Ever since I stopped eating potatoes and rice I become really constipated. What can I do?


Jan 1, 2015
I was eating potatoes and rice for about 2+ years but I decided to stop to see if it would help me digest milk better, and it really does, only problem is I was slightly constipated, but for the last week or two I'm super constipated. I'm not really sure what to do about it. I can't really go back to rice and potatoes because milk is better, also green vegetables and most fruits are bad, what am I supposed to eat that has fiber? I tried eating some cucumbers and oranges but it didn't help much. How much of them am I supposed to eat?

My current daily diet is milk, juice, cheese, sugar & water, gelatin, a bit of ice cream, liver, oysters and ground beef.

I have no idea what's causing it, I tried not eating cheese and replacing it with more ground beef for a few days but it didn't help.


Mar 29, 2014
Do you mean greens and most fruits disagree with you, or that they are theoretically suboptimal?
You could try either more fruits and/or veges, or cascara sagrada, if you haven't already.
Does carrot salad help? Cheese is a common culprit.
I don't think there is a 'supposed to' that works the same for everyone.


Jan 1, 2015
Oh yes I forgot to mention carrots. I do eat one or 2 a day, adding or removing it doesn't seem to make a difference.

And I meant that they are theoretically suboptimal. I haven't eaten them in 3 years so I have no idea how they agree with me. Which ones are the best to eat? Especially which ones won't affect my ability to digest milk?

I'll try cascara sagrada as well thanks.


Jul 29, 2014
Fruit is optimal not suboptimal. I'm eating a cherimoya right now. Delicious!


Nov 9, 2012
cout12 said:
My current daily diet is milk, juice, cheese, sugar & water, gelatin, a bit of ice cream, liver, oysters and ground beef.

I have no idea what's causing it, I tried not eating cheese and replacing it with more ground beef for a few days but it didn't help.

I would experiment for a whole week without cheese, without any shellfish (incl. oysters and shrimp) and milk from a different source. It takes more than a couple days for such experiment, I would say a week to be safe. I'll tell you why. The only food that has ever caused me clear constipation problems and resulted in days of constipation was shellfish (clams). Yet, it was only 1 serving on 1 day! Hence it was very difficult to troubleshoot (I had to repeat the meal to confirm this). Although it wasn't with oysters specifically, I'm now cautious with shellfish and I replaced all of them with liver in my diet which I think is much safer even on a theoretical level.

If you're still looking for laxative food, I would suggest generous amounts of hot chocolate from cocoa powder and a fruit like rhubarb or banana. I could digest a banana split overnight (eat before bed, go to restroom before breakfast :lol: ).


Mar 29, 2014
cout12 said:
Oh yes I forgot to mention carrots. I do eat one or 2 a day, adding or removing it doesn't seem to make a difference.

And I meant that they are theoretically suboptimal. I haven't eaten them in 3 years so I have no idea how they agree with me. Which ones are the best to eat? Especially which ones won't affect my ability to digest milk?

I'll try cascara sagrada as well thanks.

If you get too much cascara sagrada, you can get diarrhea. If this happens, just take less when it clears. I use one capsule cooked up into tea over 2-3 days.

I also eat a bit of fruit and vegetables, but I know Peat has some concerns about possible gut irritation and excess fibre and in some cases particular anti-nutrients. You can always try things and see how it goes.


Jul 22, 2012
cout12 said:
I was eating potatoes and rice for about 2+ years but I decided to stop to see if it would help me digest milk better, and it really does, only problem is I was slightly constipated, but for the last week or two I'm super constipated. I'm not really sure what to do about it. I can't really go back to rice and potatoes because milk is better, also green vegetables and most fruits are bad, what am I supposed to eat that has fiber? I tried eating some cucumbers and oranges but it didn't help much. How much of them am I supposed to eat?

My current daily diet is milk, juice, cheese, sugar & water, gelatin, a bit of ice cream, liver, oysters and ground beef.

I have no idea what's causing it, I tried not eating cheese and replacing it with more ground beef for a few days but it didn't help.

Off the wall question, cout:
Do you still have your appendix?


Apr 21, 2014
Milk is really the only optimal food for me. Meat, fish, shellfish are okay. I've been peating for a while and still don't really know everything that is causing me problems because it depends of the amount, the duration, the current health. Really hard to pinpoint. Find one food you are okay with and when your gut is okay, add another gradually and see if it's causing problems in high dose. Then do the same thing over and over again. Laborious but worth it.

Salt has been a great help to my digestion (a tablespoon of salt a day).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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