Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield


Nov 28, 2014
This is all good guys. I'm curious though about the 97.3 waking temp. Is this a temp that Richfield considers healthy, rather than 97.8? I ask because until recently my waking temp was 97.3 to 97.5 and I thought that was too low.
Nov 16, 2012

What made the difference today? I mean, I read your posts, but something made a difference...is it just more time resetting, or something else?

Stayed warm last night -> made enough thyroid hormones -> didn't burn through all my adrenaline -> easier time staying warm -> no afternoon crash -> stayed well dressed all evening. You kinda have to 'chain' each little individual success and keep the cogs turning fluidly to really move forward.

This is all good guys. I'm curious though about the 97.3 waking temp. Is this a temp that Richfield considers healthy, rather than 97.8? I ask because until recently my waking temp was 97.3 to 97.5 and I thought that was too low.

It's a matter of some debate I would say. He claims most people have this 97.3 'sleeping' set point. Sometimes my temp does not drop all the way to this when I go to bed and I seem to tumble around longer before I can fall asleep.

I've woken (and slept) at numerous temperatures, 96.44 - whole day was horrible. 96.8 is much better. 97.34 sounds like it would be heaven but I have trouble getting there with what I have right now. I don't know if any higher would be better though. Again just my experience.
Nov 21, 2015
for the last few days I've awakened naturally at 4am, which is about 2 hours before I normally awaken. My temps were 97.5 ish. But when I wake up again, for reals, my temp is a bit higher. So I think it is natural maybe to dip into the mid 97s, and then to increase as it's time to wake up. I still think 97.8 to 98.2 like Barnes said, and Ray said, is a good one for waking up. But time will tell.

Before starting this reset, I'd wake up in the 96s if I was lucky :)
Nov 21, 2015
Stayed warm last night -> made enough thyroid hormones -> didn't burn through all my adrenaline -> easier time staying warm -> no afternoon crash -> stayed well dressed all evening. You kinda have to 'chain' each little individual success and keep the cogs turning fluidly to really move forward.

what strikes me is that Steve says people who have trouble resetting may need thyroid or iodine. He suggests 1/2 of an Ioderal, which would be about 6mg of iodine/iodide. I already went through iodine and thyroid never did anything for me.

So I'm pretty sure that I'm not cold due to thyroid.

But you, you seem to have done okay in some ways with thyroid. And yet you are resetting without it. I find that interesting and it means that lots of people may be able to raise their temps even if they would benefit from thyroid...even hypothyroid peeps may not actually need thyroid to raise their metabolism.

BTW, I'm still having a raw throat and mucus. Do you have this too? I'm thinking it's low cortisol that is causing it but I have no idea. In Buteyko language, my CP is way lower. I am sacrificing that short term for higher temperatures.
Nov 16, 2012
But you, you seem to have done okay in some ways with thyroid. And yet you are resetting without it. I find that interesting and it means that lots of people may be able to raise their temps even if they would benefit from thyroid...even hypothyroid peeps may not actually need thyroid to raise their metabolism.

Yeah I mean, I am hypothyroid by every definition of the word. My TSH results without meds in the past few years were as low as 5 and as high as 8, but never normal.
Thyroid meds kinda made me feel better, in the same sense that if someone shot you in the leg and then gave you a glass of orange juice would make you feel better.

As long as I keep my temps high enough day and night, I have none of the symptoms that I always attributed to my thyroid. So, either those were not thyroid symptoms, but rather temperature symptoms, or increasing my temperature improves my thyroid hence removing the symptoms, or both...

BTW, I'm still having a raw throat and mucus. Do you have this too? I'm thinking it's low cortisol that is causing it but I have no idea. In Buteyko language, my CP is way lower. I am sacrificing that short term for higher temperatures.

My throat is getting better slowly, but not all the way there yet. I also had some nasty thrush buildup on my tongue suggesting bacterial overgrowth. I managed to wipe it off by brushing with baking soda and it's better now. Oh and also some mouth ulcers.

Isn't it getting better at all by now? It should. If not you might have to look at some anti-bacterials. Maybe some coconut oil, or a course of antibiotics if it's really stubborn.
Nov 21, 2015
My throat is getting better slowly, but not all the way there yet. I also had some nasty thrush buildup on my tongue suggesting bacterial overgrowth. I managed to wipe it off by brushing with baking soda and it's better now. Oh and also some mouth ulcers.

Isn't it getting better at all by now? It should. If not you might have to look at some anti-bacterials. Maybe some coconut oil, or a course of antibiotics if it's really stubborn.

I think it is getting a little better. So I'll hang and let it take its course. No problem at all. I am more liable to cough than normal but I can suppress that. I had some phlegm earlier today. Weird...


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
1. sleep REALLY REALLY REALLY sweaty-warm
I like the room cold but warm under the covers. lol Will give it a shot though. I just need to bring my AM temp up, my day temps are OK.

Thank you for your other suggestions. Looking forward to getting that pool light to have for this winter. :hattip


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 13, 2012
all liquids seem to lower temps. Warming them up helps but as soon as they cool down I think they are a burden to the temperature and heating system in the body. I do drink milk, but notice it with all fluids that I drink. I suppose I should minimize fluids, but then, I wouldn't be consuming anything.

Good to hear of your success here. I agree with you that if this is what it seems to be, it may be the solution MOST people are looking for here.

Did you have a throat rawness or sneeziness or anything like that when you were resetting?

I'm thinking it's due to lower cortisol now, that's my latest theory, and low adrenaline, which creates a temporarily over-active immune response due to less immuno-suppression.
I didn't do an official reset because I already got my temps up through using thyroid for a while, which I think can be done as well, but seems a lot of people don't get there, body resists the change. I started out this journey with LOW temps! I remember recording ones in the 96's!!

I used to suffer from sore throats a lot throughout my life, now I rarely get it. I do remember though I think I was in period of hyperthyroid for a time where my rising temp and pulse were 98.9 and 90+ which causes insomnia!! and during that time I had throat tightness. I am not sure how much of that was because of 'resetting' though as I went through a period of chronic stress. My ability to pump out adrenaline was high! And then as I brought them down back to normal temp and pulse I did get periods of just being downright exhausted. Which when you've been running on adrenaline for a long time, I think there will be sleepiness after. I think Steve was right that once you do get those temps up you can become a raging adrenaline machine! I had never experienced that before I was probably low thyroid my entire life.
Nov 21, 2015
I didn't do an official reset because I already got my temps up through using thyroid for a while, which I think can be done as well, but seems a lot of people don't get there, body resists the change. I started out this journey with LOW temps! I remember recording ones in the 96's!!

I used to suffer from sore throats a lot throughout my life, now I rarely get it. I do remember though I think I was in period of hyperthyroid for a time where my rising temp and pulse were 98.9 and 90+ which causes insomnia!! and during that time I had throat tightness. I am not sure how much of that was because of 'resetting' though as I went through a period of chronic stress. My ability to pump out adrenaline was high! And then as I brought them down back to normal temp and pulse I did get periods of just being downright exhausted. Which when you've been running on adrenaline for a long time, I think there will be sleepiness after. I think Steve was right that once you do get those temps up you can become a raging adrenaline machine! I had never experienced that before I was probably low thyroid my entire life.

So are you still taking thyroid?


Sep 13, 2012
So are you still taking thyroid?
No I've been off it now for 2.5 yrs. The few times I tried to go back on thinking I was just low thyroid high adrenaline, I had insomnia and racing heart all night at just 1/4 grain.
Nov 21, 2015
No I've been off it now for 2.5 yrs. The few times I tried to go back on thinking I was just low thyroid high adrenaline, I had insomnia and racing heart all night at just 1/4 grain.

i took it 4 different periods and nothing much. My HR went up a mite, but nothing else. If I took too much I got an rT3 reaction, butotherwise NOTHING. So my body doesn't want it. That's good though.

This Richfield Reset is the first answer I found to the problem that doesn't involve thyroid and it seems to be working. It was so frustrating to be cold for the past year and not be able to budge my metabolism. I was in the 95s sometimes. Quite often.
Nov 16, 2012
God dammit I am so angry right now.

Despite dressing warm and doing everything I currently can I still managed to dump all my covers and wake up with a temperature of 95.9°F. Ninety-five, point, fu*****, nine. I have major anhedonia today and am completely spaced out and feeling like a zombie, it's like I am forcing my jaw to even move when I speak. Just total demotivation, neurosteroid depletion, I have no idea what. It's not that I'm physically short of energy, but mentally, very much so.

I can now entirely predict my day just by measuring my temperature first thing in the morning. If it's less than 96.8 I might as well go back to sleep and skip the whole day because it's gonna be ***t.
I am so sick of these ups and downs, yesterday was amazing.

The only upside is that I have now identified the cause for nearly all my problems - my low energy, anxiety and lack of motivation, 'hypothyroid' symptoms, it all stems from my shitty daytime and even shittier nighttime temperatures. The biggest issue is that the nighttime temps are so inconsistent.

It seems I cannot rely on covers to keep me warm at all. I need a skiing suit and a sleeping bag apparently. I need to zip myself up into something that not even a bear could get out of until I am completely awake in the morning.

The issue is that the night-time setpoint needs just as much 'training' as the day-time one.
I can easily prevent myself from taking off all my heavy clothing during the day.
I cannot easily prevent myself from dumping off 3 heavy blankets 30 mins after I fall asleep.

I almost find it hard to believe how much of a difference this makes and if someone was writing this I probably wouldn't believe him, but the brain-fog and total lack of motivation I feel right now as I am writing this is all the proof I need, the only confounding variable being my sleeping and waking temperatures.
Nov 21, 2015
God dammit I am so angry right now.

Despite dressing warm and doing everything I currently can I still managed to dump all my covers and wake up with a temperature of 95.9°F. Ninety-five, point, fu*****, nine. I have major anhedonia today and am completely spaced out and feeling like a zombie, it's like I am forcing my jaw to even move when I speak. Just total demotivation, neurosteroid depletion, I have no idea what. It's not that I'm physically short of energy, but mentally, very much so.

I can now entirely predict my day just by measuring my temperature first thing in the morning. If it's less than 96.8 I might as well go back to sleep and skip the whole day because it's gonna be ***t.
I am so sick of these ups and downs, yesterday was amazing.

The only upside is that I have now identified the cause for nearly all my problems - my low energy, anxiety and lack of motivation, 'hypothyroid' symptoms, it all stems from my shitty daytime and even shittier nighttime temperatures. The biggest issue is that the nighttime temps are so inconsistent.

It seems I cannot rely on covers to keep me warm at all. I need a skiing suit and a sleeping bag apparently. I need to zip myself up into something that not even a bear could get out of until I am completely awake in the morning.

The issue is that the night-time setpoint needs just as much 'training' as the day-time one.
I can easily prevent myself from taking off all my heavy clothing during the day.
I cannot easily prevent myself from dumping off 3 heavy blankets 30 mins after I fall asleep.

I almost find it hard to believe how much of a difference this makes and if someone was writing this I probably wouldn't believe him, but the brain-fog and total lack of motivation I feel right now as I am writing this is all the proof I need, the only confounding variable being my sleeping and waking temperatures.

your brain is really fighting this. There is a lot of compensatory response to this, just like when I teach Buteyko, the breathing center "objects" and does EVERTHING it can to stop you. It loves homeostasis.

I would suggest this: setting alarms for a few times at night, wake up and make sure the covers are on. Got to show the hypothalamus you mean business. This too shall pass and you won't be looking back. This is just a last ditch attempt and it won't work, you'll win this thing and your body will be eternally grateful you "insisted", LOL.


Sep 13, 2012
Sorry to hear you are struggling with nighttime temps. I have to really bundle up even in a room of 69 degrees. They say sleeping cool is better but I don't know what they are talking about! lol
Plus then there's the whole Jack Kruse cold thermogenesis. I won't even go there! With a waking temp of 95.9 I guarantee you will crash if you were to get in a cold shower even if for a few seconds.

Try not to obsess over this, the stress of trying to 'figure it out' can be defeating.
Nov 21, 2015
I woke at 6:45 and was at 97.9. Last night I was at about 98.1 when I fell asleep. I suppose that is natural Circadian rhythm.

I was easily able to get to 98.6 just drinking espresso and now under the lights. I'll be eating some eggs and taking a hot shower shortly.

Mood is good. I've noticed that sexual effects are VERY positive, with good erections and high libido. Also yesterday I didn't nap or want to nap, and worked through the day without any distractions. I had felt a little lethargic but it didn't have any effect on me.

My cough/raw throat is slightly but noticably better. Coughed up some phlegm still. Steve says he has never heard of such an effect, BTW.

11:40am was already about 98.6 before my shower. Took a shower, short one, raised temps to 98.6, and now they are about 98.8. This gets easier

Also I drank half a liter of cold orange juice beforehand and bounced right back up in temperature in just a few minutes. Nice!
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
They say sleeping cool is better but I don't know what they are talking about!
I know right. :confused: With this thread I just figured out why my morning temps are always lower then I wanted them, because I was sleeping in the cold! Ugggh. Live and learn. Last night I made sure to not be cold, and this morning I woke up nice and warm. Imagine that! lol :doh
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