25-year-old Canadian Woman Looking for Love


Jul 31, 2020
If we are going to talk about the differences between men and women, let's be real. About 90% of murder, rape, and assault is committed by men, the vast majority of other crimes too, with the sole exception of shoplifting.

Men are the ones that typically abandon the kids, while women rarely do. Porn addiction, internet addiction, drugs and alcohol use are also more men's problems. Mass shootings, nazis, wars and terrorism? Men almost all of them.

If I need help from a stranger, I will typically ask a woman, because in my experience that is more productive.

If I had a kid, I would dare to leave them with the average woman, not with the average man. It's not the nuns raping kids, it's the priests.

I have never been beaten by a group of women, in fact even a single woman in group moderates the aggression of the men.

In fact in almost all regards women are safer, kinder and more productive than men. They are wiser and clearly make better decisions, as shown by very few ending up in prison, dead or disabled at a young age compared to men.

The complaints about men are violence, crime, drugs, wars, rape. The complaints about women are them having sex and acting stupid on the internet, both things men do plenty.

Whatever real problems women have, like SSRI use, obesity etc. These are societal issues that affect men about as much. And the main architects of those issues were and are men.

So f u redpillers. If you were not losers, you would have no desire to bring down a random, and by all appearances, a lovely person just for daring to be a woman.
i'm pretty sure women aren't physically violent because they don't have the physical strength to do so due to the lack of testosterone, which also leads them to be more compliant to societal rules and seek "mediation" in conflicts because it's their best chance at survival.

Also i have witnessed ( thankfully not directly ) an huge amount of psychological violence done by women. Insulting, bullying, talking on people's back, constantly criticizing others are extremely common and impossible not to notice. Also calling them kinder is a big word because men are willing to go above and beyond to help a friend ( i know i would, and many men i know would ), while i can't say the same about women.

So i'd say that "The complaints about women are them having sex and acting stupid on the internet" Isn't very accurate because of the aforementioned problems plus plenty more ( Divorce, the juridical system because way more lenient of women, the whole army of simps that come defending women at every criticism)


Feb 12, 2020
To some of the members getting into heated arguments, please be aware that half of those redpillers dissing OP for her age are zoomer teenagers who've come here from the lookism forums and you'd normally assume are jaded middle aged dudes who have given up on life after their second divorce after their nasty wife took all the kids. In reality, they are 19, recently graduated highschool, have learned the red pill mantras by heart on the internet and recite the rehearsed arguments everywhere they go with the authority of someone that's dishing out personal life experience.


Jul 31, 2020
To some of the members getting into heated arguments, please be aware that half of those redpillers dissing OP for her age are zoomer teenagers who you'd normally assume are jaded dudes given up on life after their second divorce and wife took all the kids. In reality, they are 19, just graduated highschool and have learned the red pill mantras by heart and recite them everywhere they go.
I... F*ck they caught me.

Regardless i think my messages were mostly based on my thoughts and observations and i don't think they warrant complete dismissal
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Jun 28, 2020
the only thing the looksmax/blackpill people have right is women pretty much exclusively have sex with very tall lean guys in their 20s, and then settle down in late 20s 30 and look for a softer, more dad bod type guy. I don't even think women are really into ''chad'' just very tall and skinny guys. They definitely aren't going for stocky, chubby or round or short guys unless he has a degree and shes ready to settle down. So i guess the question is, is love really possible with a woman who has already had amazing sexual experience, or her first ''prime love'' was with a certain type of guy? that's why a lot of guys shy away from commitment and marriage in their later years.


Oct 5, 2014
i'm pretty sure women aren't physically violent because they don't have the physical strength to do so due to the lack of testosterone, which also leads them to be more compliant to societal rules and seek "mediation" in conflicts because it's their best chance at survival.

Also i have witnessed ( thankfully not directly ) an huge amount of psychological violence done by women. Insulting, bullying, talking on people's back, constantly criticizing others are extremely common and impossible not to notice. Also calling them kinder is a big word because men are willing to go above and beyond to help a friend ( i know i would, and many men i know would ), while i can't say the same about women.

So i'd say that "The complaints about women are them having sex and acting stupid on the internet" Isn't very accurate because of the aforementioned problems plus plenty more ( Divorce, the juridical system because way more lenient of women, the whole army of simps that come defending women at every criticism)
Nailed it.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
@conscious if you're Greek, aren't you Orthodox? America is full of single amazing pious Orthodox guys because the gender ratio is so bad here (fasting growing religion and men are more likely to convert). If you want DM me and I can ask around amongst the many single dudes I know or ask some priests if they know any single solid guys looking for a wife (they do).

Speaking more generally about the thread: it's rough out there because everyone's in total disorder. If you're hissing at random women on the internet you will not be able to handle a woman who wants to work out an issue with you face to face. A relationship is not just material transactions and services with The Lord standing in as a loose theme of the relationship. Even if that were accomplished it would be chilling, torturous, and would deeply traumatize your children. They will point at you and say "I do not want to be like my father and mother." Marriage is a martyrdom, a cross you are willing nailed to for the sake of cutting off the parts of you that threaten the harmony and love in your relationship. This is the mystery of marriage and why it is so dead in an age allergic to voluntary suffering for anything other than ego or pleasure. Find someone worth suffering for, and you will find someone you will want to suffer for, but just start looking at yourself now and it will pay off a lot in the long run.

It is my great wish that you all find deepest peace and truest love, please may these words not be glib in your eyes.
Nicely said! I feel like even amongst my Catholic peers, there is this idea that marriage is all about the sex, but in really it is a sacrament just like priesthood! The role marriages play in holding together the fabric of society cannot be overstated! Also, the part about guys hissing on the internet over women is so true! How can they handle a women in real life? The answer is they can't!

On a personal note, you seem like a really cool person yourself! I think that it's really cool of you to suggest asking your single Catholics friends if they would be interested!


Oct 12, 2020
ah yes, time to settle down with a beta provider.
Is this true for real though? I kinda researched it in the past but the sources might have femi- nazi'ed.

Does it really get wider after some time with partners?


Jul 31, 2020
Is this true for real though? I kinda researched it in the past but the sources might have femi- nazi'ed.

Does it really get wider after some time with partners?
In my time in that community i always assumed It was a figure of speech

des yeux

True. With only 12,00 members spread throughout the world, and a majority of them either inactive or not likely to use the app, it’s highly unlikely that anyone will find a match on that app haha.

Your idea of the map is much more practical, and it’s sort of like what Amazoniac was talking to Georgi about in this thread. It would be pretty cool to see which Peaters live nearby and connect for a coffee or something. I’d definitely plug in my general area.
Ok! I will look into it next weekend and let you know. I imagine pinning a location to a map is easy, the harder part is verifying the pin belongs to a certain user on the forum. Perhaps a post on their public wall or in a specific thread with a special code would work, like Keybase is verified by a public tweet. I will look into it. Maybe there is a solution for XenForo already but I would rather not burden the moderators.


Sep 21, 2014


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Ok! I will look into it next weekend and let you know. I imagine pinning a location to a map is easy, the harder part is verifying the pin belongs to a certain user on the forum. Perhaps a post on their public wall or in a specific thread with a special code would work, like Keybase is verified by a public tweet. I will look into it. Maybe there is a solution for XenForo already but I would rather not burden the moderators.
There ya go. :)



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Apr 4, 2021
It will take a couple hours to map everyone, so give it a bit of time. I also need to make some tweaks to dial in locations so they are more accurate. I think by the beginning/middle of next week I should have it fully dialed in.
How does this work?


Feb 12, 2020
I always wondered how this army of red pill crusaders is so resolute, fixed in their ways, unyielding and thinking in black and white terms, always presenting the same exact arguments and using the same vocabulary.

You wonder, what kind of trauma and accumulative life experience would birth this level of bitterness and cynicism in so many men aged 14-18 across the globe, that all arrived, seemingly, independently of each other to the same conclusions?

The answer is.... none

This mindset isn't the result of suffering, pain, heartbreak and weathering the storms of life time after time again, all the way from primary school to college.

People who go through that are idiosyncratic, personal and nuanced in their insights. This is the result of indoctrination. Committing to the doctrine of the red pill and lookism is a rite of passage into adulthood for the internet generation.

When you've seen the bad in people, you've seen the good in them too. But when you've seen nothing, it's easy to talk and think in absolutes and accept any idea that's being pushed on you.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I liked the name & grabbed the domain saturatedwithlove.com What do you think I should host there?
1%, if the intention is to create a dating website for the community, such idea is doomed to fail, forget it. What encouragers think that it's going to happen? Become a civilized place where Diokines and Jennifers meet and form exemplary relationships? With arduous moderation, I give it a couple of months for it to degenerate into a local that's taken over by perverts with fake profiles. There will be drama and it's possible for it to disturb the peace here. It will only serve for the critics of the community, they will enjoy the mockery material.

It's hard to imagine that we need a dating app when you can just message whoever you like...
Exactly, no formalities.

tanka is being playful, but a relationship that doesn't develop naturally tends to start just like that, it's almost as if it has been scripted in a pretentious manner. It's viable to regain spontaneity in planned interactions, yet, someone has to go through many of them to trivialize the process and stop caring, but getting to this point is detrimental.

If the statistics are correct, the esteemed person is likely to also be crying alone. Rather than making assumptions, it's worth finding out, maybe you end up crying together. And if more couples are formed, it's your duty to invite our lion and Raj to a ceremony in case there's one.

There ya go. :)

That's great! Will you notify members about it? Predatory activity now begins when '4' is pressed.
Is it possible for you to standardize location names?


Jan 15, 2016
I always wondered how this army of red pill crusaders is so resolute, fixed in their ways, unyielding and thinking in black and white terms, always presenting the same exact arguments and using the same vocabulary.

You wonder, what kind of trauma and accumulative life experience would birth this level of bitterness and cynicism in so many men aged 14-18 across the globe, that all arrived, seemingly, independently of each other to the same conclusions?

The answer is.... none

This mindset isn't the result of suffering, pain, heartbreak and weathering the storms of life time after time again, all the way from primary school to college.

People who go through that are idiosyncratic, personal and nuanced in their insights. This is the result of indoctrination. Committing to the doctrine of the red pill and lookism is a rite of passage into adulthood for the internet generation.

When you've seen the bad in people, you've seen the good in them too. But when you've seen nothing, it's easy to talk and think in absolutes and accept any idea that's being pushed on you.
In my opinion there is systematic trauma and abused placed on young men. Starting from an early age they are told or indoctrinated in how to be or how not to be. through puberty and into early adulthood their sexuality is hyper focused on the other to the point of fetishization, all the while they ignore and neglect the self. It is likely impossible to explain just how stronger those desires can potentially be in men, especially younger men, at a time when they need to be developing themselves.. but it is an environment that doesn't want self actualization, instead it wants a good worker, a soldier, a "provider", and it feeds off of their desires capitalistically.

Self expression is neglected, the need for validation stems only from validating the other, and any attempts to deviate from this culture usually results in some kind of social isolation.. So, in comes the resentment and bitterness. If one was to take a step back and observe some seemingly random but interconnected trends you can start to see the evidence in this systematic abuse. I will posit a few of this observations.

Who is being forced to stay in Ukraine to fight a conflict they have nothing to do with?
Is this not a historical trend?
Who works, on average in some of the most dangerous or unwanted jobs that are necessary to maintain civilization?
Why are men overrepresented in homelessness?
Why do men have such a dramatically higher suicide statistic?
Men and boys are overrepresented as both victims and perpetrators of violence.

..with these often come the immediate assumption of behaviors and perspectives, but it seems clear that for many they likely feel trapped in a culture that is honestly disgusting. Why exactly is their self expression outside of pursuing art so limited? If one were to pull up any major clothing retailer you would find the men's section to be half the size to as little as a tenth of the size of the women's section. Now, within both genders there is an image that is purposefully maintained in order to keep the wheel of society turning in its current direction; but it's apparent which is more immediately sexualized and open to being playful or expressive while the other image is one of foregoing potential beauty in favor of being utilitarian.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
That's great! Will you notify members about it? Predatory activity now begins when '4' is pressed.
Is it possible for you to standardize location names?
I need to chat with the software maker and see if he can make it opt-in because as of right now it opts everyone in and I do not feel comfortable with that.


Apr 21, 2021
@Vileplume @Peachy I liked the name & grabbed the domain saturatedwithlove.com What do you think I should host there?

I feel for the OP posting here. For me it's as if a gulf emerged between myself and people I'm close to during the covid madness. I feel like all young people have been socially stunted, and the damage in Quebec is immeasurable. I'm hoping Alberta will hold better so that I have somewhere in this country to stay.
Sorry to hear. I have family in Alberta who is very anti covid measures. I think it’s better than elsewhere but it seems they were still frustrated enough to contemplate moving. Florida, GA or Arizona are on their radar. Hopefully it’ll all settle down in Canada.
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Nov 6, 2021
Colorado Springs
Nicely said! I feel like even amongst my Catholic peers, there is this idea that marriage is all about the sex, but in really it is a sacrament just like priesthood! The role marriages play in holding together the fabric of society cannot be overstated! Also, the part about guys hissing on the internet over women is so true! How can they handle a women in real life? The answer is they can't!

On a personal note, you seem like a really cool person yourself! I think that it's really cool of you to suggest asking your single Catholics friends if they would be interested!
Your words are too kind for me, and I'm actually Eastern Orthodox. If those words resonated with you you might be interested in reading this article written by Aimilianos of Simonopetra, a recently reposed elder who many consider to have been a saint. Any wisdom I have is just borrowed from the saints and the painfully lovely Orthodox people I have been blessed to meet, I owe them a lot.

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