WARNING! Old People Take Baths In Public Jacuzzis

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Ray Peat says low cholesterol levels are detrimental to brain function, so it has not been any wonder to me why so many elderly are on low cholesterol meds and have cognitive decline, even recent studies indicate the same…

“The people in the lowest out of five groups for levels of total cholesterol and iron had a lower chance of reaching 100 years as compared to those with higher levels,” Modig wrote.”

It is interesting that Ray Peat wrote that females death rate is lower than males until menopause, because of the bloodletting, and this article seemingly indicates the same…

“Interestingly, the vast majority (85%) of the centenarians were female.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This article is a passive aggressive one, telling about the oldest man in the world eating lots of candy and sugar and then explaining how bad sugar is….

“The latest story for the “See, it’s really not bad for you” club will put a smile on the face of those with a sweet tooth. They most likely will use the recent news reports about Masazo Nonaka. He was recently confirmed by the Guinness World Records as the world’s oldest man at 113-years-old.

Why will they do this?

For the simple reason that Mr. Nonaka’s favorite food in the world is candy! While his family attributes his longevity to leading a relatively stress-free life, sugar fans will probably mention that when presented with his birthday cake, his reaction was, “Yum.”“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Our attitude towards candy—“if it tastes that good, it can’t be healthy”—betrays society’s puritanical stance towards pleasure. Candy has been blamed for various ills, including hyperactivity in children; however, clinical trials have not supported this.1

Candy—sugar confectionery and chocolate—is not a recent invention: the ancient Arabs, Chinese, and Egyptians candied fruits and nuts in honey, and the Aztecs made a chocolate drink from the bean of the cacao tree. Today, Americans gratify themselves with, on average, 5.4 kg of sugar candy and 6.5 kg of chocolate per person annually.2

Since candy has existed for centuries, we surmised that it cannot be totally unhealthy. We decided to investigate whether candy consumption was associated with longevity.

Subjects were from the Harvard alumni health study, an ongoing study of men entering Harvard University as undergraduates between 1916 and 1950. We included 7841 men, free of cardiovascular disease and cancer, who responded to a health survey in 1988 providing information on consumption of candy.

We asked about the average number of servings of candy eaten in the past year. Response options ranged from “almost never” to “6+ per day.” In analyses, we regarded as non-consumers of candy the men who answered “almost never.” The survey also asked about other health habits (see table). We obtained death certificates for men who died up to the end of 1993; mortality follow up was >99% complete.”

“Consumption of candy was associated with greater longevity in this study. Men who indulged lived almost a year longer, up to age 95, than did abstainers.

We could not differentiate between consumption of sugar candy and chocolate in our study. “

“Unfortunately, greater consumption of candy was not associated with progressively lower mortality. Mortality was lowest among those consuming candy 1-3 times a month and highest among those indulging this habit three or more times a week. Non-consumers of candy, however, still had the highest mortality overall. As with most things in life, moderation seems to be paramount.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Pudding is arguably the best part of any meal and many of super-centenarians aren't afraid of. Richard Overton, America's oldest veteran, followed a diet more akin to a teenager than a pensioner. He was known to eat butter and pecan flavoured ice cream every night, often straight from the tub. He enjoyed the finer things in life as well, starting each day with coffee, whiskey and a cigar until his death in 2018 aged 112. This blog post wouldn't be complete without mentioning Jeanne Calment, the world's oldest verified person. She lived for an astonishing 122 years, despite smoking , skipping breakfast, drinking a glass of Port daily and eating more than two pounds of chocolate each week.”

It is funny that the article goes on to say, “It's important to note that following any of the eating habits mentioned here probably won't extend your life. Our longevity is strongly affected by our genetics”, so if it is genetics then had they not been eating these sweet and enjoyable no-no foods they would have lived much longer than 112 and 116? Boy those sugar bullies never relent.

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Another antioxidant in egg yolks, phosvitin, may help reduce any problems with oxidizing the iron in the yolks. Iron is an important mineral, but it's very vulnerable to a kind of damage called oxidation (if the iron is outside your body, you can see this damage in the form of rust). Inside your body, oxidation can make the iron inflammatory - that's why some people give blood to improve their health, or avoid eating a lot of iron. But the iron in egg yolks is safe from oxidation because it comes packaged with phosvitin.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Although K1 is likely to stay with the liver and pay most homage to the blood clotting benefits, K2 will end back into the bloodstream to carry out its work on bone health and calcium build-up prevention due to its longer side-chains.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Although Clive McKay's studies of life extension through caloric restriction were done in the 1930s, only a few studies have been done to find out which nutrients' restriction contributes most to extending the life span. Restricting toxic heavy metals, without restricting calories, produces about the same life-extending effect as caloric restriction. Restricting only tryptophan, or only cysteine, produces a greater extension of the life span than achieved in most of the studies of caloric restriction. How great would be the life-span extension if both tryptophan and cysteine were restricted at the same time?“ -Ray Peat

“Your body makes cysteine from methionine, an essential amino acid. Cysteine is also found in most high-protein foods, including:

  • Ricotta
  • Cottage cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Pork
  • Sausage meat
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Duck
  • Lunch meats
  • Wheat germ
  • Granola
  • Oat flakes”

“Compared with pasta, white rice, and whole-grain cornmeal, potatoes are the only staple food meeting the recommended lysine level. However, the sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine + cysteine) are lower in potatoes than in the other common staple foods.”

“Toxicity symptoms are not likely to occur with consumption of foods containing cysteine, or its precursor methionine, except in select individuals who are unable to metabolize the amino acid correctly. Since cysteine is a brain excitoxin, susceptible individuals can experience brain cell damage that can put them at risk for certain neurodegenerative diseases including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimers disease and amylotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs disease).“

“Foods that are concentrated sources of cysteine

Cysteine can be found in an array of foods including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, egg yolks, garlic, oats, onions, poultry, red bell peppers, wheat germ and yeast.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The goodness of dietary fibre in the peel acts as a digestive aid that promotes digestion and regularise the bowel movements. Since ages, citrus fruit peels were greatly prized as a natural remedy to treat indigestion, constipation, flatulence and other gastrointestinal woes.”

I have been making candied orange peels and marmalade to get my daily lemon peels.



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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“At the same time, consuming probiotics and fermented foods continues to be a cornerstone of mainstream nutritional advice, and even official public health policy. Well, the study below may finally reverse the course with its findings that not only are probiotics not beneficial but they may lead to SIBO and many symptoms commonly reported on the forum - i.e. brain fog, fatigue, indigestion, bloating, etc. Those symptoms seem to stem mainly from the ingested bacteria colonizing the intestine and producing D-lactic acidfrom sugar in the food ingested by a given person. If a person's liver is sluggish or damaged, this lactic acid will likely accumulate and lead to chronic fatigue, brain fog, etc that often leave doctors completely confused and unable to offer any relief. As the study also found, probioticcs can be especially dangerous for people with slow motility, since in such cases the probiotics will end up colonizing the small intestine (SIBO) and not the colon (as intended). While the study lists drugs like opioids, PPI and SSRI as main causes of slower motility, the fact is that motility slows down for virtually everybody with increasing age as a result of slower metabolism. As such, probiotics could be harmful for the majority of people over 35 or anybody else suffering from low metabolism.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Now, this study shows that taking PPI drugs is probably a causative factor in developing dementia and derivative conditions like Alzheimer disease and thus avoiding the PPI is advisable.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Inorganic grain crops, like wheat, are routinely sprayed with Round-up to dry out the crops quicker for early harvesting…

“Roundup conditioning must be well-timed and managed for the greatest value and harvesting efficiency.

  • Treat crops only once the Roundup timing has been reached
  • Employ coarse droplets and use low drift nozzles to safeguard margins and hedgerows
  • Adjust sprayer boom so the spray pattern correctly covers the target
  • Spray early in the day to optimise uptake in dry weather
  • Leave crops for the statutory minimum of 14 days before harvesting
  • Delay harvesting for up to 21 days post-treatment in unfavourable weather”

“Is Roundup Associated With Autism or Alzheimer’s?​

Recent research finds possible associations between Roundup exposure to neurological disorders, including autism and Alzheimer’s disease. Glyphosate has also been shown to disturb healthy bacteria in the gut biome that play a vital role in regulating healthy brain functioning.
Glyphosate crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes inflammation. Research indicates this nervous system disruption can negatively impact regulation of neurological processes and cause neurodegenerative disorders.
In addition to autism and Alzheimer’s, glyphosate-caused genetic damage has also been associated with anxiety and depressive-like behaviors in recent studies. Animal studies suggest that exposure to glyphosate in utero may have adverse effects on human neurological development of unborn children as well.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Many studies have shown that dietary calcium (or vitamin D, which increases calcium absorption) can have very important antiinflammatory effects.
About 25 years ago, David McCarron noticed that the governments data on diet and hypertension showed that the people who ate the most salt had the lowest blood pressure, and those who ate the least salt had the highest pressure. He showed that a calcium deficiency, rather than a sodium excess, was the most likely nutritional explanation for hypertension.” -Ray Peat

“Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium and phosphorus absorption, making it essential for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. More than just the 'sunshine vitamin’, it also contributes to maintaining regular muscle function and supporting your immune system.

Now, egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain naturally high amounts of vitamin D, with a serving of two eggs providing 82% of your recommended daily intake.”


Australian Eggs Nutrient Analysis 2018
Conducted by National Measurement Institute (NMI), a division within the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

Nutrient2018 average qty per 100g
Retinol (vitamin A)98mcg
Vitamin B60.02mg
Vitamin B120.33mcg
Vitamin D7.9mcg
Vitamin E1.9mg
Pantothenic acid1.07mg
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Cancer researchers have become interested in this enzyme system that controls the oxidation of pyruvic acid (and thus sugar) by the mitochondria, since these enzymes are crucially defective in cancer cells (and also in diabetes). The chemical DCA, dichloroacetate, is effective against a variety of cancers, and it acts by reactivating the enzymes that oxidize pyruvic acid. Thyroid hormone, insulin, and fructose also activate these enzymes. These are the enzymes that are inactivated by excessive exposure to fatty acids, and that are involved in the progressive replacement of sugar oxidation by fat oxidation, during stress and aging, and in degenerative diseases; for example, a process that inactivates the energy-producing pyruvate dehydrogenase in Alzheimer's disease has been identified (Ishiguro, 1998). Niacinamide, by lowering free fatty acids and regulating the redox system, supporting sugar oxidation, is useful in the whole spectrum of metabolic degenerative diseases.” -Ray Peat


Aug 8, 2022
“The goodness of dietary fibre in the peel acts as a digestive aid that promotes digestion and regularise the bowel movements. Since ages, citrus fruit peels were greatly prized as a natural remedy to treat indigestion, constipation, flatulence and other gastrointestinal woes.”

I have been making candied orange peels and marmalade to get my daily lemon peels.

View attachment 60375
Have you posted your recipe anywhere? I have orange peels sitting in the fridge since snacking on oranges yesterday ... Now looking at this photo, I really fancy trying candied peels. I can see myself pairing them with some dark chocolate 😀! Thank you.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Have you posted your recipe anywhere? I have orange peels sitting in the fridge since snacking on oranges yesterday ... Now looking at this photo, I really fancy trying candied peels. I can see myself pairing them with some dark chocolate 😀! Thank you.
I did post the recipe I have been using for those candied orange peels on page 8 in my “Peaty Fruits & Vegetables” recipe thread linked for you below. I just made two more pounds of them last week and boy has it ever made people happy with me for sharing!

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This is an interesting thread @Apple posted. Those with acid reflux are in a precarious pisition, in that they take things to suppress stomach acids which further hinders natural digestion, when strengthening and healing should be a better route, in which case breathing and gelatin, not collagen, may be a better solution…

“Did you know that crocodiles have the most acidic stomach among animals ?
The heart helps to make the crocodile's digestion the most efficient in the animal kingdom. After a meal the heart directs deoxygenated blood, rich in acidic carbon dioxide, to the stomach. The blood stimulates the production of the most acidic gastric juices known in nature. Crocodiles can secrete stomach acid 10 times faster than any other animal.
They can stay under water (without oxigen) up to 24 hours.
Crocodiles are superresilient to most known cancerogens and are almost immortal under right conditions. 100 yo crocodile has the same vigor as a young one.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Mastication (chewing) is important not only for food intake, but also for preserving and promoting the general health. Recent studies have showed that mastication helps to maintain cognitive functions in the hippocampus, a central nervous system region vital for spatial memory and learning. The purpose of this paper is to review the recent progress of the association between mastication and the hippocampus-dependent cognitive function. There are multiple neural circuits connecting the masticatory organs and the hippocampus. Both animal and human studies indicated that cognitive functioning is influenced by mastication. Masticatory dysfunction is associated with the hippocampal morphological impairments and the hippocampus-dependent spatial memory deficits, especially in elderly. Mastication is an effective behavior for maintaining the hippocampus-dependent cognitive performance, which deteriorates with aging. Therefore, chewing may represent a useful approach in preserving and promoting the hippocampus-dependent cognitive function in older people.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“A 2010 study of nearly 105,000 people published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggested that people with larger waistlines (more than 47 inches for men and 43 inches for women) were twice as likely to die during the study period than people with smaller waistlines (less than 35 inches in men and less than 30 inches in women). Bigger waists are also associated with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, cholesterol problems and coronary heart disease.

Researchers aren’t exactly sure what makes belly fat so dangerous, but it may have something to do with how fat is distributed throughout your body. If you’re pear shaped, your fat is located mostly in your lower half; it's also subcutaneous, meaning it sits right under the skin. People who are apple-shaped have more fat in their abdomen. That fat, called visceral fat, is deeper and collects around the organs. Researchers think visceral fat produces chemicals that lead to inflammation, a culprit in heart disease and cancer.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Since bone formation is instrumental to counterbalance tissue destruction in the context of periodontitis, we also studied the effect of quebecol in an in vitro osteoblast model. While they secrete collagen and proteins during bone formation, osteoblasts also trigger calcium and mineral deposition, leading to the formation of hydroxyapatite on the newly formed bone matrix.13,14 We demonstrated that the mineralization activity of osteoblasts was positively affected by quebecol in a dose-dependent fashion, the most important increase in the formation of extracellular calcium deposits being observed at the highest concentrations tested. It is also noteworthy to mention that results obtained in a parallel study led by our group strongly suggest that the enhanced mineralization activity caused by quebecol is not due to an effect of this compound on the population of osteoblast cells (see the Supporting Information). In accordance with our results, polyphenols from green tea are also known to promote osteoblastic mineralization.35

In conclusion, when taken together, the results of our present and previous studies20point toward the potential use of quebecol as a promising multitarget therapeutic agent against periodontitis and, most likely, other inflammatory disorders.”

“Most maple syrup is made from the sap of the sugar maple (Acer saccharum). About 80% of the world’s syrup comes from Quebec, so it was natural that when N. P. Seeram and co-workers at the University of Rhode Island (Kingston) isolated a previously unknown phenolic alcohol from the syrup, they named it quebecol. They believe that quebecol does not exist in the sap but is formed during syrup production.

At the spring 2014 ACS National Meeting, several researchers discussed their work on the possible health effects of polyphenols like quebecol that were isolated from maple syrup. For example, postdocs T. Yuan and Y. Zheng in Seeram’s group reported that some sap and syrup extracts show antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. And K. Abe at the Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (Japan) fed mice extracts that had different polyphenol levels and found that gene expression related to metabolism and insulin sensitivity was altered.”

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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