Vitamin D Theory


Dec 10, 2016
This would also suggest that taking vitamin D, while perhaps offering temporary relief, would not do much as your body is getting the message that it is at risk of absorbing too much D. Personally, my vitamin D levels have always been on the low end and supplementation for long periods of times does not do much.
This seems to vary from person to person and the reasons are probably different everyone. I’ve been able to reliably change my 25OH(D) levels by varying the amount of supplemental D3.

High Estrogen (Androgen Deficiency) Causes Low Vitamin D; DHT Is Therapeutic
“Low vitamin D levels are rampant in the Western population, with some estimates as high as 80% of people over the age of 25. While supplementation is commonly prescribed, people often find that even very high oral doses of vitamin D do not bring up blood levels. Peat told some people over email that excess fat weight is a factor in making vitamin D supplementation ineffective at raising blood levels. Well, excess fat is a major source of estrogen so the study makes even more sense now.
The study below found that it is the relative deficiency of androgens that allows estrogen to rule unopposed and raise progesterone receptor (PR) levels, which results in lower vitamin D levels. Restoring androgen levels lowers PR (by opposing estrogen) and quickly improves vitamin D status. This matches well the recent study I posted claiming that androgen deficiency (and thus hypothyroidism) is perhaps the main cause of chronic diseases in males.
Androgen Deficiency As The Main Cause Of Chronic Disease In Males
Apr 5, 2018
I am not sure if I agree that it's impossible to experience hypercalcemia as a result of regular sun exposure. I'm pretty sure I've self-induced mild hypercalcemia twice now entirely through sun exposure. Your body can produce very large amounts of vit D quickly through the sun, and if you don't bone up on vit A and K, along with magnesium, adverse effects can be experienced over time. I live in California, and have a decently large backyard which affords me ample privacy to expose my whole body to sunlight. Thrice I've experienced hypercalcemia. The first time it was due to overusage of vit D pills with zero magnesium or vit A or K. I thoroughly reversed it using around 800mg of magnesium a day and lowered dosage of vit D. The 2nd time I used 0 vit D pills but I exposed myself daily to sunlight during the summer for 20-30 minutes a day. That time around the hypercalcemia had a longer onset, but it was there nonetheless once it arrived, and once more avoidance of the sun and megadosing magnesium eventually reversed my symptoms. It's the summer for me right now, and again I feel that I have symptoms of hypercalcemia as a result of the sun, despite supplementing with magnesium and vit A in the form of Retin-A. I will say that i have never actually tested my calcium levels but my symptoms always reverse with a lowering the frequency of my sun exposure, or avoiding the sun altogether for a couple of weeks, so this removes any doubt altogether for me that my symptoms are anything but hypervitaminosis D/hypercalcemia. I really enjoy the sun and If I avoid the sun for a couple of weeks, and then do full body exposure to early morning/midday sunlight, I experience immense androgenic stimuli like non-existent refractory period, 0 hunger, constant energy, lack of 'food coma', and very high libido. But I run into diminishing returns, and now after 2 months or so of regular sun exposure I can say that I am presenting symptoms like constipation, low libido, and poor blood flow in certain regions; all of which I can only deduce are from hypercalcemia.


Jul 8, 2016
I am not sure if I agree that it's impossible to experience hypercalcemia as a result of regular sun exposure. I'm pretty sure I've self-induced mild hypercalcemia twice now entirely through sun exposure. Your body can produce very large amounts of vit D quickly through the sun, and if you don't bone up on vit A and K, along with magnesium, adverse effects can be experienced over time. I live in California, and have a decently large backyard which affords me ample privacy to expose my whole body to sunlight. Thrice I've experienced hypercalcemia. The first time it was due to overusage of vit D pills with zero magnesium or vit A or K. I thoroughly reversed it using around 800mg of magnesium a day and lowered dosage of vit D. The 2nd time I used 0 vit D pills but I exposed myself daily to sunlight during the summer for 20-30 minutes a day. That time around the hypercalcemia had a longer onset, but it was there nonetheless once it arrived, and once more avoidance of the sun and megadosing magnesium eventually reversed my symptoms. It's the summer for me right now, and again I feel that I have symptoms of hypercalcemia as a result of the sun, despite supplementing with magnesium and vit A in the form of Retin-A. I will say that i have never actually tested my calcium levels but my symptoms always reverse with a lowering the frequency of my sun exposure, or avoiding the sun altogether for a couple of weeks, so this removes any doubt altogether for me that my symptoms are anything but hypervitaminosis D/hypercalcemia. I really enjoy the sun and If I avoid the sun for a couple of weeks, and then do full body exposure to early morning/midday sunlight, I experience immense androgenic stimuli like non-existent refractory period, 0 hunger, constant energy, lack of 'food coma', and very high libido. But I run into diminishing returns, and now after 2 months or so of regular sun exposure I can say that I am presenting symptoms like constipation, low libido, and poor blood flow in certain regions which I can only deduce are from hypercalcemia.

Are you able to get blood tests during your hypercalcemia phase? Hypercalcemia from 20-30 minutes sun exposure per day is a pretty bold claim, and I think should have relevant blood work to back it up, especially with such a simple test being able to prove it.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
But I run into diminishing returns, and now after 2 months or so of regular sun exposure I can say that I am presenting symptoms like constipation, low libido, and poor blood flow in certain regions which I can only deduce are from hypercalcemia.
Or low magnesium.
Apr 5, 2018
Are you able to get blood tests during your hypercalcemia phase? Hypercalcemia from 20-30 minutes sun exposure per day is a pretty bold claim, and I think should have relevant blood work to back it up, especially with such a simple test being able to prove it.
if they are cheap I may consider it, since if I'm wrong then I will learn something new and intriguing about the etiology of my current predicament, albeit also confusing. I plan on discontinuing sun exposure for some time so I will have to do it soon, and any further exposure will be limited to 1-2 times a week. keep in mind that this is 20-30 min a day full body exposure( as in naked) in a light-skinned individual, over a time period of nigh on 2.5 months. The severity of my symptoms are abated compared to my previous episodes thanks to my usage of vit A and magnesium. I may be unique, perhaps I have some predilection for this, but thats a sort of dubious speculation on my part. i too have some hesitancy in declaring sunnlight the root of my issue, since its a such a benign and helpful phenomenon within the context of peat's views and i wouldnt be surprised if other people aren't harmed at all by prolonged sun exposure like mine. not to mention, how did my ancestors go out and work without becoming blocks of calcium? there's probably some missing factor.


Mar 27, 2017
Your body doesn't tan as a defense mechanism against excess vitamin d, it tans as a defense mechanism against radiation.


May 30, 2017
Aww man now vitamin D is no good? Been taking that for years now (especially when not getting much sunlight) based on Rays recommendation.
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