Born is the King



Do you recognise the irony in this statement? God is the ultimate archetypal authority.
Who defines God? tells you what God wants from you, what his commandments are? How he wants you to live your life? what you must do in order to “surrender” to him? Who’s God are you even referring to? There are countless definitions and have been throughout history, different cultures, different times and so forth with different ideas about what he wants, how to please him or “surrender” to him.
I see God as the intelligence directing life. Luciferians believe that humanity should be directed by a select group of humans. I used to not know what it means to surrender to God either, but I eventually figured it out. It's based on faith that you need nothing to trust in, except God. That everything is okay, nobody or no system on this planet can save you or hurt you. Once you're One with God, you'll do what feels right and have a healthy relationship with death, as something that cannot kill you because you're One with the world and at home everywhere.
Mar 10, 2021
I see God as the intelligence directing life. Luciferians believe that humanity should be directed by a select group of humans. I used to not know what it means to surrender to God either, but I eventually figured it out. It's based on faith that you need nothing to trust in, except God. That everything is okay, nobody or no system on this planet can save you or hurt you. Once you're One with God, you'll do what feels right and have a healthy relationship with death, as something that cannot kill you because you're One with the world and at home everywhere.


Nov 22, 2015
I see God as the intelligence directing life. Luciferians believe that humanity should be directed by a select group of humans. I used to not know what it means to surrender to God either, but I eventually figured it out. It's based on faith that you need nothing to trust in, except God. That everything is okay, nobody or no system on this planet can save you or hurt you. Once you're One with God, you'll do what feels right and have a healthy relationship with death, as something that cannot kill you because you're One with the world and at home everywhere.
Sure, but now you're not talking about Christianity anymore. Or the bible, or Jesus or any other aspect of formal religion.
Apr 22, 2019
Thanks, @HighT for the post. Merry Christmas!

This thread - like all societal contentions over Christianity - contains many common questions and accusations of the Christian faith. It's true that men are fallen and are prone to lie, cheat, and steal for their own gain, but thankfully God is above these ways.

With that said, God has made it abundantly clear in many ways as to Who He is, and with that, what His will is for every person's life.

If any man seeks truth, he will seek it with an open mind. As such, let him read with the grace that is becoming of someone with such a mind:

The most resounding proof that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh is the mathematical probability of His coming as prophesied aforetime throughout the Old Testament scriptures which were written between 400 and 2000 years before His birth. There are 48 scriptures about one person which are all fulfilled to the exact detail. The mathematical probability of this happening is 1 in 10 to the 157th power and it is detailed in the book, Science Speaks by Peter W. Stoner. This number is greater than the number of electrons in the known universe.

An online version of the book can be found here: On-line book: Science Speaks by Peter Stoner (Peter W. Stoner)

Isaiah 41:21-24 - God challenges all men to prophesy for the future that anything they say will come to pass.
Isaiah 42:9 - God tells us that He tells us of things before they come to pass.
Isaiah 43:10-13 - God declares that He is God based on the witness of His servants.
Isaiah 44:5-8 - God affirms again that His showings will be confirmed and that He is the one God.
Isaiah 46:9-10 - God states that He declares the end from the beginning.
Our current estimation of when the first human woman lived based on the mutation rate of the mitochondria, "mitochondrial Eve" is about 6,000 years ago, which falls in line with Biblical prophecy.

The Mitochondrial Clock: Is the clock speed faster than we thought? MHRC
The shroud of Turin has been referred to as the 'paper receipt' of the Truth of Jesus Christ. A video about that with several relevant scientific affirmations put together can be found here, titled, "Joe Rogan says, show me physical evidence for Christianity - Ok, challenge accepted:"


It is repeatedly written over and over again that if we put faith in men, we will be let down. What ANY "church" or group of people do or ascertain to be righteous of their own accord is automatically wrong (Proverbs 16:25). There is only one Word of God (John 1:1). Just because I don't understand a verse, it doesn't mean that I don't believe it. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) and He didn't leave a bunch of missing-verse (Mark 4:14-15), choose-your-own-adventure, whatever-you-feel-like (Jeremiah 17:9) verses lying around for men to correct at their own assertion of righteousness. That absolute Word is objectively embodied as the 1611 King James Bible (Esther 8:8, Ecclesiastes 8:4). Without it, we wouldn't know the name of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10), or the number 666 being associated with the devil (Revelation 13:18).
People all around the world uniquely blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ when they stub their toe, are awestruck, or get scared without any variance of the names or titles of other spiritual figureheads. When someone gets knocked out in a fight or a car crash happens right in front of their eyes, nobody bellows, "Buddha!" or "Gandhi!" or "Zeus!" It's always the same name... and that's because it would be foolish to blaspheme a god who doesn't exist.
With regard to encounters of other spirits, we are told to inquire of them whether or not they are of God. We know whether or not a Spirit is of God by whether or not it confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. (1 John 4:1-3)
This applies to all manner of astral projection, spirit guides, demonic encounters, alien encounters, etc.
UFOs are (potentially) addressed in Ezekiel 1:15-22 and throughout Ezekiel chapter 10.
As a companion piece, Satan is the 5th cherubim which was cast down from the throne (Ezekiel 28:12-19).

We are not God, but we are as gods, knowing the difference between good and evil:

Genesis 3:5 - “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

The law is what establishes good from evil. God's law (Matthew 22:36-40) is already written in all of our hearts and when we follow that law which we know to be inherently right, we show the work of the law that has already been established in our hearts:

Romans 2:14-15 - “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)

Conclusively, if any man seeks truth, he will come to the light that his (inherently law-abiding) deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God:

John 3:20-21 - “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”

If any man refuses to come to the light, it's because he is a lover of his dark deeds more than he is a lover of light. The righteous discipline that comes from standing in the light is the reason why men do not muster the courage to ask God if Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh. Just ask! I urge anyone reading to set their pride aside for a day and ask if there's a significance to the name of Jesus Christ. What's the worst that could happen by verbalizing the question?

Matthew 7:7-8 - “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

Acts 4:10-12 - “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Hallelujah, man. To anyone who doesn't know what it feels like to know eternal salvation, I pray fervently that you may come to know the peace that passeth all understanding (Philippians 4:7). That's the miracle that all of us believers continue to go on about. When you find the cure to cancer (Mark 2:17), it's impossible not to share it.

1 John 5:13 - “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

May God have mercy on all our souls!


Oct 6, 2021

Wow, what a post. Highly appreciate it ! I knew some of the things you mentioned.

The mathematical probability of this happening is 1 in 10 to the 157th power

Our current estimation of when the first human woman lived based on the mutation rate of the mitochondria, "mitochondrial Eve" is about 6,000 years ago, which falls in line with Biblical prophecy.

But I have forgotten where I've read them. Also my english is not as good to put it in a way you did. So thank you very much for that. God bless you !
The rest of your post is golden too. Keep spreading the truth! We might not be able to convince most of the new agers and disbelievers, but at least very few of them. That's also strenghtening the faith of those who are not very firm in Christ. Jesus tells us : "Go arround the world and preach the Gospel to every creature !"

From my understanding, self-government is promoted in the bible and globalism is villified, and we are supposed to surrender to God, and not a church or religion.
It seems you are grasping some truth, thumps up, but you are still a new ager (whether you like the term or not) aka a devil worshipper.

Let me reveal you a secret, cause you said earlier in the thread that you have nothing to do with ''new age''.
This movement, same as you is saying Jesus was meditating and its how He ''ascended" Lol.
Also they equal him to just a saint, prophet ''a good guy'' like many others. You did the same.
They are using ''science'' as well to convince people of meditation benefits. Showing x-rays of brains after meditation etc.

So you have a lot in common with ''new age'' although labeling your practices with bullcrp terms as ''grounded awareness'' and neuroscience.

And now something very relevant to your views:

John 14 KJV

5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

But by me (Jesus), not but by meditation.

8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?


Jan 6, 2019
Eventually, the breakthrough happens and the illusion that your ascended self is apart from reality disappears because you temporarily experience complete oneness with the universe, the void while wide awake.
This I would call descension rather than ascension. To experience oneness with the universe is to fully identify with the material body residing within the universe, as the universe itself is strictly material. We as beings, on the other hand, are an active interface between that which is material and that which is immaterial. You identify your experience as 'the void' because that's what the material world fundamentally is: a void, devoid of true substance. So naturally such is the consequence of fully identifying with it. There is self-denial that makes room for God, as well as self-denial that denies the self and God alike -- the latter of which would of course produce no observable substance.
Allah is the arabian moon god, also known as baal, hubal, and molach or molech.
I'm familiar with the rhetoric, but the reasoning behind it remains unclear. At your current level of elucidation, I just can't see the connection.


Oct 6, 2021
I'm familiar with the rhetoric, but the reasoning behind it remains unclear. At your current level of elucidation, I just can't see the connection.
Yes, neither can I see it. :D

1.jpg 2.jpg 22.jpg

21.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg

5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg


This I would call descension rather than ascension. To experience oneness with the universe is to fully identify with the material body residing within the universe, as the universe itself is strictly material. We as beings, on the other hand, are an active interface between that which is material and that which is immaterial. You identify your experience as 'the void' because that's what the material world fundamentally is: a void, devoid of true substance. So naturally such is the consequence of fully identifying with it. There is self-denial that makes room for God, as well as self-denial that denies the self and God alike -- the latter of which would of course produce no observable substance.
My experience was because I saw awareness as it is, as substance. Awareness is no different from any other element of physical reality. You need to ascend in order to see your thoughts as occurances of the material universe, and you need to ascend even more to see awareness. The void was because there is no higher aspect of ourselves than consciously experiencing. Just as thoughts cease to influence once you see them as thoughts, and emotions cease to influence once you see them as emotions, the mechanism that overlooks them also ceases once it turns on itself.


Jan 6, 2019
My experience was because I saw awareness as it is, as substance. Awareness is no different from any other element of physical reality. You need to ascend in order to see your thoughts as occurances of the material universe, and you need to ascend even more to see awareness. The void was because there is no higher aspect of ourselves than consciously experiencing. Just as thoughts cease to influence once you see them as thoughts, and emotions cease to influence once you see them as emotions, the mechanism that overlooks them also ceases once it turns on itself.
I.e, you're going up a ladder, saying "not this, not this either..." and so on, until you finally arrive at the most ultimate substance at the top of the ladder -- substance, which turns out to be not mere another object to be transcended, but the very act of transcending itself? Yet if such act is also substance, can it really be proper to call the metaphysical space that defines the substance in question 'void'? Void is, in a sense, an antithesis to substance. It seems that you may have to pick one: substantial awareness or void awareness.


Jan 6, 2019
You could've picked better illustrations in support of your argument, as the proposed connections within these pictures near the point of arbitrariness, leaving most readers with more questions than answers. You also seem to be conflating Judaism with Islam. I know it all makes sense in your head, but there is little value to be extracted from a reply of this kind. In case such vagueness is (instead of being the product of an oversight in regard to your estimation of the ability of others to follow your hidden chain of reasoning) a testament to your own lack of comprehension and depth of knowledge in regard to the subject, it would be better to do more research before trying to teach others, lest others have the misfortune to suffer intellectually from your false conceptions.
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
View attachment 31705

Today Jesus Christ was born. The One Living God Himself came on earth in a human body.

He was here in flesh, so we could relate more to Him. He gave us the truth and light and the way out
of evil. Now we just have to trust in Him and follow His ways and we would have everlasting life.

Mary Christmas !

Christ wasn't born in December, it was probably sometime near August (if at all). Why would a pregnant women give birth in an open stable, in the dead of night, mid winter, anyway? Seems awfully uncomfortable.

Also there is the, IMO, very good theory that the Caesar had his intellectuals cooked up a more peaceful and loving Christian messiah to draw people away from Judaism, which was (and is) violent, destructive and giving the Romans a major headache. Unfortunately this backfired because although Christ ended up being a far bigger hit then they ever could have imagined, the Christians ended up taking the old testament a bit too seriously (as the jews have) and burned down and desecrated Roman temples and monuments to traditionalism throughout Rome. Christians were essentially the equivalent of present day antifa to the ancient world!'s_Messiah
Caesar's Messiah - Wikipedia


Oct 6, 2021
You could've picked better illustrations in support of your argument, as the proposed connections within these pictures near the point of arbitrariness, leaving most readers with more questions than answers. You also seem to be conflating Judaism with Islam. I know it all makes sense in your head, but there is little value to be extracted from a reply of this kind. In case such vagueness is (instead of being the product of an oversight in regard to your estimation of the ability of others to follow your hidden chain of reasoning) a testament to your own lack of comprehension and depth of knowledge in regard to the subject, it would be better to do more research before trying to teach others, lest others have the misfortune to suffer intellectually from your false conceptions.
Your attempt to discredit the evidence I've presented is unsuccessful. Also I'm finding it funny how you are writing numerous sentences without saying nothing. Typical example of being passive aggresive (low androgens) and showing language fluency to compensate for the lack of arguments. If you think you have more knowledge on the subject let's see your counter arguments for the ''false conceptions'' and not be hanging with ''muuh it's unclear, muh lack of depth, muh arbitrariness''. :D
If you don't, then get out of here together with Kayaker to discuss your mumbojumbo elsewhere. This thread is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and not to be filled with awarness, groundness, voids, ascentions, climbing ladders and such bollocks.

Christ wasn't born in December, it was probably sometime near August (if at all). Why would a pregnant women give birth in an open stable, in the dead of night, mid winter, anyway? Seems awfully uncomfortable.
It's possible. I have read the months of July and August are Roman inventions. There were many calendars with various number of months back then.
Therefore we could never be sure for the exact time, but there is nothing wrong to pick a date and celebrate it. The rest of your post is not true. I'm aware of this theory, but it doesn't hold. Jesus was against the state. Jesus was sent to dead by a roman. Roman Empire had killed and tortured many Christians after Him. And there are plenty more evidence against this.
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Feb 13, 2021
Your attempt to discredit the evidence I've presented is unsuccessful. Also I'm finding it funny how you are writing numerous sentences without saying nothing. Typical example of being passive aggresive (low androgens) and showing language fluency to compensate for the lack of arguments. If you think you have more knowledge on the subject let's see your counter arguments for the ''false conceptions'' and not be hanging with ''muuh it's unclear, muh lack of depth, muh arbitrariness''. :D
If you don't, then get out of here together with Kayaker to discuss your mumbojumbo elsewhere. This thread is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and not to be filled with awarness, groundness, voids, ascentions, climbing ladders and such bollocks.

It's possible. I have read the months of July and August are Roman inventions. There were many calendars with various number of months back then.
Therefore we could never be sure for the exact time, but there is nothing wrong to pick a date and celebrate it. The rest of your post is not true. I'm aware of this theory, but it doesn't hold. Jesus was against the state. Jesus was sent to dead by a roman. Roman Empire had killed and tortured many Christians after Him. And there are plenty more evidence against this.
Brother, can I encourage you to step back and check if your own verbiage here is Christlike?


Oct 6, 2021
Brother, can I encourage you to step back and check if your own verbiage here is Christlike?
I don't want satanic practices being preached in this thread as something good. Same as Jesus didn't want robbers at the temple and turn their tables. Was He telling kind words to them or something? Did He call pharisees vipers and other names? For the rest of the previous post I can't see anything to be further explained as the guy have said nothing of substance in this thread. Neither have you! Do you have something to say on topic or you are some lecturer?


I.e, you're going up a ladder, saying "not this, not this either..." and so on, until you finally arrive at the most ultimate substance at the top of the ladder -- substance, which turns out to be not mere another object to be transcended, but the very act of transcending itself? Yet if such act is also substance, can it really be proper to call the metaphysical space that defines the substance in question 'void'? Void is, in a sense, an antithesis to substance. It seems that you may have to pick one: substantial awareness or void awareness.
You're right about void not being the right term for it.


Feb 13, 2021
I don't want satanic practices being preached in this thread as something good. Same as Jesus didn't want robbers at the temple and turn their tables. Was He telling kind words to them or something? Did He call pharisees vipers and other names? For the rest of the previous post I can't see anything to be further explained as the guy have said nothing of substance in this thread. Neither have you! Do you have something to say on topic or you are some lecturer?
The pharisees were unique in that they were hyper-religious hypocrites - arguably the worst possible combo.

Not so with the other contributors to this thread.


May 3, 2015
God is the ultimate archetypal authority.
I’m not sure how a child born in a stable, who later went around healing people, telling parables and dying an horrific death on a cross to redeem our sins is some kind of authoritarian monster.

Jesus wants to redeem man back to God. Satan is the jealous authoritarian who wants to separate man from God.

What the heck is that thing on that guy's forehead?
Orthodox male Jews tie Tefillin on their heads and arms. We live near a Jewish bakery. The orthodox young men occasionally stand outside the bakery and wrap them on to secular Jews.

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