All my hair loss ideas over the years summarized

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
A lot of women experience hair loss as they age, fact is I know plenty of mid 20's to early 30's women with thin hair, almost diffuse balding like.

Now, the main difference between women and men is this.

I'm gonna give an example.

A good friend of mine, girl in her late 20's, began losing her hair due to stressful life and partying / drug use. She could easily fix this with nettles, teas, basically mainstream approach to thickening hair. She put some tinctures on her hair, stopped using drugs, cut down on drinking, started just generally being healthier (as percieved by mainstream) and her hair all regrew back. I vividly remember seeing her 6 months after hair initial hair loss (it was very noticeable) and she had hair thicker than ever.
Countless of stories of women regrowing their hair.

I've never seen a legit photo of men regrowing their hair tbh, to a big degree.

I have a feeling something genetic is at play here because I have a good feeling that, when it comes to men, when something triggers hair loss, so the actual hairline recedes, there's no going back without HT. Finasteride can stop hairloss but I'd never ever ever ever use that stuff lmao. Thanks but no thanks, rather have a bald dome and pull it off nicely than ingesting literal poison and cucking myself in the process.

It's a fact that hairloss is male dominant disease that impacts tons of us in the world and there's pretty much nothing you can do against it. Slow it down, sure, have better texture, density sure, but actually regrowing the juvenile NW1 hairline? Prove me wrong

Agree with most of your theory but I disagree there are so many women 20s n 30s losing hair.
I see that posted on here a lot how so many women lose hair too and it's not a male issue.
But if you look at the real world almost all women have full hair and a bunch of men are balding. You have to be delusional to think it's the same.


Oct 6, 2020
Ever since my hair started thining im more observative and i look at people differently. I was kinda shocked how many men actually have these hair issues. Woman on the other hand seem to rarely have that issue, and if they do its woman in their 50s or upwards and even in that age group its just some of them.

As Jack said, can't realy compare the ratio of these genders. But what i did notice is many woman starting to complain that their hair in their mid twenties and upwards start having issue growing their hair beyond a certain point.

But that is just my observation here in my town so i cant speak for the global population.


Sep 19, 2018
Well, I'm starting what @lampofred suggested, let's see what happens. Currently into ~300mg caffeine a day. On this dose I'm feeling some mild high adrenaline symptoms, but it seems to be improving. Bought some caffeine pills as well, because more than 1g would be tough to get only from coffee.


Nov 24, 2017
I found Peat due to hair loss and fixed mine and have been posting long posts about it over the years but I realized it can all be distilled into two parts...

Hair loss is nothing but your body failing to regenerate damaged structures due to lack of energy/nutrients. So all you need to do is jumpstart regenerative processes which have been turned off for a long time and provide enough nutrients this time.

- 1200 mg caffeine (caffeine pills are easier when you're trying to get this much caffeine) daily will spark regenerative processes back on

- 1 gallon of whole milk daily will provide the nutrients needed to support these regenerative processes (or low fat milk combined with ghee, which probably has any chemicals ordinarily found in milk fat removed, but I think the milk fat is needed), since milk is specially designed for growth/regeneration

You are breaking down old structures and rebuilding new ones which is very energy intensive, so small amounts of caffeine and milk won't cut it, large amounts are needed, but I think in principle good stimulation and nutrition is all it takes. Obviously those amounts are worked up to slowly. It's similar to beginner bodybuilders doing GOMAD.

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. I am not recommending anyone do anything; your health/hair is completely in your hands.

Your opinion on zinc / copper deficiency ? You think people who had this over many years and fix this can regrow hair ?


Sep 19, 2018
I've been drinking coffee constantly for almost a week now (never done this before), and one change that really surprised me is in my stools. They are completely different from one week ago. They used to be kinda yellow, greasy and always floated, sometimes very liquid. Coffee makes them brown, well formed and they don't float at all. After some research on this, I feel like I haven't been absorbing fat well for years, and maybe the coffee/caffeine is helping with this somehow.
Even if this doesn't help the hair department, this change in digestion is definitely worth it.


New Member
Apr 17, 2021
I found Peat due to hair loss and fixed mine and have been posting long posts about it over the years but I realized it can all be distilled into two parts...

Hair loss is nothing but your body failing to regenerate damaged structures due to lack of energy/nutrients. So all you need to do is jumpstart regenerative processes which have been turned off for a long time and provide enough nutrients this time.

- 1200 mg caffeine (caffeine pills are easier when you're trying to get this much caffeine) daily will spark regenerative processes back on

- 1 gallon of whole milk daily will provide the nutrients needed to support these regenerative processes (or low fat milk combined with ghee, which probably has any chemicals ordinarily found in milk fat removed, but I think the milk fat is needed), since milk is specially designed for growth/regeneration

You are breaking down old structures and rebuilding new ones which is very energy intensive, so small amounts of caffeine and milk won't cut it, large amounts are needed, but I think in principle good stimulation and nutrition is all it takes. Obviously those amounts are worked up to slowly. It's similar to beginner bodybuilders doing GOMAD.
So the idea would be to progressively reach the amounts mentioned, at which point new growth should occur ?

Do you have any info/experience regarding the physical changes one would expect to see aside from the obvious ? For example, i've noticed on several occasions that when i kept my calcium intake higher (primarily with whole milk) that my hair became very soft, but i didn't see any new growth at this point. Maybe the caffeine is needed at THAT stage to stimulate new growth ?

I've only been able to achieve noticeable regrowth twice; once when completely removing starches and once when doing a diet that consisted of minimal solids.


Mar 24, 2021
I found Peat due to hair loss and fixed mine and have been posting long posts about it over the years but I realized it can all be distilled into two parts...

Hair loss is nothing but your body failing to regenerate damaged structures due to lack of energy/nutrients. So all you need to do is jumpstart regenerative processes which have been turned off for a long time and provide enough nutrients this time.

- 1200 mg caffeine (caffeine pills are easier when you're trying to get this much caffeine) daily will spark regenerative processes back on

- 1 gallon of whole milk daily will provide the nutrients needed to support these regenerative processes (or low fat milk combined with ghee, which probably has any chemicals ordinarily found in milk fat removed, but I think the milk fat is needed), since milk is specially designed for growth/regeneration

You are breaking down old structures and rebuilding new ones which is very energy intensive, so small amounts of caffeine and milk won't cut it, large amounts are needed, but I think in principle good stimulation and nutrition is all it takes. Obviously those amounts are worked up to slowly. It's similar to beginner bodybuilders doing GOMAD.

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. I am not recommending anyone do anything; your health/hair is completely in your hands.
Do you still think Bromocriptine can turn vellus hairs to terminal as mentioned in previous posts?


Apr 7, 2017
I found Peat due to hair loss and fixed mine and have been posting long posts about it over the years but I realized it can all be distilled into two parts...

Hair loss is nothing but your body failing to regenerate damaged structures due to lack of energy/nutrients. So all you need to do is jumpstart regenerative processes which have been turned off for a long time and provide enough nutrients this time.

- 1200 mg caffeine (caffeine pills are easier when you're trying to get this much caffeine) daily will spark regenerative processes back on

- 1 gallon of whole milk daily will provide the nutrients needed to support these regenerative processes (or low fat milk combined with ghee, which probably has any chemicals ordinarily found in milk fat removed, but I think the milk fat is needed), since milk is specially designed for growth/regeneration

You are breaking down old structures and rebuilding new ones which is very energy intensive, so small amounts of caffeine and milk won't cut it, large amounts are needed, but I think in principle good stimulation and nutrition is all it takes. Obviously those amounts are worked up to slowly. It's similar to beginner bodybuilders doing GOMAD.

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. I am not recommending anyone do anything; your health/hair is completely in your hands.
Do you think milk fat (butter) is particularly important or would something like cacao butter suffice?

I honestly find that regular grass fed butter makes my hair look nicer and healthier but to eat lots of it isn’t good, makes me fat and causes gut issues and lower back tightness. Wondering if a purer form of saturated fat like cacoa butter or even Haidut’s methylated sat fats product would be a decent substitute, or if the nutrition in milk fat is uniquely important here.

Drinking a gallon of full cream milk is guaranteed fat gain for me so it’s not really an option to slightly improve my hair.


Nov 24, 2017
Minoxidile alternative?

why is it working for many especially with Dermaroller combined?

what is it doing?

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
Minoxidile alternative?

why is it working for many especially with Dermaroller combined?

what is it doing?

Drugs work much more powerfully than natural approaches.. but have sides.
I'd still be curious to see how dermarolling performs on it's own. All the studies are with minoxidil.


May 19, 2017
Drugs work much more powerfully than natural approaches.. but have sides.
I'd still be curious to see how dermarolling performs on it's own. All the studies are with minoxidil.
This is n=1 anecdotal evidence.

But in my case, dermarolling alone caused massive shedding to the point I got visible bald patches.

Not sure if this was hair loss or shedding associated with new growth, I haven't got the balls to experiment with it further. But it obviously did something.


Apr 7, 2017
I found Peat due to hair loss and fixed mine and have been posting long posts about it over the years but I realized it can all be distilled into two parts...

Hair loss is nothing but your body failing to regenerate damaged structures due to lack of energy/nutrients. So all you need to do is jumpstart regenerative processes which have been turned off for a long time and provide enough nutrients this time.

- 1200 mg caffeine (caffeine pills are easier when you're trying to get this much caffeine) daily will spark regenerative processes back on

- 1 gallon of whole milk daily will provide the nutrients needed to support these regenerative processes (or low fat milk combined with ghee, which probably has any chemicals ordinarily found in milk fat removed, but I think the milk fat is needed), since milk is specially designed for growth/regeneration

You are breaking down old structures and rebuilding new ones which is very energy intensive, so small amounts of caffeine and milk won't cut it, large amounts are needed, but I think in principle good stimulation and nutrition is all it takes. Obviously those amounts are worked up to slowly. It's similar to beginner bodybuilders doing GOMAD.

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. I am not recommending anyone do anything; your health/hair is completely in your hands.
Bumping this thread to report that my hair looked phenomenal doing loads of milk, coffee, butter. It was noticeably thicker, shinier and it just sat nicely without needing styling or anything. For a while I was using those powder filler things to thicken the hairline and my hair honestly looks thicker and fuller and better now even without it.

My skin looked great too.

Downside was I got fat, as expected. Literally put on about 5kgs and it seems all in the spare tyre around my waist. Trying to find the balance now.


May 2, 2020
This works for me. I think my form of hair loss was overactive adrenals. High DHEA High Estrogen High DHT (no blood work though)

Melatonin (Very anti Estrogenic and calms adrenal activity) 1.5-3mg
Lowers ERa (Estrogen receptor alpha) : Bad for hair, thickens skin (perhaps dht binding to ERa creates that thick oily scalp?) Hair cycle control by estrogens: catagen induction via estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha is checked by ER beta signaling - PubMed
Lowers Cortisol (Via lower response to ACTH) [Melatonin reduces cortisol response to ACTH in humans] - PubMed
Lowers DHEA conversion to Estrogens via 17bhsd's inhibition and perhaps DHEA to T But IDK about that haven't really found any study's or done enough research .
Lowers Estrogen via aromatase inhibition
Might raise Progesterone + Progesterone receptors and lower estrogen receptors.
Melatonin might create an anti androgenic effect via MT receptors in the skin Topical Melatonin for Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia

If my head is itching drinking strong coffee stops it. probably again by lowering estrogen and calming the adrenals, although coffee makes me nervous at first the stress relief comes about 1-2hours later.

K2 mk4 1-5mg (anti estrogen)
7.5mg Zinc as picolinate (anti estrogen/prolactin)
D3 4000iu
P5P (50mg) (anti prolactin)

In my book these are the forms of hair loss

Overactive Adrenals = High DHEA -> ESTROGEN DHT
Low Estrogen = Diffuse loss/ Retarded Hair Growth
Low Progesterone = High Estrogen and DHT in scalp tissue.
High Androgens = Increase in DHT trigger androgenic alopecia
Genetics I'm sure in some men and women they have really bad genes predisposing them to hair loss.

If I don't take melatonin and continue to block aromatase then I end up with extremely high DHT and I begin to bald FAST, sometimes I wish I could just go bald and enjoy all the Androgenic power running through my veins. But TBH I don't have the skull to pull off bald man, I think id have to blast GH and Roids to oversize my jaw first. Anyway Melatonin works for me and maybe you, it beats blocking 5ar with finasteride any day.
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Oct 6, 2020
This works for me. I think my form of hair loss was overactive adrenals. High DHEA High Estrogen High DHT (no blood work though)

Melatonin (Very anti Estrogenic and calms adrenal activity) 1.5-3mg
Lowers ERa (Estrogen receptor alpha) : Bad for hair, thickens skin (perhaps dht binding to ERa creates that thick oily scalp?) Hair cycle control by estrogens: catagen induction via estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha is checked by ER beta signaling - PubMed
Lowers Cortisol (Via lower response to ACTH) [Melatonin reduces cortisol response to ACTH in humans] - PubMed
Lowers DHEA conversion to Estrogens via 17bhsd's inhibition and perhaps DHEA to T But IDK about that haven't really found any study's or done enough research .
Lowers Estrogen via aromatase inhibition
Might raise Progesterone + Progesterone receptors and lower estrogen receptors.
Melatonin might create an anti androgenic effect via MT receptors in the skin Topical Melatonin for Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia

If my head is itching drinking strong coffee stops it. probably again by lowering estrogen and calming the adrenals, although coffee makes me nervous at first the stress relief comes about 1-2hours later.

K2 mk4 1-5mg (anti estrogen)
7.5mg Zinc as picolinate (anti estrogen/prolactin)
D3 4000iu
P5P (50mg) (anti prolactin)

In my book these are the forms of hair loss

Overactive Adrenals = High DHEA -> ESTROGEN DHT
Low Estrogen = Diffuse loss/ Retarded Hair Growth
Low Progesterone = High Estrogen and DHT in scalp tissue.
High Androgens = Increase in DHT trigger androgenic alopecia
Genetics I'm sure in some men and women they have really bad genes predisposing them to hair loss.

If I don't take melatonin and continue to block aromatase then I end up with extremely high DHT and I begin to bald FAST, sometimes I wish I could just go bald and enjoy all the Androgenic power running through my veins. But TBH I don't have the skull to pull off bald man, I think id have to blast GH and Roids to oversize my jaw first. Anyway Melatonin works for me and maybe you, it beats blocking 5ar with finasteride any day.

I wonder what causes the Overactive Adrenals both in general and specific cases. It sounds a little like fighting off symptoms.


Jun 10, 2020
Hey @lampofred, I apologize if you answered this and I missed it, but why do you do whole mili instead of skim? I’ve recently done well on raw whole goat milk, with sugar added, but I worry that I will get fat doing this. Do you add sugar to your whole milk?


Feb 13, 2016
Hey @lampofred, I apologize if you answered this and I missed it, but why do you do whole mili instead of skim? I’ve recently done well on raw whole goat milk, with sugar added, but I worry that I will get fat doing this. Do you add sugar to your whole milk?

I think low-fat milk is great for stimulating the metabolism but the nourishing, regenerative parts of milk which will increase brain mass and hair growth are in the fat (for example, milk fat has numerous varieties of vitamin K that I think aren't found in any other food). Unfortunately I think anything that improves hair will necessarily lead to fat gain, I think the two are connected. I only drink fruit juice and coke, I don't use table sugar reguarly because once when I took high dose niacinamide and my sensory perception was heightened, I was absolutely disgusted by the white sugar I had, it didn't even feel like food to me, maybe due to how it was processed or something, I don't know. Also I no longer drink whole milk, as I buy supermarket milk and I don't trust that there won't be traces of contaminants from poor quality feed in the fat. So I drink low fat and supplement with Kerrygold butter.


Jun 10, 2020
I think low-fat milk is great for stimulating the metabolism but the nourishing, regenerative parts of milk which will increase brain mass and hair growth are in the fat (for example, milk fat has numerous varieties of vitamin K that I think aren't found in any other food). Unfortunately I think anything that improves hair will necessarily lead to fat gain, I think the two are connected. I only drink fruit juice and coke, I don't use table sugar reguarly because once when I took high dose niacinamide and my sensory perception was heightened, I was absolutely disgusted by the white sugar I had, it didn't even feel like food to me, maybe due to how it was processed or something, I don't know. Also I no longer drink whole milk, as I buy supermarket milk and I don't trust that there won't be traces of contaminants from poor quality feed in the fat. So I drink low fat and supplement with Kerrygold butter.
Makes sense, thank you for explaining that.


Mar 27, 2021
Haven't seen anything solid here but only time I've seen temple regrowth before and after pics is minoxidil with dermaneedling. Are you willing to try something like that?
I'm going to start dermaneedling to regrow my temples (and reduce acne scars) but I don't plan on touching fin/minox. I've been norwood 2 (maybe 3) since I was like 14 and it hasn't changed much since, in these past 5 years. I suppose I'll post about it in months to come if I see any progress.
I wonder how Danny Roddy regrew his hair?
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