The Power of the Powerless


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks @Regina, this was a really good video.
It reminds me of something I read recently on the early Christians and their parallel society. We all have to do our part no matter how insignificant it might seem.
I think one big issue right now is that people have been convinced that they are powerless and that their efforts do not make a difference. What we do on a daily basis does gradually have an impact though if we do not give up in doing good. I’m just personally trying my best to be loving in a world filled with hatred, evil and misery. Excuse my poor writing skills!


Apr 21, 2021
Thanks, I really liked this! It put into words some vague stirrings I’ve had for a while. I especially liked the part about creating parallel structures and culture, but staying within the law. That doing so makes the laws look ritualistic and purposeless. It’s interesting to think about.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Thanks @Regina, this was a really good video.
It reminds me of something I read recently on the early Christians and their parallel society. We all have to do our part no matter how insignificant it might seem.
I think one big issue right now is that people have been convinced that they are powerless and that their efforts do not make a difference. What we do on a daily basis does gradually have an impact though if we do not give up in doing good. I’m just personally trying my best to be loving in a world filled with hatred, evil and misery. Excuse my poor writing skills!View attachment 44895View attachment 44896
The world may seem full of darkness and evil, but that is not the case. People have never been more noble.

The story of the Good Samaritan was scandalous in Jesus's time. Back then few would even consider helping a stranger for nothing. Stabbing him for his cloak perhaps they might have done.

Now such things are normal. We have people giving up kidneys to strangers, the vaccine was sold by telling people it would protect others. Western populations are not making sacrifices for Ukraine because they support the Empire. They believe that Ukraine is under an unprovoked attack from an evil tyrant.

Most people are Good. And I mean this in a technical sense. They care more about other people and doing the right thing than about their petty self interest.

What confuses this picture is a few things. First, mass media brings all evil to your consciousness. Second, there is more light than ever, so it seems so much worse in comparison. Genocide, conquest, slavery and torture used to be standard practice. Now few would stand for it.

Lastly, our societal structures and most of our elites tend towards evil. And it pushes people to do evil, and to believe you need to be evil to thrive. It is not true, and there are reasons for that. Suffice to say that your love will actually protect you.

Jesus lived for 33 year, wrote nothing down, had no armies or empire. And he changed the world. Now to be a Good Samaritan is normal and desirable. He was unique, and like he said, he did nothing you can not do. And even greater things.
Jul 17, 2021
Here is exposition of Havel's notion of living in truth brings power to the powerless.


Is there any way to bust up the horizontal tyranny?
Make Truth Great Again.

Thanks for posting. While I appreciate, as you wrote, “Havel’s notion of living in truth brings power”, I don’t like his title.

It’s all about perspective. How one perceives power. I feel, when one is living in truth, they have all the power of the universe, at their fingertips.

One could be encarcerated in a jail, yet still have power. Their physical body might be encarcerated. But their mind is not.


Sep 9, 2019
Great content, thanks to Ms OP.

I came up against the sharp end of this in trying to share details of a legislative instrument from @Giraffe's most recent thread with a couple of illiberal pals basking in and clinging to the "comfort" of the lie. They like to identify as liberal while supporting collectivist/corporatist structures, they're quick to label things outside of it fascist while that which they support has fascist overtones. Lies in and of themselves.

Fascinating psychology, drawing me back to Dr Peat's writings about bioenergetics. Part of me wants to go back under. It certainly would be easier... for now.


Jan 25, 2014
I think one big issue right now is that people have been convinced that they are powerless and that their efforts do not make a difference.
I think this is the entire game, right there. In the Bible, several places, there are mentions that man are gods (John 10:34, Psalms 82:6), or created in the image of God. I also like the Hermetic teachings of The Kybalion, which talks about "The All," which is all knowing, all powerful, and all present. It's true that all is in The All, but it's also true The All is in all. We are like a teaspoon, and you can think of God or The All like the ocean.... same in form, different in degree. God isn't just "out there" or "above." Sure, he's in those places, but he is also "in here," and "below."

Which really give you something to think about. If we are all creators, and have the spark of God within us, then how could we ever be powerless? If we are essentially gods or demigods (use whatever words or labels you feel best), then the only way to defeat us is to convince us that we aren't. That's the only way. After all, if you are all powerful, you have the power to make yourself powerless. And no one else can do that, but you. That really seems to be the game.

I think everyone can look back on their own life and find several things that they did, and stand back in awe thinking "Wow, I did THAT?" You can also find examples of people who did the seemingly impossible, and people who were defeated in the easiest tasks, even before they started.


Jan 25, 2014
Do you believe you can?

I've thought about this idea, that we could really do anything. What about, say, walking through a wall? Can you simply shift your belief into the idea that you can walk through a wall?

That word "simply" is a bit tricky. Maybe it is that "simple" or "straightforward," but pretty much all of us have a lifetime's worth of "belief" that walls are solid, and not something to just be arbitrarily walked through. You've been bumping into walls, seeing walls, feeling walls, since you were a small child. If it's something you truly want to "believe," it's probably going to take some work and time to accomplish. After all, you have to eliminate the lifetime's worth of belief that walls are solid, and in it's place, replace it with the belief that walls are something that can be walked through whenever needed. Or, maybe you need to invent some sort of device that makes you and the wall out of phase with each other for the time that you intend to walk through it.

Or, you might need some event to drop all your prior beliefs, even if for a moment. Like the stories of petite women somehow lifting a car to be able to save their child.


Sep 9, 2019
Now that you mention it, when I were a lad I did used to have a quiet obsession with noclip cheats in video games. Maybe I was pining 🤔
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Aug 17, 2016
How wonderful. I love your response. (and your writing skills).

My father was just as described. An early Christian, I suppose.
In our current environment, this type of person is bullied and robbed. I believe now that it is because their existence is a perceived tacit criticism of what most others have let themselves become.

I agree that individually, we must not let our devotion be swayed.


Aug 17, 2016
Thanks, I really liked this! It put into words some vague stirrings I’ve had for a while. I especially liked the part about creating parallel structures and culture, but staying within the law. That doing so makes the laws look ritualistic and purposeless. It’s interesting to think about.
Ditto. I also had these same vague stirrings.


Aug 17, 2016
The world may seem full of darkness and evil, but that is not the case. People have never been more noble.

The story of the Good Samaritan was scandalous in Jesus's time. Back then few would even consider helping a stranger for nothing. Stabbing him for his cloak perhaps they might have done.

Now such things are normal. We have people giving up kidneys to strangers, the vaccine was sold by telling people it would protect others. Western populations are not making sacrifices for Ukraine because they support the Empire. They believe that Ukraine is under an unprovoked attack from an evil tyrant.

Most people are Good. And I mean this in a technical sense. They care more about other people and doing the right thing than about their petty self interest.

What confuses this picture is a few things. First, mass media brings all evil to your consciousness. Second, there is more light than ever, so it seems so much worse in comparison. Genocide, conquest, slavery and torture used to be standard practice. Now few would stand for it.

Lastly, our societal structures and most of our elites tend towards evil. And it pushes people to do evil, and to believe you need to be evil to thrive. It is not true, and there are reasons for that. Suffice to say that your love will actually protect you.

Jesus lived for 33 year, wrote nothing down, had no armies or empire. And he changed the world. Now to be a Good Samaritan is normal and desirable. He was unique, and like he said, he did nothing you can not do. And even greater things.
Wow! Great response. And inspiring. Thx


Aug 17, 2016
I think this is the entire game, right there. In the Bible, several places, there are mentions that man are gods (John 10:34, Psalms 82:6), or created in the image of God. I also like the Hermetic teachings of The Kybalion, which talks about "The All," which is all knowing, all powerful, and all present. It's true that all is in The All, but it's also true The All is in all. We are like a teaspoon, and you can think of God or The All like the ocean.... same in form, different in degree. God isn't just "out there" or "above." Sure, he's in those places, but he is also "in here," and "below."

Which really give you something to think about. If we are all creators, and have the spark of God within us, then how could we ever be powerless? If we are essentially gods or demigods (use whatever words or labels you feel best), then the only way to defeat us is to convince us that we aren't. That's the only way. After all, if you are all powerful, you have the power to make yourself powerless. And no one else can do that, but you. That really seems to be the game.

I think everyone can look back on their own life and find several things that they did, and stand back in awe thinking "Wow, I did THAT?" You can also find examples of people who did the seemingly impossible, and people who were defeated in the easiest tasks, even before they started.
Good post.
As long as we can be nonGMO humans, we still hold that power or potential to be a flower in a crannied wall.


Dec 8, 2016
Thx for allowing someone who doesn’t agree with this notion to chime in.

I think Peat himself wouldn’t agree?
I’ll try to find what im refering to.
He uses the French Revolution as the example.
Or maybe the Cambodia killing fields.

The writings of Bonhoeffer were a reality check for me personally.

Yet im happy and live with Hope.
And not truth but Truth.


Mar 29, 2016
Here is exposition of Havel's notion of living in truth brings power to the powerless.


Is there any way to bust up the horizontal tyranny?
Make Truth Great Again.

Havel lived in a time where people were able to resist the brainwashing. The parallel structure in education still existed in the family thru parents and grandparents. The molding of their sons and daughters were not all the result of a government propagandized education system. It may even be said that the government intent to make them automatons were so evident, that a counterculture developed to resist the brainwashing.

In these times, where the family unit has been broken down, and even when the family unit still exists, the parents are no longer in a position to. mold their children. Traffic, trying to make ends meet, education systems with an overarching evil agenda, pharma and its counterpart illegal drugs, vaccination, Hollywood brainwashing - all conspire to rob society of parents of their hand in molding their children.

Their product is cultural marxism's dream product.

This mass production of automatons is what brings about hopelessness and helplessness.

Good is coopted each and every turn by assemblies of automatons in the form of SJWs who are not different from Antifa and BLM in how they are made to dance to the tune of the Talmudist pied piper.

Truth is rebranded as fake news and a receptive chorus of automatons give all that is fake legitimacy as truth is drowned out.

In these times, Havel's approach amounts to living in an island of safety, or being secluded in a desert oasis.
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