The Circadian T3 Method With Tyromax And T3



Jun 1, 2017
Dear Community,

thank you very much for the great feedback!
I have actually confirmed low cortisol (and DHEA, ACTH) by salvia and blood tests.
Interestingly, my thyroid values are quite good (measured without substitution) -> ft3 ft4 in the middle (ft3 even partially at 60-70%) and TSH/Antibodies normal.

The so called "adrenal fatigue" is according to Ray and Paul Robinson and Dr. Wilson mostly related to a hypothyroid issue.
They all agree that one should not treat laboratory values but the symptoms and here I am now experimenting with my T3 :):

Observations so far:
>I have a lot of respect for the Wilson protocol and am not sure if I can do it regarding (low cortsiol, bloodsugar) fatigue and palpations. Currently I had to increase the dosage very slowly.
>> Maybe it makes sense to add adrenal cortex (thorne 50mg) ? ->But: Paul Robinson mentioned Adrenal Glanduar will supress ACTH even furher...?

>Ct3m is also a bit annoying with the nightly dose and alarm clock set and this feels a bit counterproductive. I do not want to give this method wrong either.
>> Maybe it just needs more time?

>The best dose is currently before going to bed. That solves my original main problem (-> adrenalin crashes around 2-3am).
>> So fixing my sleep will fix the rest over time?


Feb 4, 2018
@Fexxx what dosage are you using before bed which enables you to sleep through the night?

My personal view is that with sufficient calories, fixing sleep will fix the rest over time.


Jun 1, 2017
Hey Spartan,

at the beginning even 2,5mcg makes me wired - maybe the placebo-excitement effect?
Now i take between 5-10mcg and don´t had an adrenaline crash anymore and sleep well through the night.
But I´m still a little bit groggy in the morning.
I tried ALL the Peatworld sleep Hacks before: Sugar, Salt, Milk more and less calories - no effect on sleep.


Feb 4, 2018
Thanks Fexxx, my cortisol is pretty high at least when tested in the morning so we may differ there.

I tried T3 before bed (8mcg) before and it felt good for a couple of days and then my insomnia got worse so I stopped.

I may try again starting with a lower dose
Nov 21, 2015
@ecstatichamster out of interest, what's dr. Wilson's suggestion for people who get palpitations and insomnia from t3 ?

Introduce a bit of T4 for awhile. Sometimes only a few days can get you over the hump.

I have only had insomnia for one night on my first Wilson cycle. I have not had any palpitations. I have had body aches sometimes.

This cycle I’m doing much better, it’s much easier and I’m only taking like 35mcg of T3 and maintaining temperatures during the day. One difference is that I’m getting a lot more sun. Another is that I’m using more salt. Another is that I am starting at a much higher metabolic place since I already did cycle 1.


Apr 13, 2016
I've been experimenting with T3 only daily at 4 AM, because T3 + T4 doesn't raise my temps and heart rate. It seems to raise my temps half a degree and then it goes back down in a few days. Also, I get bad heart palpitations with just 2 Cynomel.

Maybe it could be adrenaline or something nutritional, but nothing has seemed to work after months of experimenting with T3 only.


Jun 1, 2017
Just a brief update:
I have titrated up to 3x20 mcg.
- Palpilations are completely gone
- Sleep is fine but i still wake up a little drowsy but it's a lot better than before
- Temp is also close to optimal
- Less hypoglycemia episodes

I feel awake/alife but not hyper or mania. So far it seems to good to be true :)

The only downside is the idea to be dependent on a drug.

Any thoughts on long-term use of T3?
Nov 21, 2015
Just a brief update:
I have titrated up to 3x20 mcg.
- Palpilations are completely gone
- Sleep is fine but i still wake up a little drowsy but it's a lot better than before
- Temp is also close to optimal
- Less hypoglycemia episodes

I feel awake/alife but not hyper or mania. So far it seems to good to be true :)

The only downside is the idea to be dependent on a drug.

Any thoughts on long-term use of T3?

over time I think you won’t need it


Jul 13, 2014
Just a brief update:
I have titrated up to 3x20 mcg.
- Palpilations are completely gone
- Sleep is fine but i still wake up a little drowsy but it's a lot better than before
- Temp is also close to optimal
- Less hypoglycemia episodes

I feel awake/alife but not hyper or mania. So far it seems to good to be true :)

The only downside is the idea to be dependent on a drug.

Any thoughts on long-term use of T3?
sorry to clarify which regime are you doing now


Jun 1, 2017
I changed the schedule and took 20mcg direct before bed. Bad Idea: I had a night with adrenalin/cortisol waves like before I started this T3 Experiment. That was really surprising because 20mcg during the day made me relax and I also had good naps on it. Maybe I triggered my early morning adrenal response to early and to much?

I don't like the idea to set an alarm in the middle of the night but 2 experts (Dr Lowe and Paul Robinson) advise to take the most important dose at night...

I also found out that higher doses during the day gives me no further advantages.

So I will focus from now on a as low as possible nighttime (before bed) dosage and a good night sleep.
Last edited:


Jun 1, 2017
Another short update

I didn't take anything for a few days and to my great surprise there were no withdrawal symptoms ect. I felt normal. After all the reports on the internet I was prepared for the worst. In general I find T3 more "subliminal" than the reports on the Internet describe. In the beginning I thought T3 is rocket fuel in pill form. But: Find it rather a "Chill-Pill" :): although sometimes also this adrenalin feeling gets through. T3 is really hard to understand and use. As already described before by the user @lampofred, it seems to depend on the current common condition.

I will experiment the days again a bit, but think that rather low doses before bed / in the middle of the night and possibly in the morning are the "most effective" times of day.


Nov 20, 2019
Introduce a bit of T4 for awhile. Sometimes only a few days can get you over the hump.

I have only had insomnia for one night on my first Wilson cycle. I have not had any palpitations. I have had body aches sometimes.

This cycle I’m doing much better, it’s much easier and I’m only taking like 35mcg of T3 and maintaining temperatures during the day. One difference is that I’m getting a lot more sun. Another is that I’m using more salt. Another is that I am starting at a much higher metabolic place since I already did cycle 1.

How did your second round of the Wilson T3 Protocol go for you? I just ordered a few bottles of Cynomel and was planning to try out the protocol myself. My metabolic issues all began after a long bout of extremely high stress (I was sued in court), not to mention at that time I had been (for many years) eating a vegan diet with tons of raw veggies, beans, soy and vegetable oils. I strongly believe I have signs of high reverse T3, or at the very least poor conversion of T4 to T3, and so Wilson’s protocol makes good sense to me. Did you really get up to 150mcg T3 at the peak of your protocol?? I am game for whatever heals me, but that seems like an extremely large amount for one day! Also, did you find actual time release T3, or were you making it work with standard T3 (Cynomel, Cytomel etc.)? Dr. Wilson’s explanations of hypometabolism and subclinical(normal range TSH) hypothyroidism and his subsequent T3 protocol makes A LOT of logical sense to me. Much more sense than applying T4 to someone with an overabundance of RT3 or with a T4-T3 conversion issue! I am very interested to learn more. Thanks!
Nov 21, 2015
How did your second round of the Wilson T3 Protocol go for you? I just ordered a few bottles of Cynomel and was planning to try out the protocol myself. My metabolic issues all began after a long bout of extremely high stress (I was sued in court), not to mention at that time I had been (for many years) eating a vegan diet with tons of raw veggies, beans, soy and vegetable oils. I strongly believe I have signs of high reverse T3, or at the very least poor conversion of T4 to T3, and so Wilson’s protocol makes good sense to me. Did you really get up to 150mcg T3 at the peak of your protocol?? I am game for whatever heals me, but that seems like an extremely large amount for one day! Also, did you find actual time release T3, or were you making it work with standard T3 (Cynomel, Cytomel etc.)? Dr. Wilson’s explanations of hypometabolism and subclinical(normal range TSH) hypothyroidism and his subsequent T3 protocol makes A LOT of logical sense to me. Much more sense than applying T4 to someone with an overabundance of RT3 or with a T4-T3 conversion issue! I am very interested to learn more. Thanks!

I'm still taking tiromel. Still seems easier than weening off. I started a protocol with mutaflor that lowered my temps quite a bit so I haven't weened off the tiromel. I take around 40 - 50 mcg a day.

Yes I was at 150mcg sometimes 180mcg a day but this cycle far lower amounts are needed.
Oct 23, 2019
Another short update

I didn't take anything for a few days and to my great surprise there were no withdrawal symptoms ect. I felt normal. After all the reports on the internet I was prepared for the worst. In general I find T3 more "subliminal" than the reports on the Internet describe. In the beginning I thought T3 is rocket fuel in pill form. But: Find it rather a "Chill-Pill" :): although sometimes also this adrenalin feeling gets through. T3 is really hard to understand and use. As already described before by the user @lampofred, it seems to depend on the current common condition.

I will experiment the days again a bit, but think that rather low doses before bed / in the middle of the night and possibly in the morning are the "most effective" times of day.

Update? How things going @Fexxx ?
Are you on same dosage? Nighttime NDT?


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Hi Everyone,

I now have Tyromax and T3 from Ideallabs at Home. My main Issue is Waking up with a stressresponse at 2-3am every Night. Falling asleep and the First Hours of sleep are Fine. Cortisol is low in the Morning. My Thyroid is ok but t3/t4 is a Little bit below the Lab-Range.

How would you use/combine this Medication?

This Approach catched my Interest: Circadian T3 Method (CT3M or T3CM) for Adrenals-a great way to treat your low cortisol! - Stop The Thyroid Madness

Of course I tried other approaches without HRT before with Limited success.

Thanks a lot!
Don't forget the basics - salt & sugar. A salt lamp will reduce stress. A negative ionizer will remove serotonin from your lungs.


Jun 1, 2017
Hi Folks,

I‘m still using tiny doses until midday ~ 15mcg all together! It‘s still helping to get ready and more awake but i can‘t Report any miracles. Higher dosages Made me feel like drugged with uncomftable heartpounding.


Jan 18, 2020
Hey Spartan,

at the beginning even 2,5mcg makes me wired - maybe the placebo-excitement effect?
Now i take between 5-10mcg and don´t had an adrenaline crash anymore and sleep well through the night.
But I´m still a little bit groggy in the morning.
I tried ALL the Peatworld sleep Hacks before: Sugar, Salt, Milk more and less calories - no effect on sleep.
doesnt it makes you hungry at night when you take thyroid before bed?
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