BOMBSHELL: Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier


Jan 1, 2013
Here's a very informative video of Boyd Haley demolishing pretty much every argument from a professor of vaccinology arguing for the efficiency and safety of vaccines.



Dec 1, 2012
We may have to agree to disagree on these guys. I think the only thing wrong with the Miller Goldman studies are that they are working with very limited funds and obviously can’t afford to do a gold plated randomized double blind placebo controlled study like their critics seem to demand. The IMR study was admittedly a little too simplistic but the VAERS study showed a very strong relationship between number of vaccines and adverse events. Gorski has no credibility with me not because I read anti-vax blogs, but because so many of his charges are demonstrably false.

Have a look at the several other studies in the links below The vaccine industry would have us believe that there are no peer reviewed studies showing any dangers with their product but that is completely false. Here are a few, actually over 50, as a start.
30 solid scientific studies that prove vaccines are linked with autism
Anti-Vaccine Scientific Support Arsenal

Also @Travis posted a lot of good info on safer alternatives to the current slew of toxic adjuvants. Again, tell me why they are using so many known neurotoxins and carcinogens when there are so many safer substance that they could use.

Miller and Goldman have shown they either lack a basic understanding of how you can use statistics to prove a result, or their willfully dishonest. Available funding has nothing to do with that fact. If you don't constrain your experiment, then your significant results are meaningless. If you compare 20 variables, odds are you will get a significant result on 1 even there are no real results there. It's why you shouldn't trust a financial adviser who shows you a portfolio of their picks that beat the market over 10 years. They had thousands of these portfolios 10 years ago and are only showing you the ones that beat the market most likely due to chance. It is not a predictor of future performance. Miller and Goldman are presenting a studies with these fundamental flaws. Showing preconceived patterns in noise. It's like picking out a random animal in the clouds.

Thanks for the links. I don't have time to go through each of those studies or look for information from someone who has though, and natural news gives off enough of a bs signal that I can't trust it. I'll take scientific consensus over natural news any day of the weak based on my priors.

As for the safer substances, I thought I've already explained that. Briefly it could be some or a combo of these:
1) serves a purpose those other substances don't
2) acts as a bit of a failsafe
3) bureaucracy

Since it appears to be safe to the FDA at the doses used, they have little incentive to change it out for "safer" chemicals.

This seems to me to be a much more reasonable explanation to any grand conspiracy.


Jul 14, 2016
Nobody is saying that this started as a top-down pyramidal conspiracy with aluminum, although there may be some malfeasance involved. You could explain it in a number of ways besides.

They first used alum to precipitate antigens from solution. As you know, the bacterial antigens are smaller than bacteria and are short lipid chains (lipotoxins), polysaccharides, and peptides. The addition of alum with sodium hydroxide causes a condenstation reaction in which crystals of aluminum oxide hydroxide form. This purifies and concentrates the antigens.

This also traps the bacterial antigens (lipotoxins) inside of the growing crystal and the high zeta potential of aluminum attracts antigens on its surface.

The trapped antigens within the crystals form a time-release antigen depot.

This was first done in the late 20s, and I don't think that many people understood the toxicity of aluminum back then.

However, we do now and any sane person who examines the data would probably prefer a vaccine with a different adjuvant. You can do the same thing with calcium phosphate. Aluminum appears to be used largely on the basis of historical inertia.

There is little point in speculating why its still being used when there is so much hard data demonstrating its toxicity.

Mercury is a different topic because it was known to be highly toxic way before it was used in vaccines. The Minamata Bay Disaster and the Granusan Seed Poisoning showed that it was even more toxic than inorganic mercury compounds, and Eli Lilly's own tests showed unacceptable toxicity. The FDA removed it from over-the-counter products in the 90s because of its toxicity, but its use in vaccines continued. Thimerosal is indefensible, but the use of aluminum could have started with good intentions.

[excellent Boyd Haley (PhD:chemistry-biochemistry) interview by the way]
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jul 14, 2016
Wow. Somebody must be trying to bury this information. I clicked on those links about two weeks ago and they were working.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Wow. Somebody must be trying to bury this information. I clicked on those links about two weeks ago and they were working.
Yeh wish I would have saved them. :(


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
It's even gone from google cache.

I was able to find it via the site below and have attached it. However, there was 2 studies in the OP. So will keep searching and see what I find.

Key Findings: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated


    1,009 KB · Views: 22


Jul 14, 2016


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


  • 348026561-Pilot-comparative-study-on-the-health-of-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-2017.pdf
    497.9 KB · Views: 48


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Cui bono was always the first question asked but now we have been purposely dumbed down to think that everything happens by accident. It’s gotten so bad that now just saying the words conspiracy theory is taken as an argument against the possibility of conspiracy. FDR famously said "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." In other words unintended consequences are rarely unintended. Detectives often say that they are not allowed to believe in coincidences; Neither should we.
Marxists argue using cui bono as it's useful in the context of class conflict. While my ad-hominem doesn't prove anything, there's such a thing as emergent order where self-interest manifests not as a puppet scheme with a man behind a curtain, but as the aggregation of all individual self-interested agents in a population, in the same way that a group of industrious individuals can function as an industrious company, nation and so on. We wouldn't say that there's a man in charge of the company making everyone behave "industriously," but there would be incentives in place to encourage such behavior.


Jul 14, 2016
Yeah. You have to be able to see things both sociologically and operationally—a top-down pyramidal structure where the guy at the top gives the orders and shapes aspects of society, structured similar to the military.

I suppose it depends on the phenomenon in question, and even with sometimes aspects of both operating simultaneously. The Senate works within it's own sociological politics but it's also of higher pyramidal significance than the House—which then trumps the Senate on the State level (which in turn trumps the State House). Often times you take a peek behind the curtain and see Bill Gates; other times, you see your neighbors and their friends.

I see the persistence of aluminum in vaccines—along with the perennially-expanded vaccine schedule—as predominately sociological; held together by the cultivated ignorance, denial, and simple lassitude of most medical personnel and fueled by the shadenfreude of middle aged men who know yet feel powerful and elite because; after all, power and freedom are relative—the less others have the more that makes you. Something could be said about the paternalistic pride for their own sons and daughters—who never receive significant amounts of aluminum; either from food or injected—and the edge over classmates conferred-upon by this. Vaccine exemptions would be easy for those know the inner workings and all the Latin terms, able to create whatever legally-binding diagnosis they'd prefer.

After reading about Guam, ALS, and aluminum, I have come to the conclusion that all acute and permanent neurological after effects resulting from vaccination (i.e. GBS) can be blamed on aluminum alone. It even works peripherally, where the natural affinity of Al³⁺ for the phosphate (PO₄²⁻) group drives the formation of neurofibrillary tangles: the Gordian Knot of inclusion bodies nucleated with a proteolysis-resistant core formed from the highly-phosphorylated outer myelin proteins crosslinked by Al³⁺—an atomic valency of three makes a three-membered crosslink—and then tangled yet further by your standard lipid peroxidation dialdehydes creating Shiff linkages (imines) between histidine, arginine, and lysine (and especially lysine). In vitro studies demonstrate that nothing aggregates highly-phosphorylated τ quite like Al³⁺ can, and still to this day nobody has been able to form them in vivo by injecting anything but. Dozens of studies from the early 80s reveal aluminum on the spinal cords—by electron dispersive spectroscopy, neutron absorption, and the Al³⁺-specific Morin stain as well as the brilliant fuchsia solochrome azurine—of Guam natives with Parkinson's and ALS, while the analytical chemists determined unusually-high Al³⁺ in association with unusually-low Ca²⁺ resulting from their water percolating through igneous rock which had brought the aluminum volcanically to the upper mantle millennia ago. It simply took Europeans and their industry to change their drinking habits through drilling, tapping, piping, pumping, but not distilling the Al³⁺-percolate which they had historically called "ground water" to bring-about the epidemic—probably quite unintentionally.

. . was perhaps the use of aluminum in vaccines to begin with. At that time, it had been known that a certain fraction of lysed or otherwise disrupted bacteria cells was antigenic, a discovery which would later produce more potent vaccines. Separating millions of antigen floating in solution from lysed mitochondria, phospholipids, nucleic acid, and divers other cellular fragments was a challenge for medical personnel who weren't professional chemists yet too arrogant and self-confident to outsource. A mixture of aluminum and sulfate ions in solution will precipitate with the addition of calcium hydroxide to form insoluble aluminum hydroxide with the antigens—and other small-molecule "impurities"—conveniently trapped inside. Alum was plentiful and cheap; it was later found through bioassay that Al(OH)₃ was just barely more antigenic than things such as iron oxide, germanium dioxide, potassium borotartrate, yttrium nitrate, rubidium hydroxide, cæsium aluminum sulphate, beryllium carbonate.. . .

I don't even think the Rothschilds, or even any one Rockefeller, knew that injected aluminum would be be toxic. Ingested aluminum can be tolerated; little is absorbed in it's natural silicate form (<.3%) and what does is stored in the bones. Before the needle, it would have taken years of chronic consumption with low Ca²⁺ intakes to realize it's toxicity; nothing arsenic, lead, and mercury can't do in much lower amounts—and quicker. Aluminum not only wouldn't have made their list of preferred poisons, but it probably wasn't even on their radar (and technically, there wasn't even radar in the 30s (this strengthens my argument considerably.).).

Thimerosal is a different issue, and the history of mercury goes back way longer. The first cases of aluminum toxicity was concurrent with aluminum mining in the early 1900s when Alois Alzheimer reported a few, quite novel, histological features.

[1] Glenny, A. T. "Insoluble precipitates in diphtheria and tetanus immunization." British medical journal 2.3632 (1930): 244.
[2] Perl, Daniel P., et al. "Intraneuronal aluminum accumulation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinsonism-dementia of Guam." Science 217.4564 (1982): 1053-1055.
[3] Alzheimer, Alois. "Uber eine eigenartige Erkrankung der Hirnrinde." Allgemeine Zeitschrife Psychiatrie 64 (1907): 146-148
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Oct 11, 2016
Yeah. You have to be able to see things both sociologically and operationally—a top-down pyramidal structure where the guy at the top gives the orders and shapes aspects of society, structured similar to the military.

I suppose it depends on the phenomenon in question, and even with sometimes aspects of both operating simultaneously. The Senate works within it's own sociological politics but it's also of higher pyramidal significance than the House—which then trumps the Senate on the State level (which in turn trumps the State House). Often times you take a peek behind the curtain and see Bill Gates; other times, you see your neighbors and their friends.

I see the persistence of aluminum in vaccines—along with the perennially-expanded vaccine schedule—as predominately sociological; held together by the cultivated ignorance, denial, and simple lassitude of most medical personnel and fueled by the shadenfreude of middle aged men who know yet feel powerful and elite because; after all, power and freedom are relative—the less others have the more that makes you. Something could be said about the paternalistic pride for their own sons and daughters—who never receive significant amounts of aluminum; either from food or injected—and the edge over classmates conferred-upon by this. Vaccine exemptions would be easy for those know the inner workings and all the Latin terms, able to create whatever legally-binding diagnosis they'd prefer.

After reading about Guam, ALS, and aluminum, I have come to the conclusion that all acute and permanent neurological after effects resulting from vaccination (i.e. GBS) can be blamed on aluminum alone. It even works peripherally, where the natural affinity of Al³⁺ for the phosphate (PO₄²⁻) group drives the formation of neurofibrillary tangles: the Gordian Knot of inclusion bodies nucleated with a proteolysis-resistant core formed from the highly-phosphorylated outer myelin proteins crosslinked by Al³⁺—an atomic valency of three makes a three-membered crosslink—and then tangled yet further by your standard lipid peroxidation dialdehydes creating Shiff linkages (imines) between histidine, arginine, and lysine (and especially lysine). In vitro studies demonstrate that nothing aggregates highly-phosphorylated τ quite like Al³⁺ can, and still to this day nobody has been able to form them in vivo by injecting anything but. Dozens of studies from the early 80s reveal aluminum on the spinal cords—by electron dispersive spectroscopy, neutron absorption, and the Al³⁺-specific Morin stain as well as the brilliant fuchsia solochrome azurine—of Guam natives with Parkinson's and ALS, while the analytical chemists determined unusually-high Al³⁺ in association with unusually-low Ca²⁺ resulting from their water percolating through igneous rock which had brought the aluminum volcanically to the upper mantle millennia ago. It simply took Europeans and their industry to change their drinking habits through drilling, tapping, piping, pumping, but not distilling the Al³⁺-percolate which they had historically called "ground water" to bring-about the epidemic—probably quite unintentionally.

. . was perhaps the use of aluminum in vaccines to begin with. At that time, it had been known that a certain fraction of lysed or otherwise disrupted bacteria cells was antigenic, a discovery which would later produce more potent vaccines. Separating millions of antigen floating in solution from lysed mitochondria, phospholipids, nucleic acid, and divers other cellular fragments was a challenge for medical personnel who weren't professional chemists yet too arrogant and self-confident to outsource. A mixture of aluminum and sulfate ions in solution will precipitate with the addition of calcium hydroxide to form insoluble aluminum hydroxide with the antigens—and other small-molecule "impurities"—conveniently trapped inside. Alum was plentiful and cheap; it was later found through bioassay that Al(OH)₃ was just barely more antigenic than things such as iron oxide, germanium dioxide, potassium borotartrate, yttrium nitrate, rubidium hydroxide, cæsium aluminum sulphate, beryllium carbonate.. . .

I don't even think the Rothschilds, or even any one Rockefeller, knew that injected aluminum would be be toxic. Ingested aluminum can be tolerated; little is absorbed in it's natural silicate form (<.3%) and what does is stored in the bones. Before the needle, it would have taken years of chronic consumption with low Ca²⁺ intakes to realize it's toxicity; nothing arsenic, lead, and mercury can't do in much lower amounts—and quicker. Aluminum not only wouldn't have made their list of preferred poisons, but it probably wasn't even on their radar (and technically, there wasn't even radar in the 30s (this strengthens my argument considerably.).).

Thimerosal is a different issue, and the history of mercury goes back way longer. The first cases of aluminum toxicity was concurrent with aluminum mining in the early 1900s when Alois Alzheimer reported a few, quite novel, histological features.

[1] Glenny, A. T. "Insoluble precipitates in diphtheria and tetanus immunization." British medical journal 2.3632 (1930): 244.
[2] Perl, Daniel P., et al. "Intraneuronal aluminum accumulation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinsonism-dementia of Guam." Science 217.4564 (1982): 1053-1055.
[3] Alzheimer, Alois. "Uber eine eigenartige Erkrankung der Hirnrinde." Allgemeine Zeitschrife Psychiatrie 64 (1907): 146-148

I can to similar conclusions about aluminum being a primary mechanism for vaccine damage. What are your thoughts about chelation and effective vaccine damage reversal strategies?


Jul 14, 2016
I can to similar conclusions about aluminum being a primary mechanism for vaccine damage. What are your thoughts about chelation and effective vaccine damage reversal strategies?
I haven't looked into that, but I know that it's stored in bones. The only way to remove that would be to consume chelators while making yourself osteopenic through something like a low-calcium, low vitamin D, high-phosphate, and high vitamin A diet.

If people have small amounts, like you stopped eating frozen pizza and treated city water long ago, than just maintaining high-calcium should be fine. It's the older, the osteoporotic who get the worst of it as the aluminum from their processed diet 20 years ago is dissolving out of their bones (and the Mylanta™, don't forget about the Mylanta™.)

I think the continued use of aluminum in food is a crime, making the amounts in vaccines seem minor (though actually a large dose for small children.)

I think that they used more in the 80s, and the use in food is getting more rare. Obviously, it's still in processed cheese and some baked wheat products. I know that citrate forms a good chelate with aluminum, and should be protective. The three carboxylic acid groups coordinate the +3 charge very well. Let me see if I can find a pic:


Melatonin has actually been shown to chelate aluminum as well, in vitro; enough sleep, darkness, and folic acid should be able to make all you need (while eliminating its precursor serotonin.)

And silica is of course protective, since it is it's natural low-energy mineral pair. Consuming aluminum silicates, as in clay, is much safer than consuming food grade aluminum phosphate. Much less aluminum is absorbed as a silicate because it's such a tighter bond. The aluminum industry is what made aluminum a health hazard, and all that "it's natural and abundant" speak you hear from apologists is just a diversion. It's true that it's like the eight most common element, but most is bound to silica and we can only absorb only a fraction of one percent.

There are two things that can explain paralysis after vaccines: aluminum and diptheria toxin—both bind to nerves. Aluminum because to the highly-phosphorylated proteins around myelin, and diptheria toxin because it's lipophillic. There is some truth to this too, as diptheria toxin was actually used to stain nerves in a study that I'd read.

So, either aluminum or and LPS toxin for sure. Mercury is toxic as hell, but in a different way. Guam proves that aluminum can cause ALS, so you would think that it would be the main suspect in vaccine-induced GBS cases.


Jul 3, 2016
I haven't looked into that, but I know that it's stored in bones. The only way to remove that would be to consume chelators while making yourself osteopenic through something like a low-calcium, low vitamin D, high-phosphate, and high vitamin A diet.

If people have small amounts, like you stopped eating frozen pizza and treated city water long ago, than just maintaining high-calcium should be fine. It's the older, the osteoporotic who get the worst of it as the aluminum from their processed diet 20 years ago is dissolving out of their bones (and the Mylanta™, don't forget about the Mylanta™.)

I think the continued use of aluminum in food is a crime, making the amounts in vaccines seem minor (though actually a large dose for small children.)

I think that they used more in the 80s, and the use in food is getting more rare. Obviously, it's still in processed cheese and some baked wheat products. I know that citrate forms a good chelate with aluminum, and should be protective. The three carboxylic acid groups coordinate the +3 charge very well. Let me see if I can find a pic:


Melatonin has actually been shown to chelate aluminum as well, in vitro; enough sleep, darkness, and folic acid should be able to make all you need (while eliminating its precursor serotonin.)

And silica is of course protective, since it is it's natural low-energy mineral pair. Consuming aluminum silicates, as in clay, is much safer than consuming food grade aluminum phosphate. Much less aluminum is absorbed as a silicate because it's such a tighter bond. The aluminum industry is what made aluminum a health hazard, and all that "it's natural and abundant" speak you hear from apologists is just a diversion. It's true that it's like the eight most common element, but most is bound to silica and we can only absorb only a fraction of one percent.

There are two things that can explain paralysis after vaccines: aluminum and diptheria toxin—both bind to nerves. Aluminum because to the highly-phosphorylated proteins around myelin, and diptheria toxin because it's lipophillic. There is some truth to this too, as diptheria toxin was actually used to stain nerves in a study that I'd read.

So, either aluminum or and LPS toxin for sure. Mercury is toxic as hell, but in a different way. Guam proves that aluminum can cause ALS, so you would think that it would be the main suspect in vaccine-induced GBS cases.
What would your comments on vaccine damage reversal strategies be now, Travis? Asking for a relative!


Jul 14, 2016
What would your comments on vaccine damage reversal strategies be now, Travis? Asking for a relative!
I think the primary toxic effect of aluminum nanoparticles is their binding to microtubule-associated proteins, such as τ, and inducing the recruitment of immune cells causing further damage. The best natural chelators of aluminum appear to be melatonin and tricarboxylic acids (i.e. citrate), so simply getting enough sleep and eating fruit could be the best strategy. And of course, omega−6 fatty acids will amplify essentially any immunological process—often pathologically—so avoiding these should also be a good idea. I think the best thing to do is to just wait until the body excretes the aluminum, and rebuilds.


Feb 12, 2020
Too bad. I got bitten by a bunch of dogs on my way to buying ******* oysters. What do I do now?? Get injected with 50 toxic vaccines or die anyway?
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