What Do You Guys Think Of Masturbating And Do You Do It


Mar 20, 2013
Update: this is not my first experience with abstaining from ejaculation. I've just gone for very short periods (couple weeks at most) in the past, and always seem to forget the benefits. I fell into a rut recently and was masturbating to porn a couple times a day, every single day, and just slipped back into this complete lackluster depression. I don't think the masturbating to porn was necessarily causing the depression/demotivation, as I've been going through a lot, but it wasn't helping.

The past few days, or however long it's been since ejaculating last (could be 5 or 6 days?), I have felt some motivation come back. The past couple days I worked out very hard, which is unusual for me as I'll usually be sidelined after working out for at least a few days. I'm sitting here brimming with energy right now. Have also started taking on more projects from customers and getting back into some personal projects. The past month or so I spent masturbating at least once a day, usually to porn, I was just in a depressive, awful rut.

The temptation is to think ejaculation doesn't affect anything, but I'm starting to think that this might be a critical lifestyle change for men struggling with severe depression and anxiety. It's one of those things you have to experience for yourself too. I used to do NLP for free with people, and I'll never forget the time I made this lady's migraine disappear in 5 minutes. She told me she had had them regularly for the past 20 years and not a single time in those 20 years did a migraine attack ever last for less than something like 6 or 7 hours.

I would not believe it if I didn't experience it firsthand. I never expected anyone else to believe it. People at work did when they saw it happen. I didn't even know if it would work but it did.

So I'm giving this a shot. The temptation is always to worry what other people think. Read one post from someone who says semen retention doesn't do s***t, and then oh well, back to ejaculating to porn...even if my personal experience is that it drains me and leaves me unmotivated, particularly when it's a daily habit, sometimes twice daily.

I'm paying more attention lately to the feelings of energy. I do agree with the poster here who mentioned NoFap being dangerous because people are not seeing the forest for the trees. They're focused on "not ejaculating" instead of focusing on re-circulating the energy. Whether it's dopamine or what...I definitely feel it. Like energy that would normally go into ejaculating and vegging out, is now all of a sudden available.

We'll see how long I can last. I really do not want to be a hypocrite or one of those "fad" people so I'm gonna experiment. Perhaps by posting here once in a while I'll hold myself to that more strongly.


How often are you able to ejaculate with no noticeably bad effects? I've always walked a fine line with this stuff and really do not want to go overboard into repression. I like the idea of regular masturbation without ejaculation. But would be interesting to know your experience.
Nov 21, 2015

How often are you able to ejaculate with no noticeably bad effects? I've always walked a fine line with this stuff and really do not want to go overboard into repression. I like the idea of regular masturbation without ejaculation. But would be interesting to know your experience.

It's not obvious cause-and-effect all the time. I'm still figuring the "cost" to ejaculation after many years. It can vary between nothing or feeling really upset and off for several days.

Usually it goes like this:

1. 12 hours - 18 hours -- no effects other than being more horny
2. 18 hours - 3 days -- emotional, drained, not as attracted to my partner
3. 3 + days -- feeling more balanced with stronger libido

I have gone many months without ejaculating but I don't think this is a good idea. I find it has a greater effect in the winter, and lesser effect in the summer.

I think that a key is to avoid fantasy. If you do that, you will have a much better time of it. When you masturbate you can use fantasy, but otherwise avoiding it makes things SO much better in every way.
Mar 24, 2018
Una piccola dose di Selegiline il giorno dopo l'orgasmo o poco dopo risolve tutto quello che hai detto finora ... in una combo con vitamina E ancora meglio.
Mar 24, 2018
A small dose of Selegiline the day after orgasm or shortly thereafter solves everything you have said so far ... in a combo with vitamin E even better.
Nov 21, 2015
A small dose of Selegiline the day after orgasm or shortly thereafter solves everything you have said so far ... in a combo with vitamin E even better.

I haven't tried that but I have tried metergoline and bromocriptine and lisuride, and they work similarly I think. They do not really ameliorate the effects that I have discussed and most men experienced.


Nov 21, 2019
Imo it’s beyond ****88 to throw medications at your body for everything
As for myself, I try having oysters on days I orgasm and that seems to help somewhat. Zinc and everything that lowers prolactin helps for that matter. Abstaining is still the best way though.
If you are young and cant get a boner from fantasy alone you likely have a problem with your sexuality imo, and you shouldn’t be hacking off at all until it resolves through noporn, meditation, social interactions with females or getting a gf
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
@Jib Hey how is the no-fap going, still benefiting and making you more focused?


Mar 20, 2013
@Jib Hey how is the no-fap going, still benefiting and making you more focused?

Not no-fap but semen retention. I still masturbate, but don't ejaculate.

And it's going great! Ups and downs, still but we all have that. My downs are nowhere near as low as when I was ejaculating regularly. Early December it will have been 3 months.

I've come close a few times with edging. Edging did seem to drain me a bit, not to get TMI but edging to the point of having a lot of precum. I'm still in contact with some girls though things have grinded to a halt with my ex. So no more in-person sexual activity for me for the time being.

It's helping me deal with a lot. Sexual trauma mostly from this medication causing severe premature ejaculation. That's part of why I started this journey. An attempt to heal that. I'm only just getting started with that.

Overall mood is much better and more consistent. More stable highs and less devastatingly low lows. It's a huge difference and it does seem semen retention has been the key to that.

I'm looking forward to hitting the 3 month mark and would like to keep going indefinitely. Part of my motivation is identifying the ejaculation reflex in my own mind. Understanding it deeply and understanding how to get control over it.

Still working out daily. I actually need to force myself to take time off as I've been having minor injuries from over training as I have an abundance of energy to work out so frequently that I've never had before.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Not no-fap but semen retention. I still masturbate, but don't ejaculate.

And it's going great! Ups and downs, still but we all have that. My downs are nowhere near as low as when I was ejaculating regularly. Early December it will have been 3 months.

I've come close a few times with edging. Edging did seem to drain me a bit, not to get TMI but edging to the point of having a lot of precum. I'm still in contact with some girls though things have grinded to a halt with my ex. So no more in-person sexual activity for me for the time being.

It's helping me deal with a lot. Sexual trauma mostly from this medication causing severe premature ejaculation. That's part of why I started this journey. An attempt to heal that. I'm only just getting started with that.

Overall mood is much better and more consistent. More stable highs and less devastatingly low lows. It's a huge difference and it does seem semen retention has been the key to that.

I'm looking forward to hitting the 3 month mark and would like to keep going indefinitely. Part of my motivation is identifying the ejaculation reflex in my own mind. Understanding it deeply and understanding how to get control over it.

Still working out daily. I actually need to force myself to take time off as I've been having minor injuries from over training as I have an abundance of energy to work out so frequently that I've never had before.
Nearly 12 weeks, impressive :): Yeah know all about precum lol, presume your erection level has also increased without release?


Mar 20, 2013
Nearly 12 weeks, impressive :): Yeah know all about precum lol, presume your erection level has also increased without release?

Yes. Never had morning wood when ejaculating regularly. Now it's a regular occurrence.

However, cardio wise I'm still out of shape. And I still have some sexual hangups. So my erection quality and ability is definitely affected by that. Lying down is much easier. Standing up I have a harder time maintaining an erection. I'm not crazy obese but am 5'11" and 200lbs, decent amount of muscle but also a beer belly.

It's a struggle with a Peat inspired diet. As well as extreme hunger and cravings regularly due to a low metabolic rate. Belly fat is very stubborn yet I know restricting carbs or forcibly starving myself is not the way to go.

Just started shadow boxing again. This also will sound bad but I think the Fleshlight is also a very good idea for sexual stamina. You can thrust into it and it's much closer to actual sex than using your hand. Again, standing up I have issues because my cardio is so poor. Lying down is much easier. I have to work on this.

I also quit smoking tobacco about a month ago. So I'm hoping as I continue with that, my lung health will improve.

Semen retention is giving me more energy, but I still need to stick with exercising to build myself back up. Erection frequency has increased but as I've been sedentary outside of strength training for 1 to 2 hours a day, I'm still having issues. I might need to get more serious about slightly reducing saturated fat intake and replacing it with carbs. Just a hunch but higher fat might be hindering my cardiovascular health.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I’m not sure if I posted about this on here before but I avoid it like the plague ... Ejaculating from sex and from self stimulation is vastly different... my body knows the difference no matter what.... even without Porn, masturbation makes me feel way off
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Yes. Never had morning wood when ejaculating regularly. Now it's a regular occurrence.

However, cardio wise I'm still out of shape. And I still have some sexual hangups. So my erection quality and ability is definitely affected by that. Lying down is much easier. Standing up I have a harder time maintaining an erection. I'm not crazy obese but am 5'11" and 200lbs, decent amount of muscle but also a beer belly.

It's a struggle with a Peat inspired diet. As well as extreme hunger and cravings regularly due to a low metabolic rate. Belly fat is very stubborn yet I know restricting carbs or forcibly starving myself is not the way to go.

Just started shadow boxing again. This also will sound bad but I think the Fleshlight is also a very good idea for sexual stamina. You can thrust into it and it's much closer to actual sex than using your hand. Again, standing up I have issues because my cardio is so poor. Lying down is much easier. I have to work on this.

I also quit smoking tobacco about a month ago. So I'm hoping as I continue with that, my lung health will improve.

Semen retention is giving me more energy, but I still need to stick with exercising to build myself back up. Erection frequency has increased but as I've been sedentary outside of strength training for 1 to 2 hours a day, I'm still having issues. I might need to get more serious about slightly reducing saturated fat intake and replacing it with carbs. Just a hunch but higher fat might be hindering my cardiovascular health.

@Jib Yeah, I would reduce some saturated fat and compensate with a bit more carbs.
Once you lose some weight off consider a pull up frame (I have one) and try some pull ups but waaay waaay slow. This will widen your shoulders like nothing else, it will also make your torso leaner. Once practiced you lift up quickly then slower on the way down. Don't get one of those pull up bars that hook to a door frame, they are s**t.
Even body weight squats have their purpose and easy to do. Fleshlight's are safe as you cannot over-grip with one.


Mar 20, 2013
I’m not sure if I posted about this on here before but I avoid it like the plague ... Ejaculating from sex and from self stimulation is vastly different... my body knows the difference no matter what.... even without Porn, masturbation makes me feel way off

I'm still experimenting with masturbation (not to ejaculation) because the last several times I tried to have sex, I ejaculated immediately. As we've talked about in other threads. These psychiatric medications are the devil.

So I'm trying to re-sensitize myself. Experiencing that over and over was not only humiliating but completely self-defeating. I would rather never have sex again than attempt to have sex only to ejaculate immediately upon penetration. Feel like that devil drug emasculated me and I'm trying as hard as I can to get myself back from this. It's horrible.

It's a tough call. I usually felt pretty exhausted after sex. I want to say masturbation was more exhausting but I can't say for sure. All I know is that, in general, ejaculation makes me feel drained and lifeless, regardless of it being a result of actual intercourse or masturbation.

I would gladly trade my ability to ejaculate for being able to maintain an erection and have sex as long as I'd like. It sounds crazy. But that's how severely this condition has affected my life. It's like my body/brain were hijacked. It is that awful. I know you've been there with the meds you were on. This stuff should be outlawed. Of course that'll never happen. It's a nightmare.

@Jib Yeah, I would reduce some saturated fat and compensate with a bit more carbs.
Once you lose some weight off consider a pull up frame (I have one) and try some pull ups but waaay waaay slow. This will widen your shoulders like nothing else, it will also make your torso leaner. Once practiced you lift up quickly then slower on the way down. Don't get one of those pull up bars that hook to a door frame, they are s**t.
Even body weight squats have their purpose and easy to do. Fleshlight's are safe as you cannot over-grip with one.

I use gym rings. I do need to work on pullups more. On a good day I max out at 8 reps. And that's for chinups. I think 5 is about my max for pronated grip pullups. I also use the rings for face pulls, inverted rows, and slowly working up to front and back lever. Another good one is the "tuck front lever raise" and "ice cream makers," both very challenging.

However I've been slacking on pullups and being heavier, they're even more challenging. You mention doing negatives, which I've also neglected. Focusing on the eccentrics may help me build up the strength to do more reps.

Do you do wide grip pullups? That's one thing I've been wanting to do more of. But pullups in general.

I use "Happy Fat" rings and NRS straps, by the way. As far as specifics go. Making me want to go do some pullups over here dude. I can do a bit but I am 100% sure you'd kick my **** at pullups. Again...thanks for the recommendation, and will have to try doing negatives. And going down slowly as you said.

ATG Online Coaching: can't recommend it enough. Ben Patrick is the guy. That's for legs. There's tons more. But I'm telling you. For bodyweight exercises I 100% guarantee you have never trained your legs like this before. My knees are feeling stronger than ever and my calves are growing for the first time ever. This program Knee Ability Zero is like putting rockets in your legs and I'm only a couple months into it. Haven't even progressed to the more advanced movements and then there's even more beyond that.

Main exercises: tibialis raise (back against the wall), KOT calf raises, FHL calf raises, Patrick Step. That's what I've been focusing on. Actually taking a break on the Patrick Step as it's a bit intense for where I'm at now. Even with just the first few exercises (and doing single legs for the FHL and KOT calf raises) -- huge strength and stability gains. Look the guy up, he went from a 19" vertical jump to a 40" vertical and this is after having multiple knee injuries and surgeries. I'm very excited about this program.

Outside of that I've just been doing some Romanian deadlifts with light weight (85lbs) for hamstring mobility (stretching under a load), glute bridges, and some Superman poses. Also hollowbody holds from gymnastics. I've been slacking on those 'accessory' exercises (core, back extensors, etc.) but they're important. Motivation to keep going.

I don't wanna derail the thread so I'll stop here with all this. But working out has been pivotal to my semen retention lifestyle. It gives an outlet for pent up sexual urges. And really is teaching me that sexual urges are just energy. And that energy can be redirected. It's so nice to be able to sleep without having to go on porn and jerk off and then having that keep me up for hours. It's an addiction and one that held me captive for over 17 years. No more.
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