Zopiclone Dependent ,desperate Advise Needed


Sep 2, 2018
hi guys!

im in my 30ies, PFS-sufferer for 8+years and on pills since 2012. because i justt sleept terrible after withdrawing from finasteride. i tried different sedating for years ADs and they put me to sleep but had a toll on my performance and most importantly ability to work,socializing and having a girlfriend.
i was almost bedridden for several years. two years ago i discovered peating and improved alot (T from 5 to 7 and 8ng,TSH from 2,3 to1,5) ,lost weight and got more active. at tha same time i tapered mirtazapine because it was so sedatings. unfortunately i started to take benzos instead..first once in two weeks, then once or twice per week,mostly lorazepam. last year i switched to diazepam because it has longer halflive and is easier to withdraw. but i was too dizzy (20-30mg per week) and swithced to zopiclone 7,5mg in may. i take it every night,but my sleep is not restful, i look like ***t, my hormones worsend incredibly (T 4ng, TSH 1,7) and i feel the interdose withdrawl anxiety. i have no more life...its really awful.
i took T4 supllement from february to july but it didnt change my mentals and sleep to the better. so what to do?take mirtazapine again and get lazy again? i need a lot of good sleep to keep on going. are benzos a definite nogo? i mean i felt quit good on loraz...its the problem without them. and i take supplements (melatonin,ashvaganda,passiflora)that help but its not strong enough.
i tried 5alpha DHP but it wasnt enough to put me to sleep. pregnenolone is relaxing but not sedative. if sth hormonal maybe progesterone but it feels estrogenic after 3 days. so what to do?
also i cant workout these days i suffer chronic inflammation of the arm. testosterone and DHT exogenous help to clear the dark thoughts and do sth, but dont do much for sleep. the thing is, IF i manage to sleep well my hormones are ok.


Oct 12, 2015
Give up all your medication and go on a complete carnivorous diet for 4 weeks and then add 1 item of food in a reasonably large quantity for 3 days and observe the outcome. If you have no negative reaction then add the next food item. If you have a negative reaction, wait for 2 weeks until you try the next food item. You may try the same approach when taking new medication.

Please remember that you are going to be miserable for the first 2 weeks when you go on a complete carnivorous diet. Eat fatty meat, never lean:
Empirica: Eat meat. Not too little. Mostly fat.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Drop all existing wisdom - like "fibre is important". Most people ( including nutritionists and doctors)do not know what they are talking about.
Also I've been on Zopiclone too, it's a vile med to use. The benefits to anyone is questionable.


Sep 2, 2018
hey dennis,

so your advise is to stop all medication, supps and ordinary food could turkey and do this? sounds very very demanding. but still, people are stronger than they imagine. i like the idea. i would combine this also with some sort of retreat in the woods like rocky did.
how long did you take zopiclone, and how did you come off?


Mar 26, 2014
If you do go 'all meat' I think gelatinous cuts would be a good choice - there's plenty of info on here about the benefits of gelatin.


Oct 12, 2015
If you do go 'all meat' I think gelatinous cuts would be a good choice - there's plenty of info on here about the benefits of gelatin.
I second Peater's suggestion. I did not mention it the first time because things can seems overly complicated for someone who is new to eating only meat. Muscle meat is the worst as suggest by Ray Peat. Gelatinous cuts like ox-tail is a very good choice. An excellent way to gauge as to what is good is to use taste as as an indicator. For example muscle meat is lean and does not taste good.


Oct 12, 2015
hey dennis,

so your advise is to stop all medication, supps and ordinary food could turkey and do this? sounds very very demanding.
how long did you take zopiclone, and how did you come off?
Correct. Again a heads up - do not underestimate the misery you will feel when you go cold turkey as far as 'ordinary' food goes. The symptoms are as bad as withdrawal effects from addictive substances.

how long did you take zopiclone, and how did you come off?

I was prescribed around 60 pills I think. But I took only 10. Each time I took it, my quality of sleep was actually worse. Zopiclone in my opinion does not induces true sleep but a zombie like state, which is to be expected, I believe it is a sedative. I took about 5 of the pills over five days, and then experimented on and off with rest of the 5 pills.
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