Building Muscle


Oct 8, 2012
Nstocks said:
chris said:
Nstocks said:
chris said:
Nstocks said:
aquaman said:
Nstocks said:

dumbbells are great!

Except you'd need probably to have 15-20kg on each dumbbell, not 10kg. You'll quikcly get above 10kg on presses, and dumbbell squats etc, so you'll need to purchase more weights or a bigger set straight away.

And some form of bench is pretty useful. I'd check freecyle or local gumtree ads for a free or cheap bench and dumbbell set, if you can fit it in your house somewhere. if you happen to have eg a wooden bench seat for a table, this would work fine with a towel on top.

I was just about to ask how much weight I should look for as a minimum. Progressing to 40KG should see me well for a few months at least!

Its been 5 months since your initial post and you haven't even bought any weights yet? Either go to a gym or ask Charlie to delete this thread. Weights at home is a waste of time.

I used resistance bands and body weights.

Weights are home are a waste? Ever heard of home gyms? I'm starting out, I don't need to deal with 10 different machines in order to get started. Simple and straightforward means I'm more likely to stick to it. There's thousands of "workout programs" out there, doesn't mean you should do all of them.

"I'm more likely to stick to it."

It has been almost half a year and so far you've stuck to nothing. Actually going to a gym gets you in a different mindset to being at home with a tempting sofa just metres away from you. Stop making excuses, I work a s*** job as well yet still manage to afford a gym and to go 3-4 times a week.


I don't like spending 1 hour to travel / que / wait for equipment to exercise. I also don't travel to work - I work from home and this is a lifestyle I've worked very hard to do. You stick to being a clone of society just because it's common. If it works for you great. I'm different and don't accept the situation as it commonly presents itself. I'm 23 not 60 and have up until now spent my time and energy doing other important things. Now it's time to start getting some muscle.

This thread was never intended to be about a life lesson so I'm not going to argue with you.

u mad?


Mar 7, 2014
Mad / different. Yes, quite awkward too and for good reasons. Not sure what is mad about not wanting to be part of a que in society though... I feel the less I can be part of the greater society, the better. (with selective relationships geared towards selective minds).


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
lol we dont need this kind of bickering on here. I stick by my comment that some weights at home can be a perfect way to get into weight training. And if space was an option there are always ways to add more weight and get productive full body workouts in. Plenty of elite powerlifters have trained in home gyms using rather basic equipment but with a ***t ton of weight and made amazing progress.

I do agree with chris that there is merit to going to the gym. For one you get out of the house! But more than that it does change your frame of mind and can certainly kick your motivation up a notch if you dont have the same amount of inner drive. And to be honest even the best of us need a bit of external stimulus from time to time.


Mar 7, 2014
Gl;itch.e said:
lol we dont need this kind of bickering on here. I stick by my comment that some weights at home can be a perfect way to get into weight training. And if space was an option there are always ways to add more weight and get productive full body workouts in. Plenty of elite powerlifters have trained in home gyms using rather basic equipment but with a s*** ton of weight and made amazing progress.

I do agree with chris that there is merit to going to the gym. For one you get out of the house! But more than that it does change your frame of mind and can certainly kick your motivation up a notch if you dont have the same amount of inner drive. And to be honest even the best of us need a bit of external stimulus from time to time.

I agree with all of that and I'm not going to lie about occasionally feeling isolated at home. I like people in general, but just don't like being around most of them! (Just very close to my family)

Wasn't going to mention it since it's not certain yet, but there is a chance that our spare room will be home to gym equipment. 2 of my Brothers are at home and are fed up with the "hassle" of going to the gym - this has been an influence on my decisions not to go and I din't even own a car! So we could have a barbell press and dumbbells. (No idea what the actual equipment is we may be acquiring)

I've been reading a few posts on nerd I'm reading all this info very lightly - I don't want to become obsessed with details but and this is really helping me with that: ... ulking-up/

EAT and lift. Hmmm, thinking about blueberry coconut muffins right now.


Apr 18, 2017
@Nstocks how did things work out for you? Would be great to get an update on this interesting thread.

@tca300 Three years ago you were very insistent that you cant get fat from sugar. That it is fat that makes you fat. You still believe that? The experience that so many people have after starting Peat, is weight gain, and it surely isnt from fat, but clearly from sugar.

Peat has said that excess insulin from too much sugar will result in fat gain.


@Elysium Not "Surely"
I make my living based on looking good and helping others do the same, and have successfully done that for 8 years. If sugar was especially fattening I wouldn’t eat it, and I would be out of work, on account of fattening up my clients who are trying to lose weight.
Maintaining a lean functional body long term or indefinitely on a higher fat, low carbohydrate diet requires drugs, hormones, and excessive calorie restriction, in my experience and observations, the same cant be said for a higher carb, low fat diet.
I think what I think based on experimentation, and seeing the fat poor off person after person who lowers its intake while not stuffing themselves full of other foods.
You seem a little confrontational, by asking me a question on a subject but then asserting the answer afterwards. I wont be responding after this.
Have a nice day.
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May 31, 2013
The experience that so many people have after starting Peat, is weight gain, and it surely isnt from fat, but clearly from sugar.

Peat has said that excess insulin from too much sugar will result in fat gain.

Ehh it seems like you clearly does not read RP`s articles? since you are stating the contrary to what RP actually says so you need to read some more


Apr 18, 2017
Well I could go all drama queen on you and call you presumptious and confrontational but I wont do that.
Though admittedly if the knowledge and understanding of peat is measured in the number of posted messages then Im obviously a newbie and my two years of hard core peating mean nothing.

People like to dwell on quotes, so let me dwell on two right now.

"The very rapid rise of blood sugar stimulates massive release of insulin, and rapidly converts much of the carbohydrate into fat." -- Ray Peat, Glycemia, starch, and sugar in context.

"A daily diet that includes two quarts of milk and a quart of orange juice provides enough fructose and other sugars for general resistance to stress, but larger amounts of fruit juice, honey, or other sugars can protect against increased stress, and can reverse some of the established degenerative conditions." -- Ray Peat, Sugar Issues

The first quote seems pretty mainstream to me. The funny thing is, Peat said it when talking about starch. But logic distates that the mechanics apply irrespective to what the source of the blood sugar spike is.

I find the SECOND quote more intriguing. If I am counting correctly, two quarts of milk and one quart of orange juice is less than 200 grams of sugar, and less then 50 grams of fructose (!). Which Peat says is "enough". He doesnt say it should be "minimum" or "at least", he says it's "enough".

So in this context I wonder where do all those tablespoons of sugar or honey or bottles of coke that so many people here gulp down, fit into.

Also it is clear from numerous posts of people who have tried or are doing Peat, that a weight gain is a far too comon consequence. In other threads trending right now you have people like @ecstatichamster going wild about finally losing weight and feeling much better after switching from fructose to starch. Perhaps it is time to losen up the mantra that you cant get fat from sugar.



May 31, 2013

First quote is from starch yes which has no fructose. Sucrose does not spike insulin like that because of the fructose, neither does lactose

General stress is just living yes

Yes most people are clueless here in regards to weight/fat loss. But its not about sugar nor fat its about calories. All the people does not think calories matter which is the biggest fail of everything. Sugar will give you less fat gain then fat intake will. x % of sugar intake will get converted to fat after glycogen stores are full etc. almost 100% of fat intake will be stored as fat.


Mar 7, 2014
Just been looking through this thread... 4 years later no gainz!

I'm currently unemployed and rather than moping around the house or watching TV all day, I'm going to take up weight lifting/exercise to kill some of the free time.

Around a year ago I was slightly heavier at 13 stone, but I'm dead on 12 stone again. I'll take pictures tomorrow to compare to the ones on the first page, I'm guessing a bit of fat gain.I'm no longer cold like I used to be, stomach is still often painful and bloated but I try to ignore it. Recently started on one capsule of cascara which helps.

Tracked food today (still loads of holiday food in). Around 2500 calories, 280g carbs 86g protein and 116g fat (cheese and chocolate).

All I know is that I'm weak, slim with a gut and sedentary life, but NEW YEAR NEW ME! :D
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Mar 7, 2014
Not great photos but it doesn't look like body composition has changed at all, except maybe less visible collar bones.

I didn't expect much change though, so this isn't a good or bad thing.

(Ignore the weird leg stance, I needed to do that to get in the shot!)

IMG_0856.jpg IMG_0864.jpg


Feb 26, 2018
Not great photos but it doesn't look like body composition has changed at all, except maybe less visible collar bones.

I didn't expect much change though, so this isn't a good or bad thing.

(Ignore the weird leg stance, I needed to do that to get in the shot!)

View attachment 7796 View attachment 7797

Wow, thats kind of depressing man.

You seem to be the skinny fat guy , which is problematic because there is the question should you bulk or cut first.
In your case I would definitely bulk, because your on the skinnier side of this category. But you have some lower abs fat which points to high cortisol . Cortisol is super catabolic and IIRC haidut suggested that Testosterons anabolic properties mostly come from its cortisol inhibition!

Testosterone is responsible for baseline muscle mass and lowering cortisol. So you should take some measures to increase your Testosterone.

You should get your diet right (if you haven't already).
Start the daily carrot as Endotoxin lowers androgens, increases estrogen and weakens your liver, that should actually detox your estrogen.

Also get into supplements! First and foremost Pregnenolone. IME lower doses seem to work best ( 5mg) . Lapodin for cortisol reduction could be a good thing. Kuinone and the fatsolubels (Estroban) , and possibly Pansterone , but I havent made good experinces with DHEA .
Androsterone could be good for you given its cortisol lowering and anti-estrogenic effects. Also check out herbs like Tongkat ali or Tribulus they def boost testosterone (cycling might be needed).

Also check out this thread for further inspiration!

By the way I am not judging you ,just assessing what I see and try to make the best out of it .
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Mar 7, 2014
I had my testosterone checked a few months ago and it came in at 20.1 nmol/L. The range they give is 7.6 - 31.4

Diet still a problem, can't manage to get more than 50g protein in, comes from goat milk, chicken breast and beef. I have oysters and eggs once a week too.

Carrot said doesn't work for me at all. Prunes are having an effect of reducing constipation though. I have also started taking Life Extension probiotic which is also helping with digestion.

I'm very reluctant at taking any supplements, especially those directed at hormones. I had a long run with bad acne from 15 - 25 years and I've finally got clear. Long history of lower back pain is next on my list and I'm seeing a chiropractor next year. My back always tenses up, especially when walking.


Feb 18, 2018
I had my testosterone checked a few months ago and it came in at 20.1 nmol/L. The range they give is 7.6 - 31.4

Diet still a problem, can't manage to get more than 50g protein in, comes from goat milk, chicken breast and beef. I have oysters and eggs once a week too.

Carrot said doesn't work for me at all. Prunes are having an effect of reducing constipation though. I have also started taking Life Extension probiotic which is also helping with digestion.

I'm very reluctant at taking any supplements, especially those directed at hormones. I had a long run with bad acne from 15 - 25 years and I've finally got clear. Long history of lower back pain is next on my list and I'm seeing a chiropractor next year. My back always tenses up, especially when walking.

I'm not quite sure why you'd be struggling so much with protein, but unless you can bump that protein intake up drastically, you won't be gaining any muscle.

Tense back is probably due to malnutrition and poor muscle development. Your legs, glutes, and core are weak, putting undue strain on your low back while walking. A chiro isn't going to be able to fix that, besides giving you temporarily relief (don't get me wrong, I love how the adjustments feel lol).

Whenever my protein intake starts to fall, I start getting chubbier with worse muscle tone, worse sleep, and back pain.

When I keep it higher, all those problems go away.

The key is finding the balance, sometimes I can overdo the protein and then that can cause other problems.


New Member
Apr 21, 2017
I'm not quite sure why you'd be struggling so much with protein, but unless you can bump that protein intake up drastically, you won't be gaining any muscle.

You see, I once was obese. Around 2015 I got into nutrition and in the course of a year I lost around 50 kilos or roughly 100 lbs through a paleo and then a ketogenic diet. Nuked my thyroid along the way, but my weight was normal for the first time in my life. I was born with scholiosis and a miriad of back problems. I also got into the longevity stuff. It's been theorized that protein causes aging. While losing weight, without doing resistance training, I was eating around 70 grams of protein. When I finally got to my goal weight not only did I discover I had lost whatever muscle mass I had, one day I woke up without feeling my lower body. I could walk without problems, but the sensation wasn't there. Basically, I have two herniated discs. My guess is that my previous diet, while horrible, was protective in the sense that at least I was eating much more protein, so my body wasn't canibalizing itself. I've recovered since, upped my calories, began lifting, and now I mantain a normal weight. The moral of this story is that not eating enough protein is not the most clever thing to do.

You can survive for a long time with a tiny amount of protein, or calories for that matter, but it won't be optimal. Sarcopenia is a real thing, and probably when you get older you'll ask yourself why you didn't eat that steak when you were young.


Mar 7, 2014
Tense back is probably due to malnutrition and poor muscle development. Your legs, glutes, and core are weak, putting undue strain on your low back while walking. .

This summer I spent some time sprinting (really sprinting, not just running) and I felt like that strengthened my legs somewhat but I don't think it was helping my back at all. Any particular home exercises I can do to strengthen these areas?


Feb 18, 2018
This summer I spent some time sprinting (really sprinting, not just running) and I felt like that strengthened my legs somewhat but I don't think it was helping my back at all. Any particular home exercises I can do to strengthen these areas?

Unless you eat more protein resistance training is going to do more harm then good. You’re breaking your muscles down, and without giving them the nutrition needed to re-build they won’t re build, or will re build at the expense of other areas of your health.

In general though I’d recommend calisthenics for a safe way to build overall muscle strength.


Mar 7, 2014
Maybe @haidut can help, would I be better off taking Lapodin or Pansterone in terms of losing lower body fat and reducing cortisol? I work in a office for 9 hours a day so anything that can make me sleepy likely not the best choice.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Maybe @haidut can help, would I be better off taking Lapodin or Pansterone in terms of losing lower body fat and reducing cortisol? I work in a office for 9 hours a day so anything that can make me sleepy likely not the best choice.

The emodin in Lapodin is a very powerful inhibitor of 11b-HSD1. AFAIK, even pharma chemicals do not come even close to its IC50, which is about 80 nM/L. So, I'd have to say Lapodin would probably be more effective for cortisol but adding Pansterone may provide synergy.
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