The Abundant Energy Legacy


Dec 17, 2018
I think externally managing my methylation is non-optimal. I got into the undermethylation range yesterday evening, because I took a big amount of niacinamide. I needed a small dose of TMG to get to sleep, because I was so hot and awake due to high histamine levels.
I don‘t think that micromanaging is really the way to go.

I‘ll try Chris Masterjohn‘s Methylation Protocol:

I. Get 3-5 mg of riboflavin (to support any possible defects of MTFHR-genes)
II. Get 100% of RDI of folate via diet
III. Double the choline intake (1000mg)
IV. Increase glycine intake (1g of collagen protein per 5g of total protein intake; glycine is the universal internal methyl-buffer according to Chris)
V. Increase creatine intake to 3-5g (1-2 lbs of ground beef)

Of course I will try to avoid copper-rich foods in the meanwhile, because they flare my symptoms big time. I am even thinking about getting some pure glycine powder, because it would be more cost-efficient than collagen.

Yeh thats a good sign you may be pushing it with demethylating too much. Its definitely the right move to back off such high doses of niacinamide.


Feb 3, 2020
Yeh thats a good sign you may be pushing it with demethylating too much. Its definitely the right move to back off such high doses of niacinamide.
Yes. I was taking 4500mg of NAM yesterday spread across the day and the last 500mg felt like too much.

Tried it today without any NAM, but felt the anxious/hyper/on-edge later on the day and took a gram of NAM and everything settled back down smoothly. It feels like I still need NAM. Maybe 2 - 3 grams max.

Oh man, what a journey! :D
Thanks for everyone sticking around and engaging in the thread.


Feb 3, 2020
What‘s up y‘all! Just wanted to give you an update on how things are rolling.

I am feeling really good the last week and there are couple of changes that I did to my routine.

First of all I cutted out B3 temporarily, because I‘ve found out for myself, that it is pretty hard to finetune the dosage, so that I am not undermethylating too much. Also after quitting it for a few days I realized how much more stable my blood sugar is.

Other than that, I started a high-dose thiamine experiment. (3 x 500mg of thiamin HCL)
I think I never had such an abundance of energy in my life like in the last week on it. It‘s also very nice that it doesn‘t seem to crash my blood sugar at all, but rather to stabilize it further.

With each of my 3 daily doses of B1 I take 150mg of magnesium glycinate.

I still take some zinc, because it still helps a lot with digestion and mental stability. If I don‘t keep up the zinc via diet or supplementation I tend to get spacey, cold, low libido, wired but tired, anxious, ear ringing and balance problems. ******* copper overload. But yea, the situation has stabilized a ton with the supplementation and keeping dietary copper low.

My hunger also seems to make a come-back which is very nice. I really crave a bodybuilding style diet at the moment. I am eating basmati rice, lean beef, chicken breast, juice, salt, bone broth.


Feb 3, 2020

Zincbisglycinate - 25mg
Magnesium - 900mg
Thiamin HCL - 2 grams
Niacinamide - 3 grams
Vitamin D3 - 8000 IU
Vitamin K2 - 360mcg
Boron - 9mg
Omega-3s - 1500mg of combined EPA/DHA

Feeling really good on this. I really seem to need zinc supplementation on a daily basis. I tried going a few days without it and my digestion and mental stability got much worse. Maybe I‘m just not that good at absorbing it due to my late diagnosis of celiac and the life-long IBS. Zinc supplementation, but not from whole foods seem to have fixed my chronic watery diarrhea.

I definitely feel the „benefits“ of being slightly histadelic at the moment - having a lot of energy, a high libido, high motivation, always feeling warm, higher pulse, feeling much more social due to crushed anxiety, having better verbal fluency and more organization in my life, taking more risk and leaving the comfort zone more often.

I don‘t know if it‘s due to my changed personality or lifestyle, but lately I got tons of girls requesting my phone number (and not the other way around of me asking the girl) after just talking for a few minutes with them.
Been dating a lot, meeting beautiful women and generally just feeling like being liked by so many people, not just girls. Maybe it‘s just the positive energy that I am vibrating, having fun and being humorous.


Dec 17, 2018

Zincbisglycinate - 25mg
Magnesium - 900mg
Thiamin HCL - 2 grams
Niacinamide - 3 grams
Vitamin D3 - 8000 IU
Vitamin K2 - 360mcg
Boron - 9mg
Omega-3s - 1500mg of combined EPA/DHA

Feeling really good on this. I really seem to need zinc supplementation on a daily basis. I tried going a few days without it and my digestion and mental stability got much worse. Maybe I‘m just not that good at absorbing it due to my late diagnosis of celiac and the life-long IBS. Zinc supplementation, but not from whole foods seem to have fixed my chronic watery diarrhea.

I definitely feel the „benefits“ of being slightly histadelic at the moment - having a lot of energy, a high libido, high motivation, always feeling warm, higher pulse, feeling much more social due to crushed anxiety, having better verbal fluency and more organization in my life, taking more risk and leaving the comfort zone more often.

I don‘t know if it‘s due to my changed personality or lifestyle, but lately I got tons of girls requesting my phone number (and not the other way around of me asking the girl) after just talking for a few minutes with them.
Been dating a lot, meeting beautiful women and generally just feeling like being liked by so many people, not just girls. Maybe it‘s just the positive energy that I am vibrating, having fun and being humorous.

If you need zinc, it will positively affects most neurotransmitters, dopamine especially but also Ach, gaba, etc. High dopamine will make people more drawn to you. Lust is driven by testosterone. My guess is your T is significantly higher from raising histamine, zinc supplement (especially because you were copper overloaded for some time) and the other things you take. Thus women are asking for your number now instead of the other way around. Of course your increase confidence and reduced anxiety is also partly why but its all connected anyway (testosterone, dopamine, histamine, increased energy affecting behavior).

Just be careful not to demethylate too much with all that niacinamide. Eventually it can hurt you as too much undermethylation is heavily inflammatory, thus you may feel the need for more zinc (as it is anti-inflammatory). But also I dont know how long it will take to detox the excesses of copper or at least reverse its manifestation (symptoms).
Last edited:


Feb 3, 2020
If you need zinc, it will positively affects most neurotransmitters, dopamine especially but also Ach, gaba, etc. High dopamine will make people more drawn to you. Lust is driven by testosterone. My guess is your T is significantly higher from raising histamine, zinc supplement (especially because you were copper overloaded for some time) and the other things you take. Thus women are asking for your number now instead of the other way around. Of course your increase confidence and reduced anxiety is also partly why but its all connected anyway (testosterone, dopamine, histamine, increased energy affecting behavior).

Just be careful not to demethylate too much with all that niacinamide. Eventually it can hurt you as too much undermethylation is heavily inflammatory, thus you may feel the need for more zinc (as it is anti-inflammatory). But also I dont know how long it will take to detox the excesses of copper or at least reverse its manifestation (symptoms).
Thanks for the explanation. I don‘t need my mind-baffling 4.5 grams of niacinamide anymore to feel normal and I think this is because of the zinc supplement. I think I can reduce the amount of B3 over time. I‘ve read in Dr. Pfeiffer‘s Book on Methylation, that overmethylation can be corrected in roughly 6 months, and the symptoms can be greatly alleviated.

What is your opinion on ascorbic acid for OM? I‘ve seen it being recommend in most protocols for OM. Dr. Hoffer‘s protocol recommends 3 x 1g of B3 + ascorbic acid each per day.

I think about dropping vitamin D altogether because it seems to cause some sort of mineral dysregulation - like don‘t tolerating much calcium at all anymore, as it seems to cause bladder pain (potential hypercalcuria?), slight joint pain, tight muscles and anxiety/nervousness. This seems to correct after taking a big dose of magnesium.


Dec 17, 2018
Thanks for the explanation. I don‘t need my mind-baffling 4.5 grams of niacinamide anymore to feel normal and I think this is because of the zinc supplement. I think I can reduce the amount of B3 over time. I‘ve read in Dr. Pfeiffer‘s Book on Methylation, that overmethylation can be corrected in roughly 6 months, and the symptoms can be greatly alleviated.

What is your opinion on ascorbic acid for OM? I‘ve seen it being recommend in most protocols for OM. Dr. Hoffer‘s protocol recommends 3 x 1g of B3 + ascorbic acid each per day.

I think about dropping vitamin D altogether because it seems to cause some sort of mineral dysregulation - like don‘t tolerating much calcium at all anymore, as it seems to cause bladder pain (potential hypercalcuria?), slight joint pain, tight muscles and anxiety/nervousness. This seems to correct after taking a big dose of⁹ magnesium.

You probably were slightly overmethylated but I think your main problem was chronic copper:zinc imbalance which is a little different. So I doubt the 6 months time frame applies to you. Copper overload is different then overmethylation though due to information online it can mix the two symptoms together.

Vitamin C is important to make some neurotransmitters, adrenal gland function, and antioxidant support but megadosing vit. C doesnt really apply if the diet has decent amounts of natural C. It doesnt directly address too many methyl groups, it mainly helps what I mentioned above and may help symptoms that way.

Your vitamin D dose isnt that high but vitamin D is still serotonergic (its also dopaminergic) maybe thats your problem especially if you have been taking it for awhile. This is why it can help a lot of things for some people but in others it causes problems eventually. And your right to think it could be also causing a mineral balance, probably in regards to calcium.


Feb 3, 2020
Interesting @redsun !
Dr. Pfeiffer thinks that copper excess is at the root of overmethylation. But yes, I think there are different opinions on the topic of methylation, some say that histamine levels are not an accurate indicator of the state of methylation, while others base their methylation framework on it.

I‘ll drop the vitamin D for now. In the past I also had trouble with vitamin D3, but those symptoms resolved with adequate vitamin A supplementation somehow.

I took my latest vitamin D dose today morning and felt really cold, tensed and irritable afterwards. I came back from work for a break, intuitively took a big dose of magnesium bisglycinate and felt somewhat better. Then finally came home from work and felt like taking 50K IU of topical A on my forearms and in 15 min I felt really warm, relaxed, with enhanced blood flow, happy mood and got random erections. (lol) Also felt in the mood for some random mirror flexing. (double lol)

Not planning on taking it long-term, but I just remembered from multiple times where I felt really bad from oral or topical vitamin D and a big dose of A would bring me into equilibrium again.


Dec 17, 2018
Interesting @redsun !
Dr. Pfeiffer thinks that copper excess is at the root of overmethylation. But yes, I think there are different opinions on the topic of methylation, some say that histamine levels are not an accurate indicator of the state of methylation, while others base their methylation framework on it.

I‘ll drop the vitamin D for now. In the past I also had trouble with vitamin D3, but those symptoms resolved with adequate vitamin A supplementation somehow.

I took my latest vitamin D dose today morning and felt really cold, tensed and irritable afterwards. I came back from work for a break, intuitively took a big dose of magnesium bisglycinate and felt somewhat better. Then finally came home from work and felt like taking 50K IU of topical A on my forearms and in 15 min I felt really warm, relaxed, with enhanced blood flow, happy mood and got random erections. (lol) Also felt in the mood for some random mirror flexing. (double lol)

Not planning on taking it long-term, but I just remembered from multiple times where I felt really bad from oral or topical vitamin D and a big dose of A would bring me into equilibrium again.

Its more so about a diet issue and mutations predisposing you to overmethylation in my opinion but honestly its complicated and yes in a way copper is often part of the problem. Same with undermethylation, except high folate intake and especially if its folic acid are also specifically a problem for undermethylated individuals.

Yeh vitamin A really calms down excess adrenal activity hence better blood flow, mood, and erections (too much stress increasing adrenal hormones reduces erections). I basically get the exact same effects from taking some vitamin A occasionally.


Feb 3, 2020
Quick physique update. - currently training once a month but keeping calories high (4000 calories) + high carb (650g+) medium protein (200g) low fat (40g) + pro-metabolic supplements.


Feb 13, 2021
currently training once a month but keeping calories high (4000 calories) + high carb (650g+) medium protein (200g) low fat (40g) + pro-metabolic supplements.
Once a month! Interesting! I guess that proves that metabolism trumps training stress/adaptations.

Any particular reason for such low training frequency?


Feb 3, 2020
Once a month! Interesting! I guess that proves that metabolism trumps training stress/adaptations.

Any particular reason for such low training frequency?
I‘d like to train more frequently, but I don‘t find enough time for it at the moment. I am working a full time job + part-time job, which is very time-consuming and in my free time I prefer to do fun stuff with my friends. So it‘s partly a matter of priority than absolute lack of time.


Feb 3, 2020
For anyone who missed the thread, I am trying the CLF Protocol for 30 days and report how I am feeling.

Your Opinions On The CLF Protocol by Matt Blackburn

CLF protocol:
2 x 1500 mg niacinamide
4 x 300 mg magnesiumbisglycinate
2 x 900 IU vitamin E
1 x 1000 mcg K2-7 (sublingually)

Personal Additions:
4 x 500 mg thiamin HCL
1 x 5 mg of biotin

Avoidance of:
Supplemental vitamin D3, ascorbic acid, citric acid, calcium, iron, fish-oil and molybdenum.

My dietary items:
Basmati rice, canned peaches, apple sauce, clementine and pomegranate juice, 2 lbs of lean beef a day, mineral water, coffee, salt.
I know Matt pushes high copper intake, but I am more cautious of that, because I ran into problems with histapenia before due to high copper intake.

I‘ll add an oz of organic chicken liver instead for retinol, folate, choline and biotin, because it‘s pretty low copper. Maybe adding in half an oz of beef liver here and there later on.


Feb 13, 2021
I‘d like to train more frequently, but I don‘t find enough time for it at the moment. I am working a full time job + part-time job, which is very time-consuming and in my free time I prefer to do fun stuff with my friends. So it‘s partly a matter of priority than absolute lack of time.
Gotcha, makes sense. There are more important things to do than lifting...especially if you can maintain muscle mass without it!


Feb 3, 2020
I got a triple positive COVID test today. Will do a PCR the next 1-2 days. Still having smell, bit of runny nose, a little cough here and there, elevated body temperature (37.6) but feeling fine otherwise.


Feb 3, 2020
COVID symptoms are slowly setting in, but still very light.

Recovery Protocol:
Niacinamide 3 x 1000mg
Thiamin HCL 3 x 500mg
Biotin 3 x 2.5mg
Riboflavin 1 x 250mg
Magnesium 3 x 300 mg
Vitamin D3 1 x 50'000 IU (daily for 12 days in total)
Vitamin K2-7 1 x 1000 mcg
Vitamin E 1-2 x 600mg
CoQ10 3 x 200mg

+ coffee, nicotine, ginger, oil of oregano, lots of beef, white rice, fresh orange juice, pomegranate juice, salt.


Feb 3, 2020
Side effect: feeling pretty damn amazing with that stack haha.


Feb 3, 2020
Looking decent! Mirin the insertions on your arms.

Would definitely try to train at least once a week?
Thanks man. Will definitely train more frequent once I get out of the current quarantine. After that I'll get a certificate for being "recovered from COVID" and then I can train at the gym without testing each time. Will do a upper-lower split 3-4 times a day probably.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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