanks for your input!
Jul 11, 2020
***t man, I’m getting down to the yellow dentin level. Is there anything I can do? Thanks for your input!
If you was using hydrogen peroxide etc, then i'd stop. I don't know of any means to return dentin to its original health status though. I turned a corner when i started doing raw kefir more often and select prebiotic foods to feed em(anti-peat as ****, but if it works it works)i've seen some density increase, and i never get serious plaque like i used to and teeth feel dentist clean everyday, saliva production is consistently good, but despite all that, i haven't really seen any improvement in the colour of my own dentin. Maybe it will return in time now i seem to have gotten all the biofilms in check and seem to have a somewhat decent oral microbiome, but i doubt it.

I reversed my risk for periodontitis though, so that's good enough for me for the moment


Oct 11, 2016
I am Caucasian and my teeth have been very yellow since early childhood even tho I’ve always brushed. Combined with very pale skin it looks off putting sometimes. In my teens I tried all sorts of natural methods like baking soda, charcoal, oil pulling etc all for long periods of time very consistent and it changed nothing. It seems that my teeth are discolored from the inside but since I was little so I have no idea why it happened immediately
I've relatives like this and it was definitely since birth; I've never seen coherent explanations.


Mar 5, 2017
Were you on antibiotics as a child? I believe it’s tetracycline can cause that….

Those wear down teeth, not change their color. And I don't see how the supposed color changes could be life-long.

I dont think Ive been on antibiotics as a child but I have read that a lot. Waynish I think they can actually yellow your teeth from the inside, I've read that a lot


Mar 27, 2021
Fruit makes my teeth a disgusting color and plaque buildup occurs very fast when fruit intake is high. Getting my carbs from milk makes my teeth squeaky clean 24/7 and makes them a healthy color.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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