Tom Cowan, Flu, EMF


Dec 9, 2015
I mentioned this in another thread, but didn't want to hijack since it was a little off-topic.
Here's from a recent newsletter from Tom Cowan.
Has anyone read "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg?

By Tom Cowan, M.D.

I recently finished reading a very sobering book on the history of electricity and its effects on life called “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg. During the coming weeks and months, I will share revelations I gained from reading this masterpiece, as in many ways it supports and extends the primary thesis of my last three books.

Health is all about the state of the water in our bodies, and, crucially, the health of our water is strongly influenced by the environment in which we live. One of the most profound influences on the water in our bodies is the electro-magnetic environment. This electro-magnetic environment, to which humans and all living beings evolved over the eons, has been radically altered in the past couple of centuries through the introduction of man-made electrical devices. There is no clearer place to see these effects than in a thorough investigation of the history of influenza in the past 150 years. Here are summaries taken from Mr. Firstenberg’s book describing the events surrounding the four major influenza outbreaks in recent times:

1889: First appearance of a global electrical system, thousands of miles of electrical tracks laid down, first appearance of alternating-current generating stations. Then, the first modern global influenza pandemic started in the fall of 1889, killing more than 1 million people and appearing simultaneously all over the globe, faster than any transportation at the time, suggesting contagion played no role in the outbreak.

1918: The great flu pandemic. At that time, the U.S. installed 13 giant radio and communications transmitters throughout the world. They all went live in late 1917 through the end of 1918. For the first time, radio signals could be heard in every part of the globe. At that time, the “Spanish flu” affected one-third of the world’s population, killing tens of millions of people. It occurred in places like the Antarctica, which had no contact with the outside world. The first known cases were 1,127 radio operators at Camp Funston, Kansas. They were the first to use wireless transmitters. Patients mostly died because of changes in coagulation of the blood, a known and recognized effect at that time of “electricity sickness.” The other interesting point is that the most affected were the young and healthy, not the old and infirm. Attempts to prove contagion of the illness were uniformly unsuccessful.

1957: Asian flu pandemic. This outbreak coincided with the installation of the White Alice Communication systems installed throughout Alaska with signals powerful enough to cover the globe. It went live in November 1956; the flu pandemic started in the fall of 1957.

1968: Hong Kong flu. On June 12, 1968, the U.S. went live with the first global military satellites called the Initial Defense Communication Satellite Program. It was the first time a global communication system was inserted directly into the earth’s outer radiation belt, called the Van Allen belt. This disrupted the magnetic field globally in an unprecedented way. The Hong Kong flu, which killed millions, began in July 1968.

Since 1968, two landmarks events in the history of EMFs occurred: the introduction of the wireless cellular technology, followed by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). The dates and the flu pandemics associated with these events are not as clear as in the previous four, and it’s also possible that these were not marked by a flu pandemic as much as the dramatic increases in diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. It seems that humans (actually all living things) have adapted to a new but lower level of health.

After the Hong Kong flu epidemic, doctors and scientists, not suspecting a link between the electro-magnetic environment and these pandemics, investigated whether influenza was caused by a contagious agent, such as a virus. However, the flu broke out in many places at once around the globe, spreading faster than any living thing could travel. Finally, the Public Health Department in Boston decided to investigate just how contagious influenza was. Here is what they found:

“In a further experiment with new volunteers and donors, the salt solution was eliminated and with cotton swabs, the material was transferred directly from nose to nose, and from throat to throat, using donors in the first, second and third day of the disease. NONE of these volunteers who received the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way … All of the volunteers received at least two and some of them three ‘shots’ as they expressed it.”

Simply put, these and many other studies failed to provide any support that influenza was a contagious, microbial disease. It is true that in SOME people with flu-like symptoms, one can find evidence of an influenza virus. This finding in no way constitutes proof that the virus caused the illness. For one, no study has ever found that people with influenza all have evidence of a virus. Furthermore, Rudolf Steiner, when commenting about the 1918 pandemic, apparently said the “virus” they were finding was just a mineralized excretion of the cells. In other words, the cells were poisoned (he thought by some part of “sub-nature”), which caused changes in the crystalline water of the cell, thereby producing illness. The body tries to detoxify itself by ridding itself of toxins, which we have been led to believe are contagious viruses.

This understanding of the cause of influenza has many practical implications for your health and the health of your family. For one, it puts the abysmal record of the “flu shot” into a new context. It also means that paying attention to your EMF exposure, the quality of your water and all the other things I talk about in my books to foster a healthy, internal milieu become relevant for flu prevention.

Finally, we are on the cusp of the next big step in the history of the EMF exposure on earth. That is the upcoming 4G/5G rollout. Again, in a later blog, I will try to give some ideas of what we might expect given this sobering event.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I think you can find any ridiculous correlation. For example I just looked up when the transistor was invented: Dec. 1947, and there was a flu epidemic!!! So of course, transistors are everywhere and responsible for every flu since its invention. /sarc


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
how to protect from electromagnetic radiation?


Mar 2, 2021
I mentioned this in another thread, but didn't want to hijack since it was a little off-topic.
Here's from a recent newsletter from Tom Cowan.
Has anyone read "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg?

By Tom Cowan, M.D.

I recently finished reading a very sobering book on the history of electricity and its effects on life called “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg. During the coming weeks and months, I will share revelations I gained from reading this masterpiece, as in many ways it supports and extends the primary thesis of my last three books.

Health is all about the state of the water in our bodies, and, crucially, the health of our water is strongly influenced by the environment in which we live. One of the most profound influences on the water in our bodies is the electro-magnetic environment. This electro-magnetic environment, to which humans and all living beings evolved over the eons, has been radically altered in the past couple of centuries through the introduction of man-made electrical devices. There is no clearer place to see these effects than in a thorough investigation of the history of influenza in the past 150 years. Here are summaries taken from Mr. Firstenberg’s book describing the events surrounding the four major influenza outbreaks in recent times:

1889: First appearance of a global electrical system, thousands of miles of electrical tracks laid down, first appearance of alternating-current generating stations. Then, the first modern global influenza pandemic started in the fall of 1889, killing more than 1 million people and appearing simultaneously all over the globe, faster than any transportation at the time, suggesting contagion played no role in the outbreak.

1918: The great flu pandemic. At that time, the U.S. installed 13 giant radio and communications transmitters throughout the world. They all went live in late 1917 through the end of 1918. For the first time, radio signals could be heard in every part of the globe. At that time, the “Spanish flu” affected one-third of the world’s population, killing tens of millions of people. It occurred in places like the Antarctica, which had no contact with the outside world. The first known cases were 1,127 radio operators at Camp Funston, Kansas. They were the first to use wireless transmitters. Patients mostly died because of changes in coagulation of the blood, a known and recognized effect at that time of “electricity sickness.” The other interesting point is that the most affected were the young and healthy, not the old and infirm. Attempts to prove contagion of the illness were uniformly unsuccessful.

1957: Asian flu pandemic. This outbreak coincided with the installation of the White Alice Communication systems installed throughout Alaska with signals powerful enough to cover the globe. It went live in November 1956; the flu pandemic started in the fall of 1957.

1968: Hong Kong flu. On June 12, 1968, the U.S. went live with the first global military satellites called the Initial Defense Communication Satellite Program. It was the first time a global communication system was inserted directly into the earth’s outer radiation belt, called the Van Allen belt. This disrupted the magnetic field globally in an unprecedented way. The Hong Kong flu, which killed millions, began in July 1968.

Since 1968, two landmarks events in the history of EMFs occurred: the introduction of the wireless cellular technology, followed by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). The dates and the flu pandemics associated with these events are not as clear as in the previous four, and it’s also possible that these were not marked by a flu pandemic as much as the dramatic increases in diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. It seems that humans (actually all living things) have adapted to a new but lower level of health.

After the Hong Kong flu epidemic, doctors and scientists, not suspecting a link between the electro-magnetic environment and these pandemics, investigated whether influenza was caused by a contagious agent, such as a virus. However, the flu broke out in many places at once around the globe, spreading faster than any living thing could travel. Finally, the Public Health Department in Boston decided to investigate just how contagious influenza was. Here is what they found:

“In a further experiment with new volunteers and donors, the salt solution was eliminated and with cotton swabs, the material was transferred directly from nose to nose, and from throat to throat, using donors in the first, second and third day of the disease. NONE of these volunteers who received the material thus directly transferred from cases took sick in any way … All of the volunteers received at least two and some of them three ‘shots’ as they expressed it.”

Simply put, these and many other studies failed to provide any support that influenza was a contagious, microbial disease. It is true that in SOME people with flu-like symptoms, one can find evidence of an influenza virus. This finding in no way constitutes proof that the virus caused the illness. For one, no study has ever found that people with influenza all have evidence of a virus. Furthermore, Rudolf Steiner, when commenting about the 1918 pandemic, apparently said the “virus” they were finding was just a mineralized excretion of the cells. In other words, the cells were poisoned (he thought by some part of “sub-nature”), which caused changes in the crystalline water of the cell, thereby producing illness. The body tries to detoxify itself by ridding itself of toxins, which we have been led to believe are contagious viruses.

This understanding of the cause of influenza has many practical implications for your health and the health of your family. For one, it puts the abysmal record of the “flu shot” into a new context. It also means that paying attention to your EMF exposure, the quality of your water and all the other things I talk about in my books to foster a healthy, internal milieu become relevant for flu prevention.

Finally, we are on the cusp of the next big step in the history of the EMF exposure on earth. That is the upcoming 4G/5G rollout. Again, in a later blog, I will try to give some ideas of what we might expect given this sobering event.
I've also got this book. For anyone that has not read it, this book is beyond well written. I would guess that at least half or more of the pages are the footnotes and references. Firstenberg put a tremendous amount of effort into writing this. I would say that this is 2nd only to the King James Bible in importance to the world.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm intrigued by emf and its effects, but in another way. While the incidents of flu/Corona virus pandemics is documented to coincide with each introduction of newer wireless communications technologies, I can't help but wonder if it is a misdirection, where the actual cause is the intentional high-powered transmission of sigals in the lower frequency wave bands in the AM radio and shortwave bands. If these transmissions were made to coincide with the rollout of higher frequency technologies, and the blame would be suspected on the higher frequency wavelengths' coming out party, then no one would be looking for other explanations, particularly on the lower frequency bands on the medium and high frequency space.

The medium frequency (MF) band is 300 - 3000 kHz. It is used by AM radio, amateur radio, and avalanche beacons.

The high frequency (HF) band is3-30 MHz. Used in shortwave broadcasts, citizens band radio, amateur radio and over-the-horizon aviation communications, RFID, over-the-horizon radar, automatic link establishment (ALE) / near-vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) radio communications, marine and mobile radio telephony.

What is interesting is that the human frequency is 1,520 to 9,460 kHz, while of frequency of pathogens (fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites) goes from 77 - 500 kHz.

When living pathogens inside us are exposed to the frequency corresponding to their spectrum, they die within a few minutes. If this were the case with pathogens, is it possible for us to suffer harm or even death by being exposed to frequencies corresponding to our spectrum, which is in the MF and HF bands?

We have known about the experiments in the MK Ultra program, and it is plausible that experiments have been made to ascertain which particular frequencies can induce pathologies in humans. The signal strength and duration of exposure can be tweaked to expose people, unbeknownst to them, to harm. The preferred method of harm would be where it isn't immediate so as to eliminate the possibility that the effect could be traced to a cause. It would be something that leaves a slowly worsening effect on the tissues that would be manifest long after the exposure.

What if transmission kits were handed out in a covert operation worldwide in order to effect widespread exposure to a significant portion of the world population that would create a seeming infection, that would propagate to the unexposed population because the a critical mass is achieved for propagation by the exposed?

But I am not well-versed with emf bands and their practical day-to-day use to know if the use of these frequencies would be detected by a monitor tasked to do it in each locality in the world. If no effective monitors are in use, then these covert activities I described would escape detection easily.

Lastly, can someone verify if the human frequency is indeed 1,520 - 9,460 kHz? I only learned of this when going thru the manual of an emf zapper (called the Biotroh), which I recently bought and have been using for a little over a month.

Also, I find that it's easier to transmit over large distances using lower frequencies, and this makes the case for 5g being a cause of emf induced respiratory pathology being weaker, and that of the MF and HF bands stronger.


Mar 29, 2016
Lastly, can someone verify if the human frequency is indeed 1,520 - 9,460 kHz? I only learned of this when going thru the manual of an emf zapper (called the Biotroh), which I recently bought and have been using for a little over a month.
The source is Hulda Clark's "The Cure for All Diseases, 1995" p. 10-12:

What was actually happening to the bacteria or parasites? If I could kill something as large as an Ascaris worm or intestinal fluke, then perhaps I could kill something even larger, like an earthworm or flea, something I could see with my own eyes instead of having to imagine its demise inside my body. Ten minutes at a frequency chosen near the top of their broadcast range seemed to anesthetize them. But they didn't die. Later I checked the body bandwidth (the range of frequencies they emit) of each. The earthworms had lost a lot of their bandwidth, both at the top and bottom. The fleas seemed hardier; they had only lost a little. However they did not recover, even weeks later, from this loss. Could it harm humans to douse them with RF frequencies in their own bandwidth? Quite probably, if the voltage were high enough. There was no need to experiment, though, because the parasites we want to kill have characteristic frequencies that do not overlap the characteristic frequencies of a human...

...It was a worrisome truth. Perhaps the department of defense would use this knowledge and develop super high voltage devices to kill people (“enemies”) somewhere in the world. But I couldn't let sick people suffer. Besides, it would probably require a voltage much like lightning to kill people from a distance. Possibly a way could be found to shield yourself from frequencies harmful to humans by wearing a choke (inductor) coil which suppresses these frequencies. Remember, there was no recovery, just a slow death for my experimental animals. It must not happen to humans!

I do not know what bioradiation, this electrical broadcast from our cells, is made of. Only its frequency was noticed and caught (modulated) in such a way as to be measurable. And this frequency, 1,520,000 to 9,460,000 Hz (for a human infant) is in the radio frequency (RF) range.

So, is it conceivable that instead of there being an actual virus or the introduction of 5G being involved in the current COVID hoaxing, what is causing the sickness among us is the use of emf radiation in the very harmless sounding frequencies used in the medium and high bands, used in AM radio and in shortwave, at voltage levels high enough to injure our tissues, at a prolonged duration but short enough to escape detection?

It would be easy to send emf assassins across the world thru the unimpeded access to US bases worldwide in an effort to generate a pandemic. These bands have good coverage in terms of distance. so it is easy to spread sickness undetected.

What are the reasons why this post should be ignored because it's not Tom Cowan or Andy Kaufmann saying it?

@haidut @tankasnowgod @Regina @ecstatichamster @Mauritio @Inaut @Peatful @Blossom @charlie @Rinse & rePeat


Aug 17, 2016
The source is Hulda Clark's "The Cure for All Diseases, 1995" p. 10-12:

What was actually happening to the bacteria or parasites? If I could kill something as large as an Ascaris worm or intestinal fluke, then perhaps I could kill something even larger, like an earthworm or flea, something I could see with my own eyes instead of having to imagine its demise inside my body. Ten minutes at a frequency chosen near the top of their broadcast range seemed to anesthetize them. But they didn't die. Later I checked the body bandwidth (the range of frequencies they emit) of each. The earthworms had lost a lot of their bandwidth, both at the top and bottom. The fleas seemed hardier; they had only lost a little. However they did not recover, even weeks later, from this loss. Could it harm humans to douse them with RF frequencies in their own bandwidth? Quite probably, if the voltage were high enough. There was no need to experiment, though, because the parasites we want to kill have characteristic frequencies that do not overlap the characteristic frequencies of a human...

...It was a worrisome truth. Perhaps the department of defense would use this knowledge and develop super high voltage devices to kill people (“enemies”) somewhere in the world. But I couldn't let sick people suffer. Besides, it would probably require a voltage much like lightning to kill people from a distance. Possibly a way could be found to shield yourself from frequencies harmful to humans by wearing a choke (inductor) coil which suppresses these frequencies. Remember, there was no recovery, just a slow death for my experimental animals. It must not happen to humans!

I do not know what bioradiation, this electrical broadcast from our cells, is made of. Only its frequency was noticed and caught (modulated) in such a way as to be measurable. And this frequency, 1,520,000 to 9,460,000 Hz (for a human infant) is in the radio frequency (RF) range.

So, is it conceivable that instead of there being an actual virus or the introduction of 5G being involved in the current COVID hoaxing, what is causing the sickness among us is the use of emf radiation in the very harmless sounding frequencies used in the medium and high bands, used in AM radio and in shortwave, at voltage levels high enough to injure our tissues, at a prolonged duration but short enough to escape detection?

It would be easy to send emf assassins across the world thru the unimpeded access to US bases worldwide in an effort to generate a pandemic. These bands have good coverage in terms of distance. so it is easy to spread sickness undetected.

What are the reasons why this post should be ignored because it's not Tom Cowan or Andy Kaufmann saying it?

@haidut @tankasnowgod @Regina @ecstatichamster @Mauritio @Inaut @Peatful @Blossom @charlie @Rinse & rePeat
Yeah. It sounds reasonable to me. (as well as horrifying).


Mar 29, 2016
Yeah. It sounds reasonable to me. (as well as horrifying).
Well, I tried to post this into Unz, and it was marked spam and not given the light of day.

This is rather interesting as I was commenting that I agree with all Larry Romanoff said, except with the method. The method is not by having assassins carry containers of virus, but by them carrying emf broadcast transmitters. This is the article:

Hmmm, now why would they censor my comment? definitely is part of the dialectic.

I'll post the same thing I posted to Tom Cowan's and Barre Lando's channels on Telegram to see if I get the same tepid response I got from here.

Thanks @Regina

p.s. Nice knowing you guys!
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Mar 29, 2016
This is my comment:

I'm very late in commenting.

I hope Larry still replies this late into the comment section.

I agree with everything Larry says except for the method of spreading the disease. Instead of carrying the virus, the sickness messenger/assassins would have emf broadcast devices that can emit radiation with a wide radius. The amount of harm would be dependent on the voltage and duration of the radiation. The voltage would be high enough to inflict damage but low enough to go undetected. The damage would also not be felt immediately so as to be able to determine causality.

The medium frequency (MF) band is 300 - 3000 kHz. It is used by AM radio, amateur radio, and avalanche beacons. The high frequency (HF) band is3-30 MHz. Used in shortwave broadcasts, citizens band radio, amateur radio and over-the-horizon aviation communications, RFID, over-the-horizon radar, automatic link establishment (ALE) / near-vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) radio communications, marine and mobile radio telephony (Radio spectrum - Wikipedia)

What is interesting is that the human frequency is 1.52 to 9.46 MHz, while the frequency of pathogens (fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites) goes from 77 - 500 kHz.

When living pathogens inside us are exposed to the frequency corresponding to their spectrum, they die within a few minutes. If this were the case with pathogens, is it possible for us to suffer harm or even death by being exposed to frequencies corresponding to our spectrum, which is in the MF and HF bands?

The source is Hulda Clark's 1995 book "The Cure for All Diseases," p. 12:

What was actually happening to the bacteria or parasites? If I could kill something as large as an Ascaris worm or intestinal fluke, then perhaps I could kill something even larger, like an earthworm or flea, something I could see with my own eyes instead of having to imagine its demise inside my body. Ten minutes at a frequency chosen near the top of their broadcast range seemed to anesthetize them. But they didn't die. Later I checked the body bandwidth (the range of frequencies they emit) of each. The earthworms had lost a lot of their bandwidth, both at the top and bottom. The fleas seemed hardier; they had only lost a little. However they did not recover, even weeks later, from this loss. Could it harm humans to douse them with RF frequencies in their own bandwidth? Quite probably, if the voltage were high enough. There was no need to experiment, though, because the parasites we want to kill have characteristic frequencies that do not overlap the characteristic frequencies of a human...

...It was a worrisome truth. Perhaps the department of defense would use this knowledge and develop super high voltage devices to kill people (“enemies”) somewhere in the world. But I couldn't let sick people suffer. Besides, it would probably require a voltage much like lightning to kill people from a distance. Possibly a way could be found to shield yourself from frequencies harmful to humans by wearing a choke (inductor) coil which suppresses these frequencies. Remember, there was no recovery, just a slow death for my experimental animals. It must not happen to humans!

I do not know what bioradiation, this electrical broadcast from our cells, is made of. Only its frequency was noticed and caught (modulated) in such a way as to be measurable. And this frequency, 1,520,000 to 9,460,000 Hz (for a human infant) is in the radio frequency (RF) range.

It would be easy to send emf assassins across the world thru the unimpeded access to US bases worldwide in an effort to generate a pandemic. These bands have good coverage in terms of distance. so it is easy to spread sickness undetected.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
how to protect from electromagnetic radiation?
Could try looking on a population density map and move where there is less civilization.
At a minimum ditch all the "dumb" devices, especially house meter. Pay to have it removed or replaced with old school type. Could go on and on. Recommend not trusting that utility companies are watching out for our health, always an individual responsibility.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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