Water Confusion And My Cute Little Theory ( ̄┰ ̄*)


Jun 4, 2019
(Im a chinese trap,so trash Eng sry ヽ(≧□≦)ノ)

Where does water(pure H2O) need come from?
When listening interesting stuff from the crazy carnivore(Raw Meat) group,they said when you get water from raw meat you dont need water and it is observable in the animal kindom.And there fine blood work on electrolyte and minenal makes me wonder does the nature of the diet(low volume low water) makes you do a good job at balancing them?

For me
Large volume of food=want water
Too much salt=want water

It seems to me that water has 2 functions:
1.Water is needed when theres more need for stomach acid(volume wise to cover the large volume food).
2.Electrolyte status needs water to adjust and vice versa the wrong consumption of water makes electrolytes go wrong(which may cause wierd cravings)

Carb need? / Water need?
Carb metabolism creats water also pure water is not very well handled without insulin,so much of either need is easily confused with the other.I'd say Carb first then water,becuz I consider water an assistent agent.

Large volume food without water=Constipation
Large volume food+water=Bloated

Why the OJ+Milk diet is avoiding the water problem the wrong way?
These liquid food are full of minerals and electrolytes so it avoids the problem of deficiency of them.But its also kind of solving the problem itself caused.The thing is that you need solid food to have healthy bowel movement and too much liquid calorie is thwarting you.And when people are adding water sugar to these drinks,it makes me wonder if the body is rejecting so much liquid and prefer to make it from carb metabolism and more insulin to prevent electrolyte loss.

So my resolution is:

Eggs/Meat/Milk powder(low vol protein) + dried fruits(low vol carb) +minimum sugary drinks(Cola and so without added sugar)

I havent tried long but I feel confident in it and wish to have your opinion.
I almost always suffered edema(not very serious but bloated) and the past carnivore diet although eventually caused a burnout but it fixed my water-logged problem.And when I switch to Peating it came back and accompanied by constipation.

Are you adding fiber or plant food to increase solid volume to move your bowel?

I suspect its water issue.Anyone?


Aug 23, 2018
I'm also toying with the idea of electrolytes and water intake. I have not come to any conclusion yet. The general advice for liquids on the forum is to follow thirst signals. The classic milk/orange combo is not what most people do on this forum in part due to its high liquid content that is generally not well tolerated by metabolically ill people.

I have seen some mention of daily low liquid consumption followed by maybe one day per week of higher liquids to rehydrate. Some were reporting success with bloating.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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