Tolerance Builds To Caffeine-Induced Anxiety

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
Hadut told me about using taurine and L-theanine with caffine. Taurine has helped with rapid heart beating after caffine, and L-theanine helps with relaxation. I think I need something more also, because urine smells like coffee continually. What causes that?
Never had that problem myself, but doing a quick search, the claim is that it's due to high amounts of caffeine in diluted urine. If you're not dehydrated then obviously that's not the answer. It seems to be a fairly common problem.


Apr 30, 2015
I have been drinking coffee now since November 2015, and it has definitely been rocky. I experienced some of the anxiety you talk about. At first it made me feel very terrible, the caffeine, then I got used to it. At times I have backed off a bit on how much coffee I drink, which has felt right. Then inevitably this feeling right will instigate an increase in the amount I drink and it feels right at a higher dose where before it did not. Strange experience.

Sometimes you have to go Def Con 1 on low blood sugars with coffee. Sick people, or people with liver problems, especially. Like do not F**k around with low blood sugar. No half measures. You think you're above drinking maple syrup straight?! Where is your Peat dedication?! Get your head right.


Jun 24, 2015
Never had that problem myself, but doing a quick search, the claim is that it's due to high amounts of caffeine in diluted urine. If you're not dehydrated then obviously that's not the answer. It seems to be a fairly common problem.
Ok, thanks for the info :)


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I have been drinking coffee now since November 2015, and it has definitely been rocky. I experienced some of the anxiety you talk about. At first it made me feel very terrible, the caffeine, then I got used to it. At times I have backed off a bit on how much coffee I drink, which has felt right. Then inevitably this feeling right will instigate an increase in the amount I drink and it feels right at a higher dose where before it did not. Strange experience.

Sometimes you have to go Def Con 1 on low blood sugars with coffee. Sick people, or people with liver problems, especially. Like do not F**k around with low blood sugar. No half measures. You think you're above drinking maple syrup straight?! Where is your Peat dedication?! Get your head right.
Definitely agree with this. To add, I think coffee is the best variable Peat supplements. On a stressed day, or in the cold, 5-8 cups are appropriate, but on a normal summer day, maybe one or two cups max.


Oct 6, 2012
I have been drinking coffee now since November 2015, and it has definitely been rocky. I experienced some of the anxiety you talk about. At first it made me feel very terrible, the caffeine, then I got used to it. At times I have backed off a bit on how much coffee I drink, which has felt right. Then inevitably this feeling right will instigate an increase in the amount I drink and it feels right at a higher dose where before it did not. Strange experience.

Sometimes you have to go Def Con 1 on low blood sugars with coffee. Sick people, or people with liver problems, especially. Like do not F**k around with low blood sugar. No half measures. You think you're above drinking maple syrup straight?! Where is your Peat dedication?! Get your head right.
So overall, do you feel better now drinking coffee than you did before not drinking coffee?

Personally I keep going back and forth between not drinking coffee at all and having 1-2 cups per day, although I dont get severe negatives from coffee any more still cannot decide if I'm better off with or without it. It's like a choice between existential angst and depression.


Apr 30, 2015
So overall, do you feel better now drinking coffee than you did before not drinking coffee?

Personally I keep going back and forth between not drinking coffee at all and having 1-2 cups per day, although I dont get severe negatives from coffee any more still cannot decide if I'm better off with or without it. It's like a choice between existential angst and depression.

Ha! I would say my experience has been mixed. I definitely know that higher doses are not better doses. Despite calling it a thyroid mimic, it's much different then what thyroid feels like. Much less relaxing. I generally will have a couple cups of coffee a day and maybe a coke. Even then if I'm not careful I can get an adrenal reaction.

I definitely have a better schedule though with coffee. It forces regularity, waking up at the same time, sleep at the same time. I think that's positive. But I think it's been tough on my kidneys with the experiments I have done with it.


Jun 24, 2015
Ha! I would say my experience has been mixed. I definitely know that higher doses are not better doses. Despite calling it a thyroid mimic, it's much different then what thyroid feels like. Much less relaxing. I generally will have a couple cups of coffee a day and maybe a coke. Even then if I'm not careful I can get an adrenal reaction.

I definitely have a better schedule though with coffee. It forces regularity, waking up at the same time, sleep at the same time. I think that's positive. But I think it's been tough on my kidneys with the experiments I have done with it.
How did you know it was tough on your kidneys? I have wondered about coffee and how to know if the kidney's were being effected.


Apr 30, 2015
How did you know it was tough on your kidneys? I have wondered about coffee and how to know if the kidney's were being effected.

Caffeine does a lot of different things, but it raises ammonia, which is hard on the kidneys. A Chinese medical practitioner I know says that anything that is good for the liver is harsh on the kidneys and vice versa. When you do enough Caffeine, your lower back just hurts, at least in my experience.


Jun 24, 2015
Caffeine does a lot of different things, but it raises ammonia, which is hard on the kidneys. A Chinese medical practitioner I know says that anything that is good for the liver is harsh on the kidneys and vice versa. When you do enough Caffeine, your lower back just hurts, at least in my experience.
Interesting. Caffine helps take away my pain. And I wonder how Ray Peat can drink so much coffee and not have kidney problems in his 80's? Maybe he is off setting it somehow.


Mar 17, 2017
past few years,I was drinking coffee on empty stomach. because I was belived that Caffine+ Sugar dramatically raises blood glucose levels and will develop type 2 diabetes.
but drinking coffee with emptystomach always made me sick especially on evening.
so I decided to drink with sugar or honey.
man It had completely opposite effects. feel hot/no anxiety/no jittery/ 
It does make me sleppy/Itchy skin because of increased blood sugar.

but this is fantastic. I finally realized that how great Coffee is.
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