Book Suggestion: "The Contagion Myth" By Thomas Cowan & Sally Fallon



Jan 9, 2019
Also if people interested in the topic of this thread havent already, this really is a must watch.



Nov 18, 2019
Ill post our convo here tomorrow along with a line from Ray that directly contradicts the way in which you understood his statement both from my own podcast with him and i believe from KMUD- Viruses episode. What surprises me is that you claim to have listened to "all interviews with Ray" yet cant recall everything he has said about viruses that contradict the one (out of context) statement he made in a recent interview.

The short of it is that though one can pass these genetic information packets, both viruses and exosomes, their role in causing illness is a different claim entirely.

Comparing people who question germ theory to flat earthers is a cop out for a lack of understanding, not only of the evidence against germ theory but the intricacies of these micro "organisms" and their role in biology.
Funny you are taking an attack approach here because I questioned your interpretation. I am not married to being right; I clearly heard what he said. You can interview him and perhaps tease it out better. That would be great for everyone to hear. Viruses exist as you said and yes they can be contagious as Ray mentioned with the herpes example. NOW exposure doesn’t necessarily cause the person to catch it, that to me is a question of their particular internal terrain. Unhealthy will lead to lots of “catching”. To claim viruses are not contagious is a bit of a flat earther position. They are contagious. But again for someone to fall sick from exposure depends on the internal terrain.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Also if people interested in the topic of this thread havent already, this really is a must watch.

ZB has some really interesting ideas I'd like to hear/read, but he's also a real whack-job about some things that he takes too far. Unfortunately, I can't sit through a 2 hr video to sort it all out.


Jan 9, 2019
Funny you are taking an attack approach here because I questioned your interpretation. I am not married to being right; I clearly heard what he said. You can interview him and perhaps tease it out better. That would be great for everyone to hear. Viruses exist as you said and yes they can be contagious as Ray mentioned with the herpes example. NOW exposure doesn’t necessarily cause the person to catch it, that to me is a question of their particular internal terrain. Unhealthy will lead to lots of “catching”. To claim viruses are not contagious is a bit of a flat earther position. They are contagious. But again for someone to fall sick from exposure depends on the internal terrain.
I'm sorry, I must have misinterpreted calling people like me "flat earthers" as an attack instead of kindness lol

I'm going to repeat this once more since you seem to have a hard time comprehending and keep repeating yourself for whatever reason. Possibly because we are differing on the definition of the word Contagion. Oxford defines it at such: "the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact." This is what's being questioned, why? Because something being contagious and that something being a disease causing agent are very very different. Virus load arguments start to sound very similar to the "dose makes the poison" argument which many non diseases causing agents fall into.. even water.

Contagiousness is not the issue, yes these things are contagious and found in many sick and healthy people. The important thing is that they (viruses) serve a purpose and labeling them as pathogens (germ theory) is going against biology that needs to happen in order for organisms to adapt to their environment. Viruses and our response to them are not only determined by the terrain but viruses ARE the terrain. Can't escape a viruses any more than you can escape oxygen, both of which are required and able to cause issues in a body that is engaged in actions/ an environment that puts its bioenergetic integrity at risk.

My tone became harsh when you called people like Kaufman, Cowan and others flat earthers when they are saying the things that are closest in truth and able to get us out of the "crisis" we find ourselves. Possibly without fully understanding or even reading what they have to say. I'll never "attack" someone simply for disagreeing with me, hopefully this write up made this obvious. I have no patience for misleading claims or unnecessary belittlement.
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Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
I'm sorry, I must have misinterpreted calling people like me "flat earthers" as an attack instead of kindness lol

I'm going to repeat this once more since you seem to have a hard time comprehending and keep repeating yourself for whatever reason. Possibly because we are differing on the definition of the word Contagion. Oxford defines it at such: "the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact." This is what's being questioned, why? Because something being contagious and that something being a disease causing agent are very very different. Virus load arguments start to sound very similar to the "dose makes the poison" argument which many non diseases causing agents fall into.. even water.

Contagiousness is not the issue, yes these things are contagious and found in many sick and healthy people. The important thing is that they (viruses) serve a purpose and labeling them as pathogens (germ theory) is going against biology that needs to happen in order for organisms to adapt to their environment. Viruses and our response to them are not only determined by the terrain but viruses ARE the terrain. Can't escape a viruses any more than you can escape oxygen, both of which are required and able to cause issues in a body that is engaged in actions/ an environment that puts its bioenergetic integrity at risk.

My tone became harsh when you called people like Kaufman, Cowan and others flat earthers when they are saying the things that are closest in truth and able to get us out of the "crisis" we find ourselves. Possibly without fully understanding or even reading what they have to say. I'll never "attack" someone simply for disagreeing with me, hopefully this write up made this obvious. I have no patience for misleading claims or unnecessary belittlement.

Well said.

And thanks for the book suggestion. I found an interview with the authors (as well as Kaufman) as a primer: .

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
FYI the earth really is flat. Make 2021 the year you discover that wonderful truth. And then find a new analogy.


Jan 9, 2019

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Nov 18, 2019
I'm sorry, I must have misinterpreted calling people like me "flat earthers" as an attack instead of kindness lol

I'm going to repeat this once more since you seem to have a hard time comprehending and keep repeating yourself for whatever reason. Possibly because we are differing on the definition of the word Contagion. Oxford defines it at such: "the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact." This is what's being questioned, why? Because something being contagious and that something being a disease causing agent are very very different. Virus load arguments start to sound very similar to the "dose makes the poison" argument which many non diseases causing agents fall into.. even water.

Contagiousness is not the issue, yes these things are contagious and found in many sick and healthy people. The important thing is that they (viruses) serve a purpose and labeling them as pathogens (germ theory) is going against biology that needs to happen in order for organisms to adapt to their environment. Viruses and our response to them are not only determined by the terrain but viruses ARE the terrain. Can't escape a viruses any more than you can escape oxygen, both of which are required and able to cause issues in a body that is engaged in actions/ an environment that puts its bioenergetic integrity at risk.

My tone became harsh when you called people like Kaufman, Cowan and others flat earthers when they are saying the things that are closest in truth and able to get us out of the "crisis" we find ourselves. Possibly without fully understanding or even reading what they have to say. I'll never "attack" someone simply for disagreeing with me, hopefully this write up made this obvious. I have no patience for misleading claims or unnecessary belittlement.
This thread is obviously very important to you. I wish you the best. You have been unnecessarily trying to prove me wrong over this in several threads. Go back to my original objection: in my opinion you misrepresented Ray in that one interview in question. I clearly heard what he said. Another person heard the same as me. Why didn’t you go on the attack with him? This started from you in another thread before I even mentioned flat earther. You are very dedicated to this point of view. But make no mistake, it is only a point of view and as I am sure you will agree, there are others.

Again, no ill will to your point of view. How do you know I haven’t studied his works and interviews along with Kaufman’s? If I disagree, does that automatically relegate me to being misinformed. I ONLY disagreed with your assessment of Peat’s words in that interview. And here I am in multiple posts from you to me harshly criticizing me. When Peat is the given the chance he goes into greater detail expanding wonderfully on his thoughts. I do not ever try to listen to Ray’s words and give my interpretation. I take him word for word and study those and reflect on what they mean. But hey, this is my preference.

Again wishing you all the best.


Jan 9, 2019
Another great questioning of the status quo. This time with Stefan Lanka, one of the most qualified and active germ theory critics.

If this gets censored the interview can be found on Thomas Cowan's podcast and website.


Oct 6, 2020
Another great questioning of the status quo. This time with Stefan Lanka, one of the most qualified and active germ theory critics.

If this gets censored the interview can be found on Thomas Cowan's podcast and website.

interesting video.

He says at 23:23 "read your herald tillman, its all there in english."

I can't find much under that name. can anyone help me find which text/book he means?

i've gotta say realneat

zach bush, ray peat etc. along other informations you share realy help me getting a more coherent picture of the environment, viruses/bacteria, health and biology.

Thank you for sharing these.


Jan 9, 2019
This is a big nail in the coffin for viral isolation and even the concept of viruses. We may not know all the answers but it's becoming very clear that virology has a lot of secrets that when exposed will change our understanding of infections completely.

Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
In case people here haven't seen this yet, a rather good summary of the questionable existence of sarscov2 and hence its inability to cause illness.


Thanks RealNeat, this compilation is great.

I'm starting to mistrust any expert who goes along with the narrative that covid19 is a disease caused by a virus named sars-cov2. Even the ones who are against lockdowns and/or the vaccines but who speak as if sars-cov2 is real are suspect.


Sep 13, 2012
Germ theory poisons people's mind above all else. If you believe a sick person can make you sick just by being around them... well... you don't have much defense then do you?


Jan 9, 2019
Dr. Peat, thank you again for all your efforts to educate people like myself. You've been an important and impactful teacher in my life and others.

One question I've heard you answer many times is the question of viral isolation particularly whether or not SARSCOV2 exists. These questions are brought up by people who have listened to the work of people like Andre Kaufman and Tom Cowan.

Your answer seems to be that one need not isolate a thing completely to view its effects. I can't entirely comprehend this concept. It seems to me that in order to show that something has a said effect it needs to be isolated in the first place to know its effect. And knowing would then later reproduce identification.

The known definition of isolation many are looking for in studies that claim to have isolated SARSCOV2 don't seem to have actually done it. The purification of the samples seems absent and without purification there can be no identification of a disease causing culprit.

Here it is worded by the doctors I'm referring to Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Morell, Cowan & Kaufman

I'd love if you could offer some more clarity on why you believe SARSCOV2 to exist and if it has ever been properly isolated and shown to be the causal culprit of COVID19. Thank you!

Dr. Peat:

If they have a particular tissue extract that will cause the same symptoms 100% of the time, and find that putting that extract through a filter with a smaller pore size results in an extract that never causes the disease, as researchers were doing 120 years ago, they had evidence that a particle of a certain size was causative. They they treated their sample in different ways, showing that certain chemical or enzymic treatments would always destroy the infectivity, narrowing the range of possibilities of the nature of the infective substance. Specific antibodies produced in reaction to the substance provided more information about its composition. A very large number of tests increased knowledge of the composition of the infective substances. When electron microscopes became available, images of the infective concentrates, combined with chemistry, provided information about the spatial arrangement of the chemical components whose presence and proportions were known. Procedures known already to destroy infectivity of the substance could now be seen to cause specific changes in the EM images. I think Cowan and Kaufman have just skipped a century of the details of virology.


With all do respect to Dr. Peat I don't think the process he is describing is being followed today, as Stefan Lanka goes into in this article . I also haven't seen a paper that has successfully done what Ray is describing. Can anyone actualize what Dr. Peat is describing here with some hard proof?

In the video linked below, unlike others, Mike Adams describes how though he was against the "COVID tyranny agenda" he was a believer in the existence of the virus and even masks, until recently when he asked to attain a sample of SARSCOV2 and wasn't given such a thing. Here he goes into detail (have to sign up to watch but it's free) True Medicine Library by Andrew Kaufman M.D | Medicamentum Authentica


Jan 9, 2019
Dr. Peat, thank you again for all your efforts to educate people like myself. You've been an important and impactful teacher in my life and others.

One question I've heard you answer many times is the question of viral isolation particularly whether or not SARSCOV2 exists. These questions are brought up by people who have listened to the work of people like Andre Kaufman and Tom Cowan.

Your answer seems to be that one need not isolate a thing completely to view its effects. I can't entirely comprehend this concept. It seems to me that in order to show that something has a said effect it needs to be isolated in the first place to know its effect. And knowing would then later reproduce identification.

The known definition of isolation many are looking for in studies that claim to have isolated SARSCOV2 don't seem to have actually done it. The purification of the samples seems absent and without purification there can be no identification of a disease causing culprit.

Here it is worded by the doctors I'm referring to Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Morell, Cowan & Kaufman

I'd love if you could offer some more clarity on why you believe SARSCOV2 to exist and if it has ever been properly isolated and shown to be the causal culprit of COVID19. Thank you!

Dr. Peat:

If they have a particular tissue extract that will cause the same symptoms 100% of the time, and find that putting that extract through a filter with a smaller pore size results in an extract that never causes the disease, as researchers were doing 120 years ago, they had evidence that a particle of a certain size was causative. They they treated their sample in different ways, showing that certain chemical or enzymic treatments would always destroy the infectivity, narrowing the range of possibilities of the nature of the infective substance. Specific antibodies produced in reaction to the substance provided more information about its composition. A very large number of tests increased knowledge of the composition of the infective substances. When electron microscopes became available, images of the infective concentrates, combined with chemistry, provided information about the spatial arrangement of the chemical components whose presence and proportions were known. Procedures known already to destroy infectivity of the substance could now be seen to cause specific changes in the EM images. I think Cowan and Kaufman have just skipped a century of the details of virology.


With all do respect to Dr. Peat I don't think the process he is describing is being followed today, as Stefan Lanka goes into in this article . I also haven't seen a paper that has successfully done what Ray is describing. Can anyone actualize what Dr. Peat is describing here with some hard proof?

In the video linked below, unlike others, Mike Adams describes how though he was against the "COVID tyranny agenda" he was a believer in the existence of the virus and even masks, until recently when he asked to attain a sample of SARSCOV2 and wasn't given such a thing. Here he goes into detail (have to sign up to watch but it's free) True Medicine Library by Andrew Kaufman M.D | Medicamentum Authentica
Another interesting read to add to the list. Stefan Lankas gripe about antibodies, how can one measure specific antibodies to an unspecified virus?


Jan 9, 2019
Repost from my thread (Joe Rogan never had SARSCOV2)

"Im going to post this on this (Book Suggestion: "The Contagion Myth" By Thomas Cowan & Sally Fallon) thread too as Ive started a "evidence against germ theory" compilation of sorts. Some people think Im some anti germ theory fanatic. This is not the case, if we end up actually having contagion or "viruses" (even the word is misleading) as defined by the mainstream... so be it. The reason im questioning it is becasue there is just too much evidence against the "fact" not to. Some people have argued that SARSCOV2 is the causing factor of COVID19, also saying that "Ray hold this position," however, Ray Peat very clearly argues against that quite clearly in this particular ORN interview (though he also does in many other podcasts, including my own)."

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