Are we witnessing a super spread event by “vaxxed” people?

Nov 21, 2015

there has been a strange riddle in the covid data of late.

we have a lower CFR variant of the disease that has become predominant. delta has roughly 1/3 the case fatality rate of prior variants (like alpha)

far more people have acquired immunity from having had and recovered from covid. this immunity is long lasting and extremely effective. (much more so than vaccines)

high risk cohorts were significantly reduced last year. there is less “dry tinder” now.

we have FAR more people vaccinated now. it’s 50-90% in many places and in many high risk groups. last year it was zero.

and yet in many of the high vaccine uptake places, we’re seeing deaths from covid (andexcess mortality) rise to levels ABOVE last year.

this has led many to posit that vaccines not only don’t work, but that they make you worse.

but on an individual level, this does not appear to be true. (though there is quite a lot of evidence that vaccines induce higher risk in the two weeks post administration and that this is being accounted for dishonestly, added to the “unvaccinated” butcher’s bill, and artificially enhancing reported VE.

BUT, even if we control for this, vaccines are showing efficacy in preventing deaths among the vaccinated. it’s more like 50% than the 90%+ being claimed, but VE against death in the 50%’s should still be showing BIG community effects with so many people in the high risk groups vaccinated.

but, on a societal level, it’s not. we’re seeing breakouts to new seasonal highs vs last year and epidemics in covid death rapidly following vaccination campaigns. (MORE)

all else equal even without vaccines, we’d expect to see attenuation in covid deaths for the reasons laid out above. instead we see acceleration.

the case rate in covid would need to be 3X last year to drive equivalent deaths and higher than that to show excess. but, it’s nothing like that, especially once you control for testing levels.

this is showing up in excess deaths as well as covid deaths, so the signal looks real.

the data has caused a lot of hand wringing and confusion.


Mar 29, 2016
I think we may, but we can head it off if we keep ourselves biologically balanced so that we can adapt to the insults of whatever the vaxxed shed and get to us. We have a huge reservoir of adaptive capacity if we know how to keep ourselves as true to our nature. We eat as we should be eating, and we bathe ourselves in nature's free bounty such as clean water and air and sunshine.

But many among the general populace reject this simple prescription, and prefer the false expertise of labcoats with degrees tainted with the stain of propaganda bereft of scientific inquiry and critical thought They are likely to be vaccinated, so whoever is left unvaccinated but still infected with propaganda and miseducation would not withstand this onslaught.

The prescription is to live a healthy lifestyle as defined not by propaganda but by the science such as practiced by Ray Peat. But weaning sub-critical minded people from their lifetime of miseducation and pet parrot training is a near impossible task, so it is only those who can penetrate through the fog of deception that can survive.


Mar 18, 2021
delta has lower cfr but I think it’s actually true that it is 10x more contagious. anecdotally a lot more people that i know got it recently than in previous “waves”, including many people on this forum.
in norway covid has been declared no more dangerous than the flu and all restrictions have been lifted.
recently i’ve heard doctors on tv say that the spring wave will be the last of the waves, i guess they’ll have to release something else
Norway to end coronavirus-related restrictions on Saturday


Apr 19, 2020
The Industry has been exploring self disseminating vaccines for years. Same as "increasing the performance" of already known infectious diseases.
Check this out :

It is main stream publication, but shows the interest and efficacy of smaller studies on animals. So vaxxed super spreader event could be part of a plan. We know we are all part of an experiment.

I gave up on looking at the US data as they obviously fudge it big time, but at the same time good on you for trying to extract some excellent information from the numbers.

Remember last November Johns Hopkins University Assoc. Senior Economics lecturer Genevieve Briand showed there were NO excess deaths according to CDC data? Then she had to retract it or ? (lose her job?).

A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19

Lots of chicanery about.


Sep 12, 2020
I think we may, but we can head it off if we keep ourselves biologically balanced so that we can adapt to the insults of whatever the vaxxed shed and get to us. We have a huge reservoir of adaptive capacity if we know how to keep ourselves as true to our nature. We eat as we should be eating, and we bathe ourselves in nature's free bounty such as clean water and air and sunshine.

But many among the general populace reject this simple prescription, and prefer the false expertise of labcoats with degrees tainted with the stain of propaganda bereft of scientific inquiry and critical thought They are likely to be vaccinated, so whoever is left unvaccinated but still infected with propaganda and miseducation would not withstand this onslaught.

The prescription is to live a healthy lifestyle as defined not by propaganda but by the science such as practiced by Ray Peat. But weaning sub-critical minded people from their lifetime of miseducation and pet parrot training is a near impossible task, so it is only those who can penetrate through the fog of deception that can survive.
damn well said ! love this thanks


Search "died suddenly" Go to news and look at results


Aug 10, 2012
I think we may, but we can head it off if we keep ourselves biologically balanced so that we can adapt to the insults of whatever the vaxxed shed and get to us. We have a huge reservoir of adaptive capacity if we know how to keep ourselves as true to our nature. We eat as we should be eating, and we bathe ourselves in nature's free bounty such as clean water and air and sunshine.

But many among the general populace reject this simple prescription, and prefer the false expertise of labcoats with degrees tainted with the stain of propaganda bereft of scientific inquiry and critical thought They are likely to be vaccinated, so whoever is left unvaccinated but still infected with propaganda and miseducation would not withstand this onslaught.

The prescription is to live a healthy lifestyle as defined not by propaganda but by the science such as practiced by Ray Peat. But weaning sub-critical minded people from their lifetime of miseducation and pet parrot training is a near impossible task, so it is only those who can penetrate through the fog of deception that can survive.
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