Getting Ripped With Dr Peat


Mar 29, 2014
visionofstrength said:
Hi, st! Welcome! Yes, Peat cites a study of a man who volunteered to live on sucrose syrup and nonfat milk for many months, and much to the surprise of the researchers, his metabolism went up and his health improved. Peat has a number of other studies showing that the longterm benefits of milk and sugar are well-established. The trick seems to be, actually doing it. How to make it practical, given the demands of everyday life.

If you are thinking of the same story as I am, from Peat's article on sugar, I think he ate cottage cheese and some kind of cake made with potato starch, and supplemented at least some vitamins. So not just milk and sugar, and not all liquid, did include some starch. But it was very very low in fat.


Nov 21, 2012
Jennifer said:
Dutchie said:
There's a channel on YouTube that I follow,Maxx Chewning,bc I like his style. Anyway....I regularly see in his videos that he drinks Monster.
Now,I've looked in the store at those and one has 250% of all B.Vitamins per 100ml! Along with some other stuff in a lesser extend like taurine,magnesium,caffeine etc. Such a drink would be a nutrientbomb.......but the thing that I'm very wary about is all the artificial sweeteners it has such as Acesulfame-K,Glucose syrup,Sucralose. I'm thinking that is a health disaster waiting to happen?!

Does anyone have experience with these?

I'll answer your email later, J., but wanted to quickly mention coffee as a replacement for the Monster. He he! It's slightly disturbing how hard I'm laughing at that name right now. :lol:
The coffee is probably not nearly as high in B vitamins as the Monster, but it's at least natural and much less likely to cause you allergies/sensitivities.

I'll email the cold-brewed coffee instructions I used to make mine, if you're interested? It's done in a mason jar. No special appliance required. You can make it as concentrated as you'd like which would bump up the vitamin and mineral content.

Oh and I almost forgot! There's the brewed cacao nibs drink. It's really high in vitamins and minerals also. I placed an order for the nibs yesterday so I'll let you know how it turns out. :)

Oh,thanx! Yeah,I'm interested.:)

Well,I was curious about Monster (not the ones under my bed and in my closet :p ) bc it's so high in B-Vitamins and some other micro nutrients not as a daily thing per se bc they're really pricey.
Coincidentally Maxx posted a new video today and he said he was gonna talk a bit about Monster,so I thougth: "Nice!"....but it turned out it was only about taste.

It appears he's high carb,mod.proteine and lower fat as well and I think he looks good ....and he's really strong&energetic for such a skinny/lean guy.
But he's not really Peat......I envy him,he can eat whatever without seemingly any problems. It would save me money if I could as well.
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
staytuned said:
I'd be curious though whether sticking to this regimen 70% of the time would suffice w/favorable results and growth.
If you look at something like the Shangri La diet, it's just a stripped down version of what Peat has written about. Take a tablespoon of sugar or coconut oil an hour before you eat. You'll find that you get full faster, and lose weight.

From Peat's perspective this approach might work because the fructose in sugar or the medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil act as thyroid surrogates, and rev up metabolism.

staytuned said:
I'd like to hear how many people have had success or failure with this particular routine. Most importantly to me (bias) I'd be interested to hear from healthy guys in their 30's...ish and what the results were.
I think there's a member here, haidut who's said he is 36 and has had considerable success. He's written quite a few posts about his particular routine, mostly the cheese sticks he takes to work, and the soda or coffee with sugar that he drinks, and the vitamin and protein supplements he takes.

It is pretty simple to eat like Peat. I know you want to stay socially connected, and that's really healthy. But it may not be so hard to eat cheese sticks and soda or coffee with sugar, and even snag a tablespoon of coconut oil, about an hour before you sit down to whatever meal is being served. You'll find yourself pushing away from the table sooner and just not wanting much of all the other foods. Once this happens, your 15% body will drop about two pounds a week -- assuming as you say, you are basically healthy .

Now if you do have anxiety, depression, or lack of libido or motivation, or any of the other signs of being hypothyroid, then the 15% bodyfat is not likely to melt away until you resolve those issues, which are fundamentally driven by serotonin in your brain and gut. You will likely want to try what Peat calls a "serotonin inhibitor", and the most powerful one I've found so far is activated charcoal (see the Digestion thread for practical tips).

staytuned said:
The last question is whether or not the red light, c02 and pregnenolone are as critical as the food side? Any gauge on whether these are small incremental benefits or game changers?
In my own experience, simply supplementing lots of CO2 gives me an unbelievable feel-good rush, a game-changer like no other -- except when I've lived at high altitude in rarefied air. Redlight is a second way to get that same good feeling as CO2, like being out at the beach all day but without the sunburn. Pregnenolone, however, like the other supplements you'll see mentioned here, seems to depend on your individual makeup, and some of us will respond well, and some won't.


Aug 9, 2013
slayers said:
This was after several months of peating...

Would hit that.

Can you run through your story a bit? and what you were doing for this? It seems a bit of an anomoly in that 99% of dudes I see in the gym aren't anywhere near your level of musculature and shred in this photo.


Oct 28, 2012
What would you like to know exactly ? I take lots of pregnenlone , thyroid ... Lots of orange juice and skim milk, rice , potatoes , meat , salt , ice
Cream. I tried to mantain a 50% carbs, 30% pro and around 20% fat
I'm not as lean now I mantain that lean all summer then bulk and lift hard in the winter
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
slayers said:
What would you like to know exactly ? I take lots of pregnenlone , thyroid ... Lots of orange juice and skim milk, rice , potatoes , meat , salt , ice
Cream. I tried to mantain a 50% carbs, 30% pro and around 20% fat
I'm not as lean now I mantain that lean all summer then bulk and lift hard in the winter
This is almost the same as the %of calories I've stumbled on, not having any experience in bodybuilding, and just reading Peat and this forum. I've just last week doubled my coconut/MCT oil to get me to 20% fat (and I try to keep my carbs to protein at 2:1, or about 54%:26% of total calories).

I use sugars instead of rice and potatoes, because I think I have endotoxin issues and don't want any allergens, and for meat I use liver and supplement with Vitamin E and K2 to offset the liver's high Vitamin A. I also use a little cocoa butter and cocoa instead of ice cream.

I don't look as shredded or pumped as slayer, though! :hattip to you, slayer. That looks like 6% bodyfat to my eye (I think I might be 8-10%, depending on how you measure). But I'm hoping I can maintain this level of ripped year around (we'll see, it's only been a few months but so far so good). The muscle in my lean body mass seems to increase from frequent small meals of protein, and non-stress exercise.


Oct 28, 2012
I take K2, Zinc, B complex, magnesium, creatine...

I thought I was around 9% in that photo....


Nov 21, 2012
slayers said:
What would you like to know exactly ? I take lots of pregnenlone , thyroid ... Lots of orange juice and skim milk, rice , potatoes , meat , salt , ice
Cream. I tried to mantain a 50% carbs, 30% pro and around 20% fat
I'm not as lean now I mantain that lean all summer then bulk and lift hard in the winter

I'm no Math wizzard,but that seems to be approximate of the ratio that this Maxx Chewning guy eats too,and he has very little bodyfat too imho. I think his bodycomp/fatpercentage is the maximum of what looks good on a man,any lower I personally don't find attractive anymore.
I always have to laugh bc he always says he has the stomach of a girl in that he can't eat much,but when I look at his day of eating videos it seems like he eats a lot on a day! I like most of his meals,too bad they're useless to me bc he eats a lot of things that don't seem to do me much good,but it would probably save me money if I could. I'm always amazed how such people can eat whatever,not even organic&stuff and gain positive things from it....and I have to keep on stumbling with all these restrictions&financial depth that comes with it, in order to feel&function like a normal person....let alone have it result in a physique I'd like to have and maintain.
On a sidenote....he seems to be a big fan of skim milk.;)

What strikes me the most though,is the streamlined jawline he has.....I envy people who've got such a streamlined lean looking face!


Jan 2, 2014
slayers said:
I take K2, Zinc, B complex, magnesium, creatine...

I thought I was around 9% in that photo....

Pretty low BF either way! I wonder if you naturally have very lean genes (parents) as well. A few more questions would help I think -- thanks!

diet / bf% before Peating
If this is your "cutting" diet, what do you change for bulking?
how much thyroid (t3/t4/cyno?) and pregnenolone
Any c02, red light or other Peaty hacks?
Workout routine involves heavy weight, failure, soreness, etc? Or something else...

That's it for now -- thanks for sharing :)


Jan 3, 2013
visionofstrength said:
Take your weight in grams and multiply it by 25% (or .25). This is your magic number.
Hey VoS-
Maybe this was explained earlier in the thread and I missed it. But do you mean take my body weight in grams, multiple by .25, and that's how many grams of protein I should eat per day? Just tried to plug in those number out and that can't be right- so can you explain further what you mean?
Sorry if you've already explained and I didn't see it... Having some brain fog ;)
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
I think it's 1/4 or 25% of your weight in kilograms. For example, f you're 80 kilograms, it would be 20 grams of protein. I'm getting this from a study posted by haidut on the forum recently (and that study's references).
Jan 24, 2014
My current weight is 60 kilograms, so for me that's 15 grams of protein. Are we to eat that every hour or what? (I forgot and I'm too lazy to re-read the whole thread :oops: ). I feel best when I get 100 grams of protein a day, so I should be eating 6 or 7 mini meals? When I first started Peating I had to eat smaller meals to feel best (I had some serious blood sugar issues), but now I like to eat more protein at one sitting because it makes me feel satisfied for longer. Are you saying mini-meals are better for muscle building and fat loss? Thanks for refreshing my memory :cool:


Jan 3, 2013
visionofstrength said:
I think it's 1/4 or 25% of your weight in kilograms. For example, f you're 80 kilograms, it would be 20 grams of protein. I'm getting this from a study posted by haidut on the forum recently (and that study's references).
Ah, kilograms, not grams. :D That makes more sense =) Thanks!!

Also, this is of total body weight, not lean body mass, right? So if we lose weight, protein requirement will go down?


Jan 3, 2013
thebigpeatowski said:
My current weight is 60 kilograms, so for me that's 15 grams of protein. Are we to eat that every hour or what? (I forgot and I'm too lazy to re-read the whole thread :oops: ). I feel best when I get 100 grams of protein a day, so I should be eating 6 or 7 mini meals? When I first started Peating I had to eat smaller meals to feel best (I had some serious blood sugar issues), but now I like to eat more protein at one sitting because it makes me feel satisfied for longer. Are you saying mini-meals are better for muscle building and fat loss? Thanks for refreshing my memory :cool:
VoS's post on page 28 of this thread said to eat it 8 times a day, so a little more than you are getting- about 120g instead of 100.
Jan 24, 2014
Katty said:
VoS's post on page 28 of this thread said to eat it 8 times a day, so a little more than you are getting- about 120g instead of 100.

Thanks Katty! I'll go back and re-read. I can certainly do 120 grams of protein...and it's best divided in to manyminimeals. Say that five times fast... :lol:


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
I dont know if I see the point of dividing up the protein in such a way. Considering that its been shown that the body requires at least 3 grams of leucine per "meal" to maximise protein synthesis and that this amount is found in about 30g of protein (depending on food source). And that theres also a supposed refractory period after a meal of this amount where more protein doesn't actually do anything to boost protein synthesis further. ... h-2008.pdf
Jan 24, 2014
Gl;itch.e said:
I dont know if I see the point of dividing up the protein in such a way. Considering that its been shown that the body requires at least 3 grams of leucine per "meal" to maximise protein synthesis and that this amount is found in about 30g of protein (depending on food source). And that theres also a supposed refractory period after a meal of this amount where more protein doesn't actually do anything to boost protein synthesis further. ... h-2008.pdf

Does this only apply to athletes? What about a sedentary middle-aged woman? It's certainly easier to just eat three times a day like I have been (I always aim for just over 30 grams per meal), but I have very little muscle mass at the moment and was hoping to improve that... in a somewhat lazy fashion. I know, I know.... my own laziness astounds even me.


Oct 28, 2012
No im not naturally lean this was me before peat and macro counting and lots of supplements ( mostly preg and thyroid)

diet / bf% before Peating
If this is your "cutting" diet, what do you change for bulking?
how much thyroid (t3/t4/cyno?) and pregnenolone
Any c02, red light or other Peaty hacks?
Workout routine involves heavy weight, failure, soreness, etc? Or something else...
137MCG T4 AND 20MCG T3
no co2, red or anything like that....
bulking is alot more fat from icecream and whole milk... cutting i really cut down on the milk and mostly drink orange juice , but do still eat a little ice cream and skim milk.
I think counting calories and macros is most important to get under 8-10% bodyfat... but for those who just want to maintain a normal bodyweight i dont think its a good idea to count macros

I like Jim Wendler 3/2/1 workout ... ystem.html

Do you take cyproheptadine or aspirin?

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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