
  1. Hans

    Want Great Boners Without Viagra? Try This Stack Out For Size (pun Intended)

    Just to be clear, this article is about boners (no R rated content though). In this article, I share a potent stack that I've found to work great for powerful and long-lasting erections. Want great boners without Viagra? Try this stack out for size (pun intended) » MENELITE If you do give it a...
  2. Jwicks1995

    Anti-Psychotic Endocrine Disturbance Counters? + Some Back Story

    TLDR; Olanzapine (Zyprexa) is meant to majorly disturb the endocrine system, increase prolactin, lower testosterone etc. Is there a way to mitigate this? HCG? Pregnenolone? Not using the medication is not a possibility for this stage - at least until I stabilize. The dosage will be low - 2.5mg...
  3. Lokzo

    I Used Shockwave Therapy On My Penis For Stronger Erections

    Hey peat fans, Lucas here. Naturopathic doctor based in Melbourne, Australia. You probably know me for starting this thread (Icing/Cooling My Testicles Has Been AMAZING!). However, today I want to take a moment to talk to you about Shockwave/Acoustic wave Therapy for erection enhancements...
  4. Grapelander

    Eugenol: Helps Reduce Loss Of Dopamine / Protects From Aluminum / Neuro-protective & Anti-stress

    Eugenol Cloves Effect on Parkinson’s Disease – Animal Study Eugenol helped reduce the loss of Dopamine, DOPAC, and HVA that was caused by Parkinson's Disease (6-OHDA). Eugenol protected the dopamine-using neurons in the brain by helping to stop the oxidation of lipids in the cell membranes which...
  5. Lokzo

    Boost Your Biology Podcast - Now LIVE

    Hey fam! Just wanted to formally announce my new podcast! Boost Your Biology is presented by Lucas Aoun, founder of Ergogenic Health. I go underground to bring you cutting edge health and human performance hacks that you'll struggle to find on Google. I explore the unexplored to bring you...
  6. Hans

    How To Boost Dopamine Receptors

    Hi all, Not only can dopamine levels be an issue, but also dopamine sensitivity. Often times there can be a dopamine hypo-sensitivity, so I've written an article on how to increase dopamine receptors. Dopamine receptors: 14 Best supplements and practices and to increase it » MenElite Let me...
  7. S

    How Do Permanently Lower Prolactin?

    To* Alright Did gear a few years back. Prolactin went really high during PCT, which caused issues for months after. 4 years on my libido is still low. I know dopamine is the issue because the peptide PT-141 temporarily fixed my problems for a few days. My prolactin is on the high range and...
  8. Hans

    OCD: Supplements To Help Overcome It

    Hi all, Just wanted to share the article that I wrote on OCD: OCD: supplements to help overcome it » MenElite Please feel free to share what you've tried and what has worked for you.
  9. haidut

    Ketamine Cures Depression By Reducing Serotonin, Increasing Dopamine

    As many of my readers know, FDA recently approved the party drug ketamine (known as Special-K on the street) as a rapidly-acting antidepressant. The rapid antidepressant effects of ketamine have been known since the 1960s but FDA denied that those effects are relevant in humans and refused to...
  10. ddjd

    Dopamine = Very Male Energy. Cortisol/serotonin = Female

    I know some people will say I'm reading too much into this, but after years of experimentation with different supplements, I can say for certainty that those supplements that have strong dopamine raising effects make me much more amiable to other men and actually make me very unattractive to...
  11. Hans

    Erectile Dysfunction: Porn And Masturbation

    I've finally got around to finishing part 5 of the erectile dysfunction article series. Part 5: Erectile dysfunction Part 5: Porn and Masturbation » MenElite Hope you enjoy and let me know your thoughts.
  12. haidut

    LSD Enters Clinical Trials For Alzheimer Disease (AD)

    For the last 5+ decades, Big Pharma and public health officials together with the entire law enforcement apparatus have been propagating myths, lies and outright fraud in regards to psychedelic drugs and especially about LSD. This attitude grew out of the civil rights movement and protests in...
  13. haidut

    Chronic Stress (adversity) Lowers Dopamine And Causes Mental Illness

    The evidence for the role of chronic stress in virtually every health condition doctors have a name for just keeps on accumulating. Unfortunately, even in this latest study the scientists keep insisting that there is some mysterious and unquantifiable difference between chronic stress...
  14. haidut

    Lack Of Light Exposure May Be The Main Cause Of The Myopia Boom

    As the study says, there has been a drastic increase in myopia cases over the last century. Early research pointed at excessive indoor book reading and studying as a cause of the epidemic. Unsurprisingly, these initial claims were quickly drowned by fake research denying that such a link exists...
  15. haidut

    Drop In Androgen Levels Causes Parkinson Disease (PD), DHT Reverses It

    Yet another study demonstrating that many of the so-called chronic, degenerative and above all "mysterious" conditions often have quite a simple cause and, potentially, treatment. There is no need for mutated genes or complex interactions of genes with environment that nobody can decipher...
  16. haidut

    Imagination Is Crucial For Altruism

    A great study that once again links altruistic behavior with metabolism and energetics. I posted in the past about the studies on egalitarian beliefs / attitudes being more energetically expensive than selfish ones, and as such implying that people with the former beliefs are in better metabolic...
  17. haidut

    Most People Recover From "addiction" On Their Own

    We have discussed the issue of "addiction" many times on this forum. Starting with the "Rat Park" experiment in the 1970s, there have been numerous studies showing that "addiction" is nothing but a desperate attempt at self medication as a way to limit the effects of chronic stress. Addiction...
  18. haidut

    The Placebo Effect Is Real And Depends On Human Kindness And Dopamine

    Many forum users have read Peat's writings that the rapport of a patient with their doctor predicts the outcome of their treatment much better than any "objectively" proven drug effectiveness. More importantly, establishing a sense of mutual respect, unconditional acceptance on behalf of the...
  19. L

    Injaculation (Retrograde Ejeculation) As A NoFap Substitute

    I think injaculation can be a good substitute for NoFap. You still experience the orgasm, satiety, and relaxation; but you don't experience the low energy, lowered motivation, lowered mental capacity, lowered mood etc. that happen after the ejaculation. The question is, is this dangerous in the...
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