Thyroid Or Adrenals? Need Help!


Jul 7, 2015
I have been on Thiroyd for about a month prior I was on nature throid taking 2 grains a day, lately I have been really dizzy with head rushes with low body temps average 96.5 and fast pulse 120 +. Also have horrible water retention . I can't get body temps stable. I recently had a ACTH test done doctors say it's ok but the numbers didn't double like they should, so I don't know if I have weak adrenals or it's a thyroid problem. Please I could use some help .


Jul 17, 2015
How do you feel when your drink coffee or thee (cafeine)? If better for a while, it's clearly adrenals.

Many people shoot themselves with caffeine, nicotine and other toxic substances to increase their energy. All this is an illusion, because in fact despite the positive effects in the short term, medium and long-term effects are devastating, health capital decreases and the person is locked in a downward spiral.

- Caffeine scenario: Need a little coffee to hold on, to have a boost?
I am not speaking here of people who need a morning coffee to start. If this case is repeated too often (addicted to caffeine), your adrenal glands are probably "exhausted"; they do not follow ... In addition, caffeine creates a blood sugar spike, and after 2-3 hours, it is a backlash (fatigue driving down progressivly ). It becomes a vicious circle ...

[glow=red][mod]This post contains alternatives to Ray Peat's views. For a full explanation click here.[/mod][/glow]


Jul 7, 2015
I have tried coffee and other stimulants nothing gives me energy. I have so many different symptoms its hard to pinpoint what is causing them. Has anyone found a T3 that's works cause I am thinking maybe my ndt is not working for me I think I can't handle t4 . Tired of being fatigued and dizzy :(


Nov 28, 2014
I think it would help if you could flesh out your situation some more.
How long have you been taking thyroid? Did you increase gradually or jump into 2 grains at once?
Do you have any other recent lab work, especially thyroid and cholesterol?
How are you dosing the thyroid (what amount/how often)?


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome briproud

sweetpeat said:
I think it would help if you could flesh out your situation some more.
How long have you been taking thyroid? Did you increase gradually or jump into 2 grains at once?
Do you have any other recent lab work, especially thyroid and cholesterol?
How are you dosing the thyroid (what amount/how often)?
And other context, eg what and how much have you been eating and drinking? Have you had a go at assessing typical daily nutrient intake with cronometer or similar? Are you salting food to taste and getting plenty of calcium, magnesium and potassium in your diet?
Are you getting regular sunlight and sleep? How's your breathing - relaxed nasal and diaphragmatic?


Mar 29, 2014
LucH said:
Many people shoot themselves with caffeine, nicotine and other toxic substances to increase their energy. All this is an illusion, because in fact despite the positive effects in the short term, medium and long-term effects are devastating, health capital decreases and the person is locked in a downward spiral.
Hi LucH,
I have trouble with coffee, but many people say they have found it helpful, and I gather it is associated with longevity compared with non-coffee drinkers.
I'm not recommending it for the OP or for all situations, but are you aware that Peat describes coffee more like a vitamin than a toxin?


Jul 7, 2015
I live in the sunshine state so I do get plenty of sun, I just bought some magnesium supplements . I have just started the Thiroid pills about a month ago I take 2 grains a day same as the nature throid . I haven't had recent labs on this medication my doctor isn't really helping much because she does not want me on NDT . I was recently diagnosed with mild asthma also. I also been having horrible lower leg pain when I sit or lay, soon as I start walking they feel so much better . I have been to so many docs and they pretty much give up and make me feel crazy ..


Nov 28, 2014
Briproud said:
I live in the sunshine state so I do get plenty of sun, I just bought some magnesium supplements . I have just started the Thiroid pills about a month ago I take 2 grains a day same as the nature throid . I haven't had recent labs on this medication my doctor isn't really helping much because she does not want me on NDT . I was recently diagnosed with mild asthma also. I also been having horrible lower leg pain when I sit or lay, soon as I start walking they feel so much better . I have been to so many docs and they pretty much give up and make me feel crazy ..

I meant how long overall have you been on thyroid medication? I was trying to get a feel for how long you've been having problems. Were you doing ok before you switched to Thiroyd? If so, maybe there's something in the fillers of the Thiroyd tablets causing the problems, maybe some kind of allergic reaction, especially if asthma is involved.


Jul 7, 2015
I was on nature throid for about 2 yrs switched because doctor will not prescribe anymore . I wasn't feeling great on nature throid but no dizziness . Is it normal for being on Thiroid for about 1 month and suddenly body don't like it ? Sorry for all the questions :) . Do u think I should switch ? What is another good NDT I can order myself that's also gluten free?


Nov 28, 2014
Briproud said:
I was on nature throid for about 2 yrs switched because doctor will not prescribe anymore . I wasn't feeling great on nature throid but no dizziness . Is it normal for being on Thiroid for about 1 month and suddenly body don't like it ? Sorry for all the questions :) . Do u think I should switch ? What is another good NDT I can order myself that's also gluten free?

I don't know how long it would take for a problem to show up. But before switching, how about this: Have you tried taking less thyroid? If you've been doing the things Peat writes about to raise your metabolism, maybe you need less. Especially if it's summer where you are. I find I need less in the summer. Try reducing by ¼ or even ½ grain. It may take a day or two to notice a difference. For me, I find it's usually the next day I feel a difference. I don't know if this will help, but it's an easy thing to try.


Jun 20, 2015
Briproud said:
I have been on Thiroyd for about a month prior I was on nature throid taking 2 grains a day, lately I have been really dizzy with head rushes with low body temps average 96.5 and fast pulse 120 +. Also have horrible water retention . I can't get body temps stable. I recently had a ACTH test done doctors say it's ok but the numbers didn't double like they should, so I don't know if I have weak adrenals or it's a thyroid problem. Please I could use some help .
Your pulse and temperature might give you some clues.
Please read this interview transcript. The part I mean starts on page 5 of the pdf.


Nov 7, 2013
Wilfrid said:
Hi Luch,

I have to chime in here.
I do have a severe IBD ( a perforating form of crohn's disease leading to multiple fistulas / abscesses and, finally, to a peritonitis ) and I got a major large bowel resection 5 years ago who left me with a J-pouch for 5 months ( now the only parts left are the sigmoid and rectum) and a weight of 56-57 kilos ( my height is 2 meters ).
It has been almost 4 years now that I'm symptom-free of my crohn's ( before that, I got the more " severe " immuno-suppresive treatment to get my crohn's under control without any success...) without any kind of treatment. And my weight is now 98 kilos.
My point is I do regulary eat pancakes, bread, pasta, lasagna ect made with ( refined ) wheat and I also drink 4-5 cups of strong coffee with 2-3 cokes ( between meals ) a day without the slightest intestinal inflammation. Not even a bloating or diarrhea...and trust me, I do know what intestinal inflammation looks like.
I don't want to start a polemic but I have to tell you that your assertion is not valid for me.

Hello Wilfrid! What type of foods does aggravate your IBD? I don't really have any tummy troubles, I just find it very interesting. I have the same experience with wheat and coffee as you, no problem whatsoever.


Dec 16, 2014
Briproud said:
I have been on Thiroyd for about a month prior I was on nature throid taking 2 grains a day, lately I have been really dizzy with head rushes with low body temps average 96.5 and fast pulse 120 +. Also have horrible water retention . I can't get body temps stable. I recently had a ACTH test done doctors say it's ok but the numbers didn't double like they should, so I don't know if I have weak adrenals or it's a thyroid problem. Please I could use some help .

Your heat production is very low relative to pulse rate.
It seems like you're running on stress hormones.
This is likely confirmed by your horrible water retention; which is a sign of excess estrogen.

It's probably time to reassess your dietary choices relative to health conditions and stop taking thyroid for now.
I'd start form there.


Jul 17, 2015
Wilfrid said:
1. Do you know that you can, now, buy organics oats in France ( avec le logo de l'AFDIAG donc remboursé par la sécurité sociale et spécifiquement dédié aux personnes atteints de la maladie coeliaque ) for people with celiac disease?
2.Do you think that part of this explanation is given by Dr Mouton in his book ( p 234 ) when he said: " Des peptides homologues ( 33-mer gliadine ) ont été découverts dans la sécaline, cette prolamine contenue dans le gluten du seigle, ainsi que dans l'hordéine, prolamine du gluten de l'orge. Mais - voici enfin a clé du mystère- on ne décèle pas de peptide équivalent dans l'avénine, la prolamine de l'avoine, pas plus qu'on n'en trouve dans d'autres céréales comme le riz ou le maïs "

3.Or do you have any other explanations?

4.Do you have the same problem with potatoes if you peeland cook them enough in water ( and only in water ) to fully gelatinaze the starch?

5.maybe we should also consider D'adamo family - blood type diet? or not; it doesn't change the problem.
Oat is less toxic but often contaminated (culture rotation).
But we can find pure oat, certified by AFDIAG. Ok.
Everybody has to experience and note if he tolerates it. ... ml#p223577
But it doesn't change the other problems (antinutrients). If you moderate the consumption, why not. I wouldnt do it. Not necessary. Just for a transition.

2 + 3.The set peptides is differently arranged. Maybe it could be supported.
Less toxic. But not on a regular basis. Only for people in remission.
Less doesn't mean it's acceptable.
I eat rice but once a week. Why? => 80/20 % philospophy ;)

4. For potataoes, the problem is dose dependent. Don't eat potatoes with the peel or young potatoes (green) or with eyes. If you eat peeled potatoes once or twice a week, it won't cause much trouble by most people.
I repeat: Sweet potatoes aren't concerned (other family). But moderate them (phytates). Or drink a orange juice (citrates) to neutralize them. Add some butter (coconut butter or ghee) to assimilate beta-carotene.

5. Joker :thumbdown:


Jun 28, 2018
How do you feel when your drink coffee or thee (cafeine)? If better for a while, it's clearly adrenals.

Many people shoot themselves with caffeine, nicotine and other toxic substances to increase their energy. All this is an illusion, because in fact despite the positive effects in the short term, medium and long-term effects are devastating, health capital decreases and the person is locked in a downward spiral.

- Caffeine scenario: Need a little coffee to hold on, to have a boost?
I am not speaking here of people who need a morning coffee to start. If this case is repeated too often (addicted to caffeine), your adrenal glands are probably "exhausted"; they do not follow ... In addition, caffeine creates a blood sugar spike, and after 2-3 hours, it is a backlash (fatigue driving down progressivly ). It becomes a vicious circle ...

[glow=red][mod]This post contains alternatives to Ray Peat's views. For a full explanation click here.[/mod][/glow]

Interesting. I quite caffeine two days ago.

Cortisol is way down, I can also actually hold glucose in my liver i can tell.
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