What to eat with ground beef?


Jan 17, 2020
I have other health issues that worsen with the consumption of any fructose, so fruit or anything sugary is out for me. I do occasionally have some lentils or a little white rice or pinto beans, but all of that probably constitutes less than 10% of my diet at this time.
I am so happy that you have found what works for you long term and appreciate your posts. I hope to find my own sustainable diet that ticks all my boxes too


Apr 19, 2020
I usually make a ground beef mixture Mexican style every 2 weeks. Onions garlic + beef mince (or lamb as I am in Australia) (or add venison if you can)+ cumin, paprika, hot chili if you like, and the usual suspects Oregano, basil, thyme, marjoram etc. . Then either add to rice and steamed greens, or make tacos with corn tortillas and melt cheese on them. And then add fresh cilantro and lettuces, fresh greens. MMmmmm. We quit buying 'sauces' as they most certainly have bad oil or other unwanted ingredients. Also I am a big user of dried chilis that aren't too hot but full of flavour. I can get them here in Australia from a supplier in Melbourne, Pasillo, mulato, etc. . Buen provecho


Jan 17, 2020
I usually make a ground beef mixture Mexican style every 2 weeks. Onions garlic + beef mince (or lamb as I am in Australia) (or add venison if you can)+ cumin, paprika, hot chili if you like, and the usual suspects Oregano, basil, thyme, marjoram etc. . Then either add to rice and steamed greens, or make tacos with corn tortillas and melt cheese on them. And then add fresh cilantro and lettuces, fresh greens. MMmmmm. We quit buying 'sauces' as they most certainly have bad oil or other unwanted ingredients. Also I am a big user of dried chilis that aren't too hot but full of flavour. I can get them here in Australia from a supplier in Melbourne, Pasillo, mulato, etc. . Buen provecho
How do you feel about adding beans?


Apr 19, 2020
I love it. In Australia there are not so many great bean in can options. We buy some canned in Italy from Woolies, to varying degree. It does dilute the meat aspect, but definitely adds to the gas (fart) aspect the next day. My wife doesn't really do kidney beans, so we occasionally do black beans. I like to eat refried beans from a can on a hot tortilla with cheese = quesadilla !! as a quick meal sometimes. She, no. C'est tragique.


Jan 17, 2020
I love it. In Australia there are not so many great bean in can options. We buy some canned in Italy from Woolies, to varying degree. It does dilute the meat aspect, but definitely adds to the gas (fart) aspect the next day. My wife doesn't really do kidney beans, so we occasionally do black beans. I like to eat refried beans from a can on a hot tortilla with cheese = quesadilla !! as a quick meal sometimes. She, no. C'est tragique.
Ha funny cause I love the farts the next day! There is something about the texture of beans that I absolutely love and they are helping me in this time of inflation. Are you aussies getting our cheese at a better price than us still? Today it cost me 18 dollars for a kilo of tasty. Criminal


Apr 19, 2020
Yes our Mainland Cheese staple of Tasty or Vintage we try and buy on sale from Woolies or Coles for about $7.50 AUD. Usually $9 and 9.50 for 500gm (400g for Vintage). There is NZ Cheese in Bulk at some local shops here in Tas, 13.00 @ kg. Just south of KeriKeri in Northland is Mahoe Cheese. We used to live near there and get some 2nds. So tasty.... . I once saw the price of their cheese in Auckland at a fancy shop, more than double!! Fish is cheaper there though by 30-40%.


Apr 19, 2020
Ha funny cause I love the farts the next day! There is something about the texture of beans that I absolutely love and they are helping me in this time of inflation. Are you aussies getting our cheese at a better price than us still? Today it cost me 18 dollars for a kilo of tasty. Criminal
Oh and Lamb here is about 18@kg for Leg o Lamb, roughly the same for mince. My local butcher had boneless shoulder roast for $22@kg for the last few weeks. Beef mince is cheaper about 15@kg, but the T-bone is 26@kg and up. Usually the best deal is to buy a 1/2 lamb and get the liver and kidneys for free. It went up this year but still is a good deal at about $14@kg = about $135-165. I hardly eat cow anymore, except for the mince but mixed with lamb usually.


Jan 17, 2020
Yes our Mainland Cheese staple of Tasty or Vintage we try and buy on sale from Woolies or Coles for about $7.50 AUD. Usually $9 and 9.50 for 500gm (400g for Vintage). There is NZ Cheese in Bulk at some local shops here in Tas, 13.00 @ kg. Just south of KeriKeri in Northland is Mahoe Cheese. We used to live near there and get some 2nds. So tasty.... . I once saw the price of their cheese in Auckland at a fancy shop, more than double!! Fish is cheaper there though by 30-40%.
Fish has gone up considerably too.
Oh and Lamb here is about 18@kg for Leg o Lamb, roughly the same for mince. My local butcher had boneless shoulder roast for $22@kg for the last few weeks. Beef mince is cheaper about 15@kg, but the T-bone is 26@kg and up. Usually the best deal is to buy a 1/2 lamb and get the liver and kidneys for free. It went up this year but still is a good deal at about $14@kg = about $135-165. I hardly eat cow anymore, except for the mince but mixed with lamb usually.
Our beef mince has gone to 23 per kg which is ridiculous. Fish today was $42. I need to find ways to stretch the proteins out without using refined starches because my son is type 1. Vegetables are not even worth mentioning. 7 bucks for a small, dead looking cauli. And our bloody apples that are being left to rot on the trees are 5 bucks or more per kilo. It's daylight robbery


Apr 19, 2020
Fish has gone up considerably too.

Our beef mince has gone to 23 per kg which is ridiculous. Fish today was $42. I need to find ways to stretch the proteins out without using refined starches because my son is type 1. Vegetables are not even worth mentioning. 7 bucks for a small, dead looking cauli. And our bloody apples that are being left to rot on the trees are 5 bucks or more per kilo. It's daylight robbery
Yes decent veggies are becoming dear. Ridiculous even. We go to a local outdoor market - get 1/2 of our veggies from this one family farm. A few items we get from the organic shop, which is way overpriced on a lot of items, and a little cafe that has some local organic produce for decent price. Some from the neighbourhood! The other we scratch around at the moment. Are you in Auckland? Always expensive there... rent on shop space, etc. ...


Jan 17, 2020
Yes decent veggies are becoming dear. Ridiculous even. We go to a local outdoor market - get 1/2 of our veggies from this one family farm. A few items we get from the organic shop, which is way overpriced on a lot of items, and a little cafe that has some local organic produce for decent price. Some from the neighbourhood! The other we scratch around at the moment. Are you in Auckland? Always expensive there... rent on shop space, etc. ...
I grew up in akl but moved to hawkes Bay because my husband couldn't stand the weather (4 seasons in 1 day). My husband is French and his family go on about rising food prices. They still pay half what we do and they get tree ripened delicious fruit and veg. Their choice of quality dairy is unbelievable. They don't know how lucky they are


Apr 19, 2020
I grew up in akl but moved to hawkes Bay because my husband couldn't stand the weather (4 seasons in 1 day). My husband is French and his family go on about rising food prices. They still pay half what we do and they get tree ripened delicious fruit and veg. Their choice of quality dairy is unbelievable. They don't know how lucky they are
We went there years ago, a very nice place, though expensive I imagine. Time to Start up your garden: silver beet, perpetual spinach, potatoes, etc... We are kinda gypsies lately, but I have been growing garlic for 3 years straight to get a crop for some extra cash. And we eat a lot of garlic as well. $50 @ kg for org garlic! I grew 17kg last year, should have over 20kg this year. Growing at a friend's big veggie garden in the rural parts nearby , she has extra space and I am happy to give some labour in exchange. Anyhow, ask around for fresh milk. Ya never know? (Allergic to pasteurised milk etc.)


Sep 24, 2016
Thoroughly cooked bolognese sauce with lots of grated celery, carrot, onion, tomato. I added some leek yesterday. Very tasty, very digestable. Look for a classic recipe.


Sep 3, 2020
i love some buttered mashed potatoes and well cooked greens on the side, or sometimes ill make corn tortilla tacos with beef cheese and pico de gallo/sour cream. that being said , peat has said recently he dropped protein from 100 g to 50 g and thinks this is much healthier than the original proposed 100 plus grams. He says he noticed improved metabolism and a much lower need for thyroid supplementation. I have also began to experiment by cutting my protein to 50g and let me tell you I added more carbs and I have so much more energy! which is crazy as calories have remained the same


Jan 17, 2020
i love some buttered mashed potatoes and well cooked greens on the side, or sometimes ill make corn tortilla tacos with beef cheese and pico de gallo/sour cream. that being said , peat has said recently he dropped protein from 100 g to 50 g and thinks this is much healthier than the original proposed 100 plus grams. He says he noticed improved metabolism and a much lower need for thyroid supplementation. I have also began to experiment by cutting my protein to 50g and let me tell you I added more carbs and I have so much more energy! which is crazy as calories have remained the same
I have been hoping to dialogue with someone who has dropped their protein intake. What have you replaced the protein with and does it affect your hunger levels? Has your consumption of fat changed at all? I really want to eat more carbs because of the price of food and the dismal state of our vegetables. But I don't want to get hangry or think about my next meal al the time. I am also considering beans and lentils. I would love to hear more about what you are trying


Sep 3, 2020
I have been hoping to dialogue with someone who has dropped their protein intake. What have you replaced the protein with and does it affect your hunger levels? Has your consumption of fat changed at all? I really want to eat more carbs because of the price of food and the dismal state of our vegetables. But I don't want to get hangry or think about my next meal al the time. I am also considering beans and lentils. I would love to hear more about what you are trying
i have replaced the 50 grams of protein with 50 grams of carbs which is like 2 pieces of fruit. I am much more satiated now much more energetic fat is a touch lower than before . I actually get less hangry probably because fruit comes with potassium which means fruit gets assimilated much better than carbs from starches which for some can cause hanger due to blood sugar dysregulation. Fruit carbs get digested MUCH differently than starches, and Peat has always said this


Jan 17, 2020
i have replaced the 50 grams of protein with 50 grams of carbs which is like 2 pieces of fruit. I am much more satiated now much more energetic fat is a touch lower than before . I actually get less hangry probably because fruit comes with potassium which means fruit gets assimilated much better than carbs from starches which for some can cause hanger due to blood sugar dysregulation. Fruit carbs get digested MUCH differently than starches, and Peat has always said this
That's really interesting. I have tried fruit but I can eat A LOT of fruit and get hungry quickly afterwards, especially with apples. Maybe I need to try them again but all we have available atm is apple, banana, orange, pear and kiwi. Do you eat the fruit alone? Also, are you talking 50g weight of the food or actually a food that contains 50g of protein.


Sep 3, 2020
That's really interesting. I have tried fruit but I can eat A LOT of fruit and get hungry quickly afterwards, especially with apples. Maybe I need to try them again but all we have available atm is apple, banana, orange, pear and kiwi. Do you eat the fruit alone? Also, are you talking 50g weight of the food or actually a food that contains 50g of protein.
I always eat fruit with milk and I make sure to eat enough calorie. That means a cup of milk and maybe 6 bananas or so which is about 700 calories with the milk. I mean 50 grams total Kirk peat says NOT by weight. One small cup of milk has about 8 grams of protein so easy to over do protein if not careful. I get about 3-4 cups milk so up to 32 grams of protein from milk . The rest is often from the fruit and or cheese . Going from meat to milk it was hard at first as meat feels quite dense and heavy or “filling” but after a couple weeks the dairy and fruits were immensely satisfying . It is imperative to get enough calories though as many people will eat 2-3 pieces of fruit and say they’re full but it’s not enough calories so it’s essential to fuel up . Dry fruits helped me in the beginning . Milk banana and dates are so yummy


Jan 17, 2020
I always eat fruit with milk and I make sure to eat enough calorie. That means a cup of milk and maybe 6 bananas or so which is about 700 calories with the milk. I mean 50 grams total Kirk peat says NOT by weight. One small cup of milk has about 8 grams of protein so easy to over do protein if not careful. I get about 3-4 cups milk so up to 32 grams of protein from milk . The rest is often from the fruit and or cheese . Going from meat to milk it was hard at first as meat feels quite dense and heavy or “filling” but after a couple weeks the dairy and fruits were immensely satisfying . It is imperative to get enough calories though as many people will eat 2-3 pieces of fruit and say they’re full but it’s not enough calories so it’s essential to fuel up . Dry fruits helped me in the beginning . Milk banana and dates are so yummy
So I maintain my weight on 1300 calories which means my 3 meals are very low and I don't always feel satisfied. I am active and tried eating more but I just gain weight. I am unfortunately very short


Apr 19, 2020
Can I ask your age? Do you think you are just a little overweight or more? When you say active do you mean get the heart rate up and break a sweat? I know when I eat more carbs in the form of potatoes and bubbly white wine (prosecco), my girth is growing. Plus as I am almost 60 I need 20% less than I did 8 years ago. But also I am not walking 4 miles a day as I have been, gotta get back to that 4x week or more. Chopping wood though, as usual.
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