Anxiety off the scale. Please can you help?


Jun 9, 2021
I am so very desperate. I feel uncomfortable asking for help like this but I am now paralysed by fear and indecision. I have spent hours each day over the past six months reading threads on this forum, reading some of Dr. Peat's articles, reading Functional Performance Systems. I am so overwhelmed and wonder if I am beyond help. If there is anyone who might be able to guide or reassure me, I should be so grateful, so very grateful.

This is my story. I hope you will not be put off if I admit that I have had anorexia since I was 16. I am now 59, but I still feel young, even though I feel very sick. I have not started to live yet and I long to begin. I am ready to do anything, eat anything, in order to be the best I can be, to give something back to the world. I have allowed anorexia to destroy every area of my life. There has been no let-up, ever. The stress of trying to recover has almost destroyed me. But not quite, which is why I am here now.

In my early 20s, I reached 4 stones on two occasions. Since then I have battled every day to help myself. On an anxiety scale of 1 to 10, I have lived every minute of every day at 8 or more for 30+ years. I am pretty tough and resilient but am not almost without hope and the legacy of physical and emotional distress is almost too much for me to bear. But I have read of stories of recovery on this site, of support given and advice offered, not to mention the amazing wealth of shared knowledge and I wonder if I might tap into this.

I was Paleo for about 20 years (I survived, but hardly thrived), with a brief interlude of Keto (disastrous), but had been eating a high starch diet (oats, rice and starchy vegetables) prior to coming here about six months ago, feeling quite unwell, with horrendous SIBO and many other issues. I had not eaten sugar for 40 years. Now I do, but I have read of Haidut and VisionofStrength and others cautioning those who jump into a 'Peat-like' way of eating without regard to their unique metabolic states. Mine is shot at and I do not know what to do to support it. I am very worried that I am only making a bad situation even worse. What if I am now just overwhelming my liver and building up a non-alcoholic fatty liver and other metabolic disasters? I know so little and, as yet, I feel too unwell to Perceive, Think, Act for myself, but this is my goal.

My morning oral temperature is 36.4/36.5
Later in the morning = 36.7 - this is the highest all day

Blood pressure = 103/63 (I feel very dizzy)
Pulse = 63

Six months ago, having been eating sugar and dairy for only six weeks:
TSH = 1.32 mu/L

Serum cholesterol = 5.5 mmol/L
Serum TG = 2.92 mmol/L

Serum ferritin = 259 ug/L (ref: 14 - 186). I was eating about 300 g ground beef daily.

HbA1c = 44 mmol/L (ref: 20-41). I have never been under 40 for the last 10 years, even when I ate NO starch and only a small amount of dark chocolate.
Blood glucose = 5.5 (early morning)

I am underweight at 43.5 kg (96 lbs), 5'4", BMI about 17. It is uncomfortable to sit and lie down. My ribs are prominent. I have muscle wastage.

I experience CONSTANT anxiety/adrenaline flow on a massive scale (because I do not know how to heal myself and fear the dreadful consequences of living in this wired and undernourished state). I feel short of breath and dizzy, my heart is pounding and my nerves are alive.

I have peripheral neuropathy which began in my feet and is now in my arms and hands. Has my body catabolised my myelin sheath as a result of undernourishment over so many years or is this another manifestation of extreme anxiety/adrenaline flux. Am I short on some B vitamins? Are my electrolytes very out of balance?

I experience constant MASSIVE HUNGER - should I listen to this message and just eat more, but more of what? I have learned here about the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. I have read posts by Kelj (Abdominal Fat is A Phase Following Calorie Restriction) and her brave journey from under-eating to good health. I want to do the same, but where to start?
Or is excessive hunger just uncontrolled hypoglycaemia? Am I about to tip over into full-blown diabetes driven by cortisol and adrenaline? Can I eat myself out of metabolic disorder into metabolic order?

I have SIBO badly with furred tongue, sticky saliva (starches dreadful) and chronic constipation (all my life). Cascara Sagrada only makes worse (but perhaps I did not take enough. How much?). I rely on magnesium oxide as a laxative (it doesn't always work). Stools mustard in colour and unformed, or nothing at all.

My voice is husky and I have to clear my throat very often. My throat is irritated by refluxed acid - but I think I must surely have low stomach acid?

My liver? I cannot go more than one or two hours without food (in fact I am hungry before I finish eating, almost), but is this just an indulgent craving for sugar? Am I now eating to promote a non-alcoholic fatty liver?

My heart feels to be under enormous stress from anxiety and I fear a stroke. I also fear vascular calcification - how to test?

My muscles feel in a state of rigidity and this is getting worse. I experience spasms daily in my calves. I used to dance and swim and hike and do yoga. I am becoming more and more inflexible, with much muscle wasting (going upstairs takes effort now). This is all causing me HUGE distress. Now I do only a short walk each day, but I do not allow myself to sit for very long at a time. I keep as active as possible around the house.

Ligaments and tendons feel dried out, taut and are prone to frequent injuries which never fully heal and repeat themselves.

I experience histamine flares (severe headaches and flushing and eye pain) which makes food choices (especially proteins, bone-broth and fruit juices very limited - probably mast cell dysregulation.

Severe osteoporosis (diagnosed mid-20s). T score minus 4.5. I am very fearful of spontaneous fracture. (Jennifer, I have read your amazing logs from beginning to your last post. You inspire me greatly. The simplicity and nourishment of your current diet of mostly goat's milk and cheese, I think, attracts me very much, but I think I might be consuming already too much calcium).
No mediation for bones. No menstrual cycle from ages 18-35. About 10 cycles from 35-50. Regular monthly cycles from ages 56-58 when my weight was above 45kg. This is the magic figure for me. I may even have enough stored eggs to cycle more if I can get my weight up to 45kg again and then more. My major goal.

Organic Acid Test, ten months ago, showed high oxalates. I have unwittingly eaten a high oxalate diet all my life, so now very wary of many green vegetables, glycine, collagen and dark chocolate, etc.

Sleep - poor. I crash out from mental exhaustion at 10.45 p.m. but wake always at 2.00 a.m. After that sleep is very fitful as anxiety rules with rapid heartbeat and early-morning sweats. I do not eat through the night.

I am ashamed to be able to list all the above. I cannot believe that this is where I have ended up, having tried so hard to achieve recovery over so many years.

My overriding concerns are:
What and how much to eat to gain weight and strength and metabolic vitality
How to decrease adrenaline and cortisol surges - do I eat my way out of these states and with what foods?
How to respond to cravings for sweet, energy-laden foods, without promoting diabetes and damaging my liver?
How to manage peripheral neuropathy?
How to improve digestion and assimilation?

I do not think the label anorexic applies to me any longer, but orthorexic certainly does. I do believe, however, that I can find my way out of this, even this late on.

If there is someone here who could help me to save my life, I feel that I could breathe again and my anxiety levels would begin to reduce already. What a wonderful thing it would be to have confidence in what I am eating. Such a relief.

What I eat:

7.30 a.m.
120 g frozen mango (warmed)
360 mls hot goat's milk, semi-skimmed, pasteurised, with 1/2 tsp sugar and few grains salt, 1 tsp instant coffee
1 raw egg yolk (egg whites set off headaches)
15-20 g raw, honey

10.30 a.m.
Repeat as above

1.00 p.m.
200 g very sweet stewed apple
100 g ground beef - most of the fat skimmed off
360 mils hot goat's milk with 1/2 tsp sugar, few grains salt, 1 tsp coffee
15-20 g raw honey
25 g white chocolate

4.00 p.m.
25 g white chocolate
360 mls hot goat's milk with 1/2 tsp sugar, few grains salt (no more coffee for rest of day)

6.30 p.m.
1 large sweet pear (warmed)
Carrot salad with tsp olive oil and tsp apple cider vinegar, salt
40 g Feta cheese
15-20 g raw honey
360 mls hot goat's milk
25 g white chocolate

10.00 p.m.
25 g white chocolate
360 mls hot goat's milk with 1/2 tsp sugar and few grains salt

1 oz ox liver every other day

Cannot eat fish or oysters re bad histamine reactions - headache etc
Cannot drink OJ ditto

Surely I am eating too much sweet food i.e. chocolate and honey but I cannot resist and would eat more if I did not restrain myself sharply. I am driven to eat these foods and this upsets me because it must be a bad thing to do.
Whatever I eat, I feel dizzy and hungry and anxious. It is so very hard to live whilst all this is going on continuously.

I am hardly comfortable physically after eating so much food but I do not imagine that the process of refeeding can ever be a comfortable experience.

But if someone here tells me to change, I will do so.

2,400 calories
115 g protein
280 g carbs
89 g fat

Calcium 2,900 mg

But am I consuming too much calcium? In his article, 'Calcium and Disease: Hypertension, organ calcification, & shock, vs respiratory energy', Dr. Peat says:

'When cells are stressed or dying, they take up calcium, which tends to excite the cells at the same time that it inhibits their energy production, intensifying their stress. A cramp or a seizure is an example of uncontrolled cellular excitation. Prolonged excitation and stress contribute to tissue inflammation and fibrosis.'

I fear this is me and perhaps this explains the tightness and cramping in my body. It is fibrosis and I am putting myself at risk of a stroke.

But I also understand that excessive cortisol is associated with vascular calcification. So perhaps milk is okay but my high levels of cortisol are definitely not okay. Am I allowed to continue to drink milk for the ready completeness of nutrients and calories which it gives me? How to do I lower cortisol?

Energin - only 20 drops per day - topically
Magnoil - only 20 drops per day - topically
Kuinone - 1 drop every other day - topically
Progest-E - 3 drops before bed on my gums

If you have followed me this far, I thank you so much. My mind is tortured night and day by all that I have written and I long to find peace. I have every intention of getting my life back on track. I will not become a wizened, old, osteoporotic woman. That is not the real me! And so much of what I read on this forum is so very motivating. Thank all of you who keep the forum working so smoothly.

Kindest regards


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Tilly-J, welcome to the forum! I’m so glad you reached out for input. There are many helpful members here that I’m sure will reply but I just wanted to say a couple quick things. I feel like it’s pretty common in recovery especially with middle age and older people to develop transient health issues as the body heals and it’s not really from the food we are eating but the decades of prior restriction. We have to break the mindset around fear of food. I went through that too and completely relate. I also developed some new health issues at the time and those are now all fully resolved. Recovery is not easy or fun but there really is a better life on the other side!


Feb 13, 2016
Increasing body heat (both increasing heat production via diet, thyroid and decreasing heat loss via socks, long pants, jackets, thick blankets at night) helps a lot with anxiety in my personal experience. I would also check your vitamin D. I think low vitamin D is associated with excess heat loss through the skin, anxiety, anorexia, and osteoporosis.


Dec 8, 2016
I believe I can guide and reassure you a bit.

I am not qualified to assess nor treat; but I certainly can point you in the right direction.

You’ve given a ton of data.
Im not able to address everything- so im going to stick to a few points here.

You certainly are overwhelmed and overthinking.
What holds you back from listening to your body?
Reread what you have written.
You’re hungry.
You’re hungry.
That’s a wonderful sign.

You’re body wants to heal. But you eat mango and goats milk?

What sounds amazing to you?
Donuts? Pho? Tikki masala? Pizza? Fish and chips? Fried chicken?
Eat that without fear or worry.
Maybe five bites and see if you want to keep eating.

Ive been where you are.
Infertility. Miscarriages. Hallucinations. Hair loss. Dermatitis. Chemical sensitivity. Neuropathy. Migraines. SIBO. Candida. Etc etc etc.
Im well now.

Kelj went to a practitioner to help her.
Her name is Kayla Rose Kojecki iirc. Her website is Damn The Diets dot com.
She’s on YouTube. She can help you.

Extreme hunger?
Do you know Stephanie Buttermore?
While not as solid as Kayla- Steph has documented her journey out of extreme hunger to health.
Find her on YouTube.

Your body wants to heal.
It can heal.
Don’t read anything more about a1c or PUFA or supplements.

Think about eating. And resting. And hoping. And giving yourself grace. And healing.
Last edited:


Dec 8, 2016


Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing your story it will help others too. You’ve been under eating for a long time so it might be useful to get some blood work done to see what electrolytes might be out of balance.

You waking temperature seems good considering. What is your pulse rate?

All the advice here are useful. I will add just a little bit of caution because of refeeding syndrome.

Have a look at some of these threads

Thiamine: One Of The Main Limiting Factors For Proper Carbohydrate Metabolism

Recovery From Undereating - Youreatopia

You are doing really well eating what you are eating at the moment. Increase the amount but do it in a safe way.

Are you able to increase magnesium a bit more? Perhap magnesium sulphate soak, that could help the calf pain.

I understand your sadness about lost time but we can't change the past. Once you start regaining your strength you will start letting go of the guilt and look forward.

You are not alone with this.

des yeux

4 stones? That's unbelievably low.

The above suggestions are good, wearing a lot of clothes, wool socks and wool hat can help you feel less anxious. I find having at least 300w of incandescent light (as close to me as possible) invaluable when the weather is cloudy. Sometimes just eating whatever without feeling worried or guilty is therapeutic in and of itself, just make sure not to make a habit of it.

With all that calcium, do you make sure to get enough vitamin D to truly push PTH down? If you are from the UK your chances of enough UV radiation is very low. Have you tested either vitamin D or PTH?

Since you are a woman, have you tried higher doses of Progest-E temporarily for e.g: sleep aid? Maybe high dose for 2 weeks, then stop for 2 weeks. Aspirin should help your glucose metabolism too.

When you wake up at 2 AM, what do you do to fall back asleep? I find that if I have trouble sleeping and I try to force myself to stay in bed, I feel worse. Doing something is better than feeling restrained. I want to add that hope is not optional on this journey, so please don't despair. All will be good!


Sep 13, 2012
Great timing with this post as this has been on my mind a lot lately. While I don't have anorexia I can certainly relate to orthorexia and I was at a very low weight due to breastfeeding two kids so I experienced similar symptoms as someone with anorexia. I have recently been through a period of undereating at 1500 or less calories and finally got the hunger pains telling me I am not eating enough. I went to bed last night hungry and of course woke up at 3 am and had trouble getting back to sleep. That doesn't happen when I am well fed.

When I wanted to gain weight yrs ago I used cyproheptadine, it is a common drug used to gain weight. It helps calm anxiety and wake up the appetite. It worked for me I gained about 20 lbs and felt free of food fears. I used haagen dazs to reach that. At about 4 ounces a day. I still eat it when I haven't eaten enough calories. I sometimes say it saved my life because my appetite sucked so bad that it was the only thing preventing me from losing weight. I tell myself now that calories always come first. I don't even worry about PUFA anymore. Although my normal diet doesn't have very much. I also eat gluten and that also saved me. A big bowl of pasta greatly greatly decreases anxiety. I don't get the same feeling from milk for very long. I tried refeeding on milk and still had lots of anxiety. I don't think it was working well for me.

You can do this! If I can gain weight despite my horrible appetite you can too!!


Jun 9, 2021
To everybody above, thank you so, so much. As a first timer on any such forum, I was not even confident that my post of yesterday would have arrived anywhere. I woke early this morning here in the UK and was certainly not expecting to see the heartfelt responses from you here which have been building up overnight. I feel so 'held' and cannot thank you enough. I have just devoured (!) all that you have written very fast in my overwhelming desire for nourishment. Thank you for your emotional support and encouragement (which is perhaps the first step of the journey) but equally, of course, for so much helpful practical advice and links to practitioners. I am going to take some deep breaths and now go back and read your posts again slowly, look into the links provided and really consider how I can best act on what you have all shared. It is truly reassuring to know that I am allowed to listen to my body's cries for food and am allowed to simply eat and that some of you guys have been in similar situations and found the courage to recover.

Blossom, Peatful, Pina, Pied, Sugarbabe, Lampofred, would you mind if I go, take my time over the next few days, and then come back to you if I need to? I shall try not to be a bother. I don't know how to do all the fancy technical stuff you guys do on this forum, so I am finding even the 'forum experience' a bit daunting, which is why I have just written one reply here to you all.

I feel that I might be at the beginning of something life-changing and my heart is beating very fast in trepidation. I must go and collect myself.

Thank you all deeply.


Feb 26, 2016
You’ve gotten great shared experience from good people in here. I want to add my encouragement and say that the basic things, done regularly but not without being open to adjustments, gives big progress. But it takes tremendous patience with yourself, your knowledge, & your physiology.

It sounds like you have endured a lot. Now there is hopefulness & optimism. Feed those. Take your time.

Think I’m terms of chunks of time that you can handle: I’ll try ____ for ____ (a day, a month, 3 months, 18 months), then re-evaluate. You can always stop & change at any time. Thinking like that gave me some structure doing things I knew nothing much about but was trying to learn as fast as I could.


Feb 25, 2020
Just a few tips for anxiety itself. Along with nutritional changes I've started taking D-Phenylalanine for upping dopamine (this amino makes me feel great and gets rid of depersonalization/derealization without me even realizing it). It really calms me down. I take 500 mg every other or every three days. You don't want your body to adapt to dosage.

Also I make a mix of DHEA and Pregnenolone in coconut oil from BHRT, with wheat germ vitamin E and progesterone mixed applied to my forehead. Sometimes I'll take a large enough dose of progesterone under my tongue, enough to make me sleepy.

I have recently started putting the pregnenolone oil on my scrotum and it does reduce estrogen and elevate testosterone. This may help with anxiety too.


Jun 9, 2021
I believe I can guide and reassure you a bit.

I am not qualified to assess nor treat; but I certainly can point you in the right direction.

You’ve given a ton of data.
Im not able to address everything- so im going to stick to a few points here.

You certainly are overwhelmed and overthinking.
What holds you back from listening to your body?
Reread what you have written.
You’re hungry.
You’re hungry.
That’s a wonderful sign.

You’re body wants to heal. But you eat mango and goats milk?

What sounds amazing to you?
Donuts? Pho? Tikki masala? Pizza? Fish and chips? Fried chicken?
Eat that without fear or worry.
Maybe five bites and see if you want to keep eating.

Ive been where you are.
Infertility. Miscarriages. Hallucinations. Hair loss. Dermatitis. Chemical sensitivity. Neuropathy. Migraines. SIBO. Candida. Etc etc etc.
Im well now.

Kelj went to a practitioner to help her.
Her name is Kayla Rose Kojecki iirc. Her website is Damn The Diets dot com.
She’s on YouTube. She can help you.

Extreme hunger?
Do you know Stephanie Buttermore?
While not as solid as Kayla- Steph has documented her journey out of extreme hunger to health.
Find her on YouTube.

Your body wants to heal.
It can heal.
Don’t read anything more about a1c or PUFA or supplements.

Think about eating. And resting. And hoping. And giving yourself grace. And healing.
Peatful, you may not be qualified, qualified, but you are deeply qualified in life experience. Your comments have given me a sense of freedom already. thank you. I have added starch back into my diet today.

You say, 'I'm well now'. Am I allowed to ask you what/how you ate to reach that point? What you eat now? I feel extremely uncomfortable asking and will quite understand if these questions are too personal.

I have watched the video you posted of Stephanie Buttermore. I am slightly horrified, not least because I am probably twice her age and wonder how reparable my body now is. I will never be able to use the gym as the place to go when things get too much. I am way too damaged for working out, although I remain very hopeful that I will be able to get back hiking and be able to move more freely once again. But I really do get the 'theory' of refeeding. My burning question is: do you think it is possible to do refeeding in a more 'Peat-like' way, i.e. only his recommended starches, very limited vegetables, minimising endotoxins, minimal PUFA, low methionine and tryptophan, reducing serotonin, adequate calcium etc? Over the last few months, I have become so indoctrinated and convinced by Dr. Peat's research that I just do not think I could be comfortable eating outside his guidelines (I fully realise that there never has been a Peat diet). I wonder if you have found some way to compromise as you have journeyed back to health.

Your last line: 'Think about eating. And resting. And hoping. And giving yourself grace. And healing'. So lovely, thank you.


Jun 9, 2021
4 stones? That's unbelievably low.

The above suggestions are good, wearing a lot of clothes, wool socks and wool hat can help you feel less anxious. I find having at least 300w of incandescent light (as close to me as possible) invaluable when the weather is cloudy. Sometimes just eating whatever without feeling worried or guilty is therapeutic in and of itself, just make sure not to make a habit of it.

With all that calcium, do you make sure to get enough vitamin D to truly push PTH down? If you are from the UK your chances of enough UV radiation is very low. Have you tested either vitamin D or PTH?

Since you are a woman, have you tried higher doses of Progest-E temporarily for e.g: sleep aid? Maybe high dose for 2 weeks, then stop for 2 weeks. Aspirin should help your glucose metabolism too.

When you wake up at 2 AM, what do you do to fall back asleep? I find that if I have trouble sleeping and I try to force myself to stay in bed, I feel worse. Doing something is better than feeling restrained. I want to add that hope is not optional on this journey, so please don't despair. All will be good!
Thank you Pied. I was a bit worried to take vitamin D, thinking that it would make me absorb even more calcium. I am having my vitamin D levels measured next week. About six months ago, they were 68 nmol/L (ref 50-125). Is that too low? And I know so little about the correct ratio of Vit D to Vit A, which is another reason why I was fearful to take extra vitamin D. Perhaps I should just take a low 2,000 ius per day. I eat 1 oz of liver each day but that is only about 160 ius of vitamin A, according to Cronometer.
I am wondering what you would consider a high dose of Progest-E? I am nervous of Aspirin but perhaps even a baby aspirin (about 80 mg) daily would be a good place to start?
Thank you for reminding me that hope is not optional! Yes, all will be good - because I am 100% dedicated. I hope you go well, also.


Jun 9, 2021
Great timing with this post as this has been on my mind a lot lately. While I don't have anorexia I can certainly relate to orthorexia and I was at a very low weight due to breastfeeding two kids so I experienced similar symptoms as someone with anorexia. I have recently been through a period of undereating at 1500 or less calories and finally got the hunger pains telling me I am not eating enough. I went to bed last night hungry and of course woke up at 3 am and had trouble getting back to sleep. That doesn't happen when I am well fed.

When I wanted to gain weight yrs ago I used cyproheptadine, it is a common drug used to gain weight. It helps calm anxiety and wake up the appetite. It worked for me I gained about 20 lbs and felt free of food fears. I used haagen dazs to reach that. At about 4 ounces a day. I still eat it when I haven't eaten enough calories. I sometimes say it saved my life because my appetite sucked so bad that it was the only thing preventing me from losing weight. I tell myself now that calories always come first. I don't even worry about PUFA anymore. Although my normal diet doesn't have very much. I also eat gluten and that also saved me. A big bowl of pasta greatly greatly decreases anxiety. I don't get the same feeling from milk for very long. I tried refeeding on milk and still had lots of anxiety. I don't think it was working well for me.

You can do this! If I can gain weight despite my horrible appetite you can too!!
Sugarbabe, I am sorry you had a bad night last night. I do hope that you have been able to eat enough today such that you will rest well tonight. It must have be so hard to not have much of an appetite. As you now know, mine is pretty much raging. Your encouragement helps me to honour that appetite. As I said above, I have just today started eating starch again. I have not been able to do pasta yet, but will note that you think it can be very calming. It is good to know that you do not think refeeding using milk, is very workable. I think I shall leave that idea behind and just take milk as my go-to top up (with something extra as well), after I have eaten my main meals. I am not keen on cold foods like ice cream, which is why I have resorted to white chocolate. I feel quite concerned that I do eat chocolate and wonder if it okay! It certainly keeps the calories up, but I think it does perhaps give me too much of a sugar 'surge' and leaves me feeling dizzy and shaky. Oh dear, I must not get bogged down in over-thinking! So easy, when one feels lacking in confidence.

Thank you for sharing that you too have had times when you have tipped over into orthorexia. Bearing this in mind and your ability to relate to my situation, would you also mind sharing in more detail how your day's food goes. As I said to Peatful above, I am very uncomfortable asking such a personal question and will quite understand if that is too much.

As you say, I can do it too!


Dec 8, 2016
Perfect timing.
My husband is with the kids at a college football game.
So im wrapping Christmas gifts and catching up here on the forum.

The bad news is- if you have already made up your mind regarding parameters- there is nothing I can say that can help you.

The good news is- if you try it your way, and don’t get the results you want- you can come back to this post.

There is no one way to heal. But with your hx and data- I would pay a lot of attention to what Kelj, Kayla Rose and myself have to offer.

Starch was wonderfully healing for me.
It really seemed to settle my adrenals down; which in turn helped my estrogen dominance.

I want to back track and add- eating balanced macros is of utmost importance.
You don’t want more stress on your body, especially adrenals, with working overtime regulating your blood sugar.
I shot for most meals roughly 40/30/30 or 50/20/20.
Don’t get dogmatic or hyperfocused on that. But please be aware.

What did I eat for two years as I went from near death to wholeness?
Pretty much anything that agreed with me.
That tasted good.
That I could digest.
That I enjoyed eating.
That my temps seemed to peak with.

What I was forced to eat- or not eat- was...
No whole foods.
I simply could not eat enough to meet my caloric demands to heal (***I got stuck in pseudo recovery that way one year in***); nor was my digestion strong enough for all that food.
I needed processed food much to my hesitation.

What I eat now is whatever I want.
My digestion is still iffy at best. All those years and years and years of malnourishment took its toll.

If you want sizes-
I was at a size 0. A 0/2. American sizing.
I went up to a size 12.
Im now at a 4/6.
The weight came off effortlessly.

Im 48 years old now btw.
Im in recovery for about a year now.
So I was 45-47 doing this with children at home and a husband.

I was fat. I was so very very bloated. (See Pinas link to that refeeding syndrome data).
But here’s the thing: about three months in- after weeks and weeks of rest (zero activity) - I felt good. I was healing.
I went diabetic. I absolutely believe I did.
But- I trusted my body. Not clinical data. Not YouTube videos. But my body- it was working so hard for me to find balance again.
It didn’t fail me!
God’s design is too wonderful for us to understand.

It’s your greatest source of knowledge.
But be open minded.
No fear.
Stop reading.
Stop limiting.
Stop overthinking.

Reach out anytime.
YOU got this.


Sep 13, 2012
Perfect timing.
My husband is with the kids at a college football game.
So im wrapping Christmas gifts and catching up here on the forum.

The bad news is- if you have already made up your mind regarding parameters- there is nothing I can say that can help you.

The good news is- if you try it your way, and don’t get the results you want- you can come back to this post.

There is no one way to heal. But with your hx and data- I would pay a lot of attention to what Kelj, Kayla Rose and myself have to offer.

Starch was wonderfully healing for me.
It really seemed to settle my adrenals down; which in turn helped my estrogen dominance.

I want to back track and add- eating balanced macros is of utmost importance.
You don’t want more stress on your body, especially adrenals, with working overtime regulating your blood sugar.
I shot for most meals roughly 40/30/30 or 50/20/20.
Don’t get dogmatic or hyperfocused on that. But please be aware.

What did I eat for two years as I went from near death to wholeness?
Pretty much anything that agreed with me.
That tasted good.
That I could digest.
That I enjoyed eating.
That my temps seemed to peak with.

What I was forced to eat- or not eat- was...
No whole foods.
I simply could not eat enough to meet my caloric demands to heal (***I got stuck in pseudo recovery that way one year in***); nor was my digestion strong enough for all that food.
I needed processed food much to my hesitation.

What I eat now is whatever I want.
My digestion is still iffy at best. All those years and years and years of malnourishment took its toll.

If you want sizes-
I was at a size 0. A 0/2. American sizing.
I went up to a size 12.
Im now at a 4/6.
The weight came off effortlessly.

Im 48 years old now btw.
Im in recovery for about a year now.
So I was 45-47 doing this with children at home and a husband.

I was fat. I was so very very bloated. (See Pinas link to that refeeding syndrome data).
But here’s the thing: about three months in- after weeks and weeks of rest (zero activity) - I felt good. I was healing.
I went diabetic. I absolutely believe I did.
But- I trusted my body. Not clinical data. Not YouTube videos. But my body- it was working so hard for me to find balance again.
It didn’t fail me!
God’s design is too wonderful for us to understand.

It’s your greatest source of knowledge.
But be open minded.
No fear.
Stop reading.
Stop limiting.
Stop overthinking.

Reach out anytime.
YOU got this.
Excellent advice!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Perfect timing.
My husband is with the kids at a college football game.
So im wrapping Christmas gifts and catching up here on the forum.

The bad news is- if you have already made up your mind regarding parameters- there is nothing I can say that can help you.

The good news is- if you try it your way, and don’t get the results you want- you can come back to this post.

There is no one way to heal. But with your hx and data- I would pay a lot of attention to what Kelj, Kayla Rose and myself have to offer.

Starch was wonderfully healing for me.
It really seemed to settle my adrenals down; which in turn helped my estrogen dominance.

I want to back track and add- eating balanced macros is of utmost importance.
You don’t want more stress on your body, especially adrenals, with working overtime regulating your blood sugar.
I shot for most meals roughly 40/30/30 or 50/20/20.
Don’t get dogmatic or hyperfocused on that. But please be aware.

What did I eat for two years as I went from near death to wholeness?
Pretty much anything that agreed with me.
That tasted good.
That I could digest.
That I enjoyed eating.
That my temps seemed to peak with.

What I was forced to eat- or not eat- was...
No whole foods.
I simply could not eat enough to meet my caloric demands to heal (***I got stuck in pseudo recovery that way one year in***); nor was my digestion strong enough for all that food.
I needed processed food much to my hesitation.

What I eat now is whatever I want.
My digestion is still iffy at best. All those years and years and years of malnourishment took its toll.

If you want sizes-
I was at a size 0. A 0/2. American sizing.
I went up to a size 12.
Im now at a 4/6.
The weight came off effortlessly.

Im 48 years old now btw.
Im in recovery for about a year now.
So I was 45-47 doing this with children at home and a husband.

I was fat. I was so very very bloated. (See Pinas link to that refeeding syndrome data).
But here’s the thing: about three months in- after weeks and weeks of rest (zero activity) - I felt good. I was healing.
I went diabetic. I absolutely believe I did.
But- I trusted my body. Not clinical data. Not YouTube videos. But my body- it was working so hard for me to find balance again.
It didn’t fail me!
God’s design is too wonderful for us to understand.

It’s your greatest source of knowledge.
But be open minded.
No fear.
Stop reading.
Stop limiting.
Stop overthinking.

Reach out anytime.
YOU got this.
Beautiful words of wisdom.


Dec 8, 2016


Dec 8, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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