Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield

Nov 21, 2015
I went to the dentist and had a rough cleaning. A new hygienist who I will never go back to. Anyway, even in my winter clothes, my temps plunged to 97.8 or so. Trying to get temps back up, stuck around 98.1, I think it's the trauma and stress.

edited to add: lights bring it right back up though...
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Nov 21, 2015
the lights
How is it different from wearing extra clothes all the time?

I'm not sure. Steve says it's okay if you need it at first. I'm sure it's best not to use drugs as soon as you can drop them. But I really don't know.
Nov 21, 2015
Slept fitfully. I think the trauma of the cleaning. Woke at 97.2. Yuck. Will bring it up with lights etc. feel lethargic sleepy and crappy. Striking illustration of how stress depresses temps.

Btw I notice when I'm warm now and when I drive it's a lot more fun. Low temps are stressful in themselves.

It was VERY easy to warm up, I was already at 98.6 from espresso and winter clothing. When in the shower, was 98.7 already. Under the lights, easy 99F.
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Nov 16, 2012
Woke up at 96.8 but nowhere near as sharp as on Monday. I just can't be myself like this. Even though I slept in 2 thick shirts, 2 thick pants, and a jacket. I'm tired of this ridiculous BS, so I'm going to buy a heavy-set sleeping bag and sleep on the floor next to the radiator. I have no other idea what to do because I can't even wake up at 97.3 no matter what I do.

The other side of the problem is that I have to spend 8 hours at work poorly dressed (in comparison to what I'd be dressed like at home) and my temps are crappy until I get home at like 4 PM (even thjough I get them up in the morning they don't stay up because I just can't be that clothed at work). My reset is probably going to suffer because of this now.

**** I wish I did this in the past 4 years when I didn't have to go anywhere.

The BRRRARAAAIN FOG is killing me. I want myself back.
Nov 21, 2015
I'm much colder today, very difficult to get up and stay up temperature wise. Very tired too. I think it's the dental cleaning that wiped me out. Should be bouncing back soon. After a nap, at 2PM here, in winter clothing, 96F.
Nov 21, 2015
got a lot of phlegm. I might start taking riboflavin in case it's bacterial in origin. Weird how it started when I started this...like having a bronchial infection.


Oct 27, 2016
I like the room cold but warm under the covers. lol Will give it a shot though. I just need to bring my AM temp up, my day temps are OK.

Thank you for your other suggestions. Looking forward to getting that pool light to have for this winter. :hattip
Me too! I like the room to be cold. But I need enough blankets to keep me warm. So maybe it's normal for a morning temperature to be a little lower and then raise later on.


Oct 27, 2016
I went to the dentist and had a rough cleaning. A new hygienist who I will never go back to. Anyway, even in my winter clothes, my temps plunged to 97.8 or so. Trying to get temps back up, stuck around 98.1, I think it's the trauma and stress.

edited to add: lights bring it right back up though...
I do think your temperature can be lowered when you are under stress. I have an injury and maybe facing surgery :oops: so that might be keeping my temperature suppressed at times. Other times it seems ok. But I'm also taking Haidut's T3 as well which maybe keeping my temp. artificially high. Hard to figure out.


Oct 27, 2016
most definitely normal. Should start close to 98F and rise to high 98s, then fall at night. Maybe dip during sleep to 97.7...
My highest waking temp has gotten to 97.8 but then again, I sleep with room cold, very little clothing, and warm blankets. I think the only way I will get to 98 waking temps. is to wear flannels and socks. I am loath to do that though!


Sep 13, 2015
My highest waking temp has gotten to 97.8
I Just listened to a peat Interview and he said waking temp shoulb be 97.8 and rise till the middle of the day to 98.6. so you should be fine.
I am not sure but i think when peat speaks of temperature he mean armpit, right? Because oral is higher..
Nov 16, 2012
I bought a sleeping/camping bag tonight and I'm going to use it to sleep n the floor of my room. Hope it can help me turn things around.
Nov 21, 2015
Woke today at 97.6 which is a bit of an improvement. Aiming for 97.8 or a little higher, but I think recovery from the dental trauma is still happening. I slept solidly without waking.

Last night to help my cough and phlegm I took 400mg of ribovflavin and for some reason I had a stomach ache that kept going.

I took some ginger with a little soda water later on, with my carrot salad, and that helped a lot.

My cough is better today. Maybe a few more riboflavin doses will help.

I notice that I am warming up more easily in the morning. My shower was quick because I was at 98.5 or so when I got in, and went to 98.8 quickly when I went out.

Now about 30 minutes later, my temps have fallen a bit but a few minutes in winter clothing again and they're at 98.6. I'll stick to sweating in this two jackets and a shirt, and my winter hat, etc., and hopefully maintain my temps longer and longer each day.

Male TMI alert: I'll say it again: erections have been very good with this reset. I think it helps a lot. I never had trouble, but they are outrageously good now. That may encourage some of you men who have relationships or girlfriends to try this. It should. I can't help but think that if my wife tried this, her libido would increase. She is on the cold side and has a very low sex drive (not that that stops us, it doesn't...)

Now I know it isn't "just" thyroid.

And yes, Broda Barnes and Ray have said that waking at 97.8 to 98.2 is ideal, and your temps rise through the afternoon to 98.6 or even 99, ideally, then fall gradually in the evening.

The problem I am hoping this solves is to gain those temps and that temp pattern all the time.
Nov 21, 2015
I Just listened to a peat Interview and he said waking temp shoulb be 97.8 and rise till the middle of the day to 98.6. so you should be fine.
I am not sure but i think when peat speaks of temperature he mean armpit, right? Because oral is higher..

Oral is much, much easier. Armpit (axial) takes 10 minutes. It is too unwieldy.
Nov 21, 2015
My highest waking temp has gotten to 97.8 but then again, I sleep with room cold, very little clothing, and warm blankets. I think the only way I will get to 98 waking temps. is to wear flannels and socks. I am loath to do that though!

I'm using a down comforter and it makes me sweaty but it keeps my temps up including/especially my feet.
Nov 16, 2012
Lol at you people, being able to achieve 97. something waking temps while sleeping with only warm blankets in a cold room.

No wonder I feel so trash. Yesterday I slept in winter gear under 3 covers only to wake up at 96.98. Barely functional. Hope to turn it around now though with the sleeping bag. I think the one I took is too thin though :/
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