
Oct 22, 2019
- Lifelong low energy and fatigue.
- Mood issues. Depression and anxiety.
- Neurological issues. Memory loss. So much difficulty learning anything new that I began to despair over ever doing anything with my life, ever. Feeling like my brain had turned into a brick.
- Intense brain fog, increasingly feeling disconnected and floating through life.
- Mood swings, lack of information retention, constantly at loss for words.
- Inexplicable moments of hyper-fixation and rage.
- Hypersensitivity to noise and light.
- Hyper-reactive to everything.
- Itching eyes, at one point puffy, raw and red. Sometimes pain in my eye. Eyes seem drooping now in way they weren't before.
- Joint pain since I was 19 or so, including puffy, stiff fingers every morning.
- Fertility issues. Missing or irregular cycle. PMDD.
- Nightmares, waking up screaming. Difficulty breathing at night, but not diagnosed with sleep apnea. Waking up suddenly gasping for air. Shock-like feeling when I tried to go to sleep.
- Digestive issues, that I tried to tackle for years with dietary changes (including carnivore) but only seemed to end up more sensitive by the end. Intense bloating. Weight gain that I can't lose.
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Frequent urge to urinate (not UTI)

I grew up in a house that was renovated by my parents, as best they knew how. There was water damage and damage to the siding, and I don't know how well they remediated the internal damage, if at all. There was also a roof leak that was fixed, but water definitely got in (could see spots through ceiling), and nothing was done to address this bc "the attic seems dry now." As a child I was always tired, anxious, and had low tolerance for lights and sounds. As I got older, I went back and forth between that house, and a basement bedroom in another house, which was not well maintained and likely also had some mold. In college I lived in a run down apartment building and my childhood home. Due to many of the issues listed above, I moved back into my childhood home full time after college, as I struggled to function but couldn't figure out why. During this time I took at job in a second-hand store, sifting through musty donations, in a building that leaked every time it rained, with ceiling tiles that had water damage and visible mold, but I never considered it an issue. I knew there was something wrong with me, but I could never get an answer from doctors, and after years of struggling and trying things on my own (like extreme diets, thinking it was a food allergy), I began to give up and accept that maybe I'm just not a very capable person, and all of my other issues are psychological.

Over the pandemic, staying inside even more than before, everything worsened. This somewhat coincided with me going off of the carnivore diet, and every issue I had, I attributed to that. This is also around the time that I started getting vivid, sometimes gruesome nightmares, always terrifying nightmares. My weight ballooned. Breathing difficulties at night worsened. I felt so fatigued, every small task seemed daunting. I couldn't think at all. I began to resign myself to just being this way, chalking it up to character defects or childhood trauma or potentially autism.

But then... I got rid of this old Tempur-pedic mattress I'd been sleeping on... And I started to feel noticeably better, not 100% but noticeable. Maybe it was the memory foam causing me problems, I thought... So I got rid of the new memory foam mattress I bought to replace it, thinking that eventually maybe this one would turn toxic, too. I went to sleep on a mattress in my other bedroom - and a bunch of symptoms came crashing back, along with feeling like I'd caught a cold, and a strong metallic taste in my mouth. What was going on?

And then ... I went to clean out the bedroom closet. And I found a wall covered in mold. And I think, finally, after decades of barely living life, I've found the answer, or at least a clue.
I'm seeing my doctor soon to request a serum mycotoxin test. Hopefully she will consent. If anyone has any info regarding what other tests to ask for, or experience with mold illness, it is appreciated. I will update this post with the results of the blood draw.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
I'm seeing my doctor soon to request a serum mycotoxin test. Hopefully she will consent. If anyone has any info regarding what other tests to ask for, or experience with mold illness, it is appreciated. I will update this post with the results of the blood draw.
After dealing with something similar, in my opinion, no mycotoxin test is going to tell you something you don’t already know. If you know you have been exposed to indoor mold, the best thing you can do is to leave the environment ASAP.

After a couple days of leaving the toxic environment was the first time I’ve seen my health start to improve after years of going in circles with lab tests and diet hacks.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
Just as with the milk-egg-orangejuice diet pushed by some, one can become accustomed to the stressors in their own home. I think it's good to swap foods and change locations at least occasionally.


Oct 22, 2019
After dealing with something similar, in my opinion, no mycotoxin test is going to tell you something you don’t already know. If you know you have been exposed to indoor mold, the best thing you can do is to leave the environment ASAP.

After a couple days of leaving the toxic environment was the first time I’ve seen my health start to improve after years of going in circles with lab tests and diet hacks.

I guess I just want ... proof. After so many years of basically being told by doctors that I'm a hypochondriac (not those exact words) and after so many of being seen as a lazy complainer by my family, I just want... proof. I've spent so many years second guessing myself. Everything about mold illness fits. And I know I've been exposed at work, and definitely exposed at home. But when I brought it up to family, they were very dismissive, saying "Oh, it's not black mold, you're reaching again, you're overreacting..."

If I were financially able, I would have left this house as soon as I found the mold, and the pieces began to fit together. But I'm not. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. I'm trying to come up with a plan to leave, but I can't move out at the moment. I'd just really like some clinical proof.


Oct 6, 2020
Reminds me of a forum member who posted about mold changing his personality, changing his behaviour leading to divorce and ruining his buisness and all thoose things were fixed by getting away from the mold.

In theory i would assume that certain things that bind or reduce mycotoxins and helping to excrete them could be beneficial if one realy has that issue (eg. boron, pomegrenate, oregano oil, iodine, NAC, bentonite clay, zeolite, activated charcoal, ozone etc.). Do you have experience with any of thoose things?


Mar 18, 2016


May 4, 2019
Reminds me of a forum member who posted about mold changing his personality, changing his behaviour leading to divorce and ruining his buisness and all thoose things were fixed by getting away from the mold.

In theory i would assume that certain things that bind or reduce mycotoxins and helping to excrete them could be beneficial if one realy has that issue (eg. boron, pomegrenate, oregano oil, iodine, NAC, bentonite clay, zeolite, activated charcoal, ozone etc.). Do you have experience with any of thoose things?

This made me think of this doctor who uses clay/charcoal as sequestrants to bind and carry out mycotoxins. He mentions how one of his patients got rid of her life-long psoriasis and grew back all of her hair by just taking clay and charcoal morning and night:



Mar 5, 2017
I have a very similar story.

I moved into the place I am now 5 years ago when I was 18, I was already breaking down like half a year before that but still going strong. Since I am in here my health started to deteriorate. I started Peat dieting when I was 18 too, and it certainly didnt help my physiology to try to live off OJ etc back then.

Now I recently discovered that there seems to be mold behind a lot of the walls and the whole situation seems just hopeless. Like stuck in a loop. I am practically bed ridden and dont have the energy, brain capablitiy to make a move and make money right now so I cant move places. At the same time, staying here it will only get out. It seems hopeless. On top of that, everywhere I read it about it, it says you need to leave behind everything you own pretty much, and that would be a huge financial burden on me.

My naturopath says I have overmethylation, very very low blood histamine. Also pyroluria.

All my attempts to treat my conditions seem to result in intense herxheimer reactions where these toxins come up. Trying folic acid, zinc etc gives me intense sickness symptoms. I think the low whole blood histamine and low folate, zinc, copper, iron come from pathogens, mycotoxins, maybe even parasites.

I have insanely low cholesterol as well. Like 80 total. No wonder I feel like I am on the verge of death. This number hasnt budged in the last 6 years. It speaks for a pathogen or parasite.

No idea what to do, am at my wits end.


May 2, 2021
I was exposed to mold previously, and activated charcoal completely eliminated my symptoms. I use 40g, (about 6 tablespoons) in 16 oz of water and within half an hour my head, (brain fog, dizziness, nausea are my symptoms) is completely clear.

You could always try something like that and if you feel better, you have a pretty good idea what’s been affecting you.


Oct 22, 2019
Now I recently discovered that there seems to be mold behind a lot of the walls and the whole situation seems just hopeless. Like stuck in a loop. I am practically bed ridden and dont have the energy, brain capablitiy to make a move and make money right now so I cant move places. At the same time, staying here it will only get out. It seems hopeless. On top of that, everywhere I read it about it, it says you need to leave behind everything you own pretty much, and that would be a huge financial burden on me.
Same situation. I feel like I have zero brain capacity, which makes it difficult to find, interview for, and then actually hold down most jobs. I work for myself, but I don't make much money, definitely not enough to move. Which means the cycle continues, my capacities deteriorate, and my health declines, going further into the hole.

Here is a somewhat optimistic video about a man who used Dynamic Neural Retraining Systems to help heal from mold illness:


He does say that you have to leave the environment with the mold in order to heal, but he offers some optimism compared to people who talk about dealing with side effects for years, and being hyper-reactive to everything once they get sick from mold.

As far as throwing away belongings goes... I'm very unhappy about that. I have a small library of books that, according to what I'm reading online, I will have to throw away. I can't even sell them, or donate them... just throw them away. I could handle leaving behind almost all of my possessions, but the fact that I may have to trash them, and can't even sell some of the nicer stuff bc it is contaminated... that's hard to swallow.

I've read stories about people going to live in tents or RVs... I actually think that may be more stressful, long term, not having any place to call home. One possibility is finding seller-financed land, and then building tent planform and canvas wall tent. If you have a source of water, and a wood stove inside the tent, it actually might make for a pretty nice place to live... Those are my thoughts as far as solutions.


Oct 22, 2019
I was exposed to mold previously, and activated charcoal completely eliminated my symptoms. I use 40g, (about 6 tablespoons) in 16 oz of water and within half an hour my head, (brain fog, dizziness, nausea are my symptoms) is completely clear.

You could always try something like that and if you feel better, you have a pretty good idea what’s been affecting you.
Yes, activated charcoal, bentonite clay, zeolite, some other things mentioned in previous comments... I'm looking into them all!

The problem is that this wasn't just a one time exposure: I've been living in mold pretty much my entire life, there's mold in my current house, and I am financially unable to move at the moment...


Oct 22, 2019
Reminds me of a forum member who posted about mold changing his personality, changing his behaviour leading to divorce and ruining his buisness and all thoose things were fixed by getting away from the mold.

In theory i would assume that certain things that bind or reduce mycotoxins and helping to excrete them could be beneficial if one realy has that issue (eg. boron, pomegrenate, oregano oil, iodine, NAC, bentonite clay, zeolite, activated charcoal, ozone etc.). Do you have experience with any of thoose things?
I've used both oregano oil and black cumin seed oil in the past, and found them very hard on my stomach. I just looked into zeolite and apparently there are some concerns about lead in it, but there's a product called Zeotrex that's been tested and found to be safe. So ... I don't know. Looking into all of the above!

And yea, I believe it can change personality... or at least tank your energy levels so much that it's impossible to have a thoughtful, nonreactive reaction to anything...


May 2, 2021
Yes, activated charcoal, bentonite clay, zeolite, some other things mentioned in previous comments... I'm looking into them all!

The problem is that this wasn't just a one time exposure: I've been living in mold pretty much my entire life, there's mold in my current house, and I am financially unable to move at the moment...
I’ve done some long term experiments with charcoal at 2 tablespoons in 8oz of water on a daily basis. In addition there’s an interesting product called homebiotic, which is a bacteria that eats mold. I’ve used it with success in the past to remediate issues in rental properties I didn’t own, but lived in. You may want to look into that product to clean the space to a degree, (of course if there is a physical leak it’s really only a bandaid solution) in conjunction with consuming charcoal or some similar product.


Mar 5, 2017
Same situation. I feel like I have zero brain capacity, which makes it difficult to find, interview for, and then actually hold down most jobs. I work for myself, but I don't make much money, definitely not enough to move. Which means the cycle continues, my capacities deteriorate, and my health declines, going further into the hole.
Exact same situation. I work for myself, was on a pretty good path but now I can barely think straight and get nothing done.
As far as throwing away belongings goes... I'm very unhappy about that. I have a small library of books that, according to what I'm reading online, I will have to throw away. I can't even sell them, or donate them... just throw them away. I could handle leaving behind almost all of my possessions, but the fact that I may have to trash them, and can't even sell some of the nicer stuff bc it is contaminated... that's hard to swallow.
This man. I don’t know if I can cope with that. Throw away all my belongings, books, clothes, couches and in my case even expensive guitars? These are my babies man … there has got to be another way …


Oct 22, 2019
Exact same situation. I work for myself, was on a pretty good path but now I can barely think straight and get nothing done.

This man. I don’t know if I can cope with that. Throw away all my belongings, books, clothes, couches and in my case even expensive guitars? These are my babies man … there has got to be another way …
Well, if you've got $500 to spare, there's this fogger that some people claim helped them to save some of their belongings: EC3 Sanitizer Fogger and Mold Solution Concentrate Bundle

But paper products seem to be a lost cause, unfortunately.


Oct 22, 2019
Well I went to my doctor… and she said the lab she uses doesn’t test for mycotoxins or mold antibodies.

I need to find my own lab and pay out of pocket.


- Lifelong low energy and fatigue.
- Mood issues. Depression and anxiety.
- Neurological issues. Memory loss. So much difficulty learning anything new that I began to despair over ever doing anything with my life, ever. Feeling like my brain had turned into a brick.
- Intense brain fog, increasingly feeling disconnected and floating through life.
- Mood swings, lack of information retention, constantly at loss for words.
- Inexplicable moments of hyper-fixation and rage.
- Hypersensitivity to noise and light.
- Hyper-reactive to everything.
- Itching eyes, at one point puffy, raw and red. Sometimes pain in my eye. Eyes seem drooping now in way they weren't before.
- Joint pain since I was 19 or so, including puffy, stiff fingers every morning.
- Fertility issues. Missing or irregular cycle. PMDD.
- Nightmares, waking up screaming. Difficulty breathing at night, but not diagnosed with sleep apnea. Waking up suddenly gasping for air. Shock-like feeling when I tried to go to sleep.
- Digestive issues, that I tried to tackle for years with dietary changes (including carnivore) but only seemed to end up more sensitive by the end. Intense bloating. Weight gain that I can't lose.
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Frequent urge to urinate (not UTI)

I grew up in a house that was renovated by my parents, as best they knew how. There was water damage and damage to the siding, and I don't know how well they remediated the internal damage, if at all. There was also a roof leak that was fixed, but water definitely got in (could see spots through ceiling), and nothing was done to address this bc "the attic seems dry now." As a child I was always tired, anxious, and had low tolerance for lights and sounds. As I got older, I went back and forth between that house, and a basement bedroom in another house, which was not well maintained and likely also had some mold. In college I lived in a run down apartment building and my childhood home. Due to many of the issues listed above, I moved back into my childhood home full time after college, as I struggled to function but couldn't figure out why. During this time I took at job in a second-hand store, sifting through musty donations, in a building that leaked every time it rained, with ceiling tiles that had water damage and visible mold, but I never considered it an issue. I knew there was something wrong with me, but I could never get an answer from doctors, and after years of struggling and trying things on my own (like extreme diets, thinking it was a food allergy), I began to give up and accept that maybe I'm just not a very capable person, and all of my other issues are psychological.

Over the pandemic, staying inside even more than before, everything worsened. This somewhat coincided with me going off of the carnivore diet, and every issue I had, I attributed to that. This is also around the time that I started getting vivid, sometimes gruesome nightmares, always terrifying nightmares. My weight ballooned. Breathing difficulties at night worsened. I felt so fatigued, every small task seemed daunting. I couldn't think at all. I began to resign myself to just being this way, chalking it up to character defects or childhood trauma or potentially autism.

But then... I got rid of this old Tempur-pedic mattress I'd been sleeping on... And I started to feel noticeably better, not 100% but noticeable. Maybe it was the memory foam causing me problems, I thought... So I got rid of the new memory foam mattress I bought to replace it, thinking that eventually maybe this one would turn toxic, too. I went to sleep on a mattress in my other bedroom - and a bunch of symptoms came crashing back, along with feeling like I'd caught a cold, and a strong metallic taste in my mouth. What was going on?

And then ... I went to clean out the bedroom closet. And I found a wall covered in mold. And I think, finally, after decades of barely living life, I've found the answer, or at least a clue.
I'm seeing my doctor soon to request a serum mycotoxin test. Hopefully she will consent. If anyone has any info regarding what other tests to ask for, or experience with mold illness, it is appreciated. I will update this post with the results of the blood draw.
Blood tests are not always very good for testing for mold or fungus............... the proof you are seeking that your symptoms are related to mold exposure might be difficult to ascertain from a blood draw, though some do swear by the blood draw as very useful and informative.
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Feb 26, 2018
After dealing with something similar, in my opinion, no mycotoxin test is going to tell you something you don’t already know. If you know you have been exposed to indoor mold, the best thing you can do is to leave the environment ASAP.

After a couple days of leaving the toxic environment was the first time I’ve seen my health start to improve after years of going in circles with lab tests and diet hacks.
I second that.

For me it took months to feel better.
But moving out was the only thing that helped.

When I was on Madeira a couple months ago I noticed that my symptoms came back in certain hostels i stayed , they have a very rainy humid climate there, the perfect breeding ground for mold. So I suspect that I would get all the same symptoms again ,if I lived in a moldy apartment.

I think some of us are more susceptible to mold issues than others. I have a history of asthma and allergies as a child so that might be the reason.

In terms of recovery I think supporting the liver is the most important thibg to do.
It has to handle toxic byproducts of mold and fungal toxins called aflatoxins are specifically damaging to the thyroid and liver.
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