Antibiotics cured my chronic constipation (by mistake)

Nov 21, 2015
I had an ear infection which I (mistakenly) assumed was bacterial. Maybe it was at one time. Amoxycillin worked, then I stopped, then it came back. Went through more, then doxycycline, then azithromycin (Dr. Peat suggested it) and also a cephalosporin-type antibiotic whose name escapes me (second or third generation, not first).

I had no bad effects other than diarrhea once or twice, when I took S. Boulardii which always works.

After I was done, went to the ENT guy and he shot some anti fungal crap in my ear and cured it.

But meanwhile, my constipation was gone and this was a few months ago and it's good now. I don't need cascara anymore. I was taking it for maybe 4 or 5 years.

So now it's all good. Isn't that awesome? I'll post here if it gets bad again but so far it's as it should be.
Nov 21, 2015
i just buy them from off shore pharmacies, and in one case I was prescribed them.


Mar 18, 2021
I just had an ear infection too, and was prescribed cipro topical ear drops and amoxicillin pills, in case it wouldn't resolve within 4 days with cipro drops.

Luckily it seems to be healing with cipro drops alone, so I didn't have to take the amoxicillin, but now I am considering it after reading your experience.

How long has it been since you stopped the antibiotics? Do you feel the same relief every day? I'm worried that it might simply come back when I stop the antibiotics if I try it.
Nov 21, 2015
I just had an ear infection too, and was prescribed cipro topical ear drops and amoxicillin pills, in case it wouldn't resolve within 4 days with cipro drops.

Luckily it seems to be healing with cipro drops alone, so I didn't have to take the amoxicillin, but now I am considering it after reading your experience.

How long has it been since you stopped the antibiotics? Do you feel the same relief every day? I'm worried that it might simply come back when I stop the antibiotics if I try it.

about two months. It remains good.


Jul 29, 2020
thats great man.

living life with clean bowels is so enjoyable. sharp vision, motivation, everything connects,


Feb 23, 2020
is there any way to know if someone needs an antibiotic, an antifungal or rather an antiparasitic?
By symptoms I mean.


Feb 7, 2017
I had an ear infection which I (mistakenly) assumed was bacterial. Maybe it was at one time. Amoxycillin worked, then I stopped, then it came back. Went through more, then doxycycline, then azithromycin (Dr. Peat suggested it) and also a cephalosporin-type antibiotic whose name escapes me (second or third generation, not first).

I had no bad effects other than diarrhea once or twice, when I took S. Boulardii which always works.

After I was done, went to the ENT guy and he shot some anti fungal crap in my ear and cured it.

But meanwhile, my constipation was gone and this was a few months ago and it's good now. I don't need cascara anymore. I was taking it for maybe 4 or 5 years.

So now it's all good. Isn't that awesome? I'll post here if it gets bad again but so far it's as it should be.
Did you happen to change any other habits during this time or since taking the antibiotics that might have contributed towards the improvement?


Sep 10, 2020
I had an ear infection which I (mistakenly) assumed was bacterial. Maybe it was at one time. Amoxycillin worked, then I stopped, then it came back. Went through more, then doxycycline, then azithromycin (Dr. Peat suggested it) and also a cephalosporin-type antibiotic whose name escapes me (second or third generation, not first).

I had no bad effects other than diarrhea once or twice, when I took S. Boulardii which always works.

After I was done, went to the ENT guy and he shot some anti fungal crap in my ear and cured it.

But meanwhile, my constipation was gone and this was a few months ago and it's good now. I don't need cascara anymore. I was taking it for maybe 4 or 5 years.

So now it's all good. Isn't that awesome? I'll post here if it gets bad again but so far it's as it should be.

Hi @ecstatichamster what dose of Azithromycin did you have? Did Ray Recommend it? I tried Doxycycline for a while and it made my digestive/low mood/Low energy symptoms worse


Forum Supporter
Feb 2, 2020
I´m following this since I have IBS with constipation. I heard some short frase on a KMUD show the other day, and I can´t find it just now, but I know I heard Sarah say something like "so, it´s actually not a problem for people to not have a bm over three days" where RP answered "no". I remember when I was a teen, I could go for days constipated, but actually feel pretty good, so I´m beginning to think that this could work again. Cause I´ve been almost panicking by not going every day, and I´d force myself to take all kinds of stuff like Cascara to accomplish my mission by having a daily bm, which I´ve succeeded with though. But the stool has always been very unfirm, and my butt would hurt with hemorrhoid and fissure. Plus I´d get extremely tired afterwards. And the time I spend with this, man it´s really annoying. Now for the first time in years I´m trying to go when I need to, and not force myself, plus I take Clarithomycin and also Cypro, even though Cypro can have an extreme "crash effect" on me, but I´d have to adjust this eventually, so that it suits me. My stools the last couple of times have been perfect, I do have to sit for a while befor launching, and sometimes it´s just not going, but when it does, it´s all good. I´m wondering if it´s actually beneficial for some people to have this rhythm, not having a bm every day, do I maybe absorb nutrients better this way? I do the carrot with salt in the evening before bed. Clarithomycin works pretty good, especially for my restless legs. So I´m thinking that with the right antibiotic it could work out for me this way. Anyway, regarding RP saying this about the three days and constipation, I think it´s interesting. Anyone, please share your opinion on this.
Nov 21, 2015
I can tell you that for 20 years I often had butt bleeding and it hurt. That is far in the past now. I first depended upon psyillium fiber which helped fix it pretty much 80%. A few years ago I quit that, and now since then I've been fine without extra fiber, and no butt bleeding.

Even the antibiotic courses I took didn't hurt my butt while in the past they would have. I think my body is far more resilient than it used to be and now I'm in my 60s. Amazing.


Nov 28, 2014
I´m following this since I have IBS with constipation. I heard some short frase on a KMUD show the other day, and I can´t find it just now, but I know I heard Sarah say something like "so, it´s actually not a problem for people to not have a bm over three days" where RP answered "no". I remember when I was a teen, I could go for days constipated, but actually feel pretty good, so I´m beginning to think that this could work again. Cause I´ve been almost panicking by not going every day, and I´d force myself to take all kinds of stuff like Cascara to accomplish my mission by having a daily bm, which I´ve succeeded with though. But the stool has always been very unfirm, and my butt would hurt with hemorrhoid and fissure. Plus I´d get extremely tired afterwards. And the time I spend with this, man it´s really annoying. Now for the first time in years I´m trying to go when I need to, and not force myself, plus I take Clarithomycin and also Cypro, even though Cypro can have an extreme "crash effect" on me, but I´d have to adjust this eventually, so that it suits me. My stools the last couple of times have been perfect, I do have to sit for a while befor launching, and sometimes it´s just not going, but when it does, it´s all good. I´m wondering if it´s actually beneficial for some people to have this rhythm, not having a bm every day, do I maybe absorb nutrients better this way? I do the carrot with salt in the evening before bed. Clarithomycin works pretty good, especially for my restless legs. So I´m thinking that with the right antibiotic it could work out for me this way. Anyway, regarding RP saying this about the three days and constipation, I think it´s interesting. Anyone, please share your opinion on this.
It is interesting that Peat would say that. I thought that part of the reason to have daily bm's is to clear out estrogen.
Speaking for myself, if I don't have at least one decent bm daily or a couple of smaller ones, my whole digestive tract from top to bottom is affected and feels sluggish. Appetite goes down since nothing is being evacuated, stomach is more bloated, skin breaks out. It even affects my sleep, I assume from the excess estrogen not being eliminated. But could be there's some other explanation.
But whatever the reason, daily bm's help keep a spring in my step :):


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I had an ear infection which I (mistakenly) assumed was bacterial. Maybe it was at one time. Amoxycillin worked, then I stopped, then it came back. Went through more, then doxycycline, then azithromycin (Dr. Peat suggested it) and also a cephalosporin-type antibiotic whose name escapes me (second or third generation, not first).

I had no bad effects other than diarrhea once or twice, when I took S. Boulardii which always works.

After I was done, went to the ENT guy and he shot some anti fungal crap in my ear and cured it.

But meanwhile, my constipation was gone and this was a few months ago and it's good now. I don't need cascara anymore. I was taking it for maybe 4 or 5 years.

So now it's all good. Isn't that awesome? I'll post here if it gets bad again but so far it's as it should be.

This is awesome! Glad you are feeling better.
Which antibiotic would you say worked best for relieving constipation? The amoxycillin, doxy, azithromycin, or the cephalosporin? What dosages were you taking of each that led to diarrhea?
Nov 21, 2015
This is awesome! Glad you are feeling better.
Which antibiotic would you say worked best for relieving constipation? The amoxycillin, doxy, azithromycin, or the cephalosporin? What dosages were you taking of each that led to diarrhea?

Thank you very much!

Cephalosporin caused diarrhea, I have to assume. Maybe a week after I stopped taking it. But S. Boulardii, one dose, got rid of it. Could have been from something else. It is well known to cause this problem but maybe it wasn't the cause.

The startling thing for me was the lack of side effects. I took full adult doses of everything. 500mg of Azithromycin every day for about 5 days, for instance, a pretty hefty dose.

I think in my case these had some lasting positive impact and maybe because it was over about 30 days or even longer. I know people say these antibiotics mess them up but I have had the opposite responses.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank you very much!

Cephalosporin caused diarrhea, I have to assume. Maybe a week after I stopped taking it. But S. Boulardii, one dose, got rid of it. Could have been from something else. It is well known to cause this problem but maybe it wasn't the cause.

The startling thing for me was the lack of side effects. I took full adult doses of everything. 500mg of Azithromycin every day for about 5 days, for instance, a pretty hefty dose.

I think in my case these had some lasting positive impact and maybe because it was over about 30 days or even longer. I know people say these antibiotics mess them up but I have had the opposite responses.

Thanks. I guess the wide-spectrum activity of this antibiotic combination basically wiped out of most of the very pathogenic bacteria. When they try to sterilize people's guts before colon/abdominal surgery hospitals/doctor also use a 2-3 drug combination and it usually works in just a day or two. The main antibiotic they use for such purposes is neomycin (which Peat also mentioned) but it is usually combined with a penicillin-type and a macrolide-type antibiotics as well.
Anyways, good-stuff, and another first-hand confirmation of Peat's suggestion that antibiotics can resolve many chronic digestive issues.


I'm currently on yet another round of Augmentin + Azithromycin + Rifaximin and god these pills are a blessing.
No more smelly fieces, endless energy, perfect sleep, standing straight when I walk.

I would strongly urge anyone considering amoxicillin to take Augmentin. The clavulanic acid prevents bacteria from becoming resistant to the amoxicillin.
The fact that it's a bactericidal antibiotic already makes the resistance issue negoigeable compared to bacteriostatic antibiotics such as azithromycin. But better safe than sorry.


Feb 18, 2018
I'm currently on yet another round of Augmentin + Azithromycin + Rifaximin and god these pills are a blessing.
No more smelly fieces, endless energy, perfect sleep, standing straight when I walk.

I would strongly urge anyone considering amoxicillin to take Augmentin. The clavulanic acid prevents bacteria from becoming resistant to the amoxicillin.
The fact that it's a bactericidal antibiotic already makes the resistance issue negoigeable compared to bacteriostatic antibiotics such as azithromycin. But better safe than sorry.
Where are you buying rifaximin from?


Feb 23, 2020
I'm currently on yet another round of Augmentin + Azithromycin + Rifaximin and god these pills are a blessing.
No more smelly fieces, endless energy, perfect sleep, standing straight when I walk.

I would strongly urge anyone considering amoxicillin to take Augmentin. The clavulanic acid prevents bacteria from becoming resistant to the amoxicillin.
The fact that it's a bactericidal antibiotic already makes the resistance issue negoigeable compared to bacteriostatic antibiotics such as azithromycin. But better safe than sorry.
But this is not a longterm solution for you?
Should you be mantaining antibiotics for being in this healthy state?
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