2,800 People Died Yesterday In The US From COVID-19


Jan 9, 2019
Past experience. Viruses that disseminate widely into a population don't tend to just go away, they diminish during the summer but return the following cold/flu season. It happened with the Spanish Flu, H1N1, and it's why we have four endemic coronaviruses. SARS-CoV-2 may not behave the same way, but it would be unwise to assume it won't until we are certain that it won't.
thanks to the lockdown


Jan 9, 2019
A death rate of 0,33 % with everyone contaminated in the USA in one year equals one millions death and 3000 death per day in average.
Too bad the testing still sucks and were those tested not a majority of those already sick, symptomatic and severe? How can that not make this more deadly than it is. Plus herd immunity will be reached before that point if we end this stupid lockdown, or at least open up schools.


Nov 29, 2017
I keep going back to Dr. Ioannidis’ clip about covid serum testing in California and the numbers being much higher but mortality rate is much lower due to extrapolation of sample group. He’s somebody I’m more inclined to believe, not the CDC, WHO or other fraud organizations pumping out hot garbage.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
thanks to the lockdown
No lockdowns for the other viruses I mentioned and they didn't disappear. Herd immunity doesn't guarantee that a virus will be eradicated. One factor is mutation rate, with very conflicting reports when it comes to SARS-CoV-2. Another factor is length of immunity, which we also don't have answers to at this point.
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Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
I keep going back to Dr. Ioannidis’ clip about covid serum testing in California and the numbers being much higher but mortality rate is much lower due to extrapolation of sample group. He’s somebody I’m more inclined to believe, not the CDC, WHO or other fraud organizations pumping out hot garbage.
His sample group could have been biased as well, people suspecting they had COVID-19 and wanting confirmation. Another argument I've seen, and I don't know how valid it could be, is that antibodies developed through other coronavirus infections could trigger a positive test without actually granting immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Perhaps someone with more knowledge could expound upon it.


Apr 11, 2015
His sample group could have been biased as well, people suspecting they had COVID-19 and wanting confirmation. Another argument I've seen, and I don't know how valid it could be, is that antibodies developed through other coronavirus infections could trigger a positive test without actually granting immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Perhaps someone with more knowledge could expound upon it.

The L.A County Study used another randomized sample group with the same antibody test kit as Santa Clara.

There was follow up assessment on the specificity and found no false positives. So the UCLA study affirmed the Santa Clara Stanford study. All of the serologic test I've read (5+) testings put CV-19 CFR in the flu range.

Majority of the all cause excess deaths this year are over the age of 70. We already know over 99% had comorbidities, and regarding in the 1% range, the head forensic doctor from Hamburg who went against CDC/WHO guidelines to examine postmortem found half of the confirmed deaths "would all have died in the course of this year".

There will be more mass serum studies on the way, which will show how massively inappropriate the media has handled CV coverage.


Jan 9, 2019
The L.A County Study used another randomized sample group with the same antibody test kit as Santa Clara.

There was follow up assessment on the specificity and found no false positives. So the UCLA study affirmed the Santa Clara Stanford study. All of the serologic test I've read (5+) testings put CV-19 CFR in the flu range.

Majority of the all cause excess deaths this year are over the age of 70. We already know over 99% had comorbidities, and regarding in the 1% range, the head forensic doctor from Hamburg who went against CDC/WHO guidelines to examine postmortem found half of the confirmed deaths "would all have died in the course of this year".

There will be more mass serum studies on the way, which will show how massively inappropriate the media has handled CV coverage.
Yup the Ethical Skeptic has nice charts of this info on Twitter. How do I upload a pic to this thread from my phone?


Jan 9, 2019
No lockdowns for the other viruses I mentioned and they didn't disappear. Herd immunity doesn't guarantee that a virus will be eradicated. One factor is mutation rate, with very conflicting reports when it comes to SARS-CoV-2. Another factor is length of immunity, which we also don't have answers to at this point.
Maybe they don't disappear but they aren't made to linger and destroy life as we know it.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
There was follow up assessment on the specificity and found no false positives. So the UCLA study affirmed the Santa Clara Stanford study. All of the serologic test I've read (5+) testings put CV-19 CFR in the flu range
What gives me pause is that the test maker's own information sheet says this: "Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E."



Jan 9, 2019


Nov 22, 2017
Bottomline, nearly every death is being categorized as covid19, and the death rate is calculated against a tiny tiny number of people who actually were tested, while the real pool of infected people is 100x that number. The real death rate is typical of flu viruses.

Nobody cares when millions every year die of typical influenza and pneumonia, or even tuberculosis.

To compound the issue, everybody who needs care for other issues right now are not getting it, and they tend to die in larger numbers because of the lack of health infrastructure for anything that isn't covid19.

It's a real virus, but as Peat said, isn't anything out of the ordinary in terms of fatalities, and it seems to me like a joint exercise between some major governments and industry for ill designs.

The only reason for the panic is that people aren't aware that every winter, millions of people die every year across the developed countries.


Jan 9, 2019
Bottomline, nearly every death is being categorized as covid19, and the death rate is calculated against a tiny tiny number of people who actually were tested, while the real pool of infected people is 100x that number. The real death rate is typical of flu viruses.

Nobody cares when millions every year die of typical influenza and pneumonia, or even tuberculosis.

To compound the issue, everybody who needs care for other issues right now are not getting it, and they tend to die in larger numbers because of the lack of health infrastructure for anything that isn't covid19.

It's a real virus, but as Peat said, isn't anything out of the ordinary in terms of fatalities, and it seems to me like a joint exercise between some major governments and industry for ill designs.

The only reason for the panic is that people aren't aware that every winter, millions of people die every year across the developed countries.
Yup listen to this from cook county 14:40 on especially after the Doc comes in.


Apr 11, 2015
What gives me pause is that the test maker's own information sheet says this: "Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E."


'We tested the kits using sera from 37 RT-PCR-positive patients at Stanford Hospital that were also IgG and/or IgM-positive on a locally developed ELISA assay. We also tested the kits on 30 pre-COVID samples from Stanford Hospital to derive an independent measure of specificity."

I've been reading people have issues with the math of the confidence interval, because of the 2 false positives. (IF) the test specificity is less than 97.9% then the prevalence estimate would drop.

According to the nature article,

unpublished follow-up assessment in 30 positive and 88 negative controls found that the test correctly identified 28 positives and all 88 negatives, says Bendavid.
Antibody tests suggest that coronavirus infections vastly exceed official counts

UCLA Study Authors Neeraj Sood
"Premier Biotech, found a false positive rate of 0.5 percent in 371 samples.

In subsequent tests by a Stanford laboratory, there were no false positives.

"We think that the false positive rate of the tests is really low," Sood said.

So the confidence interval remains valid..

These two studies also correspond with the serological studies in Germany, Denmark, and the study Ray Peat mention on pregnant woman, and also the massive serum study on a county in Colorado, they put the CFR in the severe flu range... Recent Oxford CFR statistical analysis does the same.

How ironic these test are scrutinized for their methodology "lacking peer review, not reliable kits!" yet there has been presumptive death certificates used to 'confirm' and inflate cases without lab testing, where's the scientific methology in that?

So we have people arguing with no scientific evidence against some of the best available evidence we have... Ironic.


Jan 9, 2019
What gives me pause is that the test maker's own information sheet says this: "Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E."

Also not to derail too hard here but it's worth watching the video referenced in the new One Radio Peat interview where Dr. Kaufman goes over the "novel" virus and previous SARS in relation to Koch's postulates.



Oct 11, 2016
What do you guys think happens in a normal flu year regarding cause of death? Do you think everyone that dies from influenza gets a H1N1 test to confirm it, otherwise some underlying condition they have get listed as the cause? NO. Cause of death is based on symptoms and as determined by the doctor.

The case with Covid is no different. People with underlying conditions that come in with Covid symptoms, end up in respiratory distress and die as a result get listed as Covid victims. That is NOT a conspiracy. That is how cause of death is regularly done.

How is that even a reply to what I said? Sounds like something from a WHO or CDC manual.


Apr 15, 2013
The most important thing to consider once this is over is how to prevent state govts from implementing
similar lockdowns in the future, in case another pandemic is manufactured.

This may be impossible though because in states that have not ordered
official lockdowns, such as South Dakota, local govt officials and citizens are publicly shaming
business owners into temporary closures with the threat of rescinding
their business once the manufactured pandemic is over.

Governor Kristi Noem is one brave woman though, standing firm on her belief that
individuals have the power to protect themselves and those who choose to
work and engage in the community can do so, and those who choose to stay home can do so as well.
We need more governors like her.


Feb 22, 2017
What do you guys think happens in a normal flu year regarding cause of death? Do you think everyone that dies from influenza gets a H1N1 test to confirm it, otherwise some underlying condition they have get listed as the cause? NO. Cause of death is based on symptoms and as determined by the doctor.

The case with Covid is no different. People with underlying conditions that come in with Covid symptoms, end up in respiratory distress and die as a result get listed as Covid victims. That is NOT a conspiracy. That is how cause of death is regularly done.

According to a UK doctor if the 'nail in the coffin' is influenza/pneumonia but the doctors contact the family and find out they had late stage cancer etc, then the cancer goes on the death certificate. This isn't happening as often with Covid19 due to the new emergency procedure for recording cause of death, I presume because they expected to be swamped and would need to record the cause of death quickly. I agree that doesn't necessarily mean it was a conspiracy. I do however think they will conspire to inflate the death numbers to justify the lockdown, which most probably wasn't necessary.

I've followed both mainstream and the alternate media and feel as if a conspiracy is quite logical and even makes more sense than the official narrative - the conflicts of interest with foundations, the WHO, the media, the vaccine agenda and how that all may have swayed unnecessary draconian policy stinks to high heaven. I think it's a wake up call how in bed governments really are with these billionaires, if it wasn't already clear.
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