Would You Vaccinate Your Child?

If you were to have a newborn baby would you get them vaccinated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 53 70.7%
  • Some (If Some, please say which vaccinations and why you would have those done)

    Votes: 7 9.3%

  • Total voters
Mar 21, 2014
I wouldn't make any generalizations about this, but would research the risks and benefits for each case. I'm not categorically pro or anti-vaccine, but I think people often aren't informed of the risks or benefits associated with specific vaccines.


Sep 22, 2013
Thanks very much for hearing me out and offering your thoughts. I was sort of blindsided by the whole "not optional" thing and it got me so frustrated that I think I momentarily forgot that I have the right to stand up for my own choices but can find a way to do it inclusively so that they feel like I'm not completely ignoring the concerns they have for the health of the baby. I'm sure it will be fine. My mom has always been very open and understanding of the unconventional ways that I live my life. I just don't care, nor do I have the energy, to argue about it with my sister and hoping I won't have to deal with rudeness from her. She has a degree in nursing and all that and has a tendency to get rather pompous and will grab any opportunity she can to show how much "more" she knows about medicine/biology/nutrition than the rest of us. Whereas I've sort of quietly studied these things over the years on my own, ultimately finding my way to Peat's work without spending tens of thousands of dollars on schooling.


Feb 7, 2013
CellularIconoclast said:
I wouldn't make any generalizations about this, but would research the risks and benefits for each case. I'm not categorically pro or anti-vaccine, but I think people often aren't informed of the risks or benefits associated with specific vaccines.
I think there are many informed people, including "doctors" who are aware of the damage that's being done.
This is an area where "medicine" has done great harm and Big Pharma makes big bucks.

Doing one's own due diligence is a given. ;)


Feb 7, 2013
loess said:
I think I momentarily forgot that I have the right to stand up for my own choices but can find a way to do it inclusively so that they feel like I'm not completely ignoring the concerns they have for the health of the baby. I'm sure it will be fine.
Good for you! This is definitely the key.


Feb 22, 2014
4peatssake said:
loess said:
I think I momentarily forgot that I have the right to stand up for my own choices but can find a way to do it inclusively so that they feel like I'm not completely ignoring the concerns they have for the health of the baby. I'm sure it will be fine.
Good for you! This is definitely the key.

It is important to be educated to have some peace about your decisions (imho). Here are some good resources I've found over the years:

1.http://www.nvic.org/ (vaccine awareness/rights organization)

2.http://www.amazon.com/Raise-Healthy-Chi ... our+doctor
3.http://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Guide-Ben ... cine+guide
http://www.amazon.com/Dissolving-Illusi ... s=vaccines

Of course, there are many others, but these are some I've collected/read. Hope this may be of some help to those who may be making vaccine decisions, both for their children and themselves.

I can't say I remember what, if anything, Peat has said about vaccines, in general. If anyone has such information/links, I'd appreciate your sharing them.



Jun 18, 2013
I dont think you really have a choice. In some countries they put you in prison or the fines are so big that you have to be rich to avoid vaccinations. Its in the childs medical file and you cant hide it???

All this emphasis is put on vaccinations but on other hand nobody cares about the contamination of food. Also people who are obsessed with vaccination and getting their flu shot, I see they dont even bother washing their hands after slicing chicken. Hospitalizations from food poisoning go into tens of thousand a year.

Pork products contaminated with hepatitis E all around Europe and nobody cares. Few people not vaccinating their for children for hepatitis B getting questioned by social workers and police and its national news.
Mar 21, 2014
I've found the prescribing information for doctors provided with most drugs and vaccines to be informative. It reports the actual rates of all complications observed in clinical trials, and is updated regularly with those reported in use.

Most doctors neglect to provide this information to patients, but it can be found online. I got a tetanus vaccine recently, and my doctor told me the only risk was a sore arm after I explicitly asked him to lay out all of the risks. I was sick for a day afterwards, and looked up the prescribing information: 35% of patients get a fever, 20% insomnia, and several other complications they neglected to mention.


Feb 7, 2013
freal said:
I dont think you really have a choice. In some countries they put you in prison or the fines are so big that you have to be rich to avoid vaccinations. Its in the childs medical file and you cant hide it???

All this emphasis is put on vaccinations but on other hand nobody cares about the contamination of food. Also people who are obsessed with vaccination and getting their flu shot, I see they dont even bother washing their hands after slicing chicken. Hospitalizations from food poisoning go into tens of thousand a year.

Pork products contaminated with hepatitis E all around Europe and nobody cares. Few people not vaccinating their for children for hepatitis B getting questioned by social workers and police and its national news.
I have signed affidavits to protect my children from being vaccinated at school and they still get threatened from time to time. They know to call me or leave if there is an issue.

I remember the first time I made arrangements for the affidavits and the regional health office told me they would notarize the necessary documents for "free" provided I spent an hour listening to them explain why I was making a mistake. :roll:

I thought for a minute about requesting they listen to me for an hour, and then went to city hall and paid to have my papers notarized.

I've had to make similar arrangements (not affidavits but signed agreement) at the dentist to ensure my children are not treated with fluoride. I had a dental hygienist give me hard time once and I told her I'd rather my kids have a mouthful of cavities than be slowly poisoned to death.

It is political and organized and thankfully I can still exercise my right to choose. More evidence of the deep cultural biases Illich writes about. I need to read that book!

BTW, I'm not here to argue the issue of vaccination. It's something one needs to investigate for themselves IMO, especially parents.
Nov 26, 2013
Here we've been having five eleven twelve nineteen deaths now associated with flu vaccine.
Jan 24, 2014
I did my due diligence and read everything available to me when I had my children, I chose NOT to vaccinate and purposely exposed them to chicken pox when they were 6 and 8 years old. They recovered from the pox just fine with no scarring.

In addition, they've never received fluoride treatments and neither have ever had a tooth filled (they are now 21 and 23 years old). My opinion is all that the scare tactics are a useless waste of time, money and true health.

I read a book called A Shot In The Dark and also Dr. Mendelsohn's How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor, he was a pediatrician opposed to vaccines.

I've also read bits of this book, it's seems VERY VERY GOOD:
http://www.amazon.com/Vaccination-is-No ... B004BP8OW6


Dec 1, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
Here we've been having five eleven twelve deaths now associated with flu vaccine.

Any idea how many more deaths would have been caused had people not been vaccinated? I have no idea, but I would bet on more.
Nov 26, 2013
jaa said:
Such_Saturation said:
Here we've been having five eleven twelve deaths now associated with flu vaccine.

Any idea how many more deaths would have been caused had people not been vaccinated? I have no idea, but I would bet on more.

They would still be associated with skipping the shot, not caused by, first of all. Secondly, it's a flu vaccine. Third of all, it's a patch to cover a hole in their nutrition (which somehow does not interest this government).


Nov 28, 2014
I recently listened to the 2-part interview with Ray Peat by the Herb Doctors entitled “Vaccines and Immunity.” At one point, he stated that governments push for spending and distribution of vaccines because it’s cheaper than spending money on food. :shock:
Nov 26, 2013
It is cheaper because money is not an accurate measure of what stuff costs or is worth anymore.


Mar 29, 2014
I'm glad small pox has been eradicated.


Nov 8, 2013
Hello. Yes, I did vaccinate our 15-year old daughter---all the infant and childhood recommended vaccines.
And yes, I would do it again. The only vaccine we did not get her was a newly developed Rotovirus vaccine that our pediatrician thought was too new and had not been tested enough (this was 15 years ago). More recently, we have held off giving her the Gardasil vaccine series.



Oct 21, 2013
We have tried to stick with the core vaccines - that is those for really deadly diseases where the vaccines have some proven efficacy, and not so much risk. We didn't do HepA on religious grounds and Hep A is not exactly a deadly disease. The newer rotovirus and HPV vaccines are not exactly high risk deadly diseases either, and the vaccines have substantial risk. It gets tricky because the manufacturers like to combine a core vaccine with a crap vaccine to make it impossible to avoid. A good example is the Tetanus which I still take every 10 years or so, but I would really rather not get vaccinated for Diphtheria. Don't care if my kids are not vaccinated against Diphtheria either, but it is hard to avoid.

Largely I think vaccines would fall under the general Ray Peat ism of 'if you don't have a reaction' it is probably ok in small doses. Vaccines my dh and I had as kids, with no adverse effects, we are more inclined to give.

The other approach we take is a very slow schedule on the vaccines. So what if the kid is over a year old when they get their "6 month" shots? The more spacing you build into the schedules the better. (Homeschooling for the win on this one).


Mar 21, 2014
Such_Saturation said:
jaa said:
Such_Saturation said:
Here we've been having five eleven twelve deaths now associated with flu vaccine.

Any idea how many more deaths would have been caused had people not been vaccinated? I have no idea, but I would bet on more.

They would still be associated with skipping the shot, not caused by, first of all. Secondly, it's a flu vaccine. Third of all, it's a patch to cover a hole in their nutrition (which somehow does not interest this government).

I have not seen anything in his writings. Me and my husband both agreed not to vaccinate but then we travel to Tunisia every 2-3 years and the environment of a third world country is more risky? Confused in this area. I have read the vaccine book by Dr. Sears, it's good stuff. He mainly says most if not all vaccination are not necessary as long your child is breastfed and not exposed to large groups of children/people such as day care centers etc. before the age of 5. Don't quote me, I have not read the book recently. :!:


Apr 13, 2014
I think there's way too much vaccination going on. But both sides tend to get a little overheated, the opposing side much more. When you look into the supposed toxins in the vaccines the first thing you find is that those "terrible" things like Hg aren't even in there:
http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbo ... able-2.pdf

Many other chemicals might not be very healthy, but before you worry about that 1ml of stuff in a glass ampule produced to pharmacological standards you should have a look at your household first. Soaps, shampoos, disinfactants, haircolor, plastic container and food additives pound that same stuff and much worse on you in quantities thousands of times greater.

Isn't there a difference between iv and oral vaccines? Whatever vaccine you put in your mouth - it can't be that bad because what you put in there through food is what really matters.

A lot of vaccines, especially the newer ones, are total scam in my opinion. HPV for example. It protects against a few strains that some people have and that in very few people might be related to cancer. That is very small probabilities multiplied - a totally negligible effect even IF you consider the relationship between all of the claimed effects to be true.
I believe your cancer risk and damage to your body is likely greater if you take a few breath behind some diesel truck and inhale the sud. Or the stuff you breathe in from wall paint, furniture and such where you live.

In the end it's a risk weighed against another - and it's a lot up to opinion which one is greater. But nobody seems to think twice to carry a child in another car ride. Or where you live - which probably influences health more than anything (and I'm not thinking about altitude here).

I was vaccinated against 5 or so things and I had most of the other minor sicknesses (Pertussis, rubella, chicken pox). My health is anything but good for my standard and I wonder if either the diseases (which I didn't have in a bad memory, some throw-up things were much worse) or the vaccination caused some problems. But when I look at the many kilos and liters of food that go through me every day and have sick stuff in it as well as chemicals and vapors you are exposed to in household, job and anywhere else - then the vaccines can only be a minor problem.

Of course mandatory vaccination is damaging, despiccable and immoral as anything mandatory.


Nov 8, 2014
We choose to vaccinate our son with a few of the more deadly diseases and opted out on quite a few of the others. We also waited a year later than reccomended. Were still deciding on polio and chicken pox and might wait till hes older. Flu shots, never ever ever.

Personally i think all or nothing is kinda silly, just like others said above, most are probably harmless, some are unneccesary and some might truly be worthwhile. Overall, the diet of the mother when pregnant and the childs diet and exposure to toxins is much much more important.

I always laugh when sick, overweight individuals post pro vaccine propoganda on facebook or similar and than feed their kids non organic, gmo foods and use flourided toothpaste, drink tap water, use endocrine disrupting soaps, aluminum containing deoderants, etc, etc. the saddest one i think is those parents who slather their kids with sunsceen every time they go outside. Not only are they preventing their kids exposure to vitamin d but they are rubbing endocrine disruptors, heavy metals and other toxic ingrediants all over their biggest organ. Downright sick.
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