Ray Peat Email Advice Depository



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Ray Peat said:
"Bihari thinks naltrexone works by increasing endorphins, I think excess endorphins are often the problem, and the antagonist can sometimes be helpful. The endorphins differ in their effects on the two sides of the body, so when I knew two women (within the same year) who had been having mysterious one-sided symptoms for a few months before discovering that they had ovarian cancer (on the same side), I thought that the endorphins were probably involved, maybe to suppress pain on that side. Naloxone and naltrexone have some effects that aren't directly related to the endorphins, on estrogen and histamine."


Jan 20, 2013
a) Sugar high
I mixed lots of sugar and some salt in my milk and felt a burst of energy for quite a while.When this rush subsides and sugar falls, would adrenaline not kick in to raise blood sugar again? I was worried about this idea of spiking blood sugar constantly. It does get me feeling nice and warm though. is this safe ?

If the rest of your diet is good, the energy bursts from sugar should level off, and become a steady increased metabolic rate.

c) Calories/Low fat
I was wondering how many calories you recommend per day ? I noticed you recommend low fat milk which means that even with 2 quarts, it would only be around 800 calories. Is it ok to have the full fat version which would take one to 1200 cal on 2 quarts?

I used to drink at least a gallon of 2% or 3% milk daily, and often ate more than 5000 calories, but when I'm completely sedentary for more than ten hours daily, my energy requirement is much lower. The calorie intake should be balanced to your heat production and activity.

d) How much starch is ok?
You have mentioned "a moderate or low starch consumption" as part of an optimal diet. In general how much of rice/corn/potatoes etc is ok to have per day ?

When starch is well cooked, and eaten with some fat and the essential nutrients, it's safe, except that it's more likely than sugar to produce fat, and isn't as effective for mineral balance.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Ray Peat Email Advice: Cooked Meats

Regarding cooked meats:

Ray Peat said:
"But the juices from inside quick cooked meat inactivate those toxins; the inside should be pink. Milk, cheese, and eggs are better proteins, anyway, because of the better calcium/phosphate ratio."


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Ray Peat Email Advice: Gastroesophageal Reflux

:hattip jkerxhalli over at Peatarian.com

Regarding: Gastroesophageal reflux

jkerxhalli said:
What would improve the muscle function of the lower esophageal sphincter in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease?

Ray Peat said:
It's usually associated with disturbed muscle action of the whole stomach and intestine and gall bladder. High estrogen, serotonin, prostaglandins, low thyroid, inflammation, and bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine are often involved. Stimulating the intestine with a daily raw carrot often helps.


Jan 27, 2013
USDA nutrient databases list oranges and milk as having low manganese.
Do you think this is true?
(ray)Yes, but occasional eggs, liver, oysters, etc., provide enough.
Do you have any specific recommendations for taking milk of mag?
(ray)No, just watch out for any signs of sensitivity to it. Have you seen my article on cascara?
Cascara, energy, cancer and fda laxative abuse?
(ray)Yes. Milk of magnesia is very safe, but cascara has many protective biological effects.
Do you have any recommendations for specific brands of cascara or recommendations of how to take it?
(ray)The bulk powder from Farmalabor in Italy is the kind I like best, but US Customs can cause problems with that. Naturlich Kost Co-op, 4260 TR 628, Millersburg, OH. 44654, sells it mixed with glycerine, which is o.k.
Do you know if pregnenolone dissolved in vit E has the same wound healing benefits of progest-E?
(ray)Yes, probably better for most things.
Can women take pregnenolone oil just like progest-E and get the same benefits in regards to PMS, cramps etc?
(ray)Pregnenolone doesn't have the direct hormonal effects, but it's the precursor, and by stopping exaggerated stress reactions it is likely to help
Does pregnenolone have to be micronized for it to dissolve in vitamin e?
(ray)It doesn't dissolve very well either way, it just takes some stirring and a little warmth.
Seems like it has to be pretty hot for it to dissolve is that normal?
(ray)Vitamin E breaks down quickly when it's hot, so stirring at room temperature is best; not much dissolves. It's much more economical to use it orally, as powder.
Do you think knox gelatin is ok?
(ray)I haven't used it for several years, so I don't know.
Do you think canned not from concentrate juice is ok or should it be avoided?
(ray)If it's in glass it might be o.k. Even the so-called pulp-free juices now might have been processed with enzymes to liquefy pulp.
What about commercial pulp-free OJ in a plastic container like florida's natural brand?
(ray)If it separates into an orange-colored sediment and a nearly clear supernatant, it's probably natural, but even the so-called pulp-free juices now often contain the enzyme-solublized pulpy refuse.
Do you know of any Vit A supps that don't have soybean oil?
(ray)The small amount of oil in a capsule doesn't matter much. Any capsule should have the highest potency in the smallest size, to minimize the junk.
How many grams of cooked starchy food(old potatoes,plantains) do you think is safe in the diet?
(ray)There isn't enough information to judge, but a fair part of the carbohydrate should be in the form of sucrose, fructose, and/or lactose. If it's well cooked, and eaten with butter, it's probably safe for many people.
Do you recommend any specific aspirin brands? is beyer fine? or is it better to take pure acetylsalicylic acid?
(ray)I mostly use the pure crystals, but in Mexico I use the Bayer tablets.
Do you think all athletes should supplement thyroid?
(ray)No, if the diet and level of activity are right, it shouldn't be necessary.
Do you think Argentina Liver Powder is okay for supplementing Vit B6?
(ray)Probably, but the dehydration probably damages it nutritionally.
Do you think raw egg yolk is alright?
(ray)Yes, eggnogs for example.
I supplement 5g of vit K2 mk-4 once a week, do you think green veggies are
even necessary?
(ray)If you have other sources of magnesium, the green vegetables aren't needed.
Do you think everyone should avoid gluten?


Oct 29, 2012
Ray Peat on treatments for eye melanoma (personalized advice for my father, I shared other symptoms too, like high blood pressure):

I had some probable melanomas years ago, and I found that progesterone and DHEA and increased thyroid caused them to disappear quickly. His other symptoms are very suggestive of a deficiency of pregnenolone, progesterone, and thyroid, as well as the vitamin and minerals. Once when I had four ounces of beer daily for a few weeks several moles grew rapidly, and I realized it was probably the estrogen in the beer that was responsible, and two weeks after I stopped the moles dried up and fell off. Orange juice contains naringenin which is effective against melanoma, and guavas contain apigenin, also effective. A diet consisting of milk, orange juice, guavas, cheese, and some eggs, liver, and oysters, with aspirin would be protective against the spread of the tumor. Thorne's high potency vitamin K drops would help with the blood pressure, and vitamin K also has some anticancer activity, and is necessary when you use a lot of aspirin. At least 15 milligrams per day would probably quickly regulate his blood pressure.

I don't know anyone who has a stomach reaction when they dissolve the aspirin in hot water, and then take it with food. There are alternatives, such as magnesium salsalate or just plain salicylic acid (which should be used dissolved and with food). People using it with cancer usually take a daily total of 6 grams or more. Vitamin K protects against bleeding and other effects of prolonged aspirin use. Considering all his symptoms, I think he should use pregnenone and progesterone, at least at first; 100 mg of pregnenolone or more. Guava juice is good. I think incandescent light would be good.

Cyproheptadine, 2 to 4 mg at bedtime, would help with his sleep as well as the cancer. It also has calcium blocking action, aldosterone antagonism, and antagonizes serotonin's antidiuretic effect.

Pregnenolone isn't a hormone, but it normalizes the steroid hormones, preventing excess cortisol and helping to normalize aldosterone, so it should be helpful for any stress including surgery. Progesterone has a wide spectrum of anticancer activity, but as far as I know only synthetic progestins have been used medically. Although I used myself it on things that appeared to be very active melanomas, I usually recommend a slightly hyperthyroid state for helping to control it.


Feb 2, 2013
-- Excerpts from a conversation about hybrid and GE corn --

Peat ( on GE corn) : The bacterial genes that are meant to be toxic to insects can be allergenic to people.

Peat ( Corn general / Q: Is GE corn that bad? ) : Barbara McClintock's work with corn showed that a change in the plants' environment causes them to shift their genes around, sort of equivalent to internal hybridization. When something new is added to the genome, it changes the results of the rearrangement, unpredictably. Since seeds always contain toxins, anyway, a new allergen probably isn't too important, and the traditional alkali processing of corn might take care of it.


Feb 2, 2013
Me: Is sorbitol o.k. to eat? I got some gummy bears that have it in them.

Peat: A little is o.k.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
:hattip Lucy from the "Treating Cancer with Thyroid" thread:


Lucy said:
Since my father just got diagnosed with eye melanoma, and I consulted with Peat on this issue, I guess I can contribute to this thread a bit... first Peat wrote this:

Ray Peat said:
I had some probable melanomas years ago, and I found that progesterone and DHEA and increased thyroid caused them to disappear quickly.

Lucy said:
Then he told me my father's symptoms (I described all his health issues, not just cancer) are very suggestive of a deficiency of pregnenolone, progesterone, and thyroid, as well as the vitamin and minerals. I then asked about the dose of thyroid and he replied:

Ray Peat said:
Although I used myself it on things that appeared to be very active melanomas, I usually recommend a slightly hyperthyroid state for helping to control it.


Jan 27, 2013
Me:Do you think someone eating 5000cals and 8g pufa is equivalent to someone eating 2500cals and 4g pufa; both being weight stable.

ray:I think so.


Destiny said:
I emailed Dr. Peat since I could not find anything on the suggested amount searching his articles and googling:
Dear Dr Peat,
if I take one baby aspirin three times weekly prior to my weight training sessions, how much Vit K2 do you recommend daily? How much if I don't take any aspirin?

His reply: Vitamin K is good for protecting muscles and bones, so 500 micrograms to one milligram is good anyway, and it would be protective against even more aspirin.


Oct 29, 2012
This is my correspondence with Peat over the years... my comments are in <>.


Regarding intelligence and a big head---the brain is energetically a very expensive organ in terms of its energy requirements, and the liver has to be very efficient to meet its needs, so when there is a nutritional or hormonal problem, the problems can be especially intense. Nutritional needs for sugar, protein, vitamins, and minerals can be very high.

Lugol's solution is sometimes helpful for an inflammation, but it's risky when there might be a thyroid problem.

Sometimes progesterone can cause an underactive enlarged thyroid gland to begin secreting, temporarily producing mild hypothyroidism while the gland returns to a normal size. Supplemental progesterone can reduce excessive cortisol production.

<autism> I suspect that it's an adaptive reaction to prenatal exposure to stress. The imbalances of endorphins, serotonin, catecholamines, and other nerve-regulators that have been seen in autism sometimes can be produced in adults by combined fatigue and poor nutrition, and when the liver's glycogen is depleted, it can be hard to restore the balance. Prenatal influences of different types could damage connectivity, which permitting cells to survive. Normally, a large proportion of brain cells die before birth, because of limited availability of glucose.

<can progesterone turn into estrogen or cortisol, or otherwise cause negative reactions?> Since progesterone helps the thyroid to secrete, and helps the liver to regulate glucose and convert T4 to T3, women who are low in progesterone usually have hypothyroid symptoms (because of insufficient T3), including high cortisol, which promotes the synthesis of estrogen (in several ways, but never from progesterone). Cortisol is made from progesterone, but increasing the supply of progesterone reliably lowers cortisol synthesis, acting on the brain, pituitary, and adrenal glands. Progesterone, by many mechanisms, including its antagonism to cortisol, lowers the amount of estrogen in cells (causing the estrogen-binding proteins to be degraded, inhibiting the enzymes that release estrogen from the sulfates and glucuronides, and activating the enzymes that detoxify estrogen). So I think the symptoms of increased estrogen and cortisol are the result of either extraneous ingredients in the creams, or from using it at the wrong time, for example, too early, triggering premature ovulation. Supplementing a small amount of T3, Cytomel or Cynomel, usually stops symptoms such as breast pain, irritability, and restless energy, in less than an hour.

PCOS can be produced in animals by removing the thyroid gland. The inability of ovaries to make progesterone without thyroid causes the adrenals to be overstimulated, and they are the source of increased DHEA and other androgens and estrogen.

<various hormone tests> I don't think saliva hormone tests are reliable. They are a convenient way to see whether the changes of cortisol during the day follow the normal pattern, but for judging its adequacy in an absolute sense I wouldn't pay any attention to them, since the saliva is subject to many influences that don't have much to do with the blood and other fluids. The hormones in the urine are mostly glucuronidated or sulfated, and so represent liver metabolism more than hormonal effects. Total cortisol is good. Some articles below discuss the problems with the "free hormone" hypothesis.

Usually the low carbohydrate diets have a high ratio of phosphate to calcium, and I suspect that your present diet does, too. If you powder some eggshells, that's the best way to supplement it, but two quarts of milk per day would be best, providing adequate protein and a safe ratio of P to Ca. Seafood, especially oysters, shrimp, squid, etc., would provide the iodine and selenium you need for good thyroid regulation. Increasing fruits in place of bread would increase blood sugar stability, and would provide vitamin C in a safer form. Taking your temperature before and after breakfast helps to interpret your circadian hormone cycle---hypothyroid people often have very high adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones during the night, causing the temperature to be higher before breakfast than after. A daily raw carrot often helps to balance progesterone, cortisol, and estrogen, by improving intestine-liver functions.

I think it's good to choose foods with a high ratio of calcium to phosphorous. Supplementing calcium (and often vitamin D is needed too) is usually necessary with the typical modern diet.

<on my high metabolic rate - very high temps and pulse - which is a result of low thyroid> About your high metabolic rate and high temperature: In my teens and twenties, I needed about 8000 calories per day when I was physically active, about 4000 to 5000 when I was sedentary, but after I took thyroid, I needed only about half as many calories. Thyroid is the basic regulator of blood glucose, and it causes it to be fully oxidized for energy, so that it produces ATP efficiently, on relatively few calories. If blood glucose falls, because it's being used very quickly, the body responds with stress hormones, including glucagon, adrenalin, and cortisol. They cause fat and protein to be burned for energy, while in hypothyroidism, glucose can still be used inefficiently for glycolysis, producing lactic acid, displacing bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. This causes mineral imbalances, with effects including cramps and nerve-muscle tension, which produce heat and waste energy. When you first start taking thyroid again, your tissues will need some extra magnesium, during the time when the dose is increasing, and when the mineral balance is restored your temperature and metabolic rate might decrease a little. Orange juice, milk, and coffee are good for the main minerals, while salting your food to taste.

Supplementing thyroid can sometimes reduce the rate of metabolism, by allowing cells to retain enough magnesium, which stabilizes ATP.

<high stress hormones during the night> Blood sugar falls during the night, causing inflammatory mediators and adrenalin, etc., to increase. Sleeping with a wool cap and stockings can help. Having plenty of sugar just before bedtime, or if you wake during the night, will usually alleviate the night-stress problems.

<Jefferies and Safe Uses of Cortisol> I don't think his arguments are correct. The amounts he sometimes prescribed weren't always safe.

<why do people have such different problems due to hypothyroidism?> I think early life imprinting and habitual diet can cause such very different reactions to a thyroid deficiency.

<on SNPs that have been linked to autism, chronic fatigue etc. (Yasko)> Yes, a few slow enzyme systems could make the system easier to disrupt.

The trace impurities in synthetic ascorbic acid can increase free radical production, and quite a few people have allergic reactions to it. The situation isn't as clear with citric acid, but I think manufacturing impurities could account for some of the effects I see. For many years, I have been seeing more symptoms relieved by stopping all the chemical supplements, than by using them.

A sauna or hot bath, by increasing your metabolic rate, can quickly deplete the glycogen in your liver, causing hypoglycemia. If you eat protein without enough sugar or other carbohydrate it can cause hypoglycemia, too, so it's important to have lots of orange juice and milk, for frequent snacks.

<on supplementing T3 in large amounts like 100mcg> I have known people who took that much, but when it's taken in small doses, 50 mcg will usually normalize any hypothyroid metabolism. The body's total daily production of T3 is close to 100 mcg.

<on studies like this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/988872, suggesting that thyroid supplementation could increase cancer risk> Two background facts are needed to interpret the JAMA article. The first is that hypothyroidism is a major cause of breast cancer, because of the chronic excess of estrogen and deficiency of progesterone. The second is that US doctors don't correct hypothyroidism, because they don't prescribe the active hormone T3, only the precursor T4, which fails to be converted because hypothyroid women's livers aren't efficient. T3 is needed for the storage of glycogen and the efficient use of glucose, and glucose is needed to form T3. Therefore, women in the US who "are treated for hypothyroidism" are still hypothyroid, and hypothyroid women are much more likely to get cancer.

All of the magnesium supplements that I have tried caused allergy symptoms and bowel inflammation, but some people don't have a problem with magnesium carbonate or magnesium glycinate. I think it's best to use the foods with high magnesium content, and to start the thyroid slowly, allowing the tissues time to absorb magnesium; the other minerals, Ca, Na, and K, have antistress effects that spare magnesium.

<on the ratio of T4 to T3, which is sometimes suggested to be wrong in natural desiccated thyroid> Pigs' and cows' thyroids are very similar to people's, with a ratio usually between 3:1 and 4:1. The blood serum of hypothyroid people can have a ratio of 50:1 or 100:1, when the liver is failing to convert thyroxin. Maybe the authors of the book are physicians, educated by pharmaceutical advertisements.

<is the lack of hormones like calcitonin, T2 etc. in synthetic T4/T3 combo a problem?> The old Armour thyroid, made from beef and pork glands before 1990, did contain other components that were probably valuable, but when T3 is absorbed by mitochondria it's immediately changed into T2, so the synthetic T3's effects can't be distinguished from those of a mixture of T3 and T2. The company that now makes Armour thyroid started removing the calcitonin in the 1990s, to sell as a separate product.

<treatments for vitiligo> I used a dilute copper solution to restore pigment to my eyebrows and whiskers, but when the solution was too concentrated it produced, within a few hours, a raised pigmented area, so I stopped using it topically. Vitamin D and progesterone favor the survival of pigment cells. I think a topical solution of aspirin and caffeine might be helpful, and is safe.

<treatments for multiple sclerosis, combined with paranoia in menopause> For multiple sclerosis, thyroid and progesterone are the most helpful things. Sometimes a very low thyroid function is compensated by extreme nerve excitation, leading to mania or paranoia. Their body temperature might be extremely low, or sometimes the 24 hour cycle is reversed; if the temperature decreases in the morning, that suggests that the stress hormones were very high during the night.

From a woman who had multiple sclerosis:

"Since my first brain MRI just over 3 ½ years ago, my subsequent annual MRIs have not shown any brain lesions and the lesions that had shown up previously had healed over, so overall I have been doing very well. Last week, my Nuero and I were going over my latest scans, which were looking great, and she says that my brain volume looked very good and indeed there was very little white space between my brain and skull. I reminded her that when I was first diagnosed she had mentioned that I had some brain atrophy so we pulled up a previous scan, although I do not know which year she pulled up, and there was a clear difference between the two. There was more white space on the older scan. She tried to explain that was probably due to a difference in MRI techniques. I chose not argue, because what’s the point? Since last fall I have been using coconut oil, nat. progesterone, pregnelone, daily aspirin and more recently I have added Great Lakes Gelatin to my diet (not to mention all of the stuff I now avoid in my diet as well)"

<on LDN treatment> I think it's safe to take 5 or 10 mg of naltrexone daily for a few days, but I don't think it should be used continuously; I have known people who had good results, repeating the short courses two or three times in a year.

Estrogen can cause ovarian cysts to develop, and can contribute to the development of skin tags and moles. Its effects on the urethra might help with incontinence, but it can cause problems with the bladder muscle, and cystitis.

<on piracetam> I have heard that the quality of the product from different countries varies; I think they have preferred the one made in Belgium. It's possible that it could help with adaptation to a thyroid supplement, but it's important to use enough thyroid hormone to keep TSH low. Keeping the cholesterol in the range of 160 to 220 helps with stress, too.

<on severe headaches/migraines caused by supplements> Have you tried a large oral dose of progesterone? A very large amount of sugar will usually relieve a migraine; ice cream (about a quart) or milk shakes with some fat and protein make it easier to assimilate the sugar without stomach upset. Caffeine sometimes makes the aspirin and sugar more effective. Did any of the magnesium chloride get on your lips? In my own migraine experience, I found that a very small amount of either vitamin A or magnesium chloride could cause big headaches for two or three days. If I had put vitamin A anywhere on my face or arms, enough would touch my lips to cause the headache. It wasn't the vitamin A or magnesium itself that did it, but some very powerful allergen in the chemically manufactured products. It's possible that some such substance has entered the T3 during its manufacture, so using a different brand might avoid the effect. What brands of T3 and desiccated have you used? Is cyproheptadine available where you are? It's probably the safest of the antiserotonin drugs; here are some articles about it.

Cyproheptadine might be helpful for reducing sensitivity to intestinal irritants.

<on anti-serotonin drugs> I have known a few people who had very good results with tianeptine, and a couple who got side effects from it. I think any of the antiserotonin drugs will eventually cause side effects, and should only be used until a problem is corrected, for example when an enlarged pituitary is normalized. I think the same effects can be produced with nutrition and hormones, without the possible problems.

<can anti-serotonin drugs permanently fix a problem, even if taken only for a short while?> Yes, but it's important to keep adjusting thyroid and progesterone according to temperature, pulse, etc.

Thyroid is the best thing for controlling serotonin's effects. The drugs that act on "receptors" act simultaneously on many things; one effect of some of them is a selective "agonist" effect on the "receptor" which is involved in negative feedback, turning off the cells that produce serotonin. Wikipedia is a function of consensus; according to them, serotonin is a happy hormone, and there are no conspiracies of government officials and bankers.

<on pregnenolone> Where did you get the pregnenolone? It must be better quality than most of it in the US now. Switzerland used to have the highest quality, that we got through an Italian company, but US Customs stopped it.


Found this on the web. It's about liver, milk, aluminium pans, and problems with pascalite.

My question: We're finding more and more people who are casein
intolerant and are unable to tolerate even raw grass fed fermented
milk. Given the PUFA issues you've mentioned with eggs, if a person
is unable to include milk in their diet and is minimizing their egg
intake, will they get enough vitamin A & D from beef liver?

Dr Peat: Yes, beef liver has so much of the oily vitamins that it
just takes an occasional meal to meet those requirements generously.
The charts have stopped giving its vitamin E content, and rarely
mention vitamin K, but it's very good for those. Charts still don't
reflect the intracellular (lipid soluble dehydro-) form of vitamin
C, but liver is a good source of that too.

I have been interested in the subject of "milk intolerance" for a
long time, and have wondered why doctors in the US and England give
it so much attention, while the people who drink the most milk, in
the Samburu and Masai cultures, and the cultures of northern India,
don't seem to have the problem. I doubt that this is a matter of
genetic differences; for example this person: "I was recently
diagnosed with lactose intolerance and so i had to eliminated milk
and milk products from my diet. I live in the USA. However, on a
recent trip to India, I had milk and all possible milk products
there and it did not affect me at all! Has anyone else experienced
this? Or does anyone have a possible explanation?"

http://p080.ezboard.com/flima16189frm15 ... D=34.topic

When a woman or a cow eats an allergen, such as peanuts or soybeans,
the allergens appear in the milk. Weeds in the pasture are another
potential source of tainted milk. In Africa and India, milk
production per cow is much lower than in the US, because they seldom
give them anything but grass, or in India, hay, probably some fruit.
Although insecticides such as lindane are no longer used in US
dairies, most of the milk in commerce has synthetic vitamins
(dissolved in corn oil) emulsified into the product, which could
account for many of the bad reactions.

My question: One of our WAPF researchers looked into the aluminum
issue associated with bentonite and found that this form of aluminum
is not bioavailable?that the issue is in "unbound" aluminum such as
in cookware, drinking water, and antacids (see her comments below).
We have also heard many healing stories associated with the intake
of Pascalite clay (http://www.pascalite.com), a calcium bentonite. Do you
have reason to believe that this should be avoided?

Heidi's comments quoted from GFCFNN:
"All clay has aluminum in it ... including your crockery and
glassware. From my understanding of chemistry the clay doesn't `let
go'of it's aluminum ion, it's very tightly bound in the center of
some other atoms.

"In fact, what happens is the clay molecule binds to OTHER stuff
and takes it out of the gut. Clay is used ina lot of industrial
processes where aluminum contamination would be a very bad thing. It
is also present in just about every field that has plants growing in
it: if it was absorbed a lot by the plants you would be eating a lot
of aluminum in any case. Aluminum is very, very common ... the
most abundant metal on earth.

"Aluminum is a very active chemical, which is why when it is NOT
bound to something it can bind to receptors in, say, your brain.
Which might explain some of the issues with aluminum pans: they are
pure aluminum which is never seen in nature and it's a LOT of work
to extract aluminum from rock. (as opposed to, say mercury where
you just need to heat the ore to get mercury, or iron or lead,
which occurs in pure form in nature). A pure aluminum pan with acid
creates free aluminum ions, which want to bond with something, so
eating aluminum unbound ions isn't a good thing. But clay doesn't
have unbound aluminum ions (nor does anything else in nature, AFAIK).
Once it is bound up, aluminum doesn't want to release it's bonds,
which is why sapphires are so hard (sapphires are also aluminum

"That said, humans have been eating dirt/clay for eons, both on
purpose and otherwise. One anomoly of our modern diet is that it is
sooooo dirt free! In some other cultures there was so much dirt/sand
in the food that their teeth got ground down. Other cultures dipped
food in clay or baked and ate it. They cooked in clay pots too, and
walked on clay roads barefoot, and ate plants growing in clay. So,
my take is: don't worry about clay unless it has something else in
it, like lead or arsenic maybe...

"...Aluminum is ubiquitious in the food supply, but most sources of
it are not bioavailable. A couple of sources ARE bioavailable and
have caused problems. One I had never thought about much: water!
Seems they use aluminum to treat city water and there is enough of
it left in the water to cause problems (and it is bioavailable).

"I didn't see ANY references to clay being a source of aluminum
toxicity. Antacids and water supplies seem to be the main culprits:
cookware if acidic foods are cooked in it. But urban water supplies
seem to be the worst, which is news to me! Again the issue
is "unbound" aluminum. Good rundowns:
http://www.portaec.net/local/aluminum_s ... s_of_alumi

"Drinking water exposure to aluminum and dementia (including AD) In
four of five critically reviewed epidemiological studies, in which
AD and (or) dementia was an outcome in relation to aluminum
concentration in the municipal water supply, the overall OR and (or)
dose-response gradient were statistically significant, but generally
low (under 2.0). The studies inevitably underestimated any true
aluminum exposure effect because of misclassification bias. All of
the study designs had inherent weaknesses and the results could
easily be produced by confounding factors. No good evidence for
alternative hypotheses to explain the results exists. The
epidemiological evidence indicates that a true association between
drinking water aluminum concentrations and dementia (including AD)
cannot be ruled out http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic113.htm

"Background: Aluminum is a trivalent cation found in its ionic form
in most kinds of animal and plant tissues and in natural waters
everywhere. It is the third most prevalent element and the most
abundant metal in the earth's crust. Dietary aluminum is ubiquitous,
but in such small quantities that it is not a significant source of
concern in persons with normal elimination capacity. Urban water
supplies may contain a greater concentration because water is usually
treated with the element before becoming part of the supply.
Subsequent purification processes that remove organic compounds take
away many of the same compounds that bind the element in its free
state, further increasing aluminum concentration.

"All metals can cause disease through excess, deficiency, or
imbalance. Malabsorption through diarrheal states can result in
essential metal and trace element deficiencies. Toxic effects are
dependent upon the amount of metal ingested, entry rate, tissue
distribution, concentration achieved, and excretion rate. Mechanisms
of toxicity include inhibition of enzyme activity and protein
synthesis, alterations in nucleic acid function, and changes in cell
membrane permeability.
http://www.ec.gc.ca/substances/ese/eng/ ... uminum.cfm "
Dr. Peat's response: "Medical" bentonite does often have other
(toxic) stuff in it, but that wasn't my point. Its silica content is
an important issue, because of its ability to induce inflammatory
cytokines, causing systemic effects, but that wasn't my point,
either. Beginning around 1940, I heard the pitch of the aluminum
utensil salesmen, that metallic aluminum was instantly covered with
an insoluble layer of oxide, that made it perfectly safe to cook in.
By the time I was in high school and college, that commercial
concept had become part of the standard curriculum. I see the idea
of Unavailable Aluminum persists, though now it looks as though the
health food industry has taken over its perpetuation. Coffee isn't
nearly as acidic as the stomach, but percolating coffee in an
aluminum pot solubulizes very toxic quantities of aluminum, despite
the "protective" oxide layer, and despite the surface area which is
so much smaller than that of the microscopic particles in clay.
Since clay eating is usually considered to be an obsolete form of
pica suffered by starving or malnourished people, the toxicity of
bentonite hasn't been a big research topic for biologists, but the
principles of inorganic chemistry apply to the stomach and
intestine, as well as to geology and mineralogy. It does dissolve in
hydrochloric acid, and then there are various chelating compounds
produced by bacteria in the intestine, that help to solublize it.
But the aluminum toxicity of clay wasn't my main point, either--I
just picked two random Standard Process products, with bean juice
and clay, to explain why I don't pay any attention to anything that
their marketers might say. Advertising is a dangerous cultural toxin.

Yakugaku Zasshi. 1972 Nov;92(11):1380-5.
[Dissolution of aluminosilicates in hydrochloric acid solutions. II.
Rate of
dissolution and amount of dissolution]
[Article in Japanese]
Nakagaki M, Nakamura Y.

Yakugaku Zasshi. 1971 Jun;91(6):667-73.
[Dissolution of aluminosilicates in hydrochloric acid solutions. I.
rates of cations and change in specific surface area of the
[Article in Japanese]
Nakagaki M, Nakamura Y, Fujie T.

Clay Minerals; September 1996; v. 31; no. 3; p. 333-345
Effect of non-swelling layers on the dissolution of reduced-charge
montmorillonite in hydrochloric acid
P. Komadel, J. Bujdak, J. Madejova, V. Sucha, and F. Elsass
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry,
Bratislava, Slovak Republic

H. Palkova, J. Madejova, and D. Righi
Clays and Clay Minerals, April 1, 2003; 51(2): 133 - 142.

Volume 2, number 1/1993, page 11-16
1Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842
36 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2University of Illinois, Department of Agronomy 1102 South Goodwin
Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Abstract: The rate of acid dissolution in HCl is a common method for
differentiating various phases of Fe in clay samples. A readily
soluble Fe phase, denoted herein as the RS phase, is often observed
in bentonite, but its identity has yet to be established. Seven
Czech bentonites were studied by acid dissolution in 6 M HCl and by
Mössbauer spectroscopy. A highly-soluble Fe phase was found in the
<2-µm fractions of all seven Czech bentonites, ranging from 15 % to
67 % of total Fe. In all seven samples, Mössbauer spectroscopy
revealed a goethite phase; in six, the goethite phase correlated
well with the amount of RS Fe. In the seventh sample, Hroznetin, Fe
(II) identified by both chemical analysis (phenanthroline method)
and Mössbauer spectroscopy was the main source of RS Fe.

"Standard Process is the only supplement manufacturer committed to
producing all the components that go into their supplements. They
grow their raw materials on 1,000 acres of mineral-rich Wisconsin
farmland which they own and operate."

"Standard Process does not sell their products through retail
stores, but only through health practitioners."

"While we carry Standard Process® products, neither HealthStores or
DoctorsHealthSupply nor any third party associated with, related to
or linked to HealthStores or DoctorsHealthSupply business or website
is in any way affiliated with Standard Process®. Standard Process®
has asked us to make clear that it expressly disclaims any
responsibility for and makes no representations or warranties
regarding any statement, information, materials, or content found on
HealthStores or DoctorsHealthSupply marketing materials, website or
any third party marketing materials or websites related to,
associated with or linked to HealthStores or DoctorsHealthSupply
business or website.
© 2002 HealthStores.com and DoctorsHealthSupply.com. All Rights



My question (1st thread): Why would the test by Standard Process (a
company independent of the manufacturer of Blue Ice) not be
sufficient data to say that the Blue Ice CLO is safe?

Dr. Peat: Their opinion about the safety of anything wouldn't be of
interest to me, because I have seen their advertisements for years.
(A couple of their product labels are quoted below. That sort of
thing doesn't testify to their good judgment.)

(Standard Process products:)
Albaplex® The kidneys form urine from blood plasma. As blood passes
through the kidney, water and waste substances are filtered through
the capillary walls. Albaplex helps support proper kidney function.
? Content - Product No. 40 Capsules 0900 150 Capsules 0925
Suggested Use: Two capsules per meal, or as directed.
Proprietary Blend: 940 mg Choline bitartrate, dried kidney (bean) juice, oat flour, ..........

Cholacol II®
Cholacol II is a source of bentonite. Its adsorbent properties cause
bentonite to function like a magnet, where waste materials adhere to
its surface and are carried away for elimination. The bentonite in
Cholacol II works to cleanse the intestinal tract via the adsorptive process.
Suggested Use: Four tablets ? 15 minutes before each meal, or as directed.
Proprietary Blend: 1,954 mg Bentonite (montmorillinite), collinsonia (root), and purified bovine
bile salts.
My question: What did you have in mind here in terms of Standard Process's poor judgment?

Dr. Peat: Over the years, they have tried to give their customers
the impression that their vitamins are different from other
vitamins, that various "natural" products have certain special
effects on the body, and generally little concern for the relevant
facts. The examples I quoted are just two of many that are currently
advertised, but they aren't unrepresentative of their past
practices. The second ingredient in the kidney formula was
really "kidney (bean) juice." It reminds me of "supporting the
kidneys" by using a girdle. And bentonite, even if it came from a
clean geological source, doesn't function like a magnet, it's
aluminum silicate, and any that dissolves in the stomach or
intestine is going to increase the body's aluminum burden.
My question (2nd thread to original comment above): I'm not sure I
understood what you meant in your comparison of grass fed beef liver
and egg yolks to CLO. Do you mean because they're all high in
natural A & D, you would assume the beef liver and egg yolk are
safer until you see a study comparing their toxin levels with the
toxin levels in CLO?

Dr. Peat: That, and because they, like milk, provide useful amounts
of all the essential nutrients, including vitamins K and E. Oily
fish products tend to increase our need for vitamin E.
My question (3rd thread from original comment above): You mentioned
toxins in the livers of Japanese people. Are studies showing their
toxin levels are proportionately higher than other populations?

Dr. Peat: Not all studies show that they have uniquely high levels
of contaminants, but there is general agreement that the level of
contaminant corresponds to the amount of fish consumed, and their
average consumption is high. The amount of fish in the Japanese diet
has decreased in the last 35 years, because of their awareness of
contamination, while fish intake in some other countries has

He attached these studies related to this question:

Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1990 Jul-Aug;12(4):319-26.
Effects of exposure to PCBs and related compounds on growth and
activity in children.
Jacobson JL, Jacobson SW, Humphrey HE.
Psychology Department, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202.
Two hundred thirty-six children from two established cohorts at risk
for exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and related
contaminants were evaluated at age 4 years. Prenatal exposure (assessed by cord serum
PCB level) was associated with lower weight, an effect consistent with reports
of growth retardation in laboratory rats and in children exposed at high
levels in Taiwan and at general population levels in Japan. The highest exposed
children weighed 1.8 kg less on the average than the least exposed. Contemporary body
burden (assessed by 4-year serum PCB level) was associated with reduced
activity based on composite ratings provided by the child's mother and two
independent examiners. This effect, attributable to lactation exposure, was
strongest among the offspring of women with above average milk PCB levels who breast
fed for at least 1 year. While the weight deficit is consistent with previous
data linking developmental effects of low-dose human PCB exposures specifically
to the prenatal period, activity is the first domain found to be affected
by lactation at contemporary levels of exposure.

J Agric Food Chem. 2005 May 18;53(10):3807-13.
Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polybrominated
dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans in marine products.
Ashizuka Y, Nakagawa R, Tobiishi K, Hori T, Iida T.
Fukuoka Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences, 39,
Dazaifu-shi, Fukuoka 818-0135, Japan.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been widely used as
flame retardants in plastics and textile coatings, and these compounds have been
recognized as ubiquitous environmental contaminants. Furthermore, it is considered
a serious problem that polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans
(PBDD/DFs), having toxicities similar to those of chlorinated dioxins, are
generated by the manufacture of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) such as PBDEs, and
formed by the combustion of substances containing BFRs. Several congeners of
PBDD/DFs and PBDEs have been detected in the adipose tissue of the Japanese.
Although food is suspected as an exposure source, little information is available
regarding the levels of these brominated compounds in food, as compared with
information regarding dioxin or polychlorinated biphenyls. It is necessary to
investigate the levels of these brominated organic compounds in various foods
and to estimate their influence in the case of human exposure. We developed
an efficient method of analyzing PBDEs and PBDD/DFs contents in food
samples using accelerated solvent extraction and determined the concentrations in
several marine products such as raw fish, processed foods, and seaweed
purchased in Japan. A recovery test (n = 5) using the method and involving dried
fish showed acceptable recoveries of 57.7-78.5% (RSD 5.4-15.9%) for PBDEs and
50.0-56.4% (RSD 1.5-7.9%) for PBDD/DFs. In the analysis of marine product
samples, several congeners of PBDEs were detected in raw fish, processed fish, and
seaweed; the highest concentration of sigmaPBDEs was detected in yellowtail (1161
pg/g whole basis), followed by mackerel (553.5 pg/g whole basis). The most
dominant congener present in these marine samples was 2,2',4,4'-tetraBDE

Chemosphere. 2003 Jul;52(1):213-9.
Effects of dietary habits and CYP1A1 polymorphisms on blood dioxin
concentrations in Japanese men.
Tsuchiya Y, Nakai S, Nakamura K, Hayashi K, Nakanishi J, Yamamoto M.
Department of Community Preventive Medicine, Niigata University
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 1-757, Niigata 951-8510, Asahi-
machidori, Japan. troof
The major source of dioxin impurities in Japan in the past was agrochemical
formulations; more recently, it has been exhaust from waste incinerators. To
examine the environmental and genetic factors that influence blooddioxin
concentration, we investigated the relationship among dioxin concentrations,
dietary habits and cytochorome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) polymorphisms (MspI
type and Ile-Val type) in Japanese fishermen and farmers, including also a
group of office workers as controls. The mean dioxin concentrations in the
fishermen, the farmers and the controls were 161369, 79079 and 100500 pg/g fat,
The elevated dioxin concentration with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins,
polychlorinated dibenzofurans and coplanar-PCBs found in the fishermen may be
due to the frequent consumption of fish; no such relationship was found both in
the farmers and the controls. We found that the concentrations of congeners
found as impurities in certain chemicals such as those previously used in
agriculture showed no significant differences among the three groups; we
consider it unlikely that the farmers would be directly exposed to dioxins from
such chemicals. Thus, it is probable that the primary route of dioxin exposure
in the Japanese population is through the food chain via fish consumption,
regardless of occupation. No meaningful relationship between blood dioxin
concentration and CYP1A1 polymorphisms was found in this study, although there
was a significant difference between the concentration of total non-ortho-PCBs
in genotypes A and B. Further studies on more subjects, including those of
genotype C, are needed to confirm the relationship between blood dioxin
concentrations and MspI polymorphisms.

Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2003 Apr;76(3):205-15. Epub 2002 Dec 10.
Fish intake, plasma omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and polychlorinated
dibenzo-p-dioxins/polychlorinated dibenzo-furans and co-planar polychlorinated
biphenyls in the blood of the population.
Arisawa K, Matsumura T, Tohyama C, Saito H, Satoh H, Nagai M, Morita
M, Suzuki T.
Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion, Nagasaki University
School of Medicine, 1-12-4 Sakamoto, Nagasaki 852-8523, Japan. k-iwata
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate background exposure levels and determinants of the
individual variations in the exposure to dioxins in Japan.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed on 131 men and 122 women (aged
20-76 years), who resided in five prefectures of Japan and had no occupational
exposure to dioxins. Seven polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), ten
polychlorinated dibenzo-furans (PCDFs) and 12 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
which are assigned a toxicity equivalent factor, were determined in fasting
blood. Biochemical analysis of plasma and a questionnaire survey on life-style,
including dietary habit, were also performed. Factors associated with the levels
of dioxin-related compounds in blood were evaluated by multiple linear regression.
RESULTS: The median of total toxicity equivalents (TEQs) in men and
women was 17 and 16 pg TEQ/g lipid, respectively, with no genderdifference.
After adjustment for age and other covariates, plasma concentrations of
eicosapentaenoic acid, a biomarker of fish intake, were found to be positively
associated with blood levels of total dioxin, PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs,all of
which were expressed on a TEQ basis (P<0.01). The frequency of intake of coastal
fish, such as horse mackerel, mackerel and sardine, was also associated with
TEQ-based concentrations of PCDFs (P=0.03) and PCBs (P=0.08). The
intake of raw fish was positively related to total dioxins (P=0.06) and PCBs
CONCLUSIONS: The level of intake of marine fish, especially raw fish
and coastal varieties, may be associated with increased blood levels of dioxin-
related compounds among the population. Despite high fish consumption in
Japan, the body burden of dioxins in the population was not found to be higher than
that in western countries.

Chemosphere. 2004 Jan;54(1):127-35.
Levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and Co-PCBs in human milk in Saitama, Japan,
and epidemiological research.
Takekuma M, Saito K, Ogawa M, Matumoto R, Kobayashi S.
Dioxin Research Group, Saitama Institute of Public Health, 639-1,
Kamiokubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama 338-0824, Japan. ao167006
From 1998 to 2000, the dioxin levels were measured in the milk of 299 mothers
who lived in Saitama prefecture, Japan. Factors that influenced the dioxin
levels were investigated based on a questionnaire given to the milk donors at
that time. It was found that the dioxin levels in the milk of the mothers who
smoked were lower than those of non-smokers, and the dioxin levels were
generally low in the mothers who were heavy smokers. The average dioxin levels
in the milk of mothers who had been breast-fed were higher than those given
formula, and there was a significant difference in the dioxin congeners. It was
also found that the dioxin levels in milk of the women who regularly consumed
fish and shellfish were generally higher. There was a strong correlation between
summation operator TEQ and PCB126. The data suggested that PCB126
could be a useful indicator for the simplified analysis of dioxin in human milk.

Chemosphere. 2005 Feb;58(7):883-9.
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, -dibenzofurans, and biphenyls in domestic
animal food stuff and their fat.
Guruge KS, Seike N, Yamanaka N, Miyazaki S.
Toxico-Biochemistry Section, National Institute of Animal Health, Kannondai
3-1-5, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0856, Japan. guruge
Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzo-
p-dioxins (PCDFs) and dioxin-like coplanar PCBs and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-
p-dioxin equivalents (TEQs) were measured in domestic animal related samples
such as feed ingredient, mixed feed and animal fat from Japan. The mean
concentration of total PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs in fish oil was 17000pg g-1
lipid wt, which 9- to 30-fold greater than that from other animal originated
ingredients. Mixed feed for chicken and chicken fat contained greater total PCDDs,
PCDFs, coplanar PCBs concentrations (190 and 2100pg g-1 lipid wt) compared to those
for pig (120 and 320pg g-1 lipid wt). WHO-TEQs were ranged 0.39-13, 0.15-0.22 and
0.73-2.8pg g-1 lipid wt for ingredients, mixed feeds and animal fats,
respectively. Greater biomagnification factor was noticed for congeners 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD,
1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF and 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF in chicken and pig fat.
Biomagnification factors for both mono- and non-ortho coplanar PCBs were greater
in chicken fat compared to those in pig fat.

Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku. 1996;(114):43-7.
[Annual daily intakes of Hg, PCB and arsenic from fish and shellfish and
comparative survey of their residue levels in fish by body weight]
[Article in Japanese]
Ikarashi A, Sasaki K, Toyoda M, Saito Y.
We have been surveying toxic substances in food and foodstuffs and carrying out
a total diet study on the intakes of various substances since 1979 in cooperation with local public institutes in Japan. In this paper, we report the daily intakes of mercury, PCB and arsenic from foods, and the relation between the concentrations of these substance in fish and the fish body weight. The intakes of mercury and arsenic were 6.9-11.0 micrograms/ man/day and 120-230 micrograms/man/day, respectively. The intakes of these substances remained on a stable level from 1979 to 1994. On the other hand, the intake of PCB decreased from 3.1 micrograms/man/day in 1979 to 0.9 microgram/man/day in 1994. Most of
the intakes of mercury, PCB and arsenic were derived from the diet group "fish and shellfish". The level of mercury in fish increased with increasing fish body weight. For PCB and arsenic, there was no correlation between these concentrations in fish and the fish body weight, except that mackerel and croaker show a higher concentration of PCB when they are small. Arsenic shows almost a constant level in each fish regardless of their body weight.

Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1996 May-Jun;18(3):251-4; discussion 271-6.
Can epidemiological studies discern subtle neurological effects due to perinatal exposure to PCBs?
Seegal RF.
Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of
Health, Albany 12201-0509, USA.
What conclusions can be drawn concerning the potential neurological effects of
perinatal exposure to either PCBs, or PCBs and other fish-borne contaminants?
First, by their very nature epidemiological studies are limited in their ability
to detect subtle associations--including possible links between exposure to low
levels of environmental contaminants and disease. As stated by Dr. Schantz, both
Rogan and the Jacobsons report small changes in motor and cognitive
behavior--typically less than one-half of a standard deviation--and only in the
most highly exposed children. Given these small changes in CNS function, the
substantive criticisms of Paneth (including the Jacobsons' choice to employ a
random, rather than matched, control sample and the related fact that
fish-eating mothers differed from non-fish-eating mothers on several important
characteristics) and similar "generic" concerns raised by Taubes, a critical
reader must question both the validity of the findings from the Michigan study
and the reasons for discrepancies in results between the Jacobson and Rogan
studies. Are the differences in neurobehavioral effects reported by the
Jacobsons and colleagues, and Rogan and colleagues, due to the presence of
confounders, exposure to different neurotoxicants, or subtle differences in
methodologies? At present it is not possible to answer these questions.
Nevertheless, certain commonalities exist between the Rogan and Jacobson
studies, and most recently, the study conducted by Daly and colleagues in New
York. All of these studies report alterations in the Brazelton Neonatal
Behavioral Assessment Scale, suggesting that exposure to environmental
contaminants (including PCBs) may induce subtle, transient alterations in
maturation of the human CNS. Secondly, because contaminated fish
contain a large number of putative developmental neurotoxicants (e.g., methyl-
mercury, p,p'-DDE, PCBs, and pesticides), I am pessimistic that additional studies of
human populations exposed to contaminated aquatic and marine fish and
mammals will allow investigators to determine which contaminant(s) may be
responsible for the observed association between fish consumption and neurobehavioral
deficits. For example, although PCB body burdens have been measured in the
majority of the epidemiological studies, PCBs may simply reflect exposure to other
fish-borne contaminants. In light of the above statements, future epidemiological studies
should focus on highly exposed susceptible populations such as occupationally
exposed workers or the aged. Results from these studies would provide important
information on the risk of perinatal or adult exposure to PCBs in susceptible
populations, although generalization of results obtained in these populations to
the general population may be fraught with difficulties. Finally, because of the
limitations of epidemiological studies, particularly those studying fish-eating
populations, future risk assessments should depend more heavily on laboratory
derived data, including studies in nonhuman primates exposed to environmentally
relevant mixtures and relevant doses of PCB congeners and other known or
suspected neurotoxicants.

Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Aug 1;38(15):4071-7.
Brominated organic contaminants in the liver and egg of the common cormorants
(Phalacrocorax carbo) from Japan.
Watanabe K, Senthilkumar K, Masunaga S, Takasuga T, Iseki N, Morita M.
Shimadzu-Techno Research Inc., #1, Nishinokyo-shimoaicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
604-8436, Japan. k_watanabe00
The contamination profiles of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) such as
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), biphenyls (PBBs), dibenzo-p-dioxins
(PBDDs), and dibenzofurans (PBDFs) were determined in the liver and egg of
common cormorants from Japan. PBDEs and PBBs were detected in all the samples;
especially the former were detected at elevated levels. PBDDs/PBDFs were also
detected in cormorants, albeit the concentrations were lower than those of the
PBBs. The total concentration of PBDEs ranged from 330 to 2600 in the liver and
from 600 to 3300 in the egg on a nanogram per gram of lipid basis.
The concentration of PBBs was in the range from 3.0 to 33 (in the liver)
and from 3.4 to 82 (in the egg) on a nanogram per gram of lipid basis. The
2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexabromobiphenyl (BB-153) was the most predominant
PBB congener in either organ, which corresponds to a major constituent of the BFR
FireMaster BP-6. Concentrations of PBDDs/ PBDFs in the liver (range from 21 to
470) were slightly higher than in the egg (range from 31 to 160) on a picogram
per gram of lipid basis. The results of this study imply that common cormorants
accumulate a high level of PBDEs and PBBs. Comparing the concentrations of
brominated organic compounds with those of chlorinated analogues, good relevance
between PBBs and coplanar PCBs (r2 = 0.746 [liver] and 0.715 [egg]) was elucidated.
To our knowledge, the present study demonstrates the first report of PBDEs,
PBBs, and PBDDs/PBDFs in the common cormorant from Japan.

J Environ Monit. 2004 Mar;6(3):201-8. Epub 2004 Jan 23.
Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, non-ortho
polychlorinated biphenyls, and mono-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls in Japanese
flounder, with reference to the relationship between body length and concentration.
Okumura Y, Yama*a Y, Isagawa S.
Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, 3-27-5
Shinhama, Shiogama, Miyagi 985-0001, Japan. okumura
The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated
dibenzofurans (PCDFs), non-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls (non-ortho PCBs), and
mono-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls (mono-ortho PCBs) in Japanese flounder
(Paralichthys olivaceus, body length 10.4-36.6 cm) collected from Sendai Bay,
Japan, were determined using high-resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The relationship between the concentrations of these compounds (dioxins) and the body length of the Japanese flounder was examined.
The total PCDD and total PCDF concentrations did not correlate with body
length (both r(2) < 0.1, both p > 0.05), whereas the total non-ortho PCB and total
mono-ortho PCB (coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls, Co-PCBs) concentrations were
significantly correlated (r(2)= 0.8, p < 0.05 and r(2)= 0.63, p < 0.05,
respectively). The bioaccumulation properties of PCDD/Fs in Japanese
flounder differed from those of Co-PCBs. Toxicity equivalency
quotient (TEQ) values derived from the Co-PCBs made up 46.3%-63.7% of the total TEQ value for all the dioxins. Although the concentrations of non-ortho PCBs were lower than those
of mono-ortho PCBs, the TEQ value for non-ortho PCBs was higher than that for mono-ortho PCBs. The TEQ value for non-ortho PCBs increased more with increasing body length
than did the values for PCDDs, PCDFs, and mono-ortho PCBs. These
results show that from the standpoint of risk management, non-ortho
Co-PCBs are the most important of the dioxins in Japanese flounder.

J Environ Monit. 2003 Aug;5(4):610-8.
Sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated
dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (Co-PCBs), and
their bioaccumulation through the marine food web in Sendai Bay, Japan.
Okumura Y, Yama*a Y, Isagawa
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“When using pregnenolone, men and women alike report feeling a profound mood of resilience and an increased ability to confront challenges successfully.” -Ray Peat



More from onibasu.com, on PUFA essentiality:

I took some of our discussion and asked ray directly to clarify some
of this. Here is what he told me verbatim.
I don't think I could have said "reduces the need for efa," because I
don't know of any need; some people have probably paraphrased my argument.

I think the issue is just one of propaganda analysis, because
scientifically, no one ever refuted the refutation of essentiality
which occurred when the "EFA deficiency syndrome" was cured with vitamin
B6. The German demonstration that spontaneous cancer was eliminated on a fat
free diet preceded the really awful, incompetent study that supposedly
demonstrated the essentiality of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and in
the 75 years since the German study a tremendous amount of information has
accumulated showing both the toxicity and the non-essentiality of the
polyunsaturated fatty acids. But there has been no financial support
for publicizing the protective effect of not eating vegetable oils or fish
oils. To the contrary, vast amounts of money are being spent in the
promotion of the various polyunsaturated fats as foods.

The animals that don't eat them do have increased nutritional needs
for vitamins and minerals, because their metabolic rate is so much
greater than the PUFA-replete animals whose cardiolipin has degenerated. The recent
Stanford study that shows a much greater longevity for old people who
have a very high oxygen consumption capacity is consistent with the
historical animal studies. PUFA-deprived animals have a very high oxygen
consumption, and are resistant to practically all causes of death and disease,
including trauma and poisoning.

The editorial boards of many of the journals are packed with industry
flacks who are apparently willing to publish any junk that helps to
sell soy oil, canola, waste fish oil, or algal oils. And researchers have
to get grants to stay in business.

Lipids 1999 Apr;34(4):317-24
Docosahexaenoic acid ingestion inhibits natural killer cell activity
and production of inflammatory mediators in young healthy men.
Kelley DS, Taylor PC, Nelson GJ, Schmidt PC, Ferretti A, Erickson KL,
Yu R,bChandra RK, Mackey BE.
USDA, ARS, Western Human Nutrition Research Center, Presidio of San
Francisco, California 94129, USA. Dkelley
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of feeding
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as triacylglycerol on the fatty acid composition,
eicosanoid production, and select activities of human peripheral blood
mononuclear cells
(PBMNC). A 120-d study with 11 healthy men was conducted at the
Metabolic Research Unit of Western Human Nutrition Reach Center. Four subjects
(control group) were fed the stabilization diet throughout the study; the
remaining seven subjects were fed the basal diet for the first 30 d, followed by 6 g
DHA/d for the next 90 d. DHA replaced an equivalent amount of linoleic acid;
the two diets were comparable in their total fat and all other nutrients. Both
diets were supplemented with 20 mg D alpha-tocopherol acetate per day. PBMNC
fatty acid composition and eicosanoid production were examined on day 30 and
113; immune cell functions were tested on day 22, 30, 78, 85, 106, and 113. DHA
feeding increased its concentration from 2.3 to 7.4 wt% in the PBMNC total
lipids, and decreased arachidonic acid concentration from 19.8 to 10.7 wt%. It
also lowered prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) production, in
response to lipopolysaccharide, by 60-75%. Natural killer cell activity and in
vitro secretion of interleukin-1beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha were
significantly reduced by DHA feeding. These parameters remained
unchanged in the subjects fed the control diet. B-cell functions as reported here and
T-cell functions that we reported previously were not altered by DHA
feeding. Our results show that inhibitory effects of DHA on immune cell functions
varied with the cell type, and that the inhibitory effects are not mediated
through increased production of PGE2 and LTB4.

J Bacteriol 1993 Sep;175(17):5324-8
Escherichia coli produces linoleic acid during late stationary phase.
Rabinowitch HD, Sklan D, Chace DH, Stevens RD, Fridovich I.
Department of Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
North Carolina 27710.
Escherichia coli produces linoleic acid in the late stationary phase.
This was the case whether the cultures were grown aerobically or anaerobically
on a supplemented glucose-salts medium. The linoleic acid was detected by
thin-layer chromatography and was measured as the methyl ester by gas
chromatography. The linoleic acid methyl ester was identified by its mass spectrum. Lipids
extracted from late-stationary-phase cells generated thiobarbituric acid-
reactive carbonyl products when incubated with a free radical initiator. In contrast,
extracts from log-phase or early-stationary-phase cells failed to do so, in
accordance with the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acid only in the
stationary-phase cells.

Clin Sci (Lond) 1987 Mar;72(3):383-5
Effect of dietary linoleate content on the metabolic response of rats
to Escherichia coli endotoxin.
Wan JM, Grimble RF.
Dietary fat influences many aspects of immune function. Escherichia
coli endotoxin is a potent stimulator of interleukin 1 production from
The present study examines the effect of feeding with fat diets rich
(corn oil) and poor (coconut oil) in linoleate at high and low concentrations on
responses to endotoxin. Spleen phosphatidylcholine linoleate contents were
higher in the corn oil than in the coconut oil group and arachidonate
concentrations were highest in the group fed a high concentration of corn oil. Coconut oil
completely abolished the responses to endotoxin. The inhibitory
effects of coconut oil could largely be due to reduced prostaglandin and
leukotriene synthesis.
Last edited by a moderator:


Toxicity of DMPS and DMSA

Question: Does the body quickly or gradually get rid of DMPS or DMSA
chelating agents? I have many people who nearly died when they took
DMPS or DMSA. But, I should think that the body would eventually
detox it. What do you think?

Dr. Ray Peatâ??s comment:

The idea of using it to remove metals is that it leaves the body
rapidly. The damage produced by moving the metals around could be
fairly permanent, but the chelator leaves very quickly. Environmental
pollutants, food fats, and cosmetics are the things people should
worry about accumulating in their tissues.



About the "meat cult", and why liver tastes so terrible.

"In the US, there is a widespread meat cult, that insists meat
should be stored for two weeks before it's sold; it's convenient for
the corporations that want everything to have an indefinitely long
shelf-life, but it's bad for the public health. 150 years ago, when
refrigeration was rare, the 'high' flavor of meat was considered to
be good, and people who were used to eating the half rotten stuff
shaped the meat culture, and people looked for a 'scientific'
rationale for keeping meat in storage until it lost its fresh taste.
The rationale is that it becomes tender, as the enzymes cause the
meat to digest itself. That process starts after the glucose and
glycogen in the muscle have been depleted, and the collagen and
other proteins begin to be degraded. Besides losing the amino acid
balance of fresh meat, the products include the cancer-promoting
polyamines. Liver contains far more of the self-digesting enzymes
than muscles do, and its glycogen is depleted in just a few hours.
This is why liver in the US tastes so terrible. Since liver and eggs
contain many of the same essential nutrients in high concentration,
and eggs don't digest themselves, that's why I eat a few eggs in the
US, despite their known high content of PUFA. When I can avoid the
PUFA, I do; and in Mexico, liver and other meats aren't stored,
except maybe in the supermarkets that serve foreigners."



Cortisol/Cortisone_ Dr. Ray Peat

Question: Have very hypothyroid friend who says she has low cortisol
because her pituitary doesn't work. She says the low cortisol was
confirmed by saliva and blood tests.

Ray Peat: Addison's disease, with adrenal cortex degeneration, can
cause cortisol deficiency, in which case progesterone would
compensate, but doctors often tell people they "don't have enough
cortisol" without proper confirmation.

Question: Would pregnenolone correct this?

Peat: Pregnenolone should usually do it, but progesterone is more
certain if the adrenals are really destroyed.

Question: What do you think of using Cortef?

Peat: I think William Jefferies' book created a lot of interest in
that. Since ACTH can interfere with ovarian function, cortisol can
sometimes help the ovaries to make progesterone, by suppressing ACTH.
But I knew people who followed his prescription and got Cushing's
symptoms. Pregnenolone is something that can always be used with
thyroid, to guarantee an easy adrenal response.

Cortisol vs Cortisone vs Cortef

Cortisol works in the body although the body can convert cortisol to
cortisone. Synthetic cortisol-like drugs, such as prednisone are more
like cortisol. Also, hydrocortisone is a drug that acts like
cortisol. The body makes 20 mg of cortisol daily. Taking 10 mg of
prednisone is equivalent to about 50 mg of cortisol or 2.5 times the
daily amount made in-vitro. Cortef is Hydrocortisone which acts like

Cortisol and weak adrenals

Cortisol is a little more water soluble than progesterone, and a
diurnal cycle can be seen in the saliva, but the absolute amounts
aren't as meaningful as in the serum. Thyroid is needed for the
adrenals to function
well, and adequate cholesterol, as raw material. It's popular to talk
about "weak adrenals," but the adrenal cortex regenerates very well.
Animal experimenters can make animals that lack the adrenal medulla by
scooping out everything inside the adrenal capsule, and the remaining
cells quickly regenerate the steroid producing tissues, the cortex. So
I think the "low adrenal" people are simply low thyroid, or deficient
in cholesterol or nutrients.

Question: If prednisone suppresses adrenal function, how does it
cause diabetes? This guy's diabetes is out of control. He is
spilling lots of sugar in his urine. So the cortisone isn't fixing
him at all. Do you think it would be possible to get him off the
cortisone, insulin and testosterone?

Peat: The doses they prescribe as "replacement" are much more than
the adrenals would produce, so they in themselves are diabetogenic.
William Jefferies told people that, since the adrenals produce 20 mg
of cortisol per day, they should take 30 or 40 mg, as a replacement
dose, because only half of it is absorbed. They got fat faces quickly.
Using pregnenolone, they were able to taper off the cortisol in a
month or two.



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Ray Peat Email Advice: Bone Broth

:hattip Judi


On how long a broth should be cooked:

Ray Peat said:
It's mostly for the attached cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, and most of the gelatin is released in 3 or 4 hours. Excess cooking oxidizes nutrients, especially if there's marrow in the bone.

On whether it would be ok to use chicken carcasses for broth:

Ray Peat said:
In the US, chickens are fed arsenic to make them grow faster, and it concentrates in the bones; you should find out what the chicken feeding practice is in your area.
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